William M. Shubert Again Bans Womack From KGS For Exposing Jewish War Crimes
(too old to reply)
Hal Womack 3-dan
2014-06-11 10:37:03 UTC
In this notice I am invoking the name of the owner of KGS because he bears responsibility, unless the better word here be "guilt", for actions taken just now by his anonymous designated underling "Muttley 2k & senior admin". Here applies the old Roman proverb "qui facit per alium, facit per se"*.

"Muttley" banned me in the middle of a game under a ridiculous pretext. The interested reader can look at "Documentation" below and then judge for herself what was its (Mutt's) true motive for the hostile act, bearing in mind that the KGS --where "K" means "Kabalistic"-- has many times before taken similar actions and I have likewise written them up here on rgg.
The link to my most recent published KGS transcript appears below in Alpha.

Maybe I will also bother to post this notice to the newsgroup "misc.legal" by way of laying the ground for the future prosecution of WMS & his accomplices for war crimes. The Jews, specifically the SOTSies (see below, Glossary) long in command of the world tribe, make a point of trying to control all possible global power-points. KGS a self-evident target in this respect, especially since it brags on its "kibitz culture". AFAIK KGS stands alone among the English-language on-line venues for the game in pretending to offer in the "English Chat Room" or "ECR" a sub-venue for supposedly free discussion of all matters, including raging political controversies. The WMS Kabal wishes to foster the illusion that _baduk_ players worldwide, speaking freely in the ECR, just happen to barf up the same sort of rubbish promulgated by the standard JAPE propaganda system. Since I make this deception impossible, WMS bans me, thereby incurring upon himself the same criminal guilt borne by those gunmen who are pulling the triggers to murder the children and other innocent victims in Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Sudan, Colombia and many other injured places on our Planet. WMS' brazen banning of my humble self also serves to italicize the lie that KGS permits free discussion of urgent world issues. KGS thus reveals itself as an instrument of JAPE's criminal war propaganda similar in its corrupt character to the Sulzbergerz' NYT, to the US Congress and to the traditional monopolies of indoctrination aka "mainstream news media".

Whereas it is commonly said that 'There is no statute of limitations for the crime of murder'; OTOH I have proposed the formula that the State has the duty to prosecute and to punish all murderers and their accomplices as long as such guilty parties shall live, at least competently, and as long as their estates or any fraction there of can be identified.
HW Reply to:
Muttley [2k & senior admin] (6/10/14 11:13 PM): Hi, you post conversations you have with other users on KGS on other websites. However, you also tell other users you are doing this. I'd be very grateful if you could clarify the following: why do you tell users on KGS you are doing this?
HW: So that they'll know and, therefore, have the chance to continue their remarks on a more permanent basis, should they so desire?
Are you aware it comes across as threatening and harassing towards them?
HW: My simple actions in publicizing to a greater extent remarks which have already been volunteered in public are totally within the KGS TOS*, right? I challenge your implication that such action on my part can reasonably be interpreted as "threatening and harassing". Speaking of which, however, do you consult my latest post of ECR transcript on rgg, you will find the only complainant known to me, one player-name "alias", an unranked rookie registered on Jun 3, 2014, making direct & possibly criminal threats against me WRT hacking my computer. I dismissed these remarks as ridiculous.
Will you stop telling users directly you are posting their comments elsewhere?
HW: Such a curious question, of which I take notice only because of your local powers as a KGS senior admin. Are you ordering me to keep silent in this respect, with an implicit threat of hostile action otherwise?
If you want users to know you're going to copy and publish public and private discussions on KGS, why not put this in your user info?
HW: I included the PM's in my rgg post because IMHO their abusive character deprived them of any considerations of courtesy whatsoever. All PM's however are included within the TOS section cited, right?
In the past the system bot has many times blocked my adding additional info to my own page on unspecified 'maximum space' grounds. Do you waive this limit and then compose a notice which you would like to see there, then I will consider it. Your siding with "alias" in this matter, however, seems to me quite ill-advised and my own giving notice of ECR transcript publication elsewhere, particularly on rgg, appears both proper & polite to ordinary, reasonable adults.
*[KGS Terms of Service
....While you are on KGS, there is no guarantee of privacy. All conversations on KGS are logged. Admins may check these logs when there are accusations of improper behavior; in the process of checking these logs, they may see conversations that are unrelated to the accusations, so even when there is no reason to look at your conversations, an admin may read anything you write. As a rule, if something must be kept private, do not say it on KGS. END.]
