Kabalistic _Go_ Server Backs Latest Jewish Aggression
(too old to reply)
Hal Womack 3-dan
2013-08-28 05:13:21 UTC
The Jews have taken over our world, including KGS aka the "Kabalistic _Go_ Server". We can also call this group JOWS for "Jews Of The Worst Sort". Recently I have created the additional tag "SOTSies" for "Sons Of The Stern" gang, with the obvious rhyme.

The J's have seized virtually all of the power points in the USA and in several similar countries mainly composed of and formerly ruled by white Christians. China OTOH being far too dense & ancient a civilization to allow for such internal infiltration & infestation, the J's loom over her externally by virtue, as it were, of their having captured the Pentagon, with the latter's claimed power of being able to destroy all higher life on Earth more than a score of times over.

The latest joosh stunt on the global stage was what the also Jew-run WIKI calls: "The 2013 Ghouta attacks were a series of chemical attacks that occurred on Wednesday, 21 August 2013, in the Ghouta region of the Rif Dimashq Governorate of Syria."

The apparent mastermind of this latest atrocity was, of course, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, whose obvious objective was to throw the blame therefor on the Government of Syria led by President Bashar al-Assad. This false-flag operation thus closely paralleled the 9/11/2001 Stunt in the USA, witch was overseen by old KinkHenKi & his junior partner Aerial Shaboom.

MEDUSA [see Glossary] is growling that the jootool "President" Barracks Obomber is about to bomb Syria in ridiculous "retaliation" for Israel having bombed her already and then dropping the poison gas.

Maybe I will get around to writing up this latest war mania of the Jews in more detail. At the moment, however, I have some time on my hands because the anonymous KGS censors aka "admins" have again booted me for speaking up in the "English Game Room".
{Sorry, you cannot log in because this account or internet address is temporarily blocked. The reason for blocking is "you know not to mention your politics in the EGR.....".}

The jish cyber-thugs have taken over the site developed by William M. Shubert, just as their fellow agents took over the Ford Foundation, Harvard University, Walt Disney's company etc. Since I consistently illuminate & denounce the crimes of their Kabal, witch include tens of millions of murders, these hasbarats try to shut me down whenever possible. The interested reader can see for herself the present context:
20130827 @ 18:36 hrs:
[short form]
USSRMan: this is the 99th year anniversary of "the war to end all wars"
Meepy: the war on drugs?
beerslayer: the great war
Meepy: hmmm, the war on terror
Oloril: It didn't work as adveritsed, can we get a refund?
USSRMan: the war on terror is an extension of the fall of the ottoman empire
Meepy: maybe it's the war on poverty
Oloril: An empire of furniture?
Nim: check your privilage.
komiserate: check your spelling.
Nim: patriarchy.
Oloril: I make it a point never to trust people named Kevin
womack: Oloril means to say "Kerry" ?
Falcon89: I bet Oloril like Calvin Klein dresses
womack: BTW "GWOT" = the brand name for the imperial Kabal's campaign of mass murder, soon to escalate
pete038861: its two months and I still dont get used to how people comment on a go game
beerslayer: nah i get all my insane conspiracy theories from the weeklyworld news
pete038861: like, its huge, its big, suspicious, creepy
pete038861: lots of uncertainty with these words
Falcon89: haha, pete, lots of junk chats in Go games
beerslayer: i cut them out with with safety scissors and paste them on the walls
pete038861: junk chats
pete038861: Im glad Im not the only one find them annoying
Falcon89: you'll get used to them and ignore
Falcon89: in time
pete038861: the reason I cannot learn from the game I watch is I always think about these comments. it wastes my time and distracts me from the game lol
tywin: You could always avoid the very top two or three games. Pick some solid 3-4d match to watch.
[longer form]
komiserate: hello, brianh
dohduhdah: any obsessive compulsive go players out there?
komiserate: i am
komiserate: kind of
Meepy: i'm not in denial
ausrussell: i became obsessive this week
komiserate: that's good. otherwise, you would be drownded
dohduhdah: me 2.. but I think addiction can also be a good thing, like an addiction to music or an addiction to information
capnattack: Hey nyanjilla, I've been wondering for a while, what does "juunen hayameta otoko" mean? I mean "ten years early man" doesn't really make sense in english
Oloril: I was born 10 years early man.
dohduhdah: knowledge is addictive.... the more you know, the more you realize how little you know
capnattack: (if you need a context, it's the new Iron Chef, they call the Iron Chef Chinese "juunen hayameta otoko, Wakiya Yuji"
beerslayer: wow 0d rengo
beerslayer: *9d
komiserate: hate rengo
Nyanjilla: someone who speeded up for ten years?
Nyanjilla: oh wait... he gave up for ten years
Falcon89: maybe 10 yrs of hard training as a Chef
Nyanjilla: juunen ha yameta
Falcon89: I think the New Iron Chef is a TV show
capnattack: 10年早めた男
capnattack: the whole thing is "中華料理の歴史を10年早めた男”
Nyanjilla: difficult to tell from the romaji
dohduhdah: are there any videos of pro go players where technology is used so you can see what the pro player is looking at on the goban?
Oloril: I'm just waiting for Iron Chef 2: The Revenge of the Steel Crab
dohduhdah: with a camera that tracks eye movements
santiago: there are usually overhead cameras
Tiracula: no but some pro players hover their head so far over the board, its easy to tell what they're looking aat
capnattack: Ok, thanks anyway, nyan
icecream: desman is "sauerkraut, xy is kimchi
icecream: aussie is px。
dohduhdah: s p a c e d o u t
beerslayer: something funny ive noticed about chinese restaurants run by real chinese is how the names always seem to be extremely simple and clear such as yummy house and best food
Nyanjilla: icecream---that's enough double-sized characters, thank you
beerslayer: and many chinese films are very clear and simple in their plots which is rather refreshing after too much ambiguity and fuzziness in many western films
icecream: my dream is called "salmi"
Oloril: Psh, western films have moved past plot. We're living in a post-plot world.
Oloril: These days all you need for a film is some explosions and one-liners
beerslayer: i wonder if this is simply the chinese theatre tradition or a reaction to the way the chinese language lends itself to double meanings or whether its just the need to cross cultural barriers by stripping out all possible misinterpretations
icecream: if u are rich enouth , i may produce your films and all the first role were you
beerslayer: of course ive seen subtle chinese films too but they seem much less common
beerslayer: ah well im a huge film watcher as you can tell ^^;
icecream: but one thing u might not have that audiom
icecream: if no one loves to watch ur films
beerslayer: *pats icecream kindly*
Oloril: Beer, being a big movie person. How do you feel about the whole batman thing?
icecream: haha, and there is one thing that u also may do>> let those films be all free gifts
Falcon89: America needs Hero
beerslayer: ah hell olo i may be in the minority but i find that im not terribly fond of the enormously popular comic book adaptation genre
beerslayer: i did like sin city and the x men releases though
Oloril: I had a conversation with someone about the Avengers movie in which I was told in all seriousness that it was a good movie because there was no need for character development because it was all done in previous movies.
beerslayer: the latest batman series werent too bad even if they did suffer from the usual glut of nonsensical action scenes
momiji: I think ben affleck has only made 30 bad films, so we should give him a chance
beerslayer: *wasnt
icecream: This morning is so lovely blue color
icecream: if anyone could enjoy it, the beerslayer would have cry and laught at the same time
beerslayer: im currently watching an obscure french film called joy house
icecream: would have cried and laughted
beerslayer: its rather forgettable but is mildly notable for having a young jane fonda in it
icecream: u shouldn't type that obscure word
beerslayer: O_o
icecream: Now u are like the popcorns
beerslayer: i have one list of 1100 premier quality prescreened films that seem really worth watching and another raw list of about 1800 films that might be worth watching
beerslayer: i keep the lists on imdb and have actually printed out the cover dvd art for about 1000 films from the premier and keep the sheets in a box
icecream: really? do i have the lucky chance to enjoy that
Oloril: I find that I hate 90% of movies I watch
icecream: one film pays u a cup of best icecream
beerslayer: its fun to leaf through the paper printouts for a few more to watch
beerslayer: youre cursed with intelligence olo
Oloril: So I just stick to books and the movies with actors I enjoy
Oloril: Like Eastwood, I'd watch almost anything with him in it
beerslayer: that means youll hate the stupidities that run rampant through a great many major productions
icecream: beer, u ignored me
beerslayer: i find that ignoring the bloopers and absurdities as much as possible works well enough much of the time
beerslayer: sorry ice dude you should make a nice film and take it to an indie film festival
Oloril: I just find that 2 hours is a rather pathetically short time to try and tell a good story in
Oloril: Especially when you spend most of that time on one liners and explosions
beerslayer: olo have you read the short story the marching morons by hmmm kornbluth
Oloril: I have not, but I'm googling it now
beerslayer: its a classic from the fifties i think
beerslayer: google for marching morons pdf
Meepy: there's a writer named 'hmmm'?
stumped: Popular name in the fifties.
Meepy: wow, googling 'writer' and 'hmmm' is not useful
beerslayer: no no hmmm is what you say to yourself before you google kornbluth
Eliza: maybe you haven't spelled it right
USSRMan: this is the 99th year anniversary of "the war to end all wars"
Meepy: the war on drugs?
beerslayer: the great war
Meepy: hmmm, the war on terror
Oloril: It didn't work as adveritsed, can we get a refund?
USSRMan: the war on terror is an extension of the fall of the ottoman empire
Meepy: maybe it's the war on poverty
Oloril: An empire of furniture?
Nim: check your privilage.
komiserate: check your spelling.
Nim: patriarchy.
Oloril: I make it a point never to trust people named Kevin
womack: Oloril means to say "Kerry" ?
Falcon89: I bet Oloril like Calvin Klein dresses
womack: BTW "GWOT" = the brand name for the imperial Kabal's campaign of mass murder, soon to escalate
pete038861: its two months and I still dont get used to how people comment on a go game
beerslayer: nah i get all my insane conspiracy theories from the weeklyworld news
pete038861: like, its huge, its big, suspicious, creepy
pete038861: lots of uncertainty with these words
Falcon89: haha, pete, lots of junk chats in Go games
beerslayer: i cut them out with with safety scissors and paste them on the walls
pete038861: junk chats
pete038861: Im glad Im not the only one find them annoying
Falcon89: you'll get used to them and ignore
Falcon89: in time
pete038861: the reason I cannot learn from the game I watch is I always think about these comments. it wastes my time and distracts me from the game lol
tywin: You could always avoid the very top two or three games. Pick some solid 3-4d match to watch.
Some earlier convo:
20130820 @ 21:26 hrs:
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Next KGS+ English Events:
8/22/13 12:00 PM -- Teaching game with Tsurukame
8/24/13 12:00 PM -- An audio lecture by Guo Juan, 5p

