About Hal Womack
(too old to reply)
2014-10-24 18:54:51 UTC
Hello all,

This 'Hal Womack' seems to be very marked by political issues (and for many years as far as I remember); whether his posts are objectionable or not can remain in the middle.

But it seems to me that he is posting /off-topic/ ad nauseam in a Go newsgroup, thereby raising the noise floor of RGG, and driving other people away (for as far as RGG is still being read).

How about reporting such posts systematically? If possible; via the G$$gle web interface there are report options, most other client readers maybe not; in my - probably naive - opinion I think it is worthwhile to systematically report abusive posts by him, and maybe hope "the Machine" can block him (at least for a while) as he obviously will never stop by himself.


BTW - I didn't check if his posts a crossposts...
Oregonian Haruspex
2014-10-24 23:36:42 UTC
Post by alex
Hello all,
This 'Hal Womack' seems to be very marked by political issues (and for
many years as far as I remember); whether his posts are objectionable
or not can remain in the middle.
But it seems to me that he is posting /off-topic/ ad nauseam in a Go
newsgroup, thereby raising the noise floor of RGG, and driving other
people away (for as far as RGG is still being read).
How about reporting such posts systematically? If possible; via the
G$$gle web interface there are report options, most other client
readers maybe not; in my - probably naive - opinion I think it is
worthwhile to systematically report abusive posts by him, and maybe
hope "the Machine" can block him (at least for a while) as he obviously
will never stop by himself.
BTW - I didn't check if his posts a crossposts...
You should get a real Usenet provider and a decent news reader. Then
you can simply erase any poster you like from the internet.

Google does nothing about Usenet spam. I doubt if the ability to
report a post through Google is anything more than a placebo.
Oregonian Haruspex
2014-10-24 23:38:30 UTC
Post by alex
Hello all,
This 'Hal Womack' seems to be very marked by political issues (and for
many years as far as I remember); whether his posts are objectionable
or not can remain in the middle.
But it seems to me that he is posting /off-topic/ ad nauseam in a Go
newsgroup, thereby raising the noise floor of RGG, and driving other
people away (for as far as RGG is still being read).
How about reporting such posts systematically? If possible; via the
G$$gle web interface there are report options, most other client
readers maybe not; in my - probably naive - opinion I think it is
worthwhile to systematically report abusive posts by him, and maybe
hope "the Machine" can block him (at least for a while) as he obviously
will never stop by himself.
BTW - I didn't check if his posts a crossposts...
Oh and by the way when you reply to a troll, you are really just
helping them by bumping their topics. Do that enough and most
everybody will killfile you too, leaving you in an echo chamber.
Robert Jasiek
2014-10-26 06:46:44 UTC
There is only one efficient way to stop newsgroup spammers: many
people regularly post their on-topic messages so that the spammers
realise that the newsgroup is not a void place that can be abused as
their playground. Even spammers have a social sense, and the pressure
of comparison of their own posts to many meaningful on-topic posts is
great. Spammers don't disappear immediately, but in a context of
frequent on-topic posts they disappear eventually by themselves (and
possibly move to more appropriate newsgroups or other void
newsgroups), as the past of many newsgroups has shown.

Do not use spammers as an excuse to leave, but post your own on-topic
2014-10-27 09:09:05 UTC
I'm afraid this guy is far beyond the stage of realising his posts are off-topic. It's more a permanently frustrated Go player who cannot stop airing his frustrations around US/israelo/jewish issues.

to reply to haruspex - the google groups web interface has an abuse reporting feature.
Richard Mullens
2014-10-28 19:18:26 UTC
Post by alex
Hello all,
This 'Hal Womack' seems to be very marked by political issues (and for many years as far as I remember); whether his posts are objectionable or not can remain in the middle.
But it seems to me that he is posting /off-topic/ ad nauseam in a Go newsgroup, thereby raising the noise floor of RGG, and driving other people away (for as far as RGG is still being read).
How about reporting such posts systematically? If possible; via the G$$gle web interface there are report options, most other client readers maybe not; in my - probably naive - opinion I think it is worthwhile to systematically report abusive posts by him, and maybe hope "the Machine" can block him (at least for a while) as he obviously will never stop by himself.
BTW - I didn't check if his posts a crossposts...
Here's a news item about the Cambridge Go Society http://fora.britgo.org/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=32

Harry Womack is a go player - what he says about the state of Israel is largely true - I don't mind if he posts here.
Hal Womack 3-dan
2014-12-10 11:19:28 UTC
'Tis more exact to describe my remarks as primarily "legal" rather than as "political", since I focus on war crimes.

All of my recent posts, of course, are merely transcripts of discussions from the KGS English Chat Room, so the relation to the game rather tight in the sense pf the identity of the participants in the discussions, all of whom are listed by their player-names. Many years ago here on rgg I proposed an additional newsgroup to be called something like rgg(broad), to distinguish technical game analysis from the virtually infinite social implications of our game.

The SOTSies --from "Sons Of The Stern" gang-- who this Summer in Gaza slaughtered before the face of the world >500 children and 1000 of their kith & kin, this globe-straddling kabal naturally prefers to silence all honest NAG's or Normal, Alias "Gentile" voices whenever possible. These kosher kiddie-killers swing a lot of weight. The U.S. Senate dances to their tune unanimously --mark the word! Whether Bibi pays nameless "Alex" for its efforts here = a question which may remain pending at least until such time as we the Human Race have arrested the whole MULL gang --that's for MUrder, Looting & Lying.

My regards to Richard Mullens, with sincere apologies for the previously established quasihomophone.

Post by Richard Mullens
Post by alex
Hello all,
This 'Hal Womack' seems to be very marked by political issues (and for many years as far as I remember); whether his posts are objectionable or not can remain in the middle.
But it seems to me that he is posting /off-topic/ ad nauseam in a Go newsgroup, thereby raising the noise floor of RGG, and driving other people away (for as far as RGG is still being read).
How about reporting such posts systematically? If possible; via the G$$gle web interface there are report options, most other client readers maybe not; in my - probably naive - opinion I think it is worthwhile to systematically report abusive posts by him, and maybe hope "the Machine" can block him (at least for a while) as he obviously will never stop by himself.
BTW - I didn't check if his posts a crossposts...
Here's a news item about the Cambridge Go Society http://fora.britgo.org/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=32
Harry Womack is a go player - what he says about the state of Israel is largely true - I don't mind if he posts here.
2014-12-10 12:28:51 UTC
Post by Hal Womack 3-dan
'Tis more exact to describe my remarks as primarily "legal" rather than as "political", since I focus on war crimes.
All of my recent posts, of course, are merely transcripts of discussions from the KGS English Chat Room, so the relation to the game rather tight in the sense pf the identity of the participants in the discussions, all of whom are listed by their player-names. Many years ago here on rgg I proposed an additional newsgroup to be called something like rgg(broad), to distinguish technical game analysis from the virtually infinite social implications of our game.
The SOTSies --from "Sons Of The Stern" gang-- who this Summer in Gaza slaughtered before the face of the world >500 children and 1000 of their kith & kin, this globe-straddling kabal naturally prefers to silence all honest NAG's or Normal, Alias "Gentile" voices whenever possible. These kosher kiddie-killers swing a lot of weight. The U.S. Senate dances to their tune unanimously --mark the word! Whether Bibi pays nameless "Alex" for its efforts here = a question which may remain pending at least until such time as we the Human Race have arrested the whole MULL gang --that's for MUrder, Looting & Lying.
My regards to Richard Mullens, with sincere apologies for the previously established quasihomophone.
Post by Richard Mullens
Post by alex
Hello all,
This 'Hal Womack' seems to be very marked by political issues (and for many years as far as I remember); whether his posts are objectionable or not can remain in the middle.
But it seems to me that he is posting /off-topic/ ad nauseam in a Go newsgroup, thereby raising the noise floor of RGG, and driving other people away (for as far as RGG is still being read).
How about reporting such posts systematically? If possible; via the G$$gle web interface there are report options, most other client readers maybe not; in my - probably naive - opinion I think it is worthwhile to systematically report abusive posts by him, and maybe hope "the Machine" can block him (at least for a while) as he obviously will never stop by himself.
BTW - I didn't check if his posts a crossposts...
Here's a news item about the Cambridge Go Society http://fora.britgo.org/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=32
Harry Womack is a go player - what he says about the state of Israel is largely true - I don't mind if he posts here.
reported for spam and hateful content.
Hal Womack 3-dan
2014-12-10 18:58:34 UTC
Nameless "alex" here serves to remind us that those who routinely murder children as its masters brazenly do are, of course, creatures absolutely without shame. "alex" = a wee pimple on the rectum of the likes of the Jewish war billionaires & swaggering masters of JAPE** Adelson & Saban, here to name only two of many kosher monsters.