[This message is too long. Please make it shorter, then send it again.]
Private Messages or "PM"s once I entered KGS this date:
[I told Mutt that the KGS bot had refused my answer to him and offered to take the discussion to email.]
Muttley: Simple enough questions
Muttley: sorry, was not around earlier
womack: playing now
Muttley: If you want to post comments by other users elsewhere you should let them know that beforehand- just simply good practice, and stop telling them during conversations you're doing that
womack: womack: playing now
Muttley: Hence my suggestion you put it in your user information and stop telling users during conversations when they disagree with you that you are posting the convo online elsewhere
Muttley: its ok, you can answer later, I'm logging off shortly
Muttley: telling people you're publishing a conversation comes across as harassment
Muttley: particularly whilst it is a live convo
womack: Live game here. My own eddress is public
Muttley: I don't know whether you intend it to be so or not, I suspect you don't really understand why you do what you do vis-a-vis your own conduct towards others, so please reflect on it and stop doing it
Muttley: whether your email address is public or not is completely irrelevant [Mutt conceals its own eddress, whereas mine is published on my info p]
Muttley: Sorry to interrupt your game, but you have been doing this a while
womack: Publication of all these remarks of yours OK by U ?
womack: Yes, your first complaint thereon
Muttley: ok, I'm going to ban you for harassment
[Sorry, you cannot log in because this account or internet address is temporarily blocked. The reason for blocking is "Harassment discussion".]
01:51 hrs. 20140611 Wednesday.
*"Qui facit per alium facit per se" is a Latin legal term meaning, "He who acts through another does the act himself." It is a fundamental maxim of the law of agency....
{Respondeat superior (Latin: "let the master answer"; plural: respondeant superiores) is a legal doctrine which states that, in many circumstances, an employer is responsible for the actions of employees performed within the course of their employment.[1] This rule is also called the "Master-Servant Rule", recognized in both common law and civil law jurisdictions.
In international law
At issue in the Nuremberg war crimes tribunal following the Allied occupation of Nazi Germany after World War II was a question concerning principles closely related to respondeat superior, which came to be known by the term command responsibility. The Nuremberg trials established that persons cannot use the defense that they were only following the orders of their superiors, if that order violates international norms but especially that superiors that ordered, or "should have known," of such violations yet failed to intervene are also criminally liable.}
The exact time of the next full moon is:
LOS ANGELES = Thursday * 12th June 2014 * 09:11:30 pm (PDT).
N.B: UTC (GMT/Zulu)-time = PDT + 7 hrs. Hence my proposed abbreviation "04:11:30 hrz." on 13th June in this case.
Moon sign: Sagittarius 22° 05'
Go Seigen was born on this date in 1914. Give joy to the Great Master on his 100th Birthday!
(Hal Womack 3-dan)
Jun 8
rec.games.go ›
KGS ECR Transcript --Very Rough
4 posts by 2 authors

OR http://tinyurl.com/of5pqyz
GLOSSARY 20121010:
7BAC = "Seven Billion And Counting".
AG2HXU = "Always Good To Hear From You".
APM = “As Previously Mentioned”.
AFTOC = “After a Fair Trial, Of Course”.
BEL = "Behind Enemy Lines", i.e, for any honorable person, within JAPE territory. Home ground = only China, Vietnam, DPRK, Iran, Russia, Ecuador, Bolivia, Venezuela or Hezbollah 'hood. Legitament additions to this list welcome.
CIB = “Composition In Brief”, i.e. only short time available.
DEW = "Dog Ever Willing". The medieval predecessor of this pious sentiment was "D.V.", for "Deus Volens". The ancient Muslim equivalent = _Insha'Allah_, witch's in turn the origin of the common Spanish word _ojala_, as in "!Ojala que si!" or "May it be so!" Clearly similar in meaning to our English "Amen!"
F = "Follow-up" + # for order of appearance in the given thread.
FODAD = Freedom Of Diet And Dress.
FTR = 1.) "For The Record". 2.) "Failure To Respond".
GABI = “Grin And Bear It”.
gits = "Google Hits".
GREPA = "Global REvolutionary Police Action".
_hasbara_ = Hebrew for "lies for Jews to peddle to normal people alias "gentiles". Such a lipflapper, especially a hired one = a "hasbarat".