MrEmDash: all the rich people dropped out
MrEmDash: as did the poor people
GengYang: but bill gates got extremely lucky with IBM
MrEmDash: so take your chances
stumped: If you dont drop out , you cant get rich
Herod: It was more than luck
walshie: stumped i have no idea if you were being fecitious
walshie: but that actually sounds sort of true
GengYang: did zuckerberg drop out?
slowdirect: I saw the movie and it wasn't luck
MrEmDash: i think so
Herod: He was one of the very few kids in the world who got any signficant time on the very first computers while he was in high school
MrEmDash: Zuckerberg dropped out of Harvard in his sophomore year to complete his project.
walshie: of course zuckerberg dropped out
walshie: but this should be obvious..
MrEmDash: heehee
walshie: why would anyone with a million billion dollars go to college?
walshie: isnt the idea of college to help a human make more money?
teeth: e
GengYang: zuckerbergs' wife snagged a prince, lucky girl
teeth: yes
Herod: No, the idea of college is to learn a variety of things. Some of which might be useful in a later career. Some which might just make you better rounded.
walshie: you're american
stumped: You go to college to play go, duh
Herod: The worst thing for your game is to graduate from school
GengYang: although i have to say i respect bill gates and steve jobs more, they were the ones who started it all
Herod: When you have to go to work, then you don
Herod: don't have nearly as much time for your game
walshie: what you just described is the way college works in america herod
Herod: Sure
walshie: european colleges are focused toward your profession from day 1
USSRMan: that is why american colleges rank higher than european
walshie: rank higher in what, exactly?
GengYang: america owns all the bets colleges
walshie: attendance?
walshie: dropouts?
GengYang: in science and tech
Herod: In football and basketball teams, of course
USSRMan: reserach
GengYang: MIT, harvard, stanford - no institution even comes close
USSRMan: funding
womack: Here's a fresharticle relating to US billionaires: http://www.countercurrents.org/jackowski200813.htm [Justice should not be doled out by geography. The Drone killings in Afghanistan are crying out for Justice. Murder is murder.]
Herod: No politics here please
walshie: well, research is interesting
trousey: you can talk about anything i believe in the english chat room right?
walshie: but funding is a bit of a weird point
Herod: The English Chat Room is fine for all those topics
tywin: More or less, trousey. There's also the All Politics room, of course.
walshie: since only US funds are going to go toward US colleges and same for european ones
womack: Further political discussion possible in English Chat Room
trousey: i was just making sure i pass the right information along in the future
Herod: Keep it clean and not insulting, that's all
walshie: but i still believe that european colleges are more efficient at creating professionals
USSRMan: which is why usa gdp is higher than EU combined?
walshie: another unfair comparison
Welcome to the English Chat Room, the place to chat.
SamSpade: so how many people are killed by drones each year?
USSRMan: less than 7 billion
womack: Greetings. Does Sam S alreay have a stat?
SamSpade: i'll look it up
womack: Me playing now , comrades
SamSpade: Senator Lindsey Graham estimated the death toll to be at 4700 in february
stumped: Why is womack still here whereas snowden is hiding out in russia ?
USSRMan: snowden is overrated
USSRMan: he released secret materials that were already well known
elementc: the point is that he confirmed the stuff
elementc: Of course we all "knew" but it's like science. You have to get the evidence.
USSRMan: yes but i feel the media overblown the whole situation
womack: My G.O. or Game Over now. Thx to Sam S for a #. And why I am using my own name while "Stumped" hides under a rock?
womack: US-Israeli Regime rotten to core, scared stiff of further defections a la Snowden, Manning & others.
womack: USA plenty dangerous territory, for sure. Michael Hastings, Gary Webb, JFK, MLK, Malcolm X, Princess Diana & K's of others R.I.P.
stumped: Princess Diana ??
womack: Just another 'hood in the empire
womack: Or does stumped question Regime motive for striking Diana & Dody?
USSRMan: pretty sure princess diana was killed by the french (in an accident)
alobar: stumped, stop hiding under a rock
alobar: use your real name
alobar: patrick lee does
alobar: and leelichan does
alobar: be a mensch stumped
alobar: and put up a picture of yourself, profided you are better looking than womack.
womack: Does "USSRMAN" also think that Lee Harvey Oswald rosefrom the dead and Jesus Christ blew up the WTC ?
alobar: he probably does they are common beliefs in russia.
womack: alobar needs a corner of his own?
alobar: and a soap box
stumped: and soap ?
womack: Mild or antibiotic?
alobar: no i just want to stand on a corner and rant like womack.
alobar: i want to see government agents behind ever bush
alobar: i want to believe that "they" are sticking it to us.
womack: As in the GEo BushIntelligence Center?
Oloril: Just the Bushs or the Obamas too?
womack: B O & Clintonz all serve KinkHenKi
Oloril: Jeb Bush 2016!
alobar: it is a conspiracy oloril, you will never understand.
holynec: shut up
alobar: who must sht up holy?
holynec: EVERYONE
holynec: !!
holynec: <-- gone mad
alobar: ah holy is getting nervous, he thinks we will target the king next.
stumped: dont tie yourself in knots
holynec: i got lots of knots in my muscles
holynec: i got lots of knots in my muscles
holynec: :k
womack: alobar can give holynec H4?
alobar: it is full moon again and womack is ranting.
alobar: let him have his fun until same time next month
holynec: and i can give you 4 handi womach ^^
alobar: i thought H4 was something to do with horse.
womack: For alobar facts + logic= "rant". a 9k analysisof the inferior sort
alobar: racing
alobar: my other account is 6d womack
alobar: and i am not a taxi driver.
womack: alobar & holyneec quite the pair
alobar: well at least he is becoming a little more rational
alobar: holy we will make an honest sane man of him yet.
holynec: ain't worth the trouble
holynec: womack is good the way it is
alobar: i rejoice in the return of the lost lamb.
elementc: This might come in handy for certain segments of the ECR population. http://www.theskepticsguide.org/podcast/5x5
alobar: because we know and they know and he is the only one who is out of the loop.
alobar: do you have a guide for the paranoid as well element?
womack: So seldom that a "6d" takes Black from an 8k & resigns. Either that or "alobar" lies like the proverbial rug?
alobar: i never resign when i play my 6d account
alobar: use yor loaf womack
elementc: The episodes with titles beginning with "Skepticism 101" would be the most pressing.
alobar: to stay 9k i have to play like 9k
SamSpade: looks interesting, elementc
womack: alobar the one who also made up the Official 9/11 Story?
elementc: Hey Sam, glad at least one person appreciates it!
alobar: there is no 9/11 story. the rest of the world does not care at all about one incident.
alobar: do you really think anyone outside america cares womack?
elementc: the people getting bombed because of it it might
womack: alobar denies that many people care about a cover story abused to try to justify millions of murders, mainly of Muslims
alobar: you guys took a hit, and fell victim to your own stupidity and incompetence. Hardly newsworthy. We have our own little problems to worry about. now get over it.
womack: KinkHenKi & Aerial Shaboom pulled a Stunt to keep their Empire going. We'll get over it when the perps are pickled.
alobar: trivial. boring.
womack: Netanyahu just gave alobar a raise?
alobar: and very old
womack: In the news
alobar: my raise is not in the news
womack: Beg to differ
womack: "lesser included offences"
alobar: beg then. it is your destiny
womack: alobar ID's itself as liar & fantasist?
alobar: Ok thanks womack, looks like you are all ranted out. I am going for a game of go. see you next month for another full-moon therpy session.
womack: Maybe alobar can find a 15k to watch his claimed game?
womack: 05:49 hrz 8/21

20130708 Monday @ 04:32 hrs:
Move 1
foray2 [2k?]: gg
womack [2k]: Hello
Move 59
foray2 [2k]: so not thx
foray2 [2k]: you play bad
foray2 [2k]: sorry but it's the truth
foray2 [2k]: i'm juste tired
womack [2k]: tired, rude & stupid ?
womack [2k]: Note: B resigned after Move #58.
20130702 @ 05:04 hrs:
Welcome to the English Chat Room, the place to chat.
clydesdale: Hitler was a vegetarian
Jarlaxle: yes. lots of famous people are
Jarlaxle: it would solve our climate problems
Jarlaxle: Gandhi was a vegetarian
womack: Before we can solve the climate problem, we must first resolve the most urgent issue of global mass murder by the U.S.-Israeli Regime.
Sheriffi: free tibet >:O
womack: Free Palestine & all Earth. Tibet was part of China 5 centuries before Columbus was born.
clydesdale: i think Assad gets the mass murfer prize at the moment
clydesdale: Murder*
clydesdale: not to mention al qaeda in Iraq
Jarlaxle: and the world bank and the IMF and their structural adjustment programs
Jarlaxle: damn neoliberalism
womack: Clydesdale swallows Pentagon swill re Syria. USRael behind foreign attacks on Assad government. Gideon Polya PhD & leading expert estimates
alobar: mazel Tov
womack: USGov has murdered ~30,000,000 [thirty million] victims worldwide since 1950
alobar: why did it take so long?
womack: Nameless "alobar" professes enthusiasm for mass murder?
alobar: i just think if you are going to do a job you may as wel do it as efficiently as the romans the turks, and the russians germans and chinese have done in the course of history.
alobar: besides, no-one other than an american cares about what america does or does not do.
alobar: you have had a long series of the most inane and mindless leaders and they merely reflect the intellectual poverty of the american population.
womack: alobar [nationality?] merely blithers. Also forgets that we created world law against aggressive war in 1945.
alobar: who created the law?
womack: The International Military Tribunal, sitting @ Nuremburg, Tokyo & Manila. Richard Falk, among others, has edited a handy book on the topic.
alobar: and who has obeyed it?
alobar: how many wars have there been since 1945?
womack: Most everybody except USRael, in notorious fact.
alobar: Just to change the subject. Where is your friend "long lost" ?
womack: Accelerated blither?
alobar: angola mocambique rhodesia kenya, nigeria, chad vietnam, korea, england, argentina russia, south africa, bosnia, to name but a few.
womack: African wars of liberation. Clinton contrived Bosnian conflict as diversion from his destruction of Iraq
womack: Vietnam & Korea, opf course, were two of the many targets of US aggression
alobar: so if america kills it upsets you but if black perpetuate genocides you don't notice?
womack: I favor prosecuting all murderers in order of the magnitude of their crime
alobar: and most of the wars wre post liberation with the exception of rhodesia.
womack: exceptions of Mozambique, SAfrica, Angola, Kenya
alobar: there waas no war in south africa before 1994.
alobar: the conflict in angola and mozambique only took off after liberation by comaprison to before and lasted 16 years.
alobar: kenya only 12 farmers were killed before liberation.
womack: The Battle of Cuito Cuanavale in 1987/88
alobar: Yes there was on battle in angola of note and then america fled from the russian migs and 16 years of bloodshed followed.
womack: Alobar a mine of misinformation?
alobar: when america starts to lose men at a good rate they turn tail and run. always have always will
alobar: my friends and relatives died in angola and rhodesia and kenya and mocambique.
womack: mercs?
alobar: i may be better informed than you.
womack: for example?
alobar: i have livd this, you have seen the propaganda on television and listened to half baked politicians.
womack: Quite common, however, for Mr A to be better informed about X while Mr B knows more about Y
womack: Let alobar write up his [?] life experience & stop bloviating about people of whom he is quite ignorant?
alobar: to you it is an adolescent stance you took because you were mocked by your peers.
alobar: how many conflicts have you seen taking place on your doorstep?
womack: Actually I am the most famous shooter in the City of San Francisco, since alobar asks. I also worked successfully for Vietnam for 12 yrs during war time
alobar: you served in the vietcong army?
womack: ogranization & propaganda stateside, actually
alobar: and what do you shoot in san francisco, H?
womack: although I do have a DD214, if alobar knows what that is
alobar: no idea. what is it?
womack: In 1993 I shot Dallas Johnson, a stooge sent by the DEA to attack me. This story quite well known hereabouts
alobar: did you get a purple heart?
womack: DD214 = certificate of honorable discharge from US Army
womack: I just got open heart surgery but missed the colors
alobar: no wonde you are bitter about the army.
womack: on the contrary, I loved the free ammo
alobar: and did you actually go fight in vietnam and take part in any action.
womack: alobar shamelesly makes up stories about people who are unkown to him
alobar: did you see any military action?
womack: We had quite a bit of action here in the USA which led to Lyndon Johnson stepping down from the White House
womack: asked & answered
alobar: ok, so you have a beef about america killing people, but have never tried to oppose them in a meaningful way.
womack: Gee, alobar disagrees with the US secret police about that
womack: + we are definitely still working on the defeat of the US empire
alobar: no the secret police are so secret only you and the actor in a beautiful mind know about them.
womack: witch gets shakier every day
womack: The secret police are all over the map & have lots of defectors
womack: going way back
alobar: i can just say i am glad you are against america and not my country. I would hate to see Botswana crumble beneath your feet.
womack: alobar devoted to rubbish. Obomber & KinkHenKi are against America & our human race as a whole. alobar now claiming to speak for Botswana?
[exit "alobar" @ 07:49 hrs]
clam: it's difficult to know which of you is the paranoid nutter and which the opinionated fool
womack: For "clam" 7k knowing anything at all indeed difficult, eh what?
clam: Knowing some things works for me.
straits: Besides, if womack played clam at 5 stones, not all the mistakes would be clam's.
womack: So, will "straits" give a game to "clam" ?
straits: Not right now, but if you were to watch my play, you'd notice I don't normally decline challenges except when the game conditions are changed.
straits: I might make an exception for people I'm likely to wind up arguing politics against.
[HW exit @ 08:09 hrs.]
womack [2k]: Hello
bentop [1k]: hi
bentop [1k]: your pic is not you?
womack [2k]: Really?
bentop [1k]: how come you steal from other
womack [2k]: You tell lies every day of the week ?
bentop [1k]: can you confirm the u pic is u?
womack [2k]: Does someone care to denyit?
bentop [1k]: I ask you yes or no??
bentop [1k]: Now I know you pic is not you at all!!
bentop [1k]: Why you ddo this tirty thing?
womack [2k]: Of all the 1k's I have met, U talk most like a fool/
bentop [1k]: Why u steal pic??
womack [2k]: 2ndquestion = womack [2k]: You tell lies every day of the week ?
bentop [1k]: a lot of players complaimts about you in KGS
womack [2k]: Your source ?
bentop [1k]: you need to pay if u pic is not u!
[game resumed on 20130625]
womack [2k]: wifi problems here. sorry about that
bentop [1k]: ok
[B wins by 6]
EGR 20130107 @ 08:06 hrs:

jhgf: another way to learn travel is work for a travel company.
jhgf: travel has an air of romanticism and mystique but that is naivete.
jhgf: the world is a jungle and will be so going forward in the new world (dis)order.
womack: General goal = 1st world order out of present dis- ?
womack: Just sayin'.....[16:o7 hrz [Zulu].
20120101 @ 10:31 hrs:
{Welcome to the English Chat Room, the place to chat.
McMaster: Happy new year! What is your goal for 2013?
Marathon: to make it to 2014
elementc: go back to college
Marathon: how old are you, ec?
elementc: 23
McMaster: to make it to 2014 .. no problem, just run faster
Marathon: good luck
Critical01: My goal for 2013 become 1d
McMaster: go back to college .. congrats, college life is great life
HelloCoder: My goal is to make HelloBot beat LibertyBot or TankBot
EggsAckley: i went back to college after dropping out... it only took me fourteen years to get my four-year degree.
McMaster: to become 1dan .. do 100 4k-1dan Tsumego everyday
Critical01: Well I do like 10 everyday
Critical01: 100 is a little too much xD
McMaster: fourteen years to get my four-year degree... that makes your degree more precious
McMaster: Critical.. no pain no gain
Critical01: But it takes me 30 minutes to do a hard problem and 5 mins an easy one, so I usually do like 8 easy and 2 hard a day
elementc: if it takes 30 minutes
elementc: the problem is not the right level
elementc: you need to build up
elementc: progresively
elementc: the hardest ones should take more like 10 minutes max
Critical01: But because I take 30 minutes to solve the problems correctly I'm 1d on goproblems.com
elementc: that site is awful
elementc: full of bad user submitted problems of low quality
Critical01: <<that's why I'm 1d there
Critical01: lol
McMaster: haha
McMaster: No one wants to write a book during 2013?
Marathon: i'm sure some people do. i'm not one of them.
Critical01: me neither
elementc: It should take you longer than one year to write a proper book
Critical01: unless you're a speedwriter
Marathon: what about a small book?
McMaster: to write.... doesn't mean you have to finish the book before 2014
Marathon: they only have to start or continue?
McMaster: Another one: someone wants to invent something and be as rich as Bill Gates?
womack: "To write a book" somewhat antique now? Update = to degin a complex, inclu big screen & U-tube?
Marathon: a lot of people *want* that mcm, but few can do that.
EggsAckley: animated cartoon.
McMaster: To write a book" somewhat antique now?...not quite, Rick Warren's book is selling like hotcakes, just to name one..
womack: "as rich as Bill Gates" reminiscent of "as richas Hermann Goering in 1944" ?
glasszee: please move all relevant go related discussion to the English Game Room. thank you.
McMaster: since it is new year, we would rather not to talk about mr. Goering
womack: 2013 admin censorship in ECR ?McMaster: nah, just my own humble opinion
womack: Hence the mild typeface, eh?}