I have long preached correct doctrine WRT the proper role of hatred in human life, to wit, an update from Augustine of Hippo: "Love the criminal and hate the crime." We all should love even the worst among us --such as Netanyahu, Obomber, Clintonz, Bushez, Sulzbergerz, all the way down to nameless "Alex" on this thread. OTOH all over our Planet Earth and especially here in the USA, we obviously need a lot more effective, active hatred against the crime of murder than presently obtains. Otherwise how can we love living people?

Death to the Jewish State, Hellorcell 4 all itz goonz everywhere & a Merry Christmas of the Horse to all beautiful women & to their children!


* = alex <***@gmail.com>

** = "Jewish-American Planetary Empire".
Post by alex
Post by Hal Womack 3-dan
'Tis more exact to describe my remarks as primarily "legal" rather than as "political", since I focus on war crimes.
All of my recent posts, of course, are merely transcripts of discussions from the KGS English Chat Room, so the relation to the game rather tight in the sense pf the identity of the participants in the discussions, all of whom are listed by their player-names. Many years ago here on rgg I proposed an additional newsgroup to be called something like rgg(broad), to distinguish technical game analysis from the virtually infinite social implications of our game.
The SOTSies --from "Sons Of The Stern" gang-- who this Summer in Gaza slaughtered before the face of the world >500 children and 1000 of their kith & kin, this globe-straddling kabal naturally prefers to silence all honest NAG's or Normal, Alias "Gentile" voices whenever possible. These kosher kiddie-killers swing a lot of weight. The U.S. Senate dances to their tune unanimously --mark the word! Whether Bibi pays nameless "Alex" for its efforts here = a question which may remain pending at least until such time as we the Human Race have arrested the whole MULL gang --that's for MUrder, Looting & Lying.
My regards to Richard Mullens, with sincere apologies for the previously established quasihomophone.
Post by Richard Mullens
Post by alex
Hello all,
This 'Hal Womack' seems to be very marked by political issues (and for many years as far as I remember); whether his posts are objectionable or not can remain in the middle.
But it seems to me that he is posting /off-topic/ ad nauseam in a Go newsgroup, thereby raising the noise floor of RGG, and driving other people away (for as far as RGG is still being read).
How about reporting such posts systematically? If possible; via the G$$gle web interface there are report options, most other client readers maybe not; in my - probably naive - opinion I think it is worthwhile to systematically report abusive posts by him, and maybe hope "the Machine" can block him (at least for a while) as he obviously will never stop by himself.
BTW - I didn't check if his posts a crossposts...
Here's a news item about the Cambridge Go Society http://fora.britgo.org/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=32
Harry Womack is a go player - what he says about the state of Israel is largely true - I don't mind if he posts here.
reported for spam and hateful content.
2014-12-27 12:45:29 UTC
Post by Richard Mullens
Post by alex
Hello all,
This 'Hal Womack' seems to be very marked by political issues (and for many years as far as I remember); whether his posts are objectionable or not can remain in the middle.
But it seems to me that he is posting /off-topic/ ad nauseam in a Go newsgroup, thereby raising the noise floor of RGG, and driving other people away (for as far as RGG is still being read).
How about reporting such posts systematically? If possible; via the G$$gle web interface there are report options, most other client readers maybe not; in my - probably naive - opinion I think it is worthwhile to systematically report abusive posts by him, and maybe hope "the Machine" can block him (at least for a while) as he obviously will never stop by himself.
BTW - I didn't check if his posts a crossposts...
Here's a news item about the Cambridge Go Society http://fora.britgo.org/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=32
Harry Womack is a go player - what he says about the state of Israel is largely true - I don't mind if he posts here.
Whether it is true or not, this kind of messages does not belong in this group.

Which reminds me that years ago I tried to reach Cambridge Go Society to draw their attention on this issue. No reactions.

I hereby kindly ask Google Group users to keep flagging Hal Womack's off-topic messages. Please continue doing so; there might be no human behind the feature, but reports will get picked up and responded upon, on the condition that enough reports are being generated.
Hal Womack 3-dan
2015-01-02 05:12:16 UTC
The first language of our nameless "alex* here = Hebrew?
[Whether it is true or not, this kind of messages does not belong in this group....
reports will get picked up and responded upon]
Or is it merely a half-wit?

What's its motive for the obsessive whining? Concern for the integrity of rgg? Does DML stand for "Don't Make Me Laugh"? How about shekels from Bibi, as described below in Alpha?

Why does "alex" hide its identity? From the same fear that festers within the wee souls of the 'anonymous spokesmen' of the White House and the Pentagon, as reported in the jewspapers? Specifically, we the human race have the duty diligently to hunt down and utterly to destroy all murderers for as long as they live or, also, as long as any fractions of their estates can be identified. Our fake "Alex" knows itself to be an accomplice to the mass murder of children, for example, in this Summer's Slaughter in Palestine, which I have tagged as GM'14.

BTW my thread of discussions among players on KGS shows 131 views, second in popularity in rgg only to something called the SOLUTIONS MANUAL. It seems likely, therefore, that I am helping to give CPR to rgg, eh what? In general over the last ten to fifteen years Jewry has largely managed to strangle the Usenet, since war criminals very understandably loathe the idea of free public discussion.

From the file of Arsaces the First:
!Death 2 the Jewish State & Hellorcell 4 all itz goonz everywhere. Hang the Senate? Jews Out of the USGov? Riddle: Q = 09/11/22? A = 06/08/67! Happy New Year 2015 to all lawful people everywhere!
JERUSALEM (AP) -- Israel is looking to hire university students to post pro-Israel messages on social media networks -- without needing to identify themselves as government-linked, officials said Wednesday....
*{alex <***@gmail.com>}

Post by alex
Post by Richard Mullens
Post by alex
Hello all,
This 'Hal Womack' seems to be very marked by political issues (and for many years as far as I remember); whether his posts are objectionable or not can remain in the middle.
But it seems to me that he is posting /off-topic/ ad nauseam in a Go newsgroup, thereby raising the noise floor of RGG, and driving other people away (for as far as RGG is still being read).
How about reporting such posts systematically? If possible; via the G$$gle web interface there are report options, most other client readers maybe not; in my - probably naive - opinion I think it is worthwhile to systematically report abusive posts by him, and maybe hope "the Machine" can block him (at least for a while) as he obviously will never stop by himself.
BTW - I didn't check if his posts a crossposts...
Here's a news item about the Cambridge Go Society http://fora.britgo.org/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=32
Harry Womack is a go player - what he says about the state of Israel is largely true - I don't mind if he posts here.
Whether it is true or not, this kind of messages does not belong in this group.
Which reminds me that years ago I tried to reach Cambridge Go Society to draw their attention on this issue. No reactions.
I hereby kindly ask Google Group users to keep flagging Hal Womack's off-topic messages. Please continue doing so; there might be no human behind the feature, but reports will get picked up and responded upon, on the condition that enough reports are being generated.
Richard Mullens
2015-01-03 19:14:53 UTC
Post by alex
I hereby kindly ask Google Group users to keep flagging Hal Womack's off-topic messages. Please continue doing so; there might be no human behind the feature, but reports will get picked up and responded upon, on the condition that enough reports are being generated.
I hereby kindly ask you to stop causing trouble on this newsgroup.

If you don't like Hal's posts, simply ignore them.

Write on topic instead.
2015-01-04 13:15:59 UTC
Post by Richard Mullens
If you don't like Hal's posts, simply ignore them.
Hal Womack's antisemitic posts don't belong on RGG.

