KGS BANS "ClitRump"!
(too old to reply)
Hal Womack 3-dan
2016-07-18 08:34:07 UTC
{[Sorry, you cannot log in because this account or internet address is temporarily blocked. The reason for blocking is "The usual crude and anti-Semitic rantings are unwelcome".] [18:47 hrs PDT on Saturday, 7/16]}

Below @ Alpha follows the usual transcript of ECR ["English Chat Room"] gabble on KGS*

"WMS" aka William M. Shubert of Portland, Oregon created and owns this popular online venue for playing the most ancient, elegant & powerful two-handed board game of strategy & perfect information witch I myself like to call "turff" in English, although by far most barbarians (another term of mine) still refer to it by its Nip-name of "_go_". My fellow former officer of the venerable San Francisco Go Club, Mark Okada of Berkeley, invented the first such venue back in 1992; Pandanet* (originally and sometimes still called IGS, short for Internet Go Server), now located in Tokyo.

When the typical NaZionist minions of WMS aka "badmins" have booted me from KGS, then I play on Pandanet, as earlier tonight, for example.

KGS's most distinctive feature = Its format permits all comers, even guests, to chat freely, as it appears on the surface, both as kibitz on games in progress and in various dedicated rooms such as the ECR. The Psywar Department @ JAPE [Chorus: JewAmerican Planetary Empire] HQ likes to abuse KGS to convey the false impression that the usual Murdoch-Sulzberger drivel which passes there for convo fairly represents the thinking of technical strategists worldwide. I come on with the rapier of logic, the dagger of wit and the axe of fact to pop the JYT mob's hot air balloons and to shatter their brittle dollykins. So often the badmins boot me without either warning to me or notice to those remaining and stick up their wee banning messages like the one heading this post.

I repeat: Anyone can go to KGS and there participate in the convo, at least until she says something too true for the watchdogs to abide. I would also fain encourage all readers to take the 15 minutes necessary to learn how to play a "legal" game. Although it does help for two beginners to go as a pair to meet with a live teacher ITF or "In The Flesh", a dedicated lert can jump through the hoop digitally.


Over many decades, the Yidz and their jootools of the character of Clintonz, Obomber et Al have murdered victims globally in the tens of millions. Such cultish monsters will obviously commit any other depravity without the least compunction.

Now in the midnight hour of the first day of the Republican convention, pro tem I cut short my evisceration of JAR (for "Regime") ideology in order to point out that WMS's nervousness about my new term may in fact reflect concern emanating from the aforementioned JAPE HQ. Are they terrorized by a tag?

A while after the 9/11 Stunt, when Jewish Lightning struck down the WTC, I came up with "Aerial Shaboom" as the truer name for KinkHenKi's junior partner in that Big Black Flag Bop. Before too long, the tagee was reported by his accomplices to have fallen into a coma, in which state years later he finally died. That coma served the interests of the plotters in permanently lowering the target's profile.

This time around, however, the tageez will necessarily be in maximum public view for the next three months. Everybody recognizes them as about the most loathsome pair that could anywhere be found.

{The Death of the Middle Class Is Worse Than You Think
by Chris Matthews @crobmatthews JULY 13, 2016, 7:00 PM EDT}

Popular revulsion against the Regime still far worse than FORTUNE makes out in the article above. The deeper horror suggested in the story below from 1991, if anyone can dig it out.
[War Horrors Beginning For Some Veterans . - Google News
news.google.com/newspapers?nid=1665&dat...id...Google News
Some say they should be. they ought to quit," Army Joel Kindred said of
the Fourth of July parades. what did we do? We killed . Fort Worth
star-telegram .]

Merkins, together with the rest of our human race, know that JAPE rides on MULL or MUrder, Looting & Lying. So, therefore:

Hang ClitRump! Who will lead our posse?

Telephone for Mel?

The child-murdering Jews and their tools seek to paint me as a ranting troll and so likewise will the NaZionists abuse any well-informed NAG who dares to speak soberly of their gory atrocities. You have only to try it, my dear reader, to see for yourself. Unless such shameless vermin have also cat-called you lately by epithets like "neo-Nazi, anti-Semite, bigot" etc then the question arises as to whether you have kept silent in the face of cultish crimes of the worst sort. Capiche?