{Sorry, but error "java.net.UnknownHostException: goserver.gokgs.com" occurred while loading the message of the day. It could not be displayed.} 20121220 @ 07:42 hrs.
EGR 20121126 @ 05:28 hrs:
wither: it isnt direct there either
Warfreak2: a "waste" means that you could do better
Warfreak2: if something is optimal then by definition it has no waste
wither: optimal to humans
wither: not optimal in theory
wither: although optimal is a harsh word too
wither: in fact pure capitalism isnt optimal i think
Warfreak2: right
wither: well in capitalism also theres another thing.. if one company wins out short term it can deliberately crush better solutions that come up
wither: like if a lion figured out to kill every smaller predator that might ever evolve into something stronger
Warfreak2: as i said, the "markets are efficient" theorem, or whatever you want to call it, works for markets with perfect competition, and even then doesn't predict total overall efficiency when the requirements for perfect competition are themselves inefficient
Warfreak2: my favourite example is rail networks
Stochasty: SKwint, that's only partially true. Consider the case of the ammonites. Eventually, short terms solutions drove the entire family extinct, whereas species which we more well-adapted overall survived.
Warfreak2: in order to run a perfectly competitive rail network industry, we have to reduce barriers to entry, such as not being allowed to lay down rail tracks whereever you want
wither: that reduces barriers to entry?
Warfreak2: after that, a perfectly competitive rail network industry has, for each route, many rails running in parallel
Warfreak2: sure it does, if i want to build a new railway, your private land where i want to put tracks is a barrier to my building it
wither: i was thinking more like.. im just going to go out and put rails everywhere i feel like.. now im in business!
wither: no entry problem
Warfreak2: right
Warfreak2: well, you need to compulsarily purchase the land so you can put your tracks there
Mef: You can lease rights
Warfreak2: but compulsory purchase laws mean an inefficient outcome simply because people don't like having their land compulsorily-purchased
Warfreak2: in practice, when capitalism tries to do trains, each provider has monopolies over their respective routes
Stochasty: That's more an issue with scarcity than barriers to entry, isn't it, War? When I think of barriers to entry, I'm thinking more along the lines of, say, the operating system market, where it requires a prohibitve amount of money and effort to produce a competitive product.
Stochasty: (I guess the end result is the same, though.)
Warfreak2: scarcity in this case is a barrier to entry
Warfreak2: a barrier to entry is anything which might prevent a player from entering the game
wither: milan wont take my offers
Stochasty: Ah, I see. Yeah; scarcity is just the mechanism behind the barrier.
Stochasty: Here's a market theory question for you: is there a known (mathematical) relation between barriers to entry and market efficiency (say, in the form of excess profits created by the lack of competition)?
wither: i would be very surprised if economists hadnt invented them
wither: and would be even more surprised if they actually agreed amongst themselves
Stochasty: Ah, yes. Probably the case. I keep forgetting how similar economics is to quantum gravity; lots of theorists, no experiments. :)
wither: too many experiments
wither: well. maybe not controlled
Mef: too many "experiments" (=
Stochasty: I disagree. There are none, because it's impossible to set up a control.
wither: yes yes i saw that
wither: ^
Stochasty: I type too slowly, haha.
Warfreak2: how are you measuring barriers to entry numerically?
Warfreak2: you can't write an equation if it's not a number
Stochasty: Hmmm... say, in terms of the size of the capital outlays w.r.t the size of the market?
Warfreak2: but cost of entry isn't the only barrier to entry
Stochasty: Yes, but the others can probably be written in terms of costs.
wither: i just think there are probably a lot of people who have spent their entire lives studying these things
wither: and theyve probably come up with measurements and all sorts of definitions
Warfreak2: on economics: http://www.npr.org/blogs/money/2012/11/13/165046113/episode-416-why-the-price-of-coke-didnt-change-for-70-years
omggg: warf, you said "the goal of an economy is to produce companies which are well-adapted to meeting the needs of the people" are those needs just their services or products? where does profit come into this?
omggg: I know that was I while back, I've been trying to catch up :)
wither: in theory, profit is a measure of how well the people believe their needs are being met
wither: like voting
Warfreak2: no
wither: a purchase is a vote for surivival of a company
Warfreak2: profit is only a measure of the ability to make profit
Warfreak2: profit is not the goal of an economy, that's the goal of each company
wither: a company meeting no ones needs probably wouldnt profit
wither: someone is saying its worthwhile for the company to exist
wither: maybe not the "people"
wither: but other entities
qwazidan: it suggests surplus .. a necessity of which more is better
wither: entities with more voting power
wither: i suppose you could argue then a mafia makes profits
womack: 'Tis but an illusion to suppose that this venue allows free discussion of political economy, whereas newsgroups such as alt.politics & sci.econ do in fact.
ChukNorris: Ping
wither: apparently this venue does
womack: Valuta seized by crimnal action = loot rather than profit. The whole US imperial system mainly criminal
wither: woah now youre on thin ice
womack: Notable differences between appearances & realities, eh?
wither: just what im guessing people will let you get away with
womack: "people" here meaning KGS censor kabal alias "admins", rt ?
wither: the vast majority of admins are extremely accomodating
womack: to certain parties, indeed
wither: i find most are highly reasonable
wither: not all, but most
womack: Another genuinely free venue, of course = rec.games.go
wither: or iceland or the philippines
womack: wither fleeing discussion? A noteworthy source = http://www.4thmedia.org/
womack: from Beijing
wither: im no more impressed by far left political theories than i am by far right
prolepsis: congratulations: you are far cantrist ^^#
womack: Successful animals operate on both sides of their bodies. Fundamental distinction = between truth vs lies
prolepsis: centrist*
womack: Once one commits war crimes, political labels such as "liberal, conservative, " etc become irrelevant
Stochasty: As a somewhat interested observer, I have to say that I am entirely at a loss as to what point womack is actually trying to make here, as regards political economy. Platitudes and pretty rhetoric do not an argument make.
wither: honestly i think things that are only going to get the discussion moved elsewhere
womack: Has stoc an argument to display for our edification?
Stochasty: Seems to be.
wither: and i hate moving
Stochasty: No. As I said; I'm an interested observer. There was an interesting conversation happening, which I was observing. Alas, hat conversation seems to have ended.
womack: The English Chat Room definitely has more elbow latitude than here
wither: are you saying you need breathing room?
Warfreak2: why would anyone be interested in observing anything womack says
Nickj: or that there's almost nobody in the English Chat Room?
ChukNorris: I tend to find hat conversations a tad dull
Stochasty: I'm not. Hence the "somewhat."
Warfreak2: i'll save you some time, womack isn't capable of insight
ChukNorris: I'm not very interested in hats
Stochasty: But you should be! How can anyone survive without an interesting hat?
womack: warf = an utter coward, quite beneath defending its POV in a free venue such as those mentioned above
alfalfa: hmmm chess term i think
Comrade: Any offers?
PeatMan: nah.... I'm 6k already.
Intuit: that's ok comrade...i'm not 15k anymore
Comrade: It was expensive new
Comrade: MFG has extensive Pro game libraries too
alfalfa: ah, yes... i googled for "chess patzer" and it came right up
Comrade: Cho. Kobayashi etc annotated games
arndt: what is patzer?
alfalfa: i googled for "chess patzer" and it came right up
arndt: yes?
alfalfa: yes.
arndt: odd how the modern man takes information in but never gives any out
alfalfa: now i will look up the etymology, at http://www.etymonline.com/
alfalfa: never?
arndt: from yiddisch, I suppose
alfalfa: german too
bert: "if a patzer draws strong moves, just keep calm and let him gather himself"
arndt: patzer in German is a mistake
alfalfa: i thought that i had provided an infinite amount of information via my comments, sorry if you don't agree :-)
arndt: "never" was just rhetoric hyperbole
Intuit: generalizations is a trait common to modern and primitive man alike ^^
alfalfa: i could cut-and-paste the information here
alfalfa: if that would make you happy
alfalfa: but then
alfalfa: i would have to do that.
arndt: I'm not convinced it would make me happy
alfalfa: and as it is, i've already spent an inordinate amount of time reacting to your assault on me :-)
alfalfa: "no good deed ever goes unpunished"
alfalfa: plus i typed in a URL for an etymology site, in case anyone might ever possibly be interested in something like that
alfalfa: it's not that long, but it says it better than i can.
alfalfa: here.
arndt: it's thoughtful of you, but it doesn't list patzer
alfalfa: i just now found that out for myself... because i've been wasting so much time "justifying" telling you to google "chess patzer"... which, as i have said before, comes right up.
alfalfa: ok. i give up.
alfalfa: all of you are right, and i am wrong.
arndt: oh no
arndt: that's too easy
arndt: m-w.com knows patzer
Warrior26: any high dan want to give me a free lesson for veterans day ? :)
alfalfa: uh-oh, no mail tomorrow?
alfalfa: veterans' day is the u.s. holiday during which we honor the survivors of war.
alfalfa: memorial day is the u.s. holiday during which we honor the victims.
Warrior26: uh yeah I'm aware :)
alfalfa: not everyone is from the united states
Warrior26: <--- veteran
Warrior26: tracking
arndt: I knew of both of them, but not when they are
arndt: but if veterans' day is today, that's easy to remember
Warrior26: haha
Warrior26: operation enduring freedom!
arndt: I'm thinking of the end of world war I
alfalfa: it's tomorrow
alfalfa: federal employees get the day off and i'm not sure, but maybe the NYSE is closed.
Warrior26: i was the ncoic of a firing party today for a veterans day parade so got to meet a lot of cool vietnam vets
arndt: tomorrow? armistice day is today
alfalfa: non-commissioned officer but what is ic?
Warrior26: in charge
alfalfa: i c :-)
PabloRR: Aye yo where twoeye is?
Warrior26: ha
Canuck: 11 hour 11 day 11 month 1918
alfalfa: poor archduke ferdinand, he never saw it coming.
alfalfa: too soon?
Warrior26: ha
Canuck: I'm not sure thr Duke did not see it comming but
Warrior26: we started our ceremony at 11:11 too :)
Canuck: for sure nobody envisioned the trouble all of those secret agreements would cause
alfalfa: (that's sort of why i thought it was funny)
alfalfa: in the u.s., we celebrate a lot of holidays on monday... i think that is to make wall street happy
alfalfa: one continuous week
alfalfa: as opposed to say, taking a thursday off.
alfalfa: although, thanksgiving is always on a thursday
Warrior26: I love having mondays off
alfalfa: the only day off better than a monday is a friday.
Warrior26: that sucks.. I am going on leave for 2 weeks :)
alfalfa: how long have you been in?
Warrior26: few years
Warrior26: not too long
alfalfa: studying too?
Warrior26: no, we go to the field a lot.. its hard to do
alfalfa: i see.
alfalfa: do you get to explode stuff?
Warrior26: moving to korea in just over a month too so maybe once i get settled
Warrior26: i've set off a claymore before but that is about it.. and some grenades
alfalfa: just being nosy.
alfalfa: loose lips sink ships!
Warrior26: prolly won't anymore once all budget cuts go through :)
alfalfa: do you get to wear cool futuristic equipment, that you play like a video game, to make you a super-warrior?
alfalfa: drive a drone tank?
alfalfa: that would be cool.
Warrior26: i get to wear a bunch of heavy equipment in hot evironments where people shoot at me :)
alfalfa: yikes
Warrior26: I have directed drones though
Warrior26: 2-4 years in korea "_
alfalfa: oh, they let you make the coffee, Garen?
Warrior26: ha
alfalfa: see, "ground" units
Warrior26: pretty much the same thing :)
womack: Leading U.S. writer on Korea = Bruce Cumings of U o Chicago
womack: Also, all US mil personnel well advised to ponder meaning of world law forbidding aggressive war
Warrior26: thankfully I am only subject to us law :)
Warrior26: no crazy int'l criminal courts :)
Warrior26: time to sell off my stuff for my move.. adios gents
17:28 11/7
Welcome to the English Chat Room, the place to chat.
Warfreak2: the fact that romney lost seems more important
Linux: He was a good loser, though.
Warfreak2: he reportedly hadn't even prepared a losing speech
Linux: I bet.
Warfreak2: what a horrific strategy the republican party had for their election campaign - we will never get young people or black people to vote for us, so how can we stop them from voting at all?
AmyTS: Too many of their voter suppression laws were stayed by the courts, but that didn't stop them from intimidating voters anyway.
Linux: I voted Republican for the irony.
Warfreak2: i heard they put up big "VOTER FRAUD IS A FELONY AND YOU COULD BE FINED $$$" billboards in african-american communities
AmyTS: It's true.
Linux: Perhaps they wanted to avoid people reading the obituaries for additional voting opportunities.
AmyTS: I wasn't allowed to vote despite having had registered. Apparently the voter registration board never completed *their* end of the paperwork, so my registration was considered invalid.
AmyTS: Even though I registered last year.
Linux: The same thing happened to my aunt, who I assume is a different person.
Warfreak2: :-)
AmyTS: I am indeed not your aunt.
Warfreak2: you weren't allowed to vote, amy? that's awful
Warfreak2: you should sue them
AmyTS: It didn't matter anyway, war, because of the way our electoral college works.
Linux: For the presidency.
Warfreak2: i know, but it's still unacceptable
AmyTS: I know.
Warfreak2: some dude posted a video on youtube of an electronic voting machine selecting mitt romney when he pressed barack obama
Warfreak2: repeatedly
AmyTS: I find it unacceptable that a candidate had a controlling interest in teh company that made electronic voting machines.
Linux: Not that it made a difference.
Warfreak2: snopes debunked that one
Warfreak2: but i don't know why anyone tolerates electronic voting machines in the first place
AmyTS: they dont know any better or they're technophiles
Warfreak2: i'm a technophile enough to know that they're an awful idea
AmyTS: I found it amusing that before the election, the GOP was already blaming superstorm Sandy for their loss.
womack: Do we still need a secret ballot?
AmyTS: I'm glad the election is over. We have a LGBT-friendly president who may replace up to 2 justices during his second term.
womack: Although better than the Other Guy, B.O = the worst US Prez since 1860
womack: & a war criminal & assassin to boot
AmyTS: All four gay marriage ballots went in favor of equality, too.
AmyTS: It's a good time.
womack: GT for some homosexuals, bad time for all war victims & most job-seekers
AmyTS: I find it amusing that the GOP tweetosphere is convulsing.
dfunkt: I find this whole conversation amusing
womack: Ecclesiastes 7:6
dfunkt: I'll bite
AmyTS: Don't bite me please.
baffled: no biting in the ecr
Linux: "Like the crackling of thorns under the pot, so is the laughter of fools. This too is meaningless."
AmyTS: huh
dfunkt: yeah. It seems I have been called a fool.
womack: Shoe sale?