I'm surprised that other people even support (and de facto encourage) this kind of posts.

But it looks like I'm drawing myself in some stupid flame war, so feel free to react, I won't any longer.

I just want anyone reading this group to know that if nobody does anything, this guy will just keep spreading his hate messages. So please keep reporting any message that is not purely Go related.

Meanwhile I started reading a bit on how to fight such abuse (none of which offer much relief...):

- https://www.spamcop.net/fom-serve/cache/144.html
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Newsgroup_spam
- https://support.google.com/groups/answer/46453?hl=en
-- https://groups.google.com/d/msg/news.admin.net-abuse.usenet/F9TgxNsXYmQ/I18UuOSH228J
Until I found this one...
- https://groups.google.com/forum/#!search/hal$20womack|sort:relevance

Anyway, keep reporting, people. It's only a click.

Post by Richard Mullens
Post by alex
I hereby kindly ask Google Group users to keep flagging Hal Womack's off-topic messages. Please continue doing so; there might be no human behind the feature, but reports will get picked up and responded upon, on the condition that enough reports are being generated.
I hereby kindly ask you to stop causing trouble on this newsgroup.
If you don't like Hal's posts, simply ignore them.
Write on topic instead.
Richard Mullens
2015-01-05 01:31:16 UTC
Post by alex
Post by Richard Mullens
If you don't like Hal's posts, simply ignore them.
Hal Womack's antisemitic posts don't belong on RGG.
I'm surprised that other people even support (and de facto encourage) this kind of posts.
There's nothing antisemitic about Hal's posts.

Israel wants all of Palestine for itself - it steals their land for settlements, bulldozes Palestinian properties, deprives them of water, enforces a tight siege on Gaza, and when predictably, out of despair, the people of Gaza are provoked into launching a few firecrackers, the state of Israel responds with overwhelming force killing thousands of civilians including women and children.

If you cannot see that, then you must be blind.
Oregonian Haruspex
2015-01-06 04:07:55 UTC
Post by Richard Mullens
If you don't like Hal's posts, simply ignore them.>> Hal Womack's
antisemitic posts don't belong on RGG.>> I'm surprised that other
people even support (and de facto encourage) this kind of posts.
There's nothing antisemitic about Hal's posts.
Israel wants all of Palestine for itself - it steals their land for
settlements, bulldozes Palestinian properties, deprives them of water,
enforces a tight siege on Gaza, and when predictably, out of despair,
the people of Gaza are provoked into launching a few firecrackers, the
state of Israel responds with overwhelming force killing thousands of
civilians including women and children.
If you cannot see that, then you must be blind.
It's not about blindness - it's about trying to shut people up. This
seems to be the main strategy when people get accused of being

However, since the word is used all the time in an attempt to bully
people into submission, less and less people care if they are called
antisemtic. I no longer care one bit if some outraged, shrill
individual or two decides to try to label me this or that.
Richard Mullens
2015-01-06 10:02:23 UTC
Post by Oregonian Haruspex
Post by Richard Mullens
If you don't like Hal's posts, simply ignore them.>> Hal Womack's
antisemitic posts don't belong on RGG.>> I'm surprised that other
people even support (and de facto encourage) this kind of posts.
There's nothing antisemitic about Hal's posts.
Israel wants all of Palestine for itself - it steals their land for
settlements, bulldozes Palestinian properties, deprives them of water,
enforces a tight siege on Gaza, and when predictably, out of despair,
the people of Gaza are provoked into launching a few firecrackers, the
state of Israel responds with overwhelming force killing thousands of
civilians including women and children.
If you cannot see that, then you must be blind.
It's not about blindness - it's about trying to shut people up. This
seems to be the main strategy when people get accused of being
However, since the word is used all the time in an attempt to bully
people into submission, less and less people care if they are called
antisemtic. I no longer care one bit if some outraged, shrill
individual or two decides to try to label me this or that.
Yes, good points, thank you. I find it objectionable when someone presumes to dictate what others may say.
2015-01-19 07:01:08 UTC
I honestly though that "Hal Womack" is either:
a) a complex bath file generating stupidity, maybe even a virus, or
b) a overly-long-running joke by somebody without any sense of humor whatsoever.

If "Hal Womack" really exists and is a real person, serious about what he says - the guy has issues. Very Huge Issues. With capital "H" and capital "I". Regardless of the fact that what he says is regarded by some other sad souls as "largely true."

But maybe rgg needs its very own Sam Sloan.

In any case, just ignore his posts if they upset you. No point getting aggravated over such things. Personally, I find all the other spam to be more annoying, at least Hal (if he is indeed real) is a Go player, however disturbed he might be. I don't think Google doe much about such things. And if they do - they are much worse things they should definitely look into first.

Or just go somewhere else. Your feelings are probably the same most of us have had in the past, and the main reason this place is so dead - while other forums thrive.
Robert Jasiek
2015-01-19 07:42:34 UTC
Post by b***@gmail.com
the main reason this place is so dead
The main reason is that too few contribute.
2015-01-20 18:33:13 UTC
Post by Robert Jasiek
Post by b***@gmail.com
the main reason this place is so dead
The main reason is that too few contribute.
This is the symptom, not the disease.

Few contribute because few feel it is worth to contribute here (or even read here) - because they have feelings like the ones I describe. And these feelings were caused by posts and people who spoil this place by off-topic posts, rudeness, stupidity, and spam. If this place could have been moderated, there would have been no need (or much less need) to move to GD and then L19, I think.

As you keep saying, rgg does have many advantages over the other forums. The only real disadvantage is the lack of moderation, which allows posts and behaviors that we all know and dislike. That and the fancy Go diagram plugins.
Robert Jasiek
2015-01-20 22:49:11 UTC
Post by b***@gmail.com
This is the symptom, not the disease.
Some perceive too little contribution as a symptom, others as a
Post by b***@gmail.com
The only real disadvantage is the lack of moderation
Ideal moderation would filter only spam without any delay. In
practise, moderation is a very great disadvantage because it involves
much censorship of go-related contents.
2015-01-20 23:44:26 UTC
Post by Robert Jasiek
Post by b***@gmail.com
This is the symptom, not the disease.
Some perceive too little contribution as a symptom, others as a
Is this your way of stomping your foot on the ground and insisting that you are right after all?

You can perceive anything you want any way you want.
This does not change the facts.
Post by Robert Jasiek
Post by b***@gmail.com
The only real disadvantage is the lack of moderation
Ideal moderation would filter only spam without any delay. In
practise, moderation is a very great disadvantage because it involves
much censorship of go-related contents.
There is no such thing as idea moderation.

About this forum... you can have another 100 posts on-topic here each day, and because of posts like Hal's, or Viagra spam, or links to weird places - this will still not be an appropriate place for a family-friendly community. All this stuff might not bother you personally, but it will bother a lot of others, be the silliness in 4-out-of-5 posts or in 1-out-of-20 posts. It bothers me, for example. And as you know, I am not really bothered by much, at least not to the point of abandoning a place.

If I had kids, I would not let them come here even if you increase the number of on-topic posts 20-fold. Since I don not have kids, I look in every now and then, but usually just turn away in disgust and try not to come back here for the next month or two. I would feel the same with more on-topic posts.

In either case, this place, without moderation, with all its hate posts and spam and general stupidity, it is not for everybody. And thus not really suitable as general-purpose main english-language Go forum. making more on-topic posts will not really change it... unless you figure out a way to get the bad stuff go away.

And unless you understand that, there is really not much constructive though you can add to this discussion, I feel.

Also, looking at other unmoderated google discussion groups, the more the traffic the more the spam as well, and the more the stupidity... which also indicates that more on-topic posts is not really a solution.

No matter how much this would be satisfactory to you,
You cannot have a forum by yourself. Or maybe you can, but this would defeat the purpose.
Oregonian Haruspex
2015-01-23 23:35:28 UTC
Post by Bantari
About this forum... you can have another 100 posts on-topic here each
day, and because of posts like Hal's, or Viagra spam, or links to weird
places - this will still not be an appropriate place for a
family-friendly community.
It's true, but this is also true of Hyde Park, or the village square,
or any sidewalk anywhere on earth.