Should we consider how best to form something like LEARI aka "LEAdership of the Racial Immensity"? IMHO Epynomic Dr. Tim should surely rank as one of our historic heroes, along with the likes of Ho Chi Minh, Mao Zedong, Diego Rivera, Satchmo, Bertrand Russell, Abraham Lincoln, Paul Robeson, John Brown, Bob Marley, Pancho Villa, Kim Il Sung, Zhou Enlai, Muhammad Ali and Bertolt Brecht.
Welcome to the English Chat Room, the place to chat.

Genghis: The US should never have attacked Iraq to begin with
impulse7: genghis, how us create isis?
Genghis: With Saudi Arabia, it is a proxy army used in the Arab Spring
SamSpade: the iraq war was a big part of what created isis
impulse7: arab spring after first iraq war, why that not create isis?
Genghis: The Saudi
Genghis: s paid the US to Fight in Iraq
McMaster: ISIS came into being was not entirely b/c of the USA, the new Iraqi shiite gov't just couldn't accomodate the minority sunni
HelloCoder: I thought Isis was maternal
impulse7: you mean baaist infrastructure of money power brokers?
HelloCoder: Blowing up innocent kids is not maternal.
cekalo: pokemon go is forbidden in Turkey
womack: PBAT = "Please Be Advised That" ECR is now heavily censored. Free expression possible on "rec.games.go". [11:09]
Sheriffi: thanks
Hanekiri: cekalo why is thAT
First: do people play pokemon go in turkey?
alfalfa: endless flamewars possible on "rec.games.go"
impulse7: what other countries local have interest in iraq situation
cekalo: because it causes masses to go out and revolt
tomicus: not anymore first
First: why
First: turkey hates japanese now?
impulse7: japanese not racist
tomicus: because it is forbidden
impulse7: poko haram
Genghis: It is a Sunni vs Shia conflict impulse, the Saudi's are Sunni and Iran is Shia
McMaster: impulse7, the main one is Iran
HelloCoder: Calling what happened in Egypt an Arab Spring is like calling the Chinese genocide a "Great Leap Forward"
First: they playy pokemon wiorldwide
First: turkey is no exception
tomicus: I'm with turkey on the whole "pokemon go" is a bad idea concept, but I wouldn't go so far as to "forbid" it
HelloCoder: Japan is heavily racist and nationalistic.
Genghis: don't forget Libya HelloCoder, Hillary's shining moment
cekalo: tom i was just kidding man
McMaster: Iran always hopes for a friendly gov't in Baghdad
cekalo: its not forbidden
HelloCoder: Their alliance with the Master Race nation (Nazi Germany) is understandable in that context.
mewtwo123: @tomicus why is pokemon go a bad idea?
First: hahaha
impulse7: genghis, regional interest of technocratic billionaire create salafist/qtubism how?
First: tomicus fell for our ploy
First: great teamwork cem
mewtwo123: Pokemon Go helps nerdy people who might have a hard time socializing socialize and go outside more
cekalo: my name is david
tomicus: ohh, well, you got my hopes up, that would have been the first quasi-intelligent thing they've done in a while
cekalo: not cem...[I play a game.]alfalfa: "ma" became governor by "acclamation" when her husband, "Pa" Ferguson was charged with high crimes and misdemeanors, and sentenced to prison
HelloCoder: At least 4 of the Ten Commandments are enshrined in our federal or state or local law.
HelloCoder: Laws against murder, theft, adultery, and "bearing false witness".
HelloCoder: What is not consistent with US Constitution is forcing other people to follow the dictates of *your* religion.
alfalfa: she was a fierce opponent of bilingual education, and wanted texas to be "english-only" (even though the spanish-speaking people were there first)
First: no
cjalden: Killing and theft should be permitted, as a way of freeing people from religious ideology?
First: indians don't speak spanish
Marathon: some people argue those come from "natural law", and would be observed even by societies that never heard of "the 10 commandments"
alfalfa: so she said, "If English was good enough for Jesus Christ, it's good enough for the children of Texas."
First: that funny
First: jesus never existed
HelloCoder: And it's not true that the US constitution was founded based on separation of church and state. It was founded on the principle of Freedom of Religion - not the same thing!
alfalfa: yes it is, don't cloud the issue
mewtwo123: Is there a law against adultery?
HelloCoder: LOL with alfalfa, Jesus never spoke English. He was a Palestinian and usually spoke Aramaic.
alfalfa: yes, I know that.
First: jesus was make belief
First: a guy walking on water?
alfalfa: that's why i told the story.
First: turning water into wine?
Genghis: Hello Coder did you know that it is legal for the Government to lie to you, but not for you to lie to the government