dfunkt: if amusement is foolish, I'll gladly be the fool and laugh out loud
Linux: lol
AmyTS: I'll get you a megaphone, dfunkt.
womack: Alla time?

baffled: the quote doesn't seem to say anything about amusement being foolish
womack: Sez something
Warfreak2: there isn't much of a gop tweetosphere
Linux: The laughter of fools is meaningless. That is all. Nothing about the amusement of dfunkt's.
womack: Linux last assertion supported?
Warfreak2: as for all of the pukestains calling for his assassination, though, one has to wonder why they hate america
womack: Maybe they caught the habit from the Prez? when he calls, it happens
womack: Usually the phrase "why they hate america" refers to people who object to having their homes bombed by foreigners
womack: I hate war crimes, as is only proper, and USrael commits most of them by far
dfunkt: can you call them war crimes when there is no official war? wouldn't they be more aptly described as crimes against humanity?
dfunkt: or just plain terrorism?
womack: "terrorism" = a murderer's attempt to distract attention from the cadavers he has created
dfunkt: I'm a bit fuzzy on that
womack: US aggression against Libya, Syria & Iran constitutes the most fundamental war crime defined by the IMT @ Nuremberg
womack: The list of attacked countries can be extended quite a bit
dfunkt: I'm going to choose the path of forgiveness. Next year I'll be travelling in the US and I don't want a bunch of political baggage accompanying me.
womack: "Forgiving" the perpetrator while he's still in action is called "complicity"
dfunkt: so be it
womack: From dfunkl's own mouth
dfunkt: all my bitching hasn't accomplished anything
vuaerioxyz: Wrong
vuaerioxyz: It's used up bandwidth and filled the chat window with text.
dfunkt: haha.. yeah, that's about it
vuaerioxyz: As long as we're clear.
womack: Being clear about issues of world justice indeed a worthy undertaking, eh what?
baffled: there have been plenty of instances where non-americans have been harassed, refused entry, and even imprisoned/tortured merely for saying mildly critical things about our government, so perhaps dfunkt deserves some leeway
womack: There's a point. Why hurry to Gitmo?
dfunkt: As a man of German stock, I always said I would have been an avid Nazi if I had been living in the 1930's, but now I realise life is not so simple. I live in muddled times and find that I spend most of my effort railing against the strong and defending the weak. It's time I live as according to my principles and join the side which is winning.
womack: LOL
womack: People have been known to make mistakes about that rather important point
womack: Bibi, for example, thought he was picking the winner recently but bad week for Bibi, after all.
dfunkt: who the hell is Bibi?
womack: There's a neat little link for Google but the admins flare up about it
dfunkt: nvm.. I lookoed it up
womack: "Obama’s Victory Shocks Israel" http://www.roitov.com/articles/obama2.htm This chap rather well informed
dfunkt: not to worry, the US won't abandon their Isreali allies yet. They have nothing to be shocked about; it's business as usual.
womack: dfunkl's expetise on Israel seems to develop rather rapidly?
womack: Maybe I should have spelled it "supposed expertise" ?
dfunkt: I don't make any claim to expertise
womack: only predictions
dfunkt: sure
dfunkt: I think tomorrow it will not rain
womack: & dfunkl will be sober, too?
dfunkt: I don't drink
dfunkt: I am a real life abstainer from alcohol... imagine that
dfunkt: I never would have thougt it possible 20 years ago
dfunkt: but I smoke like a fiend :)
dfunkt: and I don't care how many warning they put on cig packs or how many dirty looks I get
18:04 hrs
2.) 21:12 hrs
Welcome to the English Chat Room, the place to chat.
reprisal: uh, neither
Bazoo: really?
reprisal: incumbent advantage and generally improving economy
reprisal: also, romney as a filler candidate
Bazoo: America is inertia?
Bazoo: surely not ...
reprisal: of course
reprisal: despite what the media pretends, singular events late in the election dont mean much
Bazoo: BO was 47pc last week
reprisal: the last remnants of undecideds tend to go for incumbent
reprisal: but a good portion of them have actually already decided
Bazoo: When was it? Ford ? when that was really wrong?
reprisal: dewey vs truman
reprisal: the newspapers called that one wrong
Bazoo: ah, yes
Bazoo: I'm only an ignorant, interested Brit, lol
ckg: looks like you can sleep now bazoo

Bazoo: yes, ty. I will, once I finish the Champers.
Bazoo: Karl Rove thinks recount, hah
Bazoo: It must be bad, Fox is talking about cooking.
reprisal: haha
reprisal: populare vote is still in the air
reprisal: surprised they arent talking about that
Bazoo: Hamilton is R, but wont swing Ohio?
Bazoo: Rove appears to be grasping at straws.
reprisal: its his job
reprisal: cant criticize a fly for biting you
MrEmDash: "stop it fly. You're so bad at biting"
Bazoo: He's been a dangerous idiot from way back.
reprisal: rove is far, far from and idiot
Bazoo: really?
reprisal: yes
Bazoo: abortion?
Bazoo: death penalty?
reprisal: he's a political operator and hatchetman, and a republican one at that, but he is highly capable
reprisal: very dangerous to confuse positions you dont like with incompetence
Bazoo: Spear was capable ..
womack: Rove got a little carried away re running the 9/11 Stunt, soon found himself back in private life
Bazoo: Lenin was capable
womack: Quite diff characters
Bazoo: Leninwas a political operator ...
womack: Lenin was a cosmic mastermind of the cracked variety
stumped: any chance of rommey getting 53% of the popular vote?
Bazoo: And, I would contend, a dangerous idiot. Both very bright, but perhaps wrong.
womack: VIL's coup d'etat did serve the interests of the colonial peoples
reprisal: no, stumped
reprisal: thats around what obama got in 08 IIRC
womack: "idiot" comes from the Greek root for "private" thus the opposite of a man of the _polis_
Bazoo: not quite womak?
womack: USA TODAY: 11:47PM EST November 6. 2012 - 11:25 p.m. -- It's official: Barack Obama has been re-elected as the 44th president of the United States
Bazoo: private and public are a bit wider in Greek
womack: How fluent Bazoo?
oren: how is it official if more votes can swing it
Bazoo: Not at all
gigazord: presidents are like mold, aged but not what you want
oren: news organizations are odd
womack: It's been 40 yrs since I corrected Arrowsmith's translation of BACCHAE
oren: Dewey defeats Truman!
ckg: not official yet
womack: Bush defeats Gore, 9 to 4 !
womack: 5/4
oren: Romney now ahead in Ohio
peaceiswar: bad joke
Bazoo: oren are you watching FOX?
oren: NBC
stumped: recount ! recount!
oren: there will be
peaceiswar: Donald Trump is calling for revolution
womack: every day
Bazoo: for his wig or the gov?
womack: Trump : "He lost the popular vote by a lot and won the election. We should have a revolution in this country!"
womack: 'Tis hard to be wrong all the time.
Bazoo: Is he the same sort of joke figure that Alan Sugar is in the UK?
stumped: that sounds familar ... 2004?
reprisal: never heard of alan sugar, but joke figure is the right phrase
womack: To find a serious figure, I'd have to go looking for Bishop Tutu
Bazoo: He's certainly hated around Aberdeen, look up his golf course.
womack: WaPo: Networks: Obama wins President defeats Romney with close victories in battleground states
Bazoo: womack, the great archbishop is honoured in the uk by having a degree classification (admitedly a low one) named after him.
womack: Next step: Let Blair's cell be numbered "22" ?
Bazoo: Which (or witch) Blair?
womack: Speaking of witch, tonight will Obomber tick off any more names on his global assassination list?
womack: Another besides tony the poodle?
11/6 18:43
Welcome to the English Chat Room, the place to chat.
gigazord: 'so far'
Bazoo: Those who have declared
gigazord: I will despair if Romney wins
gigazord: we don't need a delusional pseudo-Christian
Falcon89: a Mormon
gigazord: worse
BongoBob: a Moleman.
gigazord: I've read it, it's bunk
womack: http://tinyurl.com/a2u8jnh Subject: FTR = "For The Record" On the Eve of? Newsgroups: tx.politics, oh.general, fl.politics, wi.general, alt.gossip.celebrities Date: Mon, 5 Nov 2012 16:20 -0800 (PST)
Bazoo: is a mormon less sensible then the other christians?
GLOSSARY 20121010:
AG2HXU = "Always Good To Hear From You"
APM = “As Previously Mentioned”
AFTOC = “After a Fair Trial, Of Course”
CIB = “Composition In Brief”, i.e. only short time available.
DEW = "Dog Ever Willing". The medieval predecessor of this pious sentiment was "D.V.", for "Deus Volens". The ancient Muslim equivalent = _Insha'Allah_, witch's in turn the origin of the common Spanish word _ojala_, as in "!Ojala que si!" or "May it be so!" Clearly similar in meaning to our English "Amen!"
F = "Follow-up" + # for order of appearance in the given thread.
FODAD = Freedom Of Diet And Dress
FTR = 1.) "For The Record". 2.) "Failure To Respond".
GABI = “Grin And Bear It”
GREPA = "Global REvolutionary Police Action".
_hasbara_ = Hebrew for "lies for Jews to peddle to normal people alias "gentiles". Such a lipflapper, especially a hired one = a "hasbarat".
HDS = "Hypohetical Diligent Student"
HP = “Hang HenKi by his Pinkie”
HenKi = Henry Kissinger
hrz = Zulu Time, formerly "GMT", now aka "CUT" or "UTC" for something-or-other from a committee.
IFOT = "In the Fullness Of Time"
JA = Jewish-American, in several variations: R for Regime; T
for Tyranny; M for eMpire; PE for Planetary Empire (thus, “JAPE”)
JJ = joojingo
joopo = Jewish Secret Police
JOW = "Jew Of the Worst Sort"
K7 = Kosher King Kissinger's Kultish Kabal of Kiddie- Killers
KPFS = "Know Problem, Find Solution"
MEDUSA = propaganda alias "news" MEDia of the USA
MLG = “Murdering Little Girls”.
MULL = "MUrder, Looting & Lying"
Nolan = "NOLAstName", as in "Jessica Nolan" of
Subject: Peyote for Pratchett?
Date: Fri, 24 May 2013 08:08:21 -0700
ODC's = “Occupied & Destroyed Countries”.
OFD = “One Fine Day”
OP = "Originating Post"
PBAT = "Please Be Advised That"
PFAB = "Please Find Appended Below".