The beauty of Usenet, compared to web forums, is that you conduct your
own censorship. It may be that Hal Womack offends you and others, or
posts off-topic most of the time. I will admit this is less than
ideal. But at least he doesn't use a bunch of different nyms to
overcome killfiles, so getting rid of him for good is pretty easy.

With a web forum, the spammers and off-topic people are generally
banned (assuming an active moderator) but the same kinds of clashes of
personality that you might get on Usenet could result in people being
banned on a web forum, even despite their having good ideas, posting on
topic, and what not. The whims of the millions of tiny web-emperors
override the pleas of the web-commoners.

The price of freedom is eternal vigilance, and this is especially true
on Usenet regarding your killfile.
2015-01-24 19:22:46 UTC
Post by Oregonian Haruspex
Post by Bantari
About this forum... you can have another 100 posts on-topic here each
day, and because of posts like Hal's, or Viagra spam, or links to weird
places - this will still not be an appropriate place for a
family-friendly community.
It's true, but this is also true of Hyde Park, or the village square,
or any sidewalk anywhere on earth.
The beauty of Usenet, compared to web forums, is that you conduct your
own censorship. It may be that Hal Womack offends you and others, or
posts off-topic most of the time. I will admit this is less than
ideal. But at least he doesn't use a bunch of different nyms to
overcome killfiles, so getting rid of him for good is pretty easy.
You are right, but this is not my point.

Self-censorship, even without childless and filters, just by simply not reading the stuff, is always an option. But if this was a real solution, there would be no need for filters, childless, and all that jazz. Just like there would be no need for parental control. Or for real moderation.

To perform self-censorship requires certain levels of maturity and restraint. Many of us don't have it. Some, like children or teens, cannot be expected to have it. So, if you think about general go-related family-friendly forum - usenet is pretty much out, for the reasons you state. At least - this is my opinion.

Additionally, many, if not most of us are lazy. Why perform your own censorship if there is somebody out there doing it for you? Why bother with scanning for all that garbage when it is not needed?

True, usenet is useful. But ask yourself this - why did virtually the whole community moved off to another forum, moderated forum, the moment it became available? It was sure not because of the new shiny interface. They all could have self-moderated, but they rather left so they don't have to deal with that crap. Now what is left on rgg is a few die-hards like RJ (who have good reasons for using rgg but also make extensive use of L19, I might add) and a few blow-hards like H.A.L. who know what they do would never fly faced with any reasonable moderation. And some people stopped posting altogether since there is nobody here and they cannot do their stuff on a moderated forum (malf et al.)

I think this paints a clear picture of what the community at large wants and needs. And this does not take away from all the advantages of usenet - it is a great tool and good thing to have. But maybe not really suitable for what most go social-minded players want at this time. And I don't think creating more go-related content will change that. There was a lot of that at the time people moved out, and they still moved out.

That's all I am saying.
2015-01-24 19:26:24 UTC
Post by Oregonian Haruspex
Post by Bantari
About this forum... you can have another 100 posts on-topic here each
day, and because of posts like Hal's, or Viagra spam, or links to weird
places - this will still not be an appropriate place for a
family-friendly community.
It's true, but this is also true of Hyde Park, or the village square,
or any sidewalk anywhere on earth.
The beauty of Usenet, compared to web forums, is that you conduct your
own censorship.
You are right, but this is not my point.

Self-censorship, even without killfiles and filters, just by simply not reading the stuff, is always an option. But if this was a real solution, there would be no need for filters, killfiles, and all that jazz. Just like there would be no need for parental control. Or for real moderation.

To perform self-censorship requires certain levels of maturity and restraint. Many of us don't have it. Some, like children or teens, cannot be expected to have it. So, if you think about general go-related family-friendly forum - usenet is pretty much out, for the reasons you state. At least - this is my opinion.

Additionally, many, if not most of us are lazy. Why perform your own censorship if there is somebody out there doing it for you? Why bother with scanning for all that garbage when it is not needed?

True, usenet is useful. But ask yourself this - why did virtually the whole community moved off to another forum, moderated forum, the moment it became available? It was sure not because of the new shiny interface. They all could have self-moderated, but they rather left so they don't have to deal with that crap. Now what is left on rgg is a few die-hards like RJ (who have good reasons for using rgg but also make extensive use of L19, I might add) and a few blow-hards like H.A.L. who know what they do would never fly faced with any reasonable moderation. And some people stopped posting altogether since there is nobody here and they cannot do their stuff on a moderated forum (malf et al.)

I think this paints a clear picture of what the community at large wants and needs. And this does not take away from all the advantages of usenet - it is a great tool and good thing to have. But maybe not really suitable for what most go social-minded players want at this time. And I don't think creating more go-related content will change that. There was a lot of that at the time people moved out, and they still moved out.

That's all I am saying.
Hal Womack 3-dan
2015-02-04 07:34:43 UTC
My working title for a reply = How "Bantari" exposes the weakness of the Jews. Meanwhile, though, here's a little note that just popped up via Lew Rockwell:

[Tom's premise is that there is very little real dissent in the United States, where the confines of what the political and media classes have declared to be allowable opinion are extremely narrow. The bipartisan foreign-policy consensus is a good example: you can favor somewhat more or somewhat less foreign intervention, or you may criticize the precise form that a particular intervention takes, but you may not reject the overall framework root and branch, or even raise fundamental questions about it.

Should you stray from these boundaries of opinion, you will simply be excluded from the discussion, and likely smeared and vilified to boot.

As Tom points out, one thing you won't receive if you stray from approved opinion is any kind of refutation. The gatekeepers will not deign to show what is wrong with your position. What is wrong is that it is unapproved. It is enough to declare you a heretic, and leave it at that.]

Post by Bantari
Post by Oregonian Haruspex
Post by Bantari
About this forum... you can have another 100 posts on-topic here each
day, and because of posts like Hal's, or Viagra spam, or links to weird
places - this will still not be an appropriate place for a
family-friendly community.
It's true, but this is also true of Hyde Park, or the village square,
or any sidewalk anywhere on earth.
The beauty of Usenet, compared to web forums, is that you conduct your
own censorship.
You are right, but this is not my point.
Self-censorship, even without killfiles and filters, just by simply not reading the stuff, is always an option. But if this was a real solution, there would be no need for filters, killfiles, and all that jazz. Just like there would be no need for parental control. Or for real moderation.
To perform self-censorship requires certain levels of maturity and restraint. Many of us don't have it. Some, like children or teens, cannot be expected to have it. So, if you think about general go-related family-friendly forum - usenet is pretty much out, for the reasons you state. At least - this is my opinion.
Additionally, many, if not most of us are lazy. Why perform your own censorship if there is somebody out there doing it for you? Why bother with scanning for all that garbage when it is not needed?
True, usenet is useful. But ask yourself this - why did virtually the whole community moved off to another forum, moderated forum, the moment it became available? It was sure not because of the new shiny interface. They all could have self-moderated, but they rather left so they don't have to deal with that crap. Now what is left on rgg is a few die-hards like RJ (who have good reasons for using rgg but also make extensive use of L19, I might add) and a few blow-hards like H.A.L. who know what they do would never fly faced with any reasonable moderation. And some people stopped posting altogether since there is nobody here and they cannot do their stuff on a moderated forum (malf et al.)
I think this paints a clear picture of what the community at large wants and needs. And this does not take away from all the advantages of usenet - it is a great tool and good thing to have. But maybe not really suitable for what most go social-minded players want at this time. And I don't think creating more go-related content will change that. There was a lot of that at the time people moved out, and they still moved out.
That's all I am saying.
Hal Womack 3-dan
2015-02-08 16:30:43 UTC
Dealing with the nameless hired Jew hazbarat "Bantari" <***@gmail.com> merely like picking a crushed bug off the floor with a piece of kleenex. The latter a bit more of a chore for a fatman like me, actually. Let's designate that heckler as FN2 or "Fake Name" after the previous kosher kockroach "alex" <***@gmail.com> whose shell lies further down in the garbage pail of this thread.