HDS = "Hypohetical Diligent Student"
HP = 1. “Hang HenKi by his Pinkie”.
2. "Haiphong Posse".
HenKi = Henry Kissinger
hrz = Zulu Time, formerly "GMT", now aka "CUT" or "UTC" for something-or-other from a committee.
IFOT = "In the Fullness Of Time"
IMW2K = "Inquiring Minds Want to Know" [--only "About 452 results" aka "gits" as of 20131104 for the acronym.]
JA = Jewish-American, in several variations: R for Regime; T
for Tyranny; M for eMpire; PE for Planetary Empire (thus, “JAPE”)
JJ = joojingo
joopo = Jewish Secret Police
jooshloot = swag, booty, proceeds of robbery, theft, fraud & embezzlement. In the trillion$.
JOW = "Jew Of the Worst Sort"
K7 = Kosher King Kissinger's Kultish Kabal of Kiddie- Killers
KPFS = "Know Problem, Find Solution"
MEDUSA = propaganda alias "news" MEDia of the USA
MLG = “Murdering Little Girls”.
MULL = "MUrder, Looting & Lying"
Nolan = "NOLAstName", as in "Jessica Nolan" of
Subject: Peyote for Pratchett?
Date: Fri, 24 May 2013 08:08:21 -0700
ODC's = “Occupied & Destroyed Countries”.
OFD = “One Fine Day”.
OP = "Originating Post".
OSNAB = "Only Surviving North American Billionaire".
P+2U = "More Power To You!"
PBAT = "Please Be Advised That".
PFAB = "Please Find Appended Below".
PFG = Philadelphia Fire Gang, Mayor & police who on May 13,1985 burned to death 5 kids & 6 adults and destroyed a block of homes in the process.
STD = "Shot To Death". When with extension then "By Jews".
SOTS = "Sons Of The Stern" gang. Yes, that's a soft "gee" at the end there, eh? Also "SOTSie" to rhyme with the obvious, as in "SOTSies now much worse than were Nazis back when."
T6 = Tucson, 6 slain in Stunt of Saturday 8 January.
Thread Protocol Nomenclature:
OP = "Originating Post", hence also "-er".
On this thread, OP = _moi_ or {Hal Womack 3-dan
F = "Follow-up", hence also F1 etc for Follow-up posters.
TOC = "Time Of Composition"
TUC = "Time of Useful Consciousness"
UZI's = Ultra-Zionists
wark = from War Kriminal,
plural = "warx"
WADRT = "With All Due Respect To"
WTB = "With The Blessing", as Stephen Maturin says.
YKA = "You Knew Already?"
Hal Womack 3-dan
2014-06-19 18:35:44 UTC
Slight Update, maybe more pending:

KGS ECR 20140619:
apexbai [1k] = escaper = "Feng Bai"
womack: Hello there, "Feng Bai": Usually shameless escapers are completely anonymous, eh what? = PM @ 11:25.
~08:30 hrs. TD
Welcome to the English Chat Room, the place to chat.
tomicus: *shakes head*
tomicus: don't you have steak and shakes down there? I'd go there before wafflehouse
Meepy: sure, i don't like them much though
Meepy: it's just slighly slower fast food
tomicus: actually, I miss steak and shake, they don't have them up north here
Meepy: hardees makes a better burger
tomicus: nor do we have chick fil a
tomicus: I think there is 1 Dennys on Long Island
Meepy: we have every fast food place imaginable
tomicus: 1 Sonic too
asdk: Loading Image...
asdk: African termites build "skyscrapers"
tomicus: we're talking about fast food, termites don't jive with that conversation
Meepy: my town has every fast food place, one buffet, one deli, one pub, two pizza places, a chinese takeout, a mexican place, a fish camp, and one steakhouse
asdk: In Africa termites is fast food
tomicus: deli down south, those are rare
Meepy: not sure it's what you would call a deli - http://www.stringbeanmarket.com/
Meepy: it's probably the best place in town, tbh
Meepy: although i haven't tried the pub
asdk: fast food men Loading Image...
Meepy: oh yeah, there's a place the old people eat too. It appears to serve food that comes from cans
Meepy: i'm not sure why old people like canned vegetables and breaded "steak"
asdk: The truth is that in the U.S. there is a city where only the elderly?