PFG = Philadelphia Fire Gang, Mayor & police who on May 13,1985 burned to death 5 kids & 6 adults and destroyed a block of homes in the process.
STD = "Shot To Death". When with extension then "By Jews".
SOTS = "Sons Of The Stern" gang. Yes, that's a soft "gee" at the end there, eh? Also "SOTSi" to rhyme with the obvious, as in "SOTSis now much worse than were Nazis back when."
T6 = Tucson, 6 slain in Stunt of Saturday 8 January.
Thread Protocol Nomenclature:
OP = "Originating Post", hence also "-er".
On this thread, OP = _moi_ or {Hal Womack 3-dan
F = "Follow-up", hence also F1 etc for Follow-up posters.
TOC = "Time Of Composition"
UZI's = Ultra-Zionists
wark = from War Kriminal,
plural = "warx"
WADRT = "With All Due Respect To"
WTB = "With The Blessing", as Stephen Maturin says.
YKA = "You Knew Already" ?
Hal Womack 3-dan
2013-08-28 10:10:02 UTC
See also:

Open Letter To President Bashar al-Assad




Post by Hal Womack 3-dan
The Jews have taken over our world, including KGS aka the "Kabalistic _Go_ Server". We can also call this group JOWS for "Jews Of The Worst Sort". Recently I have created the additional tag "SOTSies" for "Sons Of The Stern" gang, with the obvious rhyme.
The J's have seized virtually all of the power points in the USA and in several similar countries mainly composed of and formerly ruled by white Christians. China OTOH being far too dense & ancient a civilization to allow for such internal infiltration & infestation, the J's loom over her externally by virtue, as it were, of their having captured the Pentagon, with the latter's claimed power of being able to destroy all higher life on Earth more than a score of times over.
The latest joosh stunt on the global stage was what the also Jew-run WIKI calls: "The 2013 Ghouta attacks were a series of chemical attacks that occurred on Wednesday, 21 August 2013, in the Ghouta region of the Rif Dimashq Governorate of Syria."
The apparent mastermind of this latest atrocity was, of course, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, whose obvious objective was to throw the blame therefor on the Government of Syria led by President Bashar al-Assad. This false-flag operation thus closely paralleled the 9/11/2001 Stunt in the USA, witch was overseen by old KinkHenKi & his junior partner Aerial Shaboom.
MEDUSA [see Glossary] is growling that the jootool "President" Barracks Obomber is about to bomb Syria in ridiculous "retaliation" for Israel having bombed her already and then dropping the poison gas.
Maybe I will get around to writing up this latest war mania of the Jews in more detail. At the moment, however, I have some time on my hands because the anonymous KGS censors aka "admins" have again booted me for speaking up in the "English Game Room".
{Sorry, you cannot log in because this account or internet address is temporarily blocked. The reason for blocking is "you know not to mention your politics in the EGR.....".}
[short form]
USSRMan: this is the 99th year anniversary of "the war to end all wars"
Meepy: the war on drugs?
beerslayer: the great war
Meepy: hmmm, the war on terror
Oloril: It didn't work as adveritsed, can we get a refund?
USSRMan: the war on terror is an extension of the fall of the ottoman empire
Meepy: maybe it's the war on poverty
Oloril: An empire of furniture?
Nim: check your privilage.
komiserate: check your spelling.
Nim: patriarchy.
Oloril: I make it a point never to trust people named Kevin
womack: Oloril means to say "Kerry" ?
Falcon89: I bet Oloril like Calvin Klein dresses
womack: BTW "GWOT" = the brand name for the imperial Kabal's campaign of mass murder, soon to escalate
pete038861: its two months and I still dont get used to how people comment on a go game
beerslayer: nah i get all my insane conspiracy theories from the weeklyworld news
pete038861: like, its huge, its big, suspicious, creepy
pete038861: lots of uncertainty with these words
Falcon89: haha, pete, lots of junk chats in Go games
beerslayer: i cut them out with with safety scissors and paste them on the walls
pete038861: junk chats
pete038861: Im glad Im not the only one find them annoying
Falcon89: you'll get used to them and ignore
Falcon89: in time
pete038861: the reason I cannot learn from the game I watch is I always think about these comments. it wastes my time and distracts me from the game lol
tywin: You could always avoid the very top two or three games. Pick some solid 3-4d match to watch.
[longer form]
komiserate: hello, brianh
dohduhdah: any obsessive compulsive go players out there?
komiserate: i am
komiserate: kind of
Meepy: i'm not in denial
ausrussell: i became obsessive this week
komiserate: that's good. otherwise, you would be drownded
dohduhdah: me 2.. but I think addiction can also be a good thing, like an addiction to music or an addiction to information
capnattack: Hey nyanjilla, I've been wondering for a while, what does "juunen hayameta otoko" mean? I mean "ten years early man" doesn't really make sense in english
Oloril: I was born 10 years early man.
dohduhdah: knowledge is addictive.... the more you know, the more you realize how little you know
capnattack: (if you need a context, it's the new Iron Chef, they call the Iron Chef Chinese "juunen hayameta otoko, Wakiya Yuji"
beerslayer: wow 0d rengo
beerslayer: *9d
komiserate: hate rengo
Nyanjilla: someone who speeded up for ten years?
Nyanjilla: oh wait... he gave up for ten years
Falcon89: maybe 10 yrs of hard training as a Chef
Nyanjilla: juunen ha yameta
Falcon89: I think the New Iron Chef is a TV show
capnattack: 10年早めた男
capnattack: the whole thing is "中華料理の歴史を10年早めた男”
Nyanjilla: difficult to tell from the romaji
dohduhdah: are there any videos of pro go players where technology is used so you can see what the pro player is looking at on the goban?
Oloril: I'm just waiting for Iron Chef 2: The Revenge of the Steel Crab
dohduhdah: with a camera that tracks eye movements
santiago: there are usually overhead cameras
Tiracula: no but some pro players hover their head so far over the board, its easy to tell what they're looking aat
capnattack: Ok, thanks anyway, nyan
icecream: desman is "sauerkraut, xy is kimchi
icecream: aussie is px。
dohduhdah: s p a c e d o u t
beerslayer: something funny ive noticed about chinese restaurants run by real chinese is how the names always seem to be extremely simple and clear such as yummy house and best food
Nyanjilla: icecream---that's enough double-sized characters, thank you
beerslayer: and many chinese films are very clear and simple in their plots which is rather refreshing after too much ambiguity and fuzziness in many western films
icecream: my dream is called "salmi"
Oloril: Psh, western films have moved past plot. We're living in a post-plot world.
Oloril: These days all you need for a film is some explosions and one-liners
beerslayer: i wonder if this is simply the chinese theatre tradition or a reaction to the way the chinese language lends itself to double meanings or whether its just the need to cross cultural barriers by stripping out all possible misinterpretations
icecream: if u are rich enouth , i may produce your films and all the first role were you
beerslayer: of course ive seen subtle chinese films too but they seem much less common
beerslayer: ah well im a huge film watcher as you can tell ^^;
icecream: but one thing u might not have that audiom
icecream: if no one loves to watch ur films
beerslayer: *pats icecream kindly*
Oloril: Beer, being a big movie person. How do you feel about the whole batman thing?
icecream: haha, and there is one thing that u also may do>> let those films be all free gifts
Falcon89: America needs Hero
beerslayer: ah hell olo i may be in the minority but i find that im not terribly fond of the enormously popular comic book adaptation genre
beerslayer: i did like sin city and the x men releases though
Oloril: I had a conversation with someone about the Avengers movie in which I was told in all seriousness that it was a good movie because there was no need for character development because it was all done in previous movies.
beerslayer: the latest batman series werent too bad even if they did suffer from the usual glut of nonsensical action scenes
momiji: I think ben affleck has only made 30 bad films, so we should give him a chance
beerslayer: *wasnt
icecream: This morning is so lovely blue color
icecream: if anyone could enjoy it, the beerslayer would have cry and laught at the same time
beerslayer: im currently watching an obscure french film called joy house
icecream: would have cried and laughted
beerslayer: its rather forgettable but is mildly notable for having a young jane fonda in it
icecream: u shouldn't type that obscure word
beerslayer: O_o
icecream: Now u are like the popcorns
beerslayer: i have one list of 1100 premier quality prescreened films that seem really worth watching and another raw list of about 1800 films that might be worth watching
beerslayer: i keep the lists on imdb and have actually printed out the cover dvd art for about 1000 films from the premier and keep the sheets in a box
icecream: really? do i have the lucky chance to enjoy that
Oloril: I find that I hate 90% of movies I watch
icecream: one film pays u a cup of best icecream
beerslayer: its fun to leaf through the paper printouts for a few more to watch
beerslayer: youre cursed with intelligence olo
Oloril: So I just stick to books and the movies with actors I enjoy
Oloril: Like Eastwood, I'd watch almost anything with him in it
beerslayer: that means youll hate the stupidities that run rampant through a great many major productions
icecream: beer, u ignored me
beerslayer: i find that ignoring the bloopers and absurdities as much as possible works well enough much of the time
beerslayer: sorry ice dude you should make a nice film and take it to an indie film festival
Oloril: I just find that 2 hours is a rather pathetically short time to try and tell a good story in
Oloril: Especially when you spend most of that time on one liners and explosions
beerslayer: olo have you read the short story the marching morons by hmmm kornbluth
Oloril: I have not, but I'm googling it now
beerslayer: its a classic from the fifties i think
beerslayer: google for marching morons pdf
Meepy: there's a writer named 'hmmm'?
stumped: Popular name in the fifties.
Meepy: wow, googling 'writer' and 'hmmm' is not useful
beerslayer: no no hmmm is what you say to yourself before you google kornbluth
Eliza: maybe you haven't spelled it right
USSRMan: this is the 99th year anniversary of "the war to end all wars"
Meepy: the war on drugs?
beerslayer: the great war
Meepy: hmmm, the war on terror
Oloril: It didn't work as adveritsed, can we get a refund?
USSRMan: the war on terror is an extension of the fall of the ottoman empire
Meepy: maybe it's the war on poverty
Oloril: An empire of furniture?
Nim: check your privilage.
komiserate: check your spelling.
Nim: patriarchy.
Oloril: I make it a point never to trust people named Kevin
womack: Oloril means to say "Kerry" ?
Falcon89: I bet Oloril like Calvin Klein dresses
womack: BTW "GWOT" = the brand name for the imperial Kabal's campaign of mass murder, soon to escalate
pete038861: its two months and I still dont get used to how people comment on a go game
beerslayer: nah i get all my insane conspiracy theories from the weeklyworld news
pete038861: like, its huge, its big, suspicious, creepy
pete038861: lots of uncertainty with these words
Falcon89: haha, pete, lots of junk chats in Go games
beerslayer: i cut them out with with safety scissors and paste them on the walls
pete038861: junk chats
pete038861: Im glad Im not the only one find them annoying
Falcon89: you'll get used to them and ignore
Falcon89: in time
pete038861: the reason I cannot learn from the game I watch is I always think about these comments. it wastes my time and distracts me from the game lol
tywin: You could always avoid the very top two or three games. Pick some solid 3-4d match to watch.
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8/22/13 12:00 PM -- Teaching game with Tsurukame
8/24/13 12:00 PM -- An audio lecture by Guo Juan, 5p
MrEmDash: all the rich people dropped out
MrEmDash: as did the poor people
GengYang: but bill gates got extremely lucky with IBM
MrEmDash: so take your chances
stumped: If you dont drop out , you cant get rich
Herod: It was more than luck
walshie: stumped i have no idea if you were being fecitious
walshie: but that actually sounds sort of true
GengYang: did zuckerberg drop out?
slowdirect: I saw the movie and it wasn't luck
MrEmDash: i think so
Herod: He was one of the very few kids in the world who got any signficant time on the very first computers while he was in high school
MrEmDash: Zuckerberg dropped out of Harvard in his sophomore year to complete his project.
walshie: of course zuckerberg dropped out
walshie: but this should be obvious..
MrEmDash: heehee
walshie: why would anyone with a million billion dollars go to college?
walshie: isnt the idea of college to help a human make more money?
teeth: e
GengYang: zuckerbergs' wife snagged a prince, lucky girl
teeth: yes
Herod: No, the idea of college is to learn a variety of things. Some of which might be useful in a later career. Some which might just make you better rounded.
walshie: you're american
stumped: You go to college to play go, duh
Herod: The worst thing for your game is to graduate from school
GengYang: although i have to say i respect bill gates and steve jobs more, they were the ones who started it all
Herod: When you have to go to work, then you don
Herod: don't have nearly as much time for your game
walshie: what you just described is the way college works in america herod
Herod: Sure
walshie: european colleges are focused toward your profession from day 1
USSRMan: that is why american colleges rank higher than european
walshie: rank higher in what, exactly?
GengYang: america owns all the bets colleges
walshie: attendance?
walshie: dropouts?
GengYang: in science and tech
Herod: In football and basketball teams, of course
USSRMan: reserach
GengYang: MIT, harvard, stanford - no institution even comes close
USSRMan: funding