FN2's biggest achievement here, by far, was to draw in a supporter who, in addition to showing his true name, actually ranks as a individual of importance on the international "barbarian" (my term) _baduk_ scene, to wit, Robert Jasiek
<***@snafu.de> . Sensei's Library* offers more info re Mr. Jasiek.
* http://senseis.xmp.net/
The relation between FN2 and the perhaps distressed Jasiek resembles that between Bibi and Angela Merkel, another German of sad note. The reason why the defeated Germans continue for generations egregiously to kiss the ass of murdering Jews and to shovel them huge piles of valuta and even to provide them with missile-launching submarines which directly threaten the physical existence of the German nation itself among many others, this reason I dare say, be plain to see: World Jewry smashed the Germans in the Atomic War aka WW2. Since then, furthermore, the Jews have only improved their strategic position. _Vae victis!_ As the Romans were wont to say or "Woe to the conquered!" The J's, of course, accomplished their victory and have maintained it only via leverage over 97+% NAG [Chorus: Normal, Alias "Gentile"] populations in the former USSR and in the USA. A tricky biz and manifestly getting more that way alla time, every day.

The J's started this thread about lil' ol' me, who myself was and am otherwise merely passing on to rgg various players' casual discussions from the KGS chat room. Even the J's thread here in my name has some relation to the game, although a notably more distant one than that of my own threads. The J's, having by far the sorest of all guilty consciences and with excellent reason therefor, are totally dedicated to suppressing free speech, which they seek first to mislabel and next to prohibit as "Hate Speech", meaning any honest reference to their many awful crimes and lies. WRT witch I have long preached the doctrine, amended from Augustine of Hippo [354 - 430 AD], of "love the criminal and hate the crime" as well as my personal motto of TJAM "For Truth, Justice And the Milky way".

Since the FN's or hazbaratz and Robert Jasiek have here addressed me, however, I take the opportunity to say that campaigning for justice, for the utter destruction of the murderers of children, such a course of righteous action improves both my digestion and my dream life, even while it's in progress, let alone on the anticipated day of victory. In order to enjoy the latter, one must certainly observe Chairman Mao's fundamental instruction to respect the opponent tactically, while despising him strategically. That and luck, too.

Our squeaky FN's here OTOH, despite having behind them the entire Roar And Snarl of JAPE [Chorus: the Jew-American Planetary Empire], still rightly tremble in fear of the future day when the Seven Billion will crush the ghouls of GM'14 and of so many other atrocities, including standard Black Ops like the most recent bloody provocation against the Paris slimezine. _Como decimos aqui en California, ellos son Bibi._ Me, Je suis Gaza. So today the hirelings take their shekels as grunts in the Infowar and hide their names, as if such clumsy cowardice will save them on the Day of Judgment.

Will we now pause to recall:
[WIKI: The Nanking massacre occurred during a six-week period starting from December 13, 1937, the day that the Japanese captured Nanking, which was then the Chinese capital. During this period, between 40,000 to over 300,000 (estimates vary) Chinese civilians and disarmed combatants were murdered by soldiers of the Imperial Japanese Army.]

At the moment of this notorious atrocity, by far the dominant world power in our game was the Nihon Ki-in of Tokyo. Did any of the then masters publicly express an opinion on the current event? Did their role rather resemble that today of WMS WRT GM'14? Does learning from one's mistakes have anything to do with strength in our art? Judging by the bodies of the 500 murdered children lying before the silence (at best) of Three Monkeys, pro's all at the top, the relationship looks ambiguous, here to say only the least. My former employee Jiang Jujo 9P --who later this month BTW is due to revisit* San Francisco, together with his honorable & also very famous wife Rui NaiWei 9P-- told me long ago that for over a millennium strength in our game was the first of the four marks of the Mandarin, the scholar/official ruling class of China.
* http://sfgoclub.com/2015/01/09/2015-northern-california-ing-cup/
(The other three, as I recall, were calligraphy, painting and skill playing a musical instrument.)
Although there are tens of thousands of players (including Mr. Jasiek) stronger in the game than my humble self, I am AFAIK the only analyst of world politics who has been using rank in the game as part of my pen-name for these last twenty years and more. FWIW.

Repeating a Q:
Should we rename the game "turff" in English?
Q#2 = Suppose a present day reincarnation of the late Mr. Ing Chang-ki of Taiwan were to put oomph behind this suggestion? Then what might happen?
Q#3 = Whereas, according to my last available data*, Chinese dollar holdings = $3.89 trillion, what is General Secetary Xi Jinping actually doing with this big gold mountain of his?
* http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2014-10-16/china-s-reserves-retreat-from-4-trillion-mark-as-outflows-seen
Only using it as a slide for his kids?
As a suffering Comcast** customer myself, I would wish to have instead a Chinese-operated option.
** Brian L. Roberts is Chairman and CEO of Comcast Corporation. Of Jewish descent, he participated in the Maccabiah Games in Israel earning a gold medal with the U.S. squash team in 2005 and silver medals in 1981, 1985, 1997 and 2009.[7][10] On October 21, 2012, Brian Roberts was honored by Maccabi USA as a 'Legend of the Maccabiah.
Net worth US$1.2 billion (March 2014)
Meanwhile, however, howzabout such an extremely simple & tiny expenditure as a tournament offering a Million Dollar or 6245600.00 Chinese Yuan first prize? Host it here in San Francisco, make a respectful gesture to the memory of my late honored sensei Shinji Dote 4d, and open the first round to all comers worldwide. Knock-out, of course, one shudders to think of the mind-numbing "Swiss-McMahon-Schlumberger" alternative. [Until the last round, losers' slough ponds could be arranged for those interested, who would be many, especially with some consolation prizes aka chump change.] The preliminaries could be organized internationally to allow maximum initial competition while reducing travel requirements for that stage. The first on-site round should be larger than that of any existing tournament with all expenses paid by the host, a la the good ol' days of the Nihon Ki-in & pre-bankrupt JAL (Avert the omen!).

Will we now consider Plan B of the proposed tournament in which "B" stands for "Barbarian"? Let's say that the prize money for the various "B" places would stand at 75% of those for the Open Section. Players native to the Three Home Countries or from the Diaspora thereof would be eligible for the Open Section only. The bold motive for creating the "B" List = promoting the diffusion of the game to the Round Eyes or Big Noses or howsoever we wish to designate the Other-Than-Slope Breeds of the 3 HC's of North Asia, wherever they may dwell. Note that Vietnamese Vietnamese, Cambodians and the like are eligible for the B List in this scheme. I personally assume that were my old friend Michael Redmond 9P (an OTS born in 1963 in Santa Barbara, California), I say, were Michael to lose in the later rounds of the A List, as WADR or "With All Due Respect" seems likely, then he would continue as a favorite in the B List, according to the probabilities of this so far purely hypothetical notion.

I would further recommend that the hosts take pains to extend a particularly friendly hand to areas which have suffered exceptionally grievous injury, such as Guatemala, Gaza, Iraq, and Afghanistan, here only to begin the list of such. I would also feature as part of the decor one or more of the historic paintings* of the notorious USGov torture scenes @ Abu Ghraib by the renowned Fernando Botero.
* http://tinyurl.com/mzcbdoz
For diplomatic reasons we could mobilize some indigenous American support for this last item. JAR or the Jew-American Regime is in disgrace with the feck of the Am pop, despite Clunt Eastwood to the contrary.

The publicity & prestige value to China of such a gesture to pan-racial cultural evolution would IMHO be such as to justify even a modest honorarium to the chap who proposed it in the first place, eh what, Mr. Xi? Just sayin', you know, barbarianwise.

Bob Marley - *Lively Up Yourself* in 6'17" on Friday 19800613 with 1,108,148 views.