First: just to scare children into not doing bad things
mewtwo123: @Hello Coder I'd say it's the other way around. That both religious laws like the Ten Commandments, and state law like the Constitution, are based on moral values for a functioning society- for example, no murder, no theft.
alfalfa: see, it was ma ferguson, the governor of texas, who thought jesus spoke english
First: jesus
First: does not exist
impulse7: jesus was grinch to tell children to behave or not get christmas presents
First: nor will he ever have existed
First: impulse7 gets it
alfalfa: i think that the ten commandments were given to moses by some teenagers in a time-machine
Genghis: The Best Commandment is the 10'th commandment, not to boil a kid in its mothers milk
HelloCoder: More than half (51%) of U.S. Muslims polled also believe either that they should have the choice of American or shariah courts, or that they should have their own tribunals to apply shariah. Only 39% of those polled said that Muslims in the U.S. should be subject to American courts
impulse7: jesus also know kung fu
SamSpade: be excellent to each other!
alfalfa: heh
impulse7: 69 dude!
HelloCoder: @Genghis I've heard that legal but not legal meme before. Actually, it's not completely true.
impulse7: also, you need play more go
First: I beat somebody with 6 stones
Genghis: Well you mean it is now legal for Hillary to lie to the FBI?
First: so don't you tell me jesus was a real person
First: because he is not
alfalfa: there is also a "pretty good" science-fiction story called "Behold the Man" where a guy in a time-machine goes back to look for Jesus
Genghis: Jesus worked for me First, He was a good worker
mewtwo123: Would you say there are more socially liberal but economically conservative people or more economically liberal but socially conservative people?
alfalfa: he starts asking around, "Do you know Jesus of Nazareth?"
First: a carpenter really?
MMXVI: in English>
alfalfa: until he becomes famous for asking that question.
First: what are the odds of a carpenter existing thousands of years ago?
alfalfa: finally they crucify him
Genghis: Nazareth didn't exist at the time alfalfa
First: a carpenter
alfalfa: it's just a story
First: was invented in medieval times
impulse7: is dramatic irony. funny because not iron but wood
First: so you going to tell me
First: this prophet was a carpenter long before it was a profession?
HelloCoder: mt I think it's almost even
HelloCoder: But even among "economic conservatives" there are those with generous impulses.
HelloCoder: Not every free market advocate wants zero tax dollars given to the poor, for example.
mewtwo123: I'd say Genghis - socially liberal but economically conservative. Beliefs in the original Bible - socially conservative, economically liberal. Warfreak2 - socially liberal, economically liberal. American far right- socially conservative, economically conservative
HelloCoder: Is it "liberal" or "conservative" to insists that able-bodied men work in return for welfare benefits?
alfalfa: they have to be able-minded too
First: ok
First: can we all agree that jesus never existed?
MMXVI: nope
HelloCoder: We can't agree on that
Genghis: yes First ^^
impulse7: jesus was real
MMXVI: there's a fair amount of evidence that suggests that someone called Jesus did exist and did preach
HelloCoder: Some might question whether he was "the Son" (a member of the Trinity)
Genghis: No he wasn't impulse
impulse7: ok, jesus was not real
MMXVI: he might have had certain.... lets call them delusions
Genghis: There is no evidence that Christ ever existed
impulse7: there is no evidence that christ existed
MMXVI: a lot of people wrote about him, fairly consistently, shortly after
Genghis: Or that any of the events in the New Testament ever occured
impulse7: i heard difference, mmxvi
HelloCoder: Richard Carrier and Raphael Lataster assert that there is no independent evidence of Jesus's existence outside the New Testament.
alfalfa: what about the shroud of the tour de france?
HelloCoder: So all the early Christians were liars, huh?
darkronin: What, the revelation didn't happen?
First: that is what they call a cult hellocoder
Genghis: all the early Christians were long dead, before the New Testament was written
alfalfa: i read one scholarly book that used linguistic evidence to suggest that jesus was a magic mushroom
impulse7: what about twelce tribes of israel, they are real
HelloCoder: If we can call everyone in that group a cult and dismiss their narrative, why can't we dismiss the Global Warming narrative of the environmentalists?