womack: Here's a fresharticle relating to US billionaires: http://www.countercurrents.org/jackowski200813.htm [Justice should not be doled out by geography. The Drone killings in Afghanistan are crying out for Justice. Murder is murder.]
Herod: No politics here please
walshie: well, research is interesting
trousey: you can talk about anything i believe in the english chat room right?
walshie: but funding is a bit of a weird point
Herod: The English Chat Room is fine for all those topics
tywin: More or less, trousey. There's also the All Politics room, of course.
walshie: since only US funds are going to go toward US colleges and same for european ones
womack: Further political discussion possible in English Chat Room
trousey: i was just making sure i pass the right information along in the future
Herod: Keep it clean and not insulting, that's all
walshie: but i still believe that european colleges are more efficient at creating professionals
USSRMan: which is why usa gdp is higher than EU combined?
walshie: another unfair comparison
Welcome to the English Chat Room, the place to chat.
SamSpade: so how many people are killed by drones each year?
USSRMan: less than 7 billion
womack: Greetings. Does Sam S alreay have a stat?
SamSpade: i'll look it up
womack: Me playing now , comrades
SamSpade: Senator Lindsey Graham estimated the death toll to be at 4700 in february
stumped: Why is womack still here whereas snowden is hiding out in russia ?
USSRMan: snowden is overrated
USSRMan: he released secret materials that were already well known
elementc: the point is that he confirmed the stuff
elementc: Of course we all "knew" but it's like science. You have to get the evidence.
USSRMan: yes but i feel the media overblown the whole situation
womack: My G.O. or Game Over now. Thx to Sam S for a #. And why I am using my own name while "Stumped" hides under a rock?
womack: US-Israeli Regime rotten to core, scared stiff of further defections a la Snowden, Manning & others.
womack: USA plenty dangerous territory, for sure. Michael Hastings, Gary Webb, JFK, MLK, Malcolm X, Princess Diana & K's of others R.I.P.
stumped: Princess Diana ??
womack: Just another 'hood in the empire
womack: Or does stumped question Regime motive for striking Diana & Dody?
USSRMan: pretty sure princess diana was killed by the french (in an accident)
alobar: stumped, stop hiding under a rock
alobar: use your real name
alobar: patrick lee does
alobar: and leelichan does
alobar: be a mensch stumped
alobar: and put up a picture of yourself, profided you are better looking than womack.
womack: Does "USSRMAN" also think that Lee Harvey Oswald rosefrom the dead and Jesus Christ blew up the WTC ?
alobar: he probably does they are common beliefs in russia.
womack: alobar needs a corner of his own?
alobar: and a soap box
stumped: and soap ?
womack: Mild or antibiotic?
alobar: no i just want to stand on a corner and rant like womack.
alobar: i want to see government agents behind ever bush
alobar: i want to believe that "they" are sticking it to us.
womack: As in the GEo BushIntelligence Center?
Oloril: Just the Bushs or the Obamas too?
womack: B O & Clintonz all serve KinkHenKi
Oloril: Jeb Bush 2016!
alobar: it is a conspiracy oloril, you will never understand.
holynec: shut up
alobar: who must sht up holy?
holynec: EVERYONE
holynec: !!
holynec: <-- gone mad
alobar: ah holy is getting nervous, he thinks we will target the king next.
stumped: dont tie yourself in knots
holynec: i got lots of knots in my muscles
holynec: i got lots of knots in my muscles
holynec: :k
womack: alobar can give holynec H4?
alobar: it is full moon again and womack is ranting.
alobar: let him have his fun until same time next month
holynec: and i can give you 4 handi womach ^^
alobar: i thought H4 was something to do with horse.
womack: For alobar facts + logic= "rant". a 9k analysisof the inferior sort
alobar: racing
alobar: my other account is 6d womack
alobar: and i am not a taxi driver.
womack: alobar & holyneec quite the pair
alobar: well at least he is becoming a little more rational
alobar: holy we will make an honest sane man of him yet.
holynec: ain't worth the trouble
holynec: womack is good the way it is
alobar: i rejoice in the return of the lost lamb.
elementc: This might come in handy for certain segments of the ECR population. http://www.theskepticsguide.org/podcast/5x5
alobar: because we know and they know and he is the only one who is out of the loop.
alobar: do you have a guide for the paranoid as well element?
womack: So seldom that a "6d" takes Black from an 8k & resigns. Either that or "alobar" lies like the proverbial rug?
alobar: i never resign when i play my 6d account
alobar: use yor loaf womack
elementc: The episodes with titles beginning with "Skepticism 101" would be the most pressing.
alobar: to stay 9k i have to play like 9k
SamSpade: looks interesting, elementc
womack: alobar the one who also made up the Official 9/11 Story?
elementc: Hey Sam, glad at least one person appreciates it!
alobar: there is no 9/11 story. the rest of the world does not care at all about one incident.
alobar: do you really think anyone outside america cares womack?
elementc: the people getting bombed because of it it might
womack: alobar denies that many people care about a cover story abused to try to justify millions of murders, mainly of Muslims
alobar: you guys took a hit, and fell victim to your own stupidity and incompetence. Hardly newsworthy. We have our own little problems to worry about. now get over it.
womack: KinkHenKi & Aerial Shaboom pulled a Stunt to keep their Empire going. We'll get over it when the perps are pickled.
alobar: trivial. boring.
womack: Netanyahu just gave alobar a raise?
alobar: and very old
womack: In the news
alobar: my raise is not in the news
womack: Beg to differ
womack: "lesser included offences"
alobar: beg then. it is your destiny
womack: alobar ID's itself as liar & fantasist?
alobar: Ok thanks womack, looks like you are all ranted out. I am going for a game of go. see you next month for another full-moon therpy session.
womack: Maybe alobar can find a 15k to watch his claimed game?
womack: 05:49 hrz 8/21
Move 1
foray2 [2k?]: gg
womack [2k]: Hello
Move 59
foray2 [2k]: so not thx
foray2 [2k]: you play bad
foray2 [2k]: sorry but it's the truth
foray2 [2k]: i'm juste tired
womack [2k]: tired, rude & stupid ?
womack [2k]: Note: B resigned after Move #58.
Welcome to the English Chat Room, the place to chat.
clydesdale: Hitler was a vegetarian
Jarlaxle: yes. lots of famous people are
Jarlaxle: it would solve our climate problems
Jarlaxle: Gandhi was a vegetarian
womack: Before we can solve the climate problem, we must first resolve the most urgent issue of global mass murder by the U.S.-Israeli Regime.
Sheriffi: free tibet >:O
womack: Free Palestine & all Earth. Tibet was part of China 5 centuries before Columbus was born.
clydesdale: i think Assad gets the mass murfer prize at the moment
clydesdale: Murder*
clydesdale: not to mention al qaeda in Iraq
Jarlaxle: and the world bank and the IMF and their structural adjustment programs
Jarlaxle: damn neoliberalism
womack: Clydesdale swallows Pentagon swill re Syria. USRael behind foreign attacks on Assad government. Gideon Polya PhD & leading expert estimates
alobar: mazel Tov
womack: USGov has murdered ~30,000,000 [thirty million] victims worldwide since 1950
alobar: why did it take so long?
womack: Nameless "alobar" professes enthusiasm for mass murder?
alobar: i just think if you are going to do a job you may as wel do it as efficiently as the romans the turks, and the russians germans and chinese have done in the course of history.
alobar: besides, no-one other than an american cares about what america does or does not do.
alobar: you have had a long series of the most inane and mindless leaders and they merely reflect the intellectual poverty of the american population.
womack: alobar [nationality?] merely blithers. Also forgets that we created world law against aggressive war in 1945.
alobar: who created the law?
alobar: and who has obeyed it?
alobar: how many wars have there been since 1945?
womack: Most everybody except USRael, in notorious fact.
alobar: Just to change the subject. Where is your friend "long lost" ?
womack: Accelerated blither?
alobar: angola mocambique rhodesia kenya, nigeria, chad vietnam, korea, england, argentina russia, south africa, bosnia, to name but a few.
womack: African wars of liberation. Clinton contrived Bosnian conflict as diversion from his destruction of Iraq
womack: Vietnam & Korea, opf course, were two of the many targets of US aggression
alobar: so if america kills it upsets you but if black perpetuate genocides you don't notice?
womack: I favor prosecuting all murderers in order of the magnitude of their crime
alobar: and most of the wars wre post liberation with the exception of rhodesia.
womack: exceptions of Mozambique, SAfrica, Angola, Kenya
alobar: there waas no war in south africa before 1994.
alobar: the conflict in angola and mozambique only took off after liberation by comaprison to before and lasted 16 years.
alobar: kenya only 12 farmers were killed before liberation.
womack: The Battle of Cuito Cuanavale in 1987/88
alobar: Yes there was on battle in angola of note and then america fled from the russian migs and 16 years of bloodshed followed.
womack: Alobar a mine of misinformation?
alobar: when america starts to lose men at a good rate they turn tail and run. always have always will
alobar: my friends and relatives died in angola and rhodesia and kenya and mocambique.
womack: mercs?
alobar: i may be better informed than you.
womack: for example?
alobar: i have livd this, you have seen the propaganda on television and listened to half baked politicians.
womack: Quite common, however, for Mr A to be better informed about X while Mr B knows more about Y
womack: Let alobar write up his [?] life experience & stop bloviating about people of whom he is quite ignorant?
alobar: to you it is an adolescent stance you took because you were mocked by your peers.
alobar: how many conflicts have you seen taking place on your doorstep?
womack: Actually I am the most famous shooter in the City of San Francisco, since alobar asks. I also worked successfully for Vietnam for 12 yrs during war time
alobar: you served in the vietcong army?
womack: ogranization & propaganda stateside, actually
alobar: and what do you shoot in san francisco, H?
womack: although I do have a DD214, if alobar knows what that is
alobar: no idea. what is it?
womack: In 1993 I shot Dallas Johnson, a stooge sent by the DEA to attack me. This story quite well known hereabouts
alobar: did you get a purple heart?
womack: DD214 = certificate of honorable discharge from US Army
womack: I just got open heart surgery but missed the colors
alobar: no wonde you are bitter about the army.
womack: on the contrary, I loved the free ammo
alobar: and did you actually go fight in vietnam and take part in any action.
womack: alobar shamelesly makes up stories about people who are unkown to him
alobar: did you see any military action?
womack: We had quite a bit of action here in the USA which led to Lyndon Johnson stepping down from the White House
womack: asked & answered
alobar: ok, so you have a beef about america killing people, but have never tried to oppose them in a meaningful way.
womack: Gee, alobar disagrees with the US secret police about that
womack: + we are definitely still working on the defeat of the US empire
alobar: no the secret police are so secret only you and the actor in a beautiful mind know about them.
womack: witch gets shakier every day
womack: The secret police are all over the map & have lots of defectors
womack: going way back
alobar: i can just say i am glad you are against america and not my country. I would hate to see Botswana crumble beneath your feet.
womack: alobar devoted to rubbish. Obomber & KinkHenKi are against America & our human race as a whole. alobar now claiming to speak for Botswana?
clam: it's difficult to know which of you is the paranoid nutter and which the opinionated fool
womack: For "clam" 7k knowing anything at all indeed difficult, eh what?
clam: Knowing some things works for me.
straits: Besides, if womack played clam at 5 stones, not all the mistakes would be clam's.
womack: So, will "straits" give a game to "clam" ?
straits: Not right now, but if you were to watch my play, you'd notice I don't normally decline challenges except when the game conditions are changed.
straits: I might make an exception for people I'm likely to wind up arguing politics against.
womack [2k]: Hello
bentop [1k]: hi
bentop [1k]: your pic is not you?
womack [2k]: Really?
bentop [1k]: how come you steal from other
womack [2k]: You tell lies every day of the week ?
bentop [1k]: can you confirm the u pic is u?
womack [2k]: Does someone care to denyit?
bentop [1k]: I ask you yes or no??
bentop [1k]: Now I know you pic is not you at all!!
bentop [1k]: Why you ddo this tirty thing?
womack [2k]: Of all the 1k's I have met, U talk most like a fool/
bentop [1k]: Why u steal pic??
womack [2k]: 2ndquestion = womack [2k]: You tell lies every day of the week ?
bentop [1k]: a lot of players complaimts about you in KGS
womack [2k]: Your source ?
bentop [1k]: you need to pay if u pic is not u!
[game resumed on 20130625]
womack [2k]: wifi problems here. sorry about that
bentop [1k]: ok
[B wins by 6]
jhgf: another way to learn travel is work for a travel company.
jhgf: travel has an air of romanticism and mystique but that is naivete.
jhgf: the world is a jungle and will be so going forward in the new world (dis)order.
womack: General goal = 1st world order out of present dis- ?
womack: Just sayin'.....[16:o7 hrz [Zulu].
{Welcome to the English Chat Room, the place to chat.
McMaster: Happy new year! What is your goal for 2013?
Marathon: to make it to 2014
elementc: go back to college
Marathon: how old are you, ec?
elementc: 23
McMaster: to make it to 2014 .. no problem, just run faster
Marathon: good luck
Critical01: My goal for 2013 become 1d
McMaster: go back to college .. congrats, college life is great life
HelloCoder: My goal is to make HelloBot beat LibertyBot or TankBot
EggsAckley: i went back to college after dropping out... it only took me fourteen years to get my four-year degree.