Post by Hal Womack 3-dan
[Tom's premise is that there is very little real dissent in the United States, where the confines of what the political and media classes have declared to be allowable opinion are extremely narrow. The bipartisan foreign-policy consensus is a good example: you can favor somewhat more or somewhat less foreign intervention, or you may criticize the precise form that a particular intervention takes, but you may not reject the overall framework root and branch, or even raise fundamental questions about it.
Should you stray from these boundaries of opinion, you will simply be excluded from the discussion, and likely smeared and vilified to boot.
As Tom points out, one thing you won't receive if you stray from approved opinion is any kind of refutation. The gatekeepers will not deign to show what is wrong with your position. What is wrong is that it is unapproved. It is enough to declare you a heretic, and leave it at that.]
Post by Bantari
Post by Oregonian Haruspex
Post by Bantari
About this forum... you can have another 100 posts on-topic here each
day, and because of posts like Hal's, or Viagra spam, or links to weird
places - this will still not be an appropriate place for a
family-friendly community.
It's true, but this is also true of Hyde Park, or the village square,
or any sidewalk anywhere on earth.
The beauty of Usenet, compared to web forums, is that you conduct your
own censorship.
You are right, but this is not my point.
Self-censorship, even without killfiles and filters, just by simply not reading the stuff, is always an option. But if this was a real solution, there would be no need for filters, killfiles, and all that jazz. Just like there would be no need for parental control. Or for real moderation.
To perform self-censorship requires certain levels of maturity and restraint. Many of us don't have it. Some, like children or teens, cannot be expected to have it. So, if you think about general go-related family-friendly forum - usenet is pretty much out, for the reasons you state. At least - this is my opinion.
Additionally, many, if not most of us are lazy. Why perform your own censorship if there is somebody out there doing it for you? Why bother with scanning for all that garbage when it is not needed?
True, usenet is useful. But ask yourself this - why did virtually the whole community moved off to another forum, moderated forum, the moment it became available? It was sure not because of the new shiny interface. They all could have self-moderated, but they rather left so they don't have to deal with that crap. Now what is left on rgg is a few die-hards like RJ (who have good reasons for using rgg but also make extensive use of L19, I might add) and a few blow-hards like H.A.L. who know what they do would never fly faced with any reasonable moderation. And some people stopped posting altogether since there is nobody here and they cannot do their stuff on a moderated forum (malf et al.)
I think this paints a clear picture of what the community at large wants and needs. And this does not take away from all the advantages of usenet - it is a great tool and good thing to have. But maybe not really suitable for what most go social-minded players want at this time. And I don't think creating more go-related content will change that. There was a lot of that at the time people moved out, and they still moved out.
That's all I am saying.
Hal Womack 3-dan
2015-02-09 02:09:05 UTC
Current German progress noted:

["I see this, to say it openly, as not just for risky but for counter-productive," Mr. Steinmeier said at the Munich Security Conference. Mr. Steinmeier also hit back at open criticism of Germany's position on weapons deliveries from U.S. Senators and others here on Saturday. The White House is mulling delivering weapons to Ukraine to support the country's fight against pro-Russia separatists in the country's east.

"Perhaps we are so insistent because we know the region a bit," Mr. Steinmeier said.]


All resistance to JeWarmongering favors Am pop, as well as Human Race as a whole.

Post by Hal Womack 3-dan
FN2's biggest achievement here, by far, was to draw in a supporter who, in addition to showing his true name, actually ranks as a individual of importance on the international "barbarian" (my term) _baduk_ scene, to wit, Robert Jasiek
* http://senseis.xmp.net/
The relation between FN2 and the perhaps distressed Jasiek resembles that between Bibi and Angela Merkel, another German of sad note. The reason why the defeated Germans continue for generations egregiously to kiss the ass of murdering Jews and to shovel them huge piles of valuta and even to provide them with missile-launching submarines which directly threaten the physical existence of the German nation itself among many others, this reason I dare say, be plain to see: World Jewry smashed the Germans in the Atomic War aka WW2. Since then, furthermore, the Jews have only improved their strategic position. _Vae victis!_ As the Romans were wont to say or "Woe to the conquered!" The J's, of course, accomplished their victory and have maintained it only via leverage over 97+% NAG [Chorus: Normal, Alias "Gentile"] populations in the former USSR and in the USA. A tricky biz and manifestly getting more that way alla time, every day.
The J's started this thread about lil' ol' me, who myself was and am otherwise merely passing on to rgg various players' casual discussions from the KGS chat room. Even the J's thread here in my name has some relation to the game, although a notably more distant one than that of my own threads. The J's, having by far the sorest of all guilty consciences and with excellent reason therefor, are totally dedicated to suppressing free speech, which they seek first to mislabel and next to prohibit as "Hate Speech", meaning any honest reference to their many awful crimes and lies. WRT witch I have long preached the doctrine, amended from Augustine of Hippo [354 - 430 AD], of "love the criminal and hate the crime" as well as my personal motto of TJAM "For Truth, Justice And the Milky way".
Since the FN's or hazbaratz and Robert Jasiek have here addressed me, however, I take the opportunity to say that campaigning for justice, for the utter destruction of the murderers of children, such a course of righteous action improves both my digestion and my dream life, even while it's in progress, let alone on the anticipated day of victory. In order to enjoy the latter, one must certainly observe Chairman Mao's fundamental instruction to respect the opponent tactically, while despising him strategically. That and luck, too.
Our squeaky FN's here OTOH, despite having behind them the entire Roar And Snarl of JAPE [Chorus: the Jew-American Planetary Empire], still rightly tremble in fear of the future day when the Seven Billion will crush the ghouls of GM'14 and of so many other atrocities, including standard Black Ops like the most recent bloody provocation against the Paris slimezine. _Como decimos aqui en California, ellos son Bibi._ Me, Je suis Gaza. So today the hirelings take their shekels as grunts in the Infowar and hide their names, as if such clumsy cowardice will save them on the Day of Judgment.
[WIKI: The Nanking massacre occurred during a six-week period starting from December 13, 1937, the day that the Japanese captured Nanking, which was then the Chinese capital. During this period, between 40,000 to over 300,000 (estimates vary) Chinese civilians and disarmed combatants were murdered by soldiers of the Imperial Japanese Army.]
At the moment of this notorious atrocity, by far the dominant world power in our game was the Nihon Ki-in of Tokyo. Did any of the then masters publicly express an opinion on the current event? Did their role rather resemble that today of WMS WRT GM'14? Does learning from one's mistakes have anything to do with strength in our art? Judging by the bodies of the 500 murdered children lying before the silence (at best) of Three Monkeys, pro's all at the top, the relationship looks ambiguous, here to say only the least. My former employee Jiang Jujo 9P --who later this month BTW is due to revisit* San Francisco, together with his honorable & also very famous wife Rui NaiWei 9P-- told me long ago that for over a millennium strength in our game was the first of the four marks of the Mandarin, the scholar/official ruling class of China.
* http://sfgoclub.com/2015/01/09/2015-northern-california-ing-cup/
(The other three, as I recall, were calligraphy, painting and skill playing a musical instrument.)
Although there are tens of thousands of players (including Mr. Jasiek) stronger in the game than my humble self, I am AFAIK the only analyst of world politics who has been using rank in the game as part of my pen-name for these last twenty years and more. FWIW.
Should we rename the game "turff" in English?
Q#2 = Suppose a present day reincarnation of the late Mr. Ing Chang-ki of Taiwan were to put oomph behind this suggestion? Then what might happen?
Q#3 = Whereas, according to my last available data*, Chinese dollar holdings = $3.89 trillion, what is General Secetary Xi Jinping actually doing with this big gold mountain of his?
* http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2014-10-16/china-s-reserves-retreat-from-4-trillion-mark-as-outflows-seen
Only using it as a slide for his kids?
As a suffering Comcast** customer myself, I would wish to have instead a Chinese-operated option.
** Brian L. Roberts is Chairman and CEO of Comcast Corporation. Of Jewish descent, he participated in the Maccabiah Games in Israel earning a gold medal with the U.S. squash team in 2005 and silver medals in 1981, 1985, 1997 and 2009.[7][10] On October 21, 2012, Brian Roberts was honored by Maccabi USA as a 'Legend of the Maccabiah.
Net worth US$1.2 billion (March 2014)
Meanwhile, however, howzabout such an extremely simple & tiny expenditure as a tournament offering a Million Dollar or 6245600.00 Chinese Yuan first prize? Host it here in San Francisco, make a respectful gesture to the memory of my late honored sensei Shinji Dote 4d, and open the first round to all comers worldwide. Knock-out, of course, one shudders to think of the mind-numbing "Swiss-McMahon-Schlumberger" alternative. [Until the last round, losers' slough ponds could be arranged for those interested, who would be many, especially with some consolation prizes aka chump change.] The preliminaries could be organized internationally to allow maximum initial competition while reducing travel requirements for that stage. The first on-site round should be larger than that of any existing tournament with all expenses paid by the host, a la the good ol' days of the Nihon Ki-in & pre-bankrupt JAL (Avert the omen!).
Will we now consider Plan B of the proposed tournament in which "B" stands for "Barbarian"? Let's say that the prize money for the various "B" places would stand at 75% of those for the Open Section. Players native to the Three Home Countries or from the Diaspora thereof would be eligible for the Open Section only. The bold motive for creating the "B" List = promoting the diffusion of the game to the Round Eyes or Big Noses or howsoever we wish to designate the Other-Than-Slope Breeds of the 3 HC's of North Asia, wherever they may dwell. Note that Vietnamese Vietnamese, Cambodians and the like are eligible for the B List in this scheme. I personally assume that were my old friend Michael Redmond 9P (an OTS born in 1963 in Santa Barbara, California), I say, were Michael to lose in the later rounds of the A List, as WADR or "With All Due Respect" seems likely, then he would continue as a favorite in the B List, according to the probabilities of this so far purely hypothetical notion.
* http://tinyurl.com/mzcbdoz
For diplomatic reasons we could mobilize some indigenous American support for this last item. JAR or the Jew-American Regime is in disgrace with the feck of the Am pop, despite Clunt Eastwood to the contrary.
The publicity & prestige value to China of such a gesture to pan-racial cultural evolution would IMHO be such as to justify even a modest honorarium to the chap who proposed it in the first place, eh what, Mr. Xi? Just sayin', you know, barbarianwise.
Bob Marley - *Lively Up Yourself* in 6'17" on Friday 19800613 with 1,108,148 views.
Post by Hal Womack 3-dan
[Tom's premise is that there is very little real dissent in the United States, where the confines of what the political and media classes have declared to be allowable opinion are extremely narrow. The bipartisan foreign-policy consensus is a good example: you can favor somewhat more or somewhat less foreign intervention, or you may criticize the precise form that a particular intervention takes, but you may not reject the overall framework root and branch, or even raise fundamental questions about it.
Should you stray from these boundaries of opinion, you will simply be excluded from the discussion, and likely smeared and vilified to boot.
As Tom points out, one thing you won't receive if you stray from approved opinion is any kind of refutation. The gatekeepers will not deign to show what is wrong with your position. What is wrong is that it is unapproved. It is enough to declare you a heretic, and leave it at that.]
Post by Bantari
Post by Oregonian Haruspex
Post by Bantari
About this forum... you can have another 100 posts on-topic here each
day, and because of posts like Hal's, or Viagra spam, or links to weird
places - this will still not be an appropriate place for a
family-friendly community.
It's true, but this is also true of Hyde Park, or the village square,
or any sidewalk anywhere on earth.
The beauty of Usenet, compared to web forums, is that you conduct your
own censorship.
You are right, but this is not my point.
Self-censorship, even without killfiles and filters, just by simply not reading the stuff, is always an option. But if this was a real solution, there would be no need for filters, killfiles, and all that jazz. Just like there would be no need for parental control. Or for real moderation.
To perform self-censorship requires certain levels of maturity and restraint. Many of us don't have it. Some, like children or teens, cannot be expected to have it. So, if you think about general go-related family-friendly forum - usenet is pretty much out, for the reasons you state. At least - this is my opinion.
Additionally, many, if not most of us are lazy. Why perform your own censorship if there is somebody out there doing it for you? Why bother with scanning for all that garbage when it is not needed?
True, usenet is useful. But ask yourself this - why did virtually the whole community moved off to another forum, moderated forum, the moment it became available? It was sure not because of the new shiny interface. They all could have self-moderated, but they rather left so they don't have to deal with that crap. Now what is left on rgg is a few die-hards like RJ (who have good reasons for using rgg but also make extensive use of L19, I might add) and a few blow-hards like H.A.L. who know what they do would never fly faced with any reasonable moderation. And some people stopped posting altogether since there is nobody here and they cannot do their stuff on a moderated forum (malf et al.)
I think this paints a clear picture of what the community at large wants and needs. And this does not take away from all the advantages of usenet - it is a great tool and good thing to have. But maybe not really suitable for what most go social-minded players want at this time. And I don't think creating more go-related content will change that. There was a lot of that at the time people moved out, and they still moved out.
That's all I am saying.
Robert Jasiek
2015-02-10 18:07:02 UTC
Post by Hal Womack 3-dan
Robert Jasiek
These are the only phrases of your message I have taken time to read.
I have ignored all other words.
Hal Womack 3-dan
2015-02-13 22:36:12 UTC
All of us are ignorant of some important things we need to know, hence we cooperate to share information and to learn.