alfalfa: they "ate his body"
Genghis: we can HelloCoder
womack: Basic text on current world affairs = JEWISH HISTORY, JEWISH RELIGION [1994] by Israel Shahak.
impulse7: alfafa, close, that conspiracy is that mana and body is psilocybin. and since drugs are bad must not be true
HelloCoder: I'm not even sure that Hillary Clinton's email server existed.
Genghis: it was wiped HelloCoder
HelloCoder: There is no proof that she erased the deleted emails.
impulse7: hillary does not know what is email, only magic message machine
HelloCoder: In the database system I maintain, there is no way for a user to delete information permanently. The software keeps a permanent audit trail.
womack: From the Jack Whack to the 9/11 Stunt to GM'14 to Adelson's sock-puppets ClitRump, stay tuned. [12:16]
Genghis: Hillary only has one blackberry because she is computer illiterate
HelloCoder: Proof that it was all a wacky cult: Christianity has mushroomed way out of proportion!
cekalo: womack what do you think about what happend to Turkey last night
impulse7: womack, you ever read any book protocols of elders of zion?
Genghis: What do you think about Erdogan shutting the power off to the US airforce base and closing the airspace? Cekalo?
womack: Did the rebels publish any manifesto or even short statement?
MMXVI: should I post Boris Johnson's limerick?
MMXVI: best not, I suppose
impulse7: who is boris johnson?
Maneko: No, no, go ahead! Post it!
MMXVI: a professional clown
impulse7: is he the london taxi guy?
womack: IMHO both the PROTOCOLS & MEIN KAMPF need a Readers' Digest treatment.
cekalo: is it still closed?
MMXVI: who is now the British Foreign Secretary
HelloCoder: Shutting of external power to the air base will have no effect. They generate their own power for important stuff.
HelloCoder: Closing the airspace simply means stop flying missions against ISIS.
impulse7: womack, i have some readers digest books from many years ago when i grow up. can collect them into single volume
MMXVI: a single slim volume?
impulse7: yes, turkey say, 'stop klll isis while pkk kill isis, pls'
impulse7: also, is way to get attention
impulse7: isis is conspiracy by turkey to discredit pkk from independent kurdistan. iraq was done by souther spain
womack: General agreement that JAPE [Chorus: JewAmerican Planetary Empire] generated WasWAs as its latest bogeyman.
impulse7: planetary gives fake moon landings away when noone go into space
clydesdale: "general agreement"
clydesdale: what a laugh
womack: Careful of the horse's end there.
clydesdale: general agreement of one
womack: plop!
impulse7: imagine all the people, living life and wanting and scheming. so many conspiracy you just throwing out window. womack - such fertile land for you to forage if only you look!
impulse7: those muslims and those africans and those chinese and russians
womack: What percentage of U.S. criminal prosecutions involve conspiracy charges? 95%?
impulse7: i am from buenos aires and i say kill em all
womack: Cowards howling.
Genghis: Is google down?
impulse7: that is cool website if noone bought it already, isgoogledown
womack: R blakcsmiths up?
cekalo: mpulse7 is a racist dumbass get him out of here
Genghis: I would buy it impulse
First: google is nothing
impulse7: cekalo, nationality is not ethnicity is not religion. who dummy now, racist ignorant you?
First: stop it
First: cekalo is my friend
First: his life was in peril
cekalo: impulse7: those muslims and those africans and those chinese and russians
cekalo: impulse7: i am from buenos aires and i say kill em all
impulse7: i am lol, ty
womack: California chow @ 12:26 hrs PDT. Squabble la babble. Book'im, Dano!
impulse7: there can be no alliances, only temporary agreements to hurt others for short term gain
impulse7: there can be no alliances, only temporary agreements to hurt others for short term gain
darkronin: Not nice from an Argentinian, usually argentibros are bros
alfalfa: granola and jack-in-the-box
First: cekalo
First: I got yo back
womack: nameless jerk can claim to be from Alpha Centauri
impulse7: argentbros4lyfe. but lets not talk about the tri border region
alfalfa: or maybe Carl's Jr.
mewtwo123: impulse7 you're racist
impulse7: racist against what?
womack: oooh!
mewtwo123: I'm not going to repeat what you said because it's horrible. But you can scroll up and read what you said
womack: Swat de skeeters!
Genghis: I learned a lot about economic collapse, and idiotic military's from observing Argentina
impulse7: and this, ladies and gentlemen, is how international conflicts begin
womack: Howzabout Arkansas?....Welcome to the English Chat Room, the place to chat.