Meepy: that would be parts of florida
tomicus: LOL, God's waiting room
asdk: SunCity
asdk: reside in these cities only after 55 years
asdk: Reservations for the elderly, a reservation for Indians
asdk: hard to bear the burden of the white man
asdk: ghetto for blacks
asdk: american dream
BlindTaub: to kill your boss?
asdk: The American Dream is the sugar plantations and slaves
asdk: little changed though, now instead of plantations has oil instead of slaves undemocratic nations
tomicus: please, I'm too lazy to manage people
Meepy: rent collecting is teh best
Meepy: i want to just own stuff, not manage
Warfreak2: fortunately, owning things is the most lucrative profession
Meepy: yes
asdk: for lazy managers in America invented the Colt
asdk: no longer have to beat a slave
Meepy: did you see uncensored "12 years a slave"?
Meepy: i watched the censored version on qatar airways and then the real version. like two different movies
asdk: enough to kill 2 or 3 slaves, and the rest will work
clydesdale: would it work in a gulag?
stumped: of course
Meepy: maybe in a siberian NK work camp
asdk: No, they will work on oil rigs in Iraq whether in Chinese factories
asdk: for bad food
asdk: the heavy burden of the American white man
asdk: many slaves and so few missiles
stumped: Why are there neo nazists in russia anyway?
asdk: Neo Nazis in Russia is marginal, neo-Nazis in America run the country
stumped: okay, probably for the same reasons they are in the us
tomicus: asdk, liberals, the polar opposites to neo-nazis run this country
asdk: may be for US they are liberals, for Vietnam, Afghanistan and Iraq they are nazis
stumped: haha, Afghanistan!
asdk: what haha?
asdk: u like kill people?
Meepy: i don't understand half of what asdk says
tomicus: lol
asdk: google syas
asdk: says
Meepy: not sure if it's the english or the crazy
Warfreak2: which country is that
asdk: you are the last generation in the United States, which parasitize world
asdk: in the future, you have to work with their hands
asdk: not Chinese
tomicus: parasitize, I need to google that
asdk: you understand all
tomicus: never seen that word used that way, but it is correct
tomicus: the grammer not so much
Meepy: seems like there should be a better verb for that
asdk: parasite -sponger, bloodsucker
asdk: for the whole world now americans are parasites
stumped: wheres the free russian go server ??
ECR 20140619 @ 08:08 hrs:
asdk: in Russia not many people playing Go. russian server does not need
asdk: we all play chess
Warfreak2: leech off of
Meepy: i thought of that
Meepy: it still seems sad taht it's a verbified noun
tomicus: lol
womack: "Malign" worse than "parasitic", for example, Jews vs Palestinians.
Meepy: oh no
womack: Maybe "Meepy" fears the truth rather than the mass murder?
womack: Like U. S. Congress that way?
tomicus: this conversation can't end well
womack: Unless we agree to defeat all war criminals?
Meepy: i guess it's nice that all the haters have a place to go
womack: Meeps just loves the crime of murder?
womack: Old proverb upated = Hate the crime, love the criminal?
Meepy: maybe i should say the obsessed
womack: As opposed to the sold-out or to the frightened?
Meepy: i try to hate the americans, russians, jews, and palestinians all equally
womack: Meeps retreats into rubbish now?
bert: censoring
pete038861: womack tell me what is the truth
womack: ASk Pontius Pilate?
womack: Or T WRT what?
pete038861: "hate the crime, love the criminal" <<< this is how the world is running now. Yet Im not so sure why the nazis are the exception
womack: 3 different possible errors there
pete038861: what are the errors?
womack: World now needs way more hatred of the crime of murder, esp as practiced by DICTATA or the DC. - Tel Aviv Terrorist Axis.
womack: "Tough love" for criminals means throw them in prison.
clydesdale: i think womack and asdk should be locked up in a room together
womack: "Nazis" as bogey word in present imperial propaganda 3rd issue
womack: fake horse name only thinks it thinks?
pete038861: "World now needs way more hatred of the crime of murder" why is that
pete038861: because of what nazis did to jews?
womack: Pete pls think for a moment?
womack: "murder" means killing against the law. We laid down law against asggression only in 1945
womack: Does Pete historically speaking wish first to consider what the Jews did to the Ukrainians? Knows word "Holdomor"?