McMaster: to become 1dan .. do 100 4k-1dan Tsumego everyday
Critical01: Well I do like 10 everyday
Critical01: 100 is a little too much xD
McMaster: fourteen years to get my four-year degree... that makes your degree more precious
McMaster: Critical.. no pain no gain
Critical01: But it takes me 30 minutes to do a hard problem and 5 mins an easy one, so I usually do like 8 easy and 2 hard a day
elementc: if it takes 30 minutes
elementc: the problem is not the right level
elementc: you need to build up
elementc: progresively
elementc: the hardest ones should take more like 10 minutes max
Critical01: But because I take 30 minutes to solve the problems correctly I'm 1d on goproblems.com
elementc: that site is awful
elementc: full of bad user submitted problems of low quality
Critical01: <<that's why I'm 1d there
Critical01: lol
McMaster: haha
McMaster: No one wants to write a book during 2013?
Marathon: i'm sure some people do. i'm not one of them.
Critical01: me neither
elementc: It should take you longer than one year to write a proper book
Critical01: unless you're a speedwriter
Marathon: what about a small book?
McMaster: to write.... doesn't mean you have to finish the book before 2014
Marathon: they only have to start or continue?
McMaster: Another one: someone wants to invent something and be as rich as Bill Gates?
womack: "To write a book" somewhat antique now? Update = to degin a complex, inclu big screen & U-tube?
Marathon: a lot of people *want* that mcm, but few can do that.
EggsAckley: animated cartoon.
McMaster: To write a book" somewhat antique now?...not quite, Rick Warren's book is selling like hotcakes, just to name one..
womack: "as rich as Bill Gates" reminiscent of "as richas Hermann Goering in 1944" ?
glasszee: please move all relevant go related discussion to the English Game Room. thank you.
McMaster: since it is new year, we would rather not to talk about mr. Goering
womack: 2013 admin censorship in ECR ?McMaster: nah, just my own humble opinion
womack: Hence the mild typeface, eh?}
wither: it isnt direct there either
Warfreak2: a "waste" means that you could do better
Warfreak2: if something is optimal then by definition it has no waste
wither: optimal to humans
wither: not optimal in theory
wither: although optimal is a harsh word too
wither: in fact pure capitalism isnt optimal i think
Warfreak2: right
wither: well in capitalism also theres another thing.. if one company wins out short term it can deliberately crush better solutions that come up
wither: like if a lion figured out to kill every smaller predator that might ever evolve into something stronger
Warfreak2: as i said, the "markets are efficient" theorem, or whatever you want to call it, works for markets with perfect competition, and even then doesn't predict total overall efficiency when the requirements for perfect competition are themselves inefficient
Warfreak2: my favourite example is rail networks
Stochasty: SKwint, that's only partially true. Consider the case of the ammonites. Eventually, short terms solutions drove the entire family extinct, whereas species which we more well-adapted overall survived.
Warfreak2: in order to run a perfectly competitive rail network industry, we have to reduce barriers to entry, such as not being allowed to lay down rail tracks whereever you want
wither: that reduces barriers to entry?
Warfreak2: after that, a perfectly competitive rail network industry has, for each route, many rails running in parallel
Warfreak2: sure it does, if i want to build a new railway, your private land where i want to put tracks is a barrier to my building it
wither: i was thinking more like.. im just going to go out and put rails everywhere i feel like.. now im in business!
wither: no entry problem
Warfreak2: right
Warfreak2: well, you need to compulsarily purchase the land so you can put your tracks there
Mef: You can lease rights
Warfreak2: but compulsory purchase laws mean an inefficient outcome simply because people don't like having their land compulsorily-purchased
Warfreak2: in practice, when capitalism tries to do trains, each provider has monopolies over their respective routes
Stochasty: That's more an issue with scarcity than barriers to entry, isn't it, War? When I think of barriers to entry, I'm thinking more along the lines of, say, the operating system market, where it requires a prohibitve amount of money and effort to produce a competitive product.
Stochasty: (I guess the end result is the same, though.)
Warfreak2: scarcity in this case is a barrier to entry
Warfreak2: a barrier to entry is anything which might prevent a player from entering the game
wither: milan wont take my offers
Stochasty: Ah, I see. Yeah; scarcity is just the mechanism behind the barrier.
Stochasty: Here's a market theory question for you: is there a known (mathematical) relation between barriers to entry and market efficiency (say, in the form of excess profits created by the lack of competition)?
wither: i would be very surprised if economists hadnt invented them
wither: and would be even more surprised if they actually agreed amongst themselves
Stochasty: Ah, yes. Probably the case. I keep forgetting how similar economics is to quantum gravity; lots of theorists, no experiments. :)
wither: too many experiments
wither: well. maybe not controlled
Mef: too many "experiments" (=
Stochasty: I disagree. There are none, because it's impossible to set up a control.
wither: yes yes i saw that
wither: ^
Stochasty: I type too slowly, haha.
Warfreak2: how are you measuring barriers to entry numerically?
Warfreak2: you can't write an equation if it's not a number
Stochasty: Hmmm... say, in terms of the size of the capital outlays w.r.t the size of the market?
Warfreak2: but cost of entry isn't the only barrier to entry
Stochasty: Yes, but the others can probably be written in terms of costs.
wither: i just think there are probably a lot of people who have spent their entire lives studying these things
wither: and theyve probably come up with measurements and all sorts of definitions
Warfreak2: on economics: http://www.npr.org/blogs/money/2012/11/13/165046113/episode-416-why-the-price-of-coke-didnt-change-for-70-years
omggg: warf, you said "the goal of an economy is to produce companies which are well-adapted to meeting the needs of the people" are those needs just their services or products? where does profit come into this?
omggg: I know that was I while back, I've been trying to catch up :)
wither: in theory, profit is a measure of how well the people believe their needs are being met
wither: like voting
Warfreak2: no
wither: a purchase is a vote for surivival of a company
Warfreak2: profit is only a measure of the ability to make profit
Warfreak2: profit is not the goal of an economy, that's the goal of each company
wither: a company meeting no ones needs probably wouldnt profit
wither: someone is saying its worthwhile for the company to exist
wither: maybe not the "people"
wither: but other entities
qwazidan: it suggests surplus .. a necessity of which more is better
wither: entities with more voting power
wither: i suppose you could argue then a mafia makes profits
womack: 'Tis but an illusion to suppose that this venue allows free discussion of political economy, whereas newsgroups such as alt.politics & sci.econ do in fact.
ChukNorris: Ping
wither: apparently this venue does
womack: Valuta seized by crimnal action = loot rather than profit. The whole US imperial system mainly criminal
wither: woah now youre on thin ice
womack: Notable differences between appearances & realities, eh?
wither: just what im guessing people will let you get away with
womack: "people" here meaning KGS censor kabal alias "admins", rt ?
wither: the vast majority of admins are extremely accomodating
womack: to certain parties, indeed
wither: i find most are highly reasonable
wither: not all, but most
womack: Another genuinely free venue, of course = rec.games.go
wither: or iceland or the philippines
womack: wither fleeing discussion? A noteworthy source = http://www.4thmedia.org/
womack: from Beijing
wither: im no more impressed by far left political theories than i am by far right
prolepsis: congratulations: you are far cantrist ^^#
womack: Successful animals operate on both sides of their bodies. Fundamental distinction = between truth vs lies
prolepsis: centrist*
womack: Once one commits war crimes, political labels such as "liberal, conservative, " etc become irrelevant
Stochasty: As a somewhat interested observer, I have to say that I am entirely at a loss as to what point womack is actually trying to make here, as regards political economy. Platitudes and pretty rhetoric do not an argument make.
wither: honestly i think things that are only going to get the discussion moved elsewhere
womack: Has stoc an argument to display for our edification?
Stochasty: Seems to be.
wither: and i hate moving
Stochasty: No. As I said; I'm an interested observer. There was an interesting conversation happening, which I was observing. Alas, hat conversation seems to have ended.
womack: The English Chat Room definitely has more elbow latitude than here
wither: are you saying you need breathing room?
Warfreak2: why would anyone be interested in observing anything womack says
Nickj: or that there's almost nobody in the English Chat Room?
ChukNorris: I tend to find hat conversations a tad dull
Stochasty: I'm not. Hence the "somewhat."
Warfreak2: i'll save you some time, womack isn't capable of insight
ChukNorris: I'm not very interested in hats
Stochasty: But you should be! How can anyone survive without an interesting hat?
womack: warf = an utter coward, quite beneath defending its POV in a free venue such as those mentioned above
alfalfa: hmmm chess term i think
Comrade: Any offers?
PeatMan: nah.... I'm 6k already.
Intuit: that's ok comrade...i'm not 15k anymore
Comrade: It was expensive new
Comrade: MFG has extensive Pro game libraries too
alfalfa: ah, yes... i googled for "chess patzer" and it came right up
Comrade: Cho. Kobayashi etc annotated games
arndt: what is patzer?
alfalfa: i googled for "chess patzer" and it came right up
arndt: yes?
alfalfa: yes.
arndt: odd how the modern man takes information in but never gives any out
alfalfa: now i will look up the etymology, at http://www.etymonline.com/
alfalfa: never?
arndt: from yiddisch, I suppose
alfalfa: german too
bert: "if a patzer draws strong moves, just keep calm and let him gather himself"
arndt: patzer in German is a mistake
alfalfa: i thought that i had provided an infinite amount of information via my comments, sorry if you don't agree :-)
arndt: "never" was just rhetoric hyperbole
Intuit: generalizations is a trait common to modern and primitive man alike ^^
alfalfa: i could cut-and-paste the information here
alfalfa: if that would make you happy
alfalfa: but then
alfalfa: i would have to do that.
arndt: I'm not convinced it would make me happy
alfalfa: and as it is, i've already spent an inordinate amount of time reacting to your assault on me :-)
alfalfa: "no good deed ever goes unpunished"
alfalfa: plus i typed in a URL for an etymology site, in case anyone might ever possibly be interested in something like that
alfalfa: it's not that long, but it says it better than i can.
alfalfa: here.
arndt: it's thoughtful of you, but it doesn't list patzer
alfalfa: i just now found that out for myself... because i've been wasting so much time "justifying" telling you to google "chess patzer"... which, as i have said before, comes right up.
alfalfa: ok. i give up.
alfalfa: all of you are right, and i am wrong.
arndt: oh no
arndt: that's too easy
arndt: m-w.com knows patzer
Warrior26: any high dan want to give me a free lesson for veterans day ? :)
alfalfa: uh-oh, no mail tomorrow?
alfalfa: veterans' day is the u.s. holiday during which we honor the survivors of war.
alfalfa: memorial day is the u.s. holiday during which we honor the victims.
Warrior26: uh yeah I'm aware :)
alfalfa: not everyone is from the united states
Warrior26: <--- veteran
Warrior26: tracking
arndt: I knew of both of them, but not when they are
arndt: but if veterans' day is today, that's easy to remember
Warrior26: haha
Warrior26: operation enduring freedom!
arndt: I'm thinking of the end of world war I
alfalfa: it's tomorrow
alfalfa: federal employees get the day off and i'm not sure, but maybe the NYSE is closed.
Warrior26: i was the ncoic of a firing party today for a veterans day parade so got to meet a lot of cool vietnam vets
arndt: tomorrow? armistice day is today
alfalfa: non-commissioned officer but what is ic?
Warrior26: in charge
alfalfa: i c :-)
PabloRR: Aye yo where twoeye is?
Warrior26: ha
Canuck: 11 hour 11 day 11 month 1918
alfalfa: poor archduke ferdinand, he never saw it coming.
alfalfa: too soon?
Warrior26: ha
Canuck: I'm not sure thr Duke did not see it comming but
Warrior26: we started our ceremony at 11:11 too :)
Canuck: for sure nobody envisioned the trouble all of those secret agreements would cause
alfalfa: (that's sort of why i thought it was funny)
alfalfa: in the u.s., we celebrate a lot of holidays on monday... i think that is to make wall street happy
alfalfa: one continuous week
alfalfa: as opposed to say, taking a thursday off.
alfalfa: although, thanksgiving is always on a thursday
Warrior26: I love having mondays off
alfalfa: the only day off better than a monday is a friday.
Warrior26: that sucks.. I am going on leave for 2 weeks :)
alfalfa: how long have you been in?
Warrior26: few years
Warrior26: not too long
alfalfa: studying too?
Warrior26: no, we go to the field a lot.. its hard to do
alfalfa: i see.
alfalfa: do you get to explode stuff?
Warrior26: moving to korea in just over a month too so maybe once i get settled
Warrior26: i've set off a claymore before but that is about it.. and some grenades
alfalfa: just being nosy.
alfalfa: loose lips sink ships!
Warrior26: prolly won't anymore once all budget cuts go through :)
alfalfa: do you get to wear cool futuristic equipment, that you play like a video game, to make you a super-warrior?
alfalfa: drive a drone tank?
alfalfa: that would be cool.
Warrior26: i get to wear a bunch of heavy equipment in hot evironments where people shoot at me :)
alfalfa: yikes
Warrior26: I have directed drones though