Stupidity OTOH means a deliberate wallowing in ignorance, as Robert Jasiek <***@snafu.de> has ponderously galumphed onto this thread to remind us.

It seems that the Three Fabled Monkeys have carried away Mr. Jasiek. Does he perhaps fear to hear the obvious question: "Do you, Robert Jasiek, also side with the nameless hazbaratz {Bantari <***@gmail.com>} & {"alex" <***@gmail.com>} and with President Obomber and the unanimous U.S. Senate in applauding World Jewry's brazen massacre of children last Summer in Gaza?

At a future public event in Europe will someone perhaps sidle up to RJ and whisper to him, "Is it true, Bob, did you really groove on killing those kids?"

Ya think?

Post by Robert Jasiek
Post by Hal Womack 3-dan
Robert Jasiek
These are the only phrases of your message I have taken time to read.
I have ignored all other words.
Richard Mullens
2015-02-15 20:07:38 UTC
I think that everyone here is well aware of the excesses of Israel. One would have to live in a cave not to know of the ongoing discrimination as well as the obvious events where thousands of Palestinians are killed.

Not only this, we are also aware that Israel is supported by Political elites who in return receive favours from moneyed Israelis - and who unfortunately would be discriminated against if they chose to act otherwise.

By venting here, you may expose a few Zionists, but there's no evidence that RJ wallows in ignorance and your suggestion that he grooves on killing those kids is offensive.

My advice is that you should spend more time writing to your political representative. Having to attend to unwanted emails will give them cause for concern if they perceive they will lose votes. There is no doubt that Israeli excesses are a cause of radicalisation and thence attacks on civilians in western countries.

Preaching here won't help this cause I'm afraid.
Post by Hal Womack 3-dan
All of us are ignorant of some important things we need to know, hence we cooperate to share information and to learn.
At a future public event in Europe will someone perhaps sidle up to RJ and whisper to him, "Is it true, Bob, did you really groove on killing those kids?"
Ya think?
Post by Robert Jasiek
Post by Hal Womack 3-dan
Robert Jasiek
These are the only phrases of your message I have taken time to read.
I have ignored all other words.
2015-01-20 18:35:31 UTC
Post by Robert Jasiek
Post by b***@gmail.com
the main reason this place is so dead
The main reason is that too few contribute.
This is the symptom, not the disease.

Few contribute because few feel it is worth to contribute here (or even read here) - because they have feelings like the ones I describe. And these feelings were caused by posts and people who spoil this place by off-topic posts, rudeness, stupidity, and spam. If this place could have been moderated, there would have been no need (or much less need) to move to GD and then L19, I think.

As you keep saying, rgg does have many advantages over the other forums. The only real disadvantage is the lack of moderation, which allows posts and behaviors that we all know and dislike. That and the fancy Go diagram plugins.
Hal Womack 3-dan
2015-01-21 05:24:03 UTC
I have long ago coined the acronym JAPE for "JewAmerican Planetary Empire". Since we the Human Race first created word law in 1945, JAPE has murdered tens of millions of victims in many countries from Korea to Guatemala to Iraq, here to call by name only 3. I tagged last Summer's dramatic episode in Palestine as GM'14, in which World Jewry slaughtered >2200 helpless prisoners, including >500 children. As I have pointed out already > a dozen times, the U.S. Senate unanimously (!) endorsed this atrocity and tipped Bibi an additional $225,000,000 [two hundred and twenty-five million dollars] for the lurid performance.