omggg: my horse is real, he's parked outside
pete038861: What I meant is why the thought "hate the crime love the criminal" doesnt apply to the "Nazi's criminal"
womack: "Nazis" got plastered by 1945, long time ago, whereas DICTATA rides high today. With what shuold we concern ourselves?
omggg: my horse is real, he's parked outside
pete038861: What I meant is why the thought "hate the crime love the criminal" doesnt apply to the "Nazi's criminal"
womack: "Nazis" got plastered by 1945, long time ago, whereas DICTATA rides high today. With what shuold we concern ourselves?
pete038861: What is DICTATA?
womack: the DC. - Tel Aviv Terrorist Axis. --from text above already
womack: Alternate title = "JAPE" for "Jewish-American Planetary Empire".
pete038861: The American military is fighting for Israel, not America
womack: Roger that, Pete, except that almost as many Jews in USA as in Israel
womack: Starting with KinkHenKi, if you can dig that moniker...
pete038861: one thing Im not sure is, what are the Jews doing with two homes (US and Isreal)?
womack: Stepping on our Planet? Check with their neighbors in Iraq, Syria etc?
pete038861: our planet? so you are saying they are not from this earth lol
pete038861: or theres another meaning of planet? sorry I dont know
womack: Do all 7 Billion of us step on the smae Planet in one way or an other?
pete038861: why they hate the muslim so bad?
womack: Because of guilty conscience for having committed crimes against them since at least 1948?
pete038861: which one commited crimes? the Jews or the muslim?
XY0908: please...
womack: The crime was aggression, the loot was land.
pete038861: so they feel guilty and keep on commiting crimes? lol
Warfreak2: when i can only see one side of an argument in the ECR, it means they are talking to somebody profoundly stupid
pete038861: sounds right...
womack: Yes, we talk 2 WF2
womack: Until we normal folk alias "gentiles" finally reverse the situation, establish justice under world law.
[time lapse]
tomicus: it's hard to get work done when you can't log into the server you need to work on
Sheriffi: tommy!!!
[Pete engaged me in PM's.]

Post by Hal Womack 3-dan
In this notice I am invoking the name of the owner of KGS because he bears responsibility, unless the better word here be "guilt", for actions taken just now by his anonymous designated underling "Muttley 2k & senior admin". Here applies the old Roman proverb "qui facit per alium, facit per se"*.
"Muttley" banned me in the middle of a game under a ridiculous pretext. The interested reader can look at "Documentation" below and then judge for herself what was its (Mutt's) true motive for the hostile act, bearing in mind that the KGS --where "K" means "Kabalistic"-- has many times before taken similar actions and I have likewise written them up here on rgg.
The link to my most recent published KGS transcript appears below in Alpha.
Maybe I will also bother to post this notice to the newsgroup "misc.legal" by way of laying the ground for the future prosecution of WMS & his accomplices for war crimes. The Jews, specifically the SOTSies (see below, Glossary) long in command of the world tribe, make a point of trying to control all possible global power-points. KGS a self-evident target in this respect, especially since it brags on its "kibitz culture". AFAIK KGS stands alone among the English-language on-line venues for the game in pretending to offer in the "English Chat Room" or "ECR" a sub-venue for supposedly free discussion of all matters, including raging political controversies. The WMS Kabal wishes to foster the illusion that _baduk_ players worldwide, speaking freely in the ECR, just happen to barf up the same sort of rubbish promulgated by the standard JAPE propaganda system. Since I make this deception impossible, WMS bans me, thereby incurring upon himself the same criminal guilt borne by those gunmen who are pulling the triggers to murder the children and other innocent victims in Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Sudan, Colombia and many other injured places on our Planet. WMS' brazen banning of my humble self also serves to italicize the lie that KGS permits free discussion of urgent world issues. KGS thus reveals itself as an instrument of JAPE's criminal war propaganda similar in its corrupt character to the Sulzbergerz' NYT, to the US Congress and to the traditional monopolies of indoctrination aka "mainstream news media".
Whereas it is commonly said that 'There is no statute of limitations for the crime of murder'; OTOH I have proposed the formula that the State has the duty to prosecute and to punish all murderers and their accomplices as long as such guilty parties shall live, at least competently, and as long as their estates or any fraction there of can be identified.
Muttley [2k & senior admin] (6/10/14 11:13 PM): Hi, you post conversations you have with other users on KGS on other websites. However, you also tell other users you are doing this. I'd be very grateful if you could clarify the following: why do you tell users on KGS you are doing this?