Genghis: what happened to wife number 2?
impulse7: i like, get a job or have children or get hobby, but no, she just want money
womack: Jes' passin' thru: http://www.intifada-palestine.com/2016/07/social-media-zionist-incitement/
impulse7: she love it :)
alfalfa: i'll be put on some kind of list if i click on that link
alfalfa: then i won't be able to fly
Genghis: or buy a gun
alfalfa: i'll still be able to buy a gun
Genghis: it is worth it for the massages
First: see you later allegations\\
Genghis: bye
alfalfa: yea, verily, i say unto you, the first shall be last, and the last, first
alfalfa: just as every cop is a criminal // and all the sinners, saints
Epsilion: preach
darkronin: I read that as "all the spinners"
alfalfa: spinsters
womack: alf flies like a swarm over cowflop
alfalfa: why, um... er... thanks, maybe
womack: Better "hum"
alfalfa: ok, i don't know the words anyway
impulse7: womack, i am told no talk to you about conspiracy. what this mean?
darkronin: I didn't know your word either
alfalfa: my word is my bond.
bert: nigel bond
impulse7: if i am banned, is because i try to speak with people aboud real politics
alfalfa: "spinster" is a funny word, because it means "old maid"
darkronin: Politik*
darkronin: Yeah I just looked it up
alfalfa: but the _literal_ meaning is a job description
Genghis: stay out of the EGR impulse and you will be fine
darkronin: Ohh
womack: imp tries to give KGS badmin banning a good name?
MMXVI: someone who spins thread
alfalfa: right (a woman) who sits at a spinning-wheel
darkronin: Wow, like in that Angelina Jolie film
alfalfa: like in Rumplestiltskin
MMXVI: not necessarily a spinning wheel.... drop spindles are also used
alfalfa: many surnames are job descriptions, too
darkronin: Wanted
alfalfa: Webster -- a female weaver.... Weaver -- a male (weaver)
MMXVI: yeah.... turns out my surname means "robber"
alfalfa: Brewster -- a female brewer... Brewer, mail
alfalfa: male*
bert: it is about spinning the thread of one's destiny, at birth
alfalfa: gangster :-)
alfalfa: oh the three fates
darkronin: Lobster?
MMXVI: is a mobster a female mob?
alfalfa: Collier is a coal-dealer
MMXVI: coal miner
alfalfa: i guess sons were expected to go into the family business
alfalfa: Mr. Fishfinger
alfalfa: heh
darkronin: It maximises the amount of training
Epsilion: schumacher is shoe maker?
MMXVI: optimizes
alfalfa: spent his time fingering fish
MMXVI: ewwwww
womack: Origin of "Trump" as family name?
bert: you also need to explain Scweinsteiger
womack: Mitosis from "ClitRump" ?
alfalfa: Drumpf
[Sorry, you cannot log in because this account or internet address is temporarily blocked. The reason for blocking is "The usual crude and anti-Semitic rantings are unwelcome".] [18:47]
2016-08-03 11:59:48 UTC
don't you have enough with hijacking one thread?
Hal Womack 3-dan
2016-08-07 01:21:09 UTC
"alex" here reminds us of the importance of studying the short classic by the late Israel Shahak PhD of the Hebrew U: JEWISH HISTORY, JEWISH RELIGION [1994]. World Jewry seeks to silence all honest NAG*s [*=Normal, Alias "Gentile"] as a big step toward murdering us. Skeptics strongly advised to visit Gaza, review the Jack Whack and the Jewish Lightning strike of "9/11".
Post by alex
don't you have enough with hijacking one thread?