Is there a good iOS app to play turn based games with friends?
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Christopher Sun
2016-03-23 22:48:13 UTC
Tried Pandanet -

1. No way to easily connect with friends (cant type them in via handle)
2. Only real time games

Ive searched and searched.. nothing so far.

Robert Jasiek
2016-03-24 06:19:40 UTC
Post by Christopher Sun
Tried Pandanet -
1. No way to easily connect with friends (cant type them in via handle)
2. Only real time games
The clients for IGS / Panda are not particularly user-friendly. IIRC,
you can type the following command in the command line: help commands.
This gives you a list of commands. tell is for text message to another
user. "tell username texttexttext", or the shorthand ". username
texttexttext". I do not know if you can load games.

You can try a different go server: KGS (Kiseido Go Server) with its
client CGoban. This is more user-friendly.

For viewing games offline, you best use an SGF editor, such as
GoWrite. See Sensei's Library for other editors.
Robert Jasiek
2016-03-24 06:25:58 UTC
Oops. I overlooked iOS in the subject line. It is well known that go
editors and go sever apps for iOS are lacking features or do not even
exist. Go programs are the best for Windows or Linux. Do not know
about OSX. For Android, it is so-so.

For turn based games, you might also check go servers or game servers
on web pages, similar to email move games. I forgot the names of those
servers though.

IIRC, one of the iOS apps (was it GoEye?) offers its own direct(?)
play with friends having the same app, but I have not tried this.
2016-04-22 15:46:24 UTC
Did you ask igs admins? May take some time to get an answer but they should have a way to contact them directly