HW: So that they'll know and, therefore, have the chance to continue their remarks on a more permanent basis, should they so desire?
Are you aware it comes across as threatening and harassing towards them?
HW: My simple actions in publicizing to a greater extent remarks which have already been volunteered in public are totally within the KGS TOS*, right? I challenge your implication that such action on my part can reasonably be interpreted as "threatening and harassing". Speaking of which, however, do you consult my latest post of ECR transcript on rgg, you will find the only complainant known to me, one player-name "alias", an unranked rookie registered on Jun 3, 2014, making direct & possibly criminal threats against me WRT hacking my computer. I dismissed these remarks as ridiculous.
Will you stop telling users directly you are posting their comments elsewhere?
HW: Such a curious question, of which I take notice only because of your local powers as a KGS senior admin. Are you ordering me to keep silent in this respect, with an implicit threat of hostile action otherwise?
If you want users to know you're going to copy and publish public and private discussions on KGS, why not put this in your user info?
HW: I included the PM's in my rgg post because IMHO their abusive character deprived them of any considerations of courtesy whatsoever. All PM's however are included within the TOS section cited, right?
In the past the system bot has many times blocked my adding additional info to my own page on unspecified 'maximum space' grounds. Do you waive this limit and then compose a notice which you would like to see there, then I will consider it. Your siding with "alias" in this matter, however, seems to me quite ill-advised and my own giving notice of ECR transcript publication elsewhere, particularly on rgg, appears both proper & polite to ordinary, reasonable adults.
*[KGS Terms of Service
....While you are on KGS, there is no guarantee of privacy. All conversations on KGS are logged. Admins may check these logs when there are accusations of improper behavior; in the process of checking these logs, they may see conversations that are unrelated to the accusations, so even when there is no reason to look at your conversations, an admin may read anything you write. As a rule, if something must be kept private, do not say it on KGS. END.]
[This message is too long. Please make it shorter, then send it again.]
[I told Mutt that the KGS bot had refused my answer to him and offered to take the discussion to email.]
Muttley: Simple enough questions
Muttley: sorry, was not around earlier
womack: playing now
Muttley: If you want to post comments by other users elsewhere you should let them know that beforehand- just simply good practice, and stop telling them during conversations you're doing that
womack: womack: playing now
Muttley: Hence my suggestion you put it in your user information and stop telling users during conversations when they disagree with you that you are posting the convo online elsewhere
Muttley: its ok, you can answer later, I'm logging off shortly
Muttley: telling people you're publishing a conversation comes across as harassment
Muttley: particularly whilst it is a live convo
womack: Live game here. My own eddress is public
Muttley: I don't know whether you intend it to be so or not, I suspect you don't really understand why you do what you do vis-a-vis your own conduct towards others, so please reflect on it and stop doing it
Muttley: whether your email address is public or not is completely irrelevant [Mutt conceals its own eddress, whereas mine is published on my info p]
Muttley: Sorry to interrupt your game, but you have been doing this a while
womack: Publication of all these remarks of yours OK by U ?
womack: Yes, your first complaint thereon
Muttley: ok, I'm going to ban you for harassment
[Sorry, you cannot log in because this account or internet address is temporarily blocked. The reason for blocking is "Harassment discussion".]
01:51 hrs. 20140611 Wednesday.
*"Qui facit per alium facit per se" is a Latin legal term meaning, "He who acts through another does the act himself." It is a fundamental maxim of the law of agency....
{Respondeat superior (Latin: "let the master answer"; plural: respondeant superiores) is a legal doctrine which states that, in many circumstances, an employer is responsible for the actions of employees performed within the course of their employment.[1] This rule is also called the "Master-Servant Rule", recognized in both common law and civil law jurisdictions.
In international law
At issue in the Nuremberg war crimes tribunal following the Allied occupation of Nazi Germany after World War II was a question concerning principles closely related to respondeat superior, which came to be known by the term command responsibility. The Nuremberg trials established that persons cannot use the defense that they were only following the orders of their superiors, if that order violates international norms but especially that superiors that ordered, or "should have known," of such violations yet failed to intervene are also criminally liable.}
LOS ANGELES = Thursday * 12th June 2014 * 09:11:30 pm (PDT).