Warrior26: 2-4 years in korea "_
alfalfa: oh, they let you make the coffee, Garen?
Warrior26: ha
alfalfa: see, "ground" units
Warrior26: pretty much the same thing :)
womack: Leading U.S. writer on Korea = Bruce Cumings of U o Chicago
womack: Also, all US mil personnel well advised to ponder meaning of world law forbidding aggressive war
Warrior26: thankfully I am only subject to us law :)
Warrior26: no crazy int'l criminal courts :)
Warrior26: time to sell off my stuff for my move.. adios gents
17:28 11/7
Welcome to the English Chat Room, the place to chat.
Warfreak2: the fact that romney lost seems more important
Linux: He was a good loser, though.
Warfreak2: he reportedly hadn't even prepared a losing speech
Linux: I bet.
Warfreak2: what a horrific strategy the republican party had for their election campaign - we will never get young people or black people to vote for us, so how can we stop them from voting at all?
AmyTS: Too many of their voter suppression laws were stayed by the courts, but that didn't stop them from intimidating voters anyway.
Linux: I voted Republican for the irony.
Warfreak2: i heard they put up big "VOTER FRAUD IS A FELONY AND YOU COULD BE FINED $$$" billboards in african-american communities
AmyTS: It's true.
Linux: Perhaps they wanted to avoid people reading the obituaries for additional voting opportunities.
AmyTS: I wasn't allowed to vote despite having had registered. Apparently the voter registration board never completed *their* end of the paperwork, so my registration was considered invalid.
AmyTS: Even though I registered last year.
Linux: The same thing happened to my aunt, who I assume is a different person.
Warfreak2: :-)
AmyTS: I am indeed not your aunt.
Warfreak2: you weren't allowed to vote, amy? that's awful
Warfreak2: you should sue them
AmyTS: It didn't matter anyway, war, because of the way our electoral college works.
Linux: For the presidency.
Warfreak2: i know, but it's still unacceptable
AmyTS: I know.
Warfreak2: some dude posted a video on youtube of an electronic voting machine selecting mitt romney when he pressed barack obama
Warfreak2: repeatedly
AmyTS: I find it unacceptable that a candidate had a controlling interest in teh company that made electronic voting machines.
Linux: Not that it made a difference.
Warfreak2: snopes debunked that one
Warfreak2: but i don't know why anyone tolerates electronic voting machines in the first place
AmyTS: they dont know any better or they're technophiles
Warfreak2: i'm a technophile enough to know that they're an awful idea
AmyTS: I found it amusing that before the election, the GOP was already blaming superstorm Sandy for their loss.
womack: Do we still need a secret ballot?
AmyTS: I'm glad the election is over. We have a LGBT-friendly president who may replace up to 2 justices during his second term.
womack: Although better than the Other Guy, B.O = the worst US Prez since 1860
womack: & a war criminal & assassin to boot
AmyTS: All four gay marriage ballots went in favor of equality, too.
AmyTS: It's a good time.
womack: GT for some homosexuals, bad time for all war victims & most job-seekers
AmyTS: I find it amusing that the GOP tweetosphere is convulsing.
dfunkt: I find this whole conversation amusing
womack: Ecclesiastes 7:6
dfunkt: I'll bite
AmyTS: Don't bite me please.
baffled: no biting in the ecr
Linux: "Like the crackling of thorns under the pot, so is the laughter of fools. This too is meaningless."
AmyTS: huh
dfunkt: yeah. It seems I have been called a fool.
womack: Shoe sale?
dfunkt: if amusement is foolish, I'll gladly be the fool and laugh out loud
Linux: lol
AmyTS: I'll get you a megaphone, dfunkt.
womack: Alla time?
baffled: the quote doesn't seem to say anything about amusement being foolish
womack: Sez something
Warfreak2: there isn't much of a gop tweetosphere
Linux: The laughter of fools is meaningless. That is all. Nothing about the amusement of dfunkt's.
womack: Linux last assertion supported?
Warfreak2: as for all of the pukestains calling for his assassination, though, one has to wonder why they hate america
womack: Maybe they caught the habit from the Prez? when he calls, it happens
womack: Usually the phrase "why they hate america" refers to people who object to having their homes bombed by foreigners
womack: I hate war crimes, as is only proper, and USrael commits most of them by far
dfunkt: can you call them war crimes when there is no official war? wouldn't they be more aptly described as crimes against humanity?
dfunkt: or just plain terrorism?
womack: "terrorism" = a murderer's attempt to distract attention from the cadavers he has created
dfunkt: I'm a bit fuzzy on that
womack: The list of attacked countries can be extended quite a bit
dfunkt: I'm going to choose the path of forgiveness. Next year I'll be travelling in the US and I don't want a bunch of political baggage accompanying me.
womack: "Forgiving" the perpetrator while he's still in action is called "complicity"
dfunkt: so be it
womack: From dfunkl's own mouth
dfunkt: all my bitching hasn't accomplished anything
vuaerioxyz: Wrong
vuaerioxyz: It's used up bandwidth and filled the chat window with text.
dfunkt: haha.. yeah, that's about it
vuaerioxyz: As long as we're clear.
womack: Being clear about issues of world justice indeed a worthy undertaking, eh what?
baffled: there have been plenty of instances where non-americans have been harassed, refused entry, and even imprisoned/tortured merely for saying mildly critical things about our government, so perhaps dfunkt deserves some leeway
womack: There's a point. Why hurry to Gitmo?
dfunkt: As a man of German stock, I always said I would have been an avid Nazi if I had been living in the 1930's, but now I realise life is not so simple. I live in muddled times and find that I spend most of my effort railing against the strong and defending the weak. It's time I live as according to my principles and join the side which is winning.
womack: LOL
womack: People have been known to make mistakes about that rather important point
womack: Bibi, for example, thought he was picking the winner recently but bad week for Bibi, after all.
dfunkt: who the hell is Bibi?
womack: There's a neat little link for Google but the admins flare up about it
dfunkt: nvm.. I lookoed it up
womack: "Obama’s Victory Shocks Israel" http://www.roitov.com/articles/obama2.htm This chap rather well informed
dfunkt: not to worry, the US won't abandon their Isreali allies yet. They have nothing to be shocked about; it's business as usual.
womack: dfunkl's expetise on Israel seems to develop rather rapidly?
womack: Maybe I should have spelled it "supposed expertise" ?
dfunkt: I don't make any claim to expertise
womack: only predictions
dfunkt: sure
dfunkt: I think tomorrow it will not rain
womack: & dfunkl will be sober, too?
dfunkt: I don't drink
dfunkt: I am a real life abstainer from alcohol... imagine that
dfunkt: I never would have thougt it possible 20 years ago
dfunkt: but I smoke like a fiend :)
dfunkt: and I don't care how many warning they put on cig packs or how many dirty looks I get
18:04 hrs
2.) 21:12 hrs
Welcome to the English Chat Room, the place to chat.
reprisal: uh, neither
Bazoo: really?
reprisal: incumbent advantage and generally improving economy
reprisal: also, romney as a filler candidate
Bazoo: America is inertia?
Bazoo: surely not ...
reprisal: of course
reprisal: despite what the media pretends, singular events late in the election dont mean much
Bazoo: BO was 47pc last week
reprisal: the last remnants of undecideds tend to go for incumbent
reprisal: but a good portion of them have actually already decided
Bazoo: When was it? Ford ? when that was really wrong?
reprisal: dewey vs truman
reprisal: the newspapers called that one wrong
Bazoo: ah, yes
Bazoo: I'm only an ignorant, interested Brit, lol
ckg: looks like you can sleep now bazoo
Bazoo: yes, ty. I will, once I finish the Champers.
Bazoo: Karl Rove thinks recount, hah
Bazoo: It must be bad, Fox is talking about cooking.
reprisal: haha
reprisal: populare vote is still in the air
reprisal: surprised they arent talking about that
Bazoo: Hamilton is R, but wont swing Ohio?
Bazoo: Rove appears to be grasping at straws.
reprisal: its his job
reprisal: cant criticize a fly for biting you
MrEmDash: "stop it fly. You're so bad at biting"
Bazoo: He's been a dangerous idiot from way back.
reprisal: rove is far, far from and idiot
Bazoo: really?
reprisal: yes
Bazoo: abortion?
Bazoo: death penalty?
reprisal: he's a political operator and hatchetman, and a republican one at that, but he is highly capable
reprisal: very dangerous to confuse positions you dont like with incompetence
Bazoo: Spear was capable ..
womack: Rove got a little carried away re running the 9/11 Stunt, soon found himself back in private life
Bazoo: Lenin was capable
womack: Quite diff characters
Bazoo: Leninwas a political operator ...
womack: Lenin was a cosmic mastermind of the cracked variety
stumped: any chance of rommey getting 53% of the popular vote?
Bazoo: And, I would contend, a dangerous idiot. Both very bright, but perhaps wrong.
womack: VIL's coup d'etat did serve the interests of the colonial peoples
reprisal: no, stumped
reprisal: thats around what obama got in 08 IIRC
womack: "idiot" comes from the Greek root for "private" thus the opposite of a man of the _polis_
Bazoo: not quite womak?
womack: USA TODAY: 11:47PM EST November 6. 2012 - 11:25 p.m. -- It's official: Barack Obama has been re-elected as the 44th president of the United States
Bazoo: private and public are a bit wider in Greek
womack: How fluent Bazoo?
oren: how is it official if more votes can swing it
Bazoo: Not at all
gigazord: presidents are like mold, aged but not what you want
oren: news organizations are odd
womack: It's been 40 yrs since I corrected Arrowsmith's translation of BACCHAE
oren: Dewey defeats Truman!
ckg: not official yet
womack: Bush defeats Gore, 9 to 4 !
womack: 5/4
oren: Romney now ahead in Ohio
peaceiswar: bad joke
Bazoo: oren are you watching FOX?
oren: NBC
stumped: recount ! recount!
oren: there will be
peaceiswar: Donald Trump is calling for revolution
womack: every day
Bazoo: for his wig or the gov?
womack: Trump : "He lost the popular vote by a lot and won the election. We should have a revolution in this country!"
womack: 'Tis hard to be wrong all the time.
Bazoo: Is he the same sort of joke figure that Alan Sugar is in the UK?
stumped: that sounds familar ... 2004?
reprisal: never heard of alan sugar, but joke figure is the right phrase
womack: To find a serious figure, I'd have to go looking for Bishop Tutu
Bazoo: He's certainly hated around Aberdeen, look up his golf course.
womack: WaPo: Networks: Obama wins President defeats Romney with close victories in battleground states
Bazoo: womack, the great archbishop is honoured in the uk by having a degree classification (admitedly a low one) named after him.
womack: Next step: Let Blair's cell be numbered "22" ?
Bazoo: Which (or witch) Blair?
womack: Speaking of witch, tonight will Obomber tick off any more names on his global assassination list?
womack: Another besides tony the poodle?
11/6 18:43
Welcome to the English Chat Room, the place to chat.
gigazord: 'so far'
Bazoo: Those who have declared
gigazord: I will despair if Romney wins
gigazord: we don't need a delusional pseudo-Christian
Falcon89: a Mormon
gigazord: worse
BongoBob: a Moleman.
gigazord: I've read it, it's bunk
womack: http://tinyurl.com/a2u8jnh Subject: FTR = "For The Record" On the Eve of? Newsgroups: tx.politics, oh.general, fl.politics, wi.general, alt.gossip.celebrities Date: Mon, 5 Nov 2012 16:20 -0800 (PST)
Bazoo: is a mormon less sensible then the other christians?
AG2HXU = "Always Good To Hear From You"
APM = “As Previously Mentioned”
AFTOC = “After a Fair Trial, Of Course”
CIB = “Composition In Brief”, i.e. only short time available.
DEW = "Dog Ever Willing". The medieval predecessor of this pious sentiment was "D.V.", for "Deus Volens". The ancient Muslim equivalent = _Insha'Allah_, witch's in turn the origin of the common Spanish word _ojala_, as in "!Ojala que si!" or "May it be so!" Clearly similar in meaning to our English "Amen!"
F = "Follow-up" + # for order of appearance in the given thread.
FODAD = Freedom Of Diet And Dress
FTR = 1.) "For The Record". 2.) "Failure To Respond".
GABI = “Grin And Bear It”
GREPA = "Global REvolutionary Police Action".
_hasbara_ = Hebrew for "lies for Jews to peddle to normal people alias "gentiles". Such a lipflapper, especially a hired one = a "hasbarat".
HDS = "Hypohetical Diligent Student"
HP = “Hang HenKi by his Pinkie”
HenKi = Henry Kissinger
hrz = Zulu Time, formerly "GMT", now aka "CUT" or "UTC" for something-or-other from a committee.
IFOT = "In the Fullness Of Time"
JA = Jewish-American, in several variations: R for Regime; T
for Tyranny; M for eMpire; PE for Planetary Empire (thus, “JAPE”)
JJ = joojingo
joopo = Jewish Secret Police
JOW = "Jew Of the Worst Sort"
K7 = Kosher King Kissinger's Kultish Kabal of Kiddie- Killers
KPFS = "Know Problem, Find Solution"
MEDUSA = propaganda alias "news" MEDia of the USA
MLG = “Murdering Little Girls”.
MULL = "MUrder, Looting & Lying"
Nolan = "NOLAstName", as in "Jessica Nolan" of
Subject: Peyote for Pratchett?
Date: Fri, 24 May 2013 08:08:21 -0700
ODC's = “Occupied & Destroyed Countries”.
OFD = “One Fine Day”
OP = "Originating Post"
PBAT = "Please Be Advised That"
PFAB = "Please Find Appended Below".
PFG = Philadelphia Fire Gang, Mayor & police who on May 13,1985 burned to death 5 kids & 6 adults and destroyed a block of homes in the process.
STD = "Shot To Death". When with extension then "By Jews".
SOTS = "Sons Of The Stern" gang. Yes, that's a soft "gee" at the end there, eh? Also "SOTSi" to rhyme with the obvious, as in "SOTSis now much worse than were Nazis back when."
T6 = Tucson, 6 slain in Stunt of Saturday 8 January.
OP = "Originating Post", hence also "-er".
On this thread, OP = _moi_ or {Hal Womack 3-dan
F = "Follow-up", hence also F1 etc for Follow-up posters.
TOC = "Time Of Composition"
UZI's = Ultra-Zionists
wark = from War Kriminal,
plural = "warx"
WADRT = "With All Due Respect To"
WTB = "With The Blessing", as Stephen Maturin says.
YKA = "You Knew Already" ?