The serious reader will simply have to wrap her mind around the basic fact of our world today that Kissinger's Kult of Kosher Kiddie Killers are capable of any other wickedness whatsoever.

Bibi boasts of hiring hazbaratz to spew joolizes on-line in a desperate attempt to fight off the rising of our Human Race against his crimes. One such nameless mercenary mouth = Bantari <***@gmail.com> on this thread.

Small wonder that this shameless shithead squeaks from a hole in the ground, eh what?

I take the precaution of copying below one of Bnt's screeds in order to guard against it disappearing. Does the reader give due consideration to my words, then will she find them both diplomatic & mild. 'Tis the harsh reality which controls the scene for honest observers.

My personal motto = TJAM for "Truth, Justice And the Milky way". I would welcome a cooperative effort to make more conveniently available a collection of GM'14 vixpix, especially of the slain children. One must spend some time meditating with the ghosts of the Girl in Red and her younger brother Meathead and also with little Miss Yarra Elfarra in order truly to appreciate the malignancy of the Gross Kabal headed by Bibi, Obomber, Saban, Adelson, Clintonz, Bushez et Al, all the way down to Bantari <***@gmail.com> on this thread.

Yes, a real N-dimensional whole board life and death problem. How to save our world from the multiheaded fire-breathing dragon? Your own character twangs as a string on the kozmic lyre?

!Long live Fernando Botero, Robert Faurisson, Chelsea Manning, Edward Snowden, Francis Boyle, Franklin Lamb, Michael Collins Piper, Dieudonné M'bala M'bala, Hassan Nasrallah, Bashar al-Assad, Nicolas Maduro, Evo Morales, Rafael Correa, Jose Mujica, Kim Jong-un, Vladimir Putin, Xi Jinping and all on Earth who stand bravely for TJAM!

Now, for the punch line....
From: Bantari <***@gmail.com>
[I honestly though that "Hal Womack" is either:
a) a complex bath file generating stupidity, maybe even a virus, or
b) a overly-long-running joke by somebody without any sense of humor whatsoever.

If "Hal Womack" really exists and is a real person, serious about what he says - the guy has issues. Very Huge Issues. With capital "H" and capital "I". Regardless of the fact that what he says is regarded by some other sad souls as "largely true."

But maybe rgg needs its very own Sam Sloan.

In any case, just ignore his posts if they upset you. No point getting aggravated over such things. Personally, I find all the other spam to be more annoying, at least Hal (if he is indeed real) is a Go player, however disturbed he might be. I don't think Google doe much about such things. And if they do - they are much worse things they should definitely look into first.

Or just go somewhere else. Your feelings are probably the same most of us have had in the past, and the main reason this place is so dead - while other forums thrive. ]

Post by b***@gmail.com
Post by Robert Jasiek
Post by b***@gmail.com
the main reason this place is so dead
The main reason is that too few contribute.
This is the symptom, not the disease.
Few contribute because few feel it is worth to contribute here (or even read here) - because they have feelings like the ones I describe. And these feelings were caused by posts and people who spoil this place by off-topic posts, rudeness, stupidity, and spam. If this place could have been moderated, there would have been no need (or much less need) to move to GD and then L19, I think.
As you keep saying, rgg does have many advantages over the other forums. The only real disadvantage is the lack of moderation, which allows posts and behaviors that we all know and dislike. That and the fancy Go diagram plugins.
2015-01-22 04:08:47 UTC
On Tuesday, January 20, 2015 at 9:24:04 PM UTC-8, Hal Womack 3-dan wrote:
Blah blah blah...

I guess this demonstrates what I am talking about rather nicely.

So, Robert, if you think you can combat this drivel with more Go-related posts, and thus make H.A.L. go away and maybe even apologize, be my guest, give it a try. But I tell you right now - you'll be wasting your time.
Robert Jasiek
2015-01-22 07:52:09 UTC
Post by Bantari
Robert, if you think you can combat this drivel with more Go-related posts
No, not I alone. As I said, it works only if many people contribute
here. (I agree with you that it does not work in many other
newsgroups. It does, however, probably work for this go newsgroup, as
experience of the past has shown.)
2015-04-21 20:51:38 UTC
Post by Robert Jasiek
Post by Bantari
Robert, if you think you can combat this drivel with more Go-related posts
No, not I alone. As I said, it works only if many people contribute
here. (I agree with you that it does not work in many other
newsgroups. It does, however, probably work for this go newsgroup, as
experience of the past has shown.)
I don't post here because this insane idiot is spoiling the place really, so I only drop by every few months to check. Although it's funny just how
crazy one person can actually be. I've never seen anything like this before, this might be a unique case and a treasure for psychological research or sth.
2015-05-03 12:12:13 UTC
This Hal Womack really seems to post everywhere possible ...

Hal Womack 3-dan
2015-05-16 10:28:52 UTC
Nameless hired hazbaratz like "alex" [ alex <***@gmail.com>] reflect the fear of their Jew masters like Bibi Obomber, Adelson, Saban, KinkHenKi usw. Such mass murderers, rotten to the marrow, know that when honest folk, 99.8% NAG [Normal, Alias "Gentile"], begin to speak freely then the doom of the kosher kiddie-killers is thereby assured.
The future of our human race demands that we utterly destroy all murderers, establishing justice under world law.
For info on Palestine, the site of my friend Alison Weir =

"Rise, like lions after slumber,
In unvanquishable number,
Shake your chains to earth like dew,
Which in sleep had fall'n on you.


"What is Freedom? Ye can tell
That which Slavery is too well,
For its very name has grown
To an echo of your own.
"Immortality" means the voice of Percy Bysshe Shelley singing clearly to us the living through the noise and clutter of loud lies and over the space of 196 years.


Free Palestine & Earth?
TJAM = "For Truth, Justice And the Milkyway."

Post by alex
This Hal Womack really seems to post everywhere possible ...
2015-05-16 12:11:47 UTC
Post by alex
This Hal Womack really seems to post everywhere possible ...
please all, keep flagging such messages as abuse/spam/violent/hate speech
Hal Womack 3-dan
2015-05-16 19:46:10 UTC
The reader will perhaps remember that last Summer in Palestine World Jewry massacred >500 children and thousands of their parents and other kin, helpless prisoners all, in a characteristic high-tech spasm which I tagged as GM'14 and which the perpz marketed as "Operation Protective Edge".

"alex" [ alex <***@gmail.com>] here on this thread = an accomplice to this grisly crime. In this shameless guilt it --for we can scarcely call it a "man" and, still less, a "woman"-- strongly resembles the unanimous U.S. Senate --definitely including Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren and Rand Paul-- so although it feels some safety in numbers, it still fears to state its own name, again like the "anonymous spokesman" for the White House or Pentagon, so often heard and so seldom seen.

Shall we tag it as "FA" for "Fake Alex"? FA flings 4 cusswords in my direction, hoping to slow down the chariot of justice.

Shall we begin with the last one, "hate"? I have many times announced that I do hate the crime of murder. Such hatred = a virtue necessary in order to love living people, eh what? Hate the crime and love the criminal, to update the proverb from Augustine of Hippo. Tough love for Bibi Obomber, Sulzbergerz, Murdoch, Clintonz, Bushez and all the way down to wee FA here means throwing the murderers into prison. Simple, right? At least to judge, certainly a challenge to execute and many more innocents will be slain by FA & Kabal before we, the human race, succeed in fulfilling our duty.

FA the hired mouth for massacre wishes to accuse me of 'violence'?

This rabid Jew will do anything for shekels and to jack off its cultish fanaticism. The serious student will master the works of Israel Shahak, Kevin MacDonald and Victor Ostrovsky, among others.

I merely speak accurately about severe truths. Such practice saves taking happy pills.

Post by alex
Post by alex
This Hal Womack really seems to post everywhere possible ...
please all, keep flagging such messages as abuse/spam/violent/hate speech