N.B: UTC (GMT/Zulu)-time = PDT + 7 hrs. Hence my proposed abbreviation "04:11:30 hrz." on 13th June in this case.
Moon sign: Sagittarius 22° 05'
Go Seigen was born on this date in 1914. Give joy to the Great Master on his 100th Birthday!
(Hal Womack 3-dan)
Jun 8
rec.games.go ›
KGS ECR Transcript --Very Rough
4 posts by 2 authors
OR http://tinyurl.com/of5pqyz
7BAC = "Seven Billion And Counting".
AG2HXU = "Always Good To Hear From You".
APM = “As Previously Mentioned”.
AFTOC = “After a Fair Trial, Of Course”.
BEL = "Behind Enemy Lines", i.e, for any honorable person, within JAPE territory. Home ground = only China, Vietnam, DPRK, Iran, Russia, Ecuador, Bolivia, Venezuela or Hezbollah 'hood. Legitament additions to this list welcome.
CIB = “Composition In Brief”, i.e. only short time available.
DEW = "Dog Ever Willing". The medieval predecessor of this pious sentiment was "D.V.", for "Deus Volens". The ancient Muslim equivalent = _Insha'Allah_, witch's in turn the origin of the common Spanish word _ojala_, as in "!Ojala que si!" or "May it be so!" Clearly similar in meaning to our English "Amen!"
F = "Follow-up" + # for order of appearance in the given thread.
FODAD = Freedom Of Diet And Dress.
FTR = 1.) "For The Record". 2.) "Failure To Respond".
GABI = “Grin And Bear It”.
gits = "Google Hits".
GREPA = "Global REvolutionary Police Action".
_hasbara_ = Hebrew for "lies for Jews to peddle to normal people alias "gentiles". Such a lipflapper, especially a hired one = a "hasbarat".
HDS = "Hypohetical Diligent Student"
HP = 1. “Hang HenKi by his Pinkie”.
2. "Haiphong Posse".
HenKi = Henry Kissinger
hrz = Zulu Time, formerly "GMT", now aka "CUT" or "UTC" for something-or-other from a committee.
IFOT = "In the Fullness Of Time"
IMW2K = "Inquiring Minds Want to Know" [--only "About 452 results" aka "gits" as of 20131104 for the acronym.]
JA = Jewish-American, in several variations: R for Regime; T
for Tyranny; M for eMpire; PE for Planetary Empire (thus, “JAPE”)
JJ = joojingo
joopo = Jewish Secret Police
jooshloot = swag, booty, proceeds of robbery, theft, fraud & embezzlement. In the trillion$.
JOW = "Jew Of the Worst Sort"
K7 = Kosher King Kissinger's Kultish Kabal of Kiddie- Killers
KPFS = "Know Problem, Find Solution"
MEDUSA = propaganda alias "news" MEDia of the USA
MLG = “Murdering Little Girls”.
MULL = "MUrder, Looting & Lying"
Nolan = "NOLAstName", as in "Jessica Nolan" of
Subject: Peyote for Pratchett?
Date: Fri, 24 May 2013 08:08:21 -0700
ODC's = “Occupied & Destroyed Countries”.
OFD = “One Fine Day”.
OP = "Originating Post".
OSNAB = "Only Surviving North American Billionaire".
P+2U = "More Power To You!"
PBAT = "Please Be Advised That".
PFAB = "Please Find Appended Below".
PFG = Philadelphia Fire Gang, Mayor & police who on May 13,1985 burned to death 5 kids & 6 adults and destroyed a block of homes in the process.
STD = "Shot To Death". When with extension then "By Jews".
SOTS = "Sons Of The Stern" gang. Yes, that's a soft "gee" at the end there, eh? Also "SOTSie" to rhyme with the obvious, as in "SOTSies now much worse than were Nazis back when."
T6 = Tucson, 6 slain in Stunt of Saturday 8 January.
OP = "Originating Post", hence also "-er".
On this thread, OP = _moi_ or {Hal Womack 3-dan
F = "Follow-up", hence also F1 etc for Follow-up posters.
TOC = "Time Of Composition"
TUC = "Time of Useful Consciousness"
UZI's = Ultra-Zionists
wark = from War Kriminal,
plural = "warx"
WADRT = "With All Due Respect To"
WTB = "With The Blessing", as Stephen Maturin says.
YKA = "You Knew Already?"