Still waiting...
(too old to reply)
2015-02-10 07:45:19 UTC
This is to those who claim that this forum can be helped if people start writing more go-related content.

Any action does not start with what "people" should do, but with what "you" can do. So those who want to help, why not write some go-related stuff. Don't wait for "people" to do it, and don't complain that "they" don't. Write some yourselves - prove me wrong!

Just a warning - at this point, it would take a LOT of go-related content to lure people in, in spite of what is going on. Alas, poor little H.A.L. seems to be the most prolific contributor at the moment.

This is not the way to go, imho. If you care.

Just sayin'...
Robert Jasiek
2015-02-10 18:11:15 UTC
Post by Bantari
This is to those who claim that this forum can be helped if people start
writing more go-related content.
I have proven it many years ago, but I cannot do it alone and
currently I lack the time to lead the effort. As I have said, it
requires several active people.
2015-02-10 23:56:35 UTC
Post by Robert Jasiek
Post by Bantari
This is to those who claim that this forum can be helped if people start
writing more go-related content.
I have proven it many years ago, but I cannot do it alone and
currently I lack the time to lead the effort. As I have said, it
requires several active people.
Several people will never do it if everybody just sits and waits for the others to start doing it.
And anyways, most active people moved on to places without all that crap.

But, oh well - since I don't have the time neither, and it seems nobody else is willing, I just move to where the discussion is about Go, mostly, and the mood is not spoiled by all that inappropriate stuff.

Bottom line: if it was worth it for people (or for you) to try to save this group, they would. If they have more important things to do, they do that instead. Luckily, this is not the only game in town anymore.

For now - you have fun showing up once a month and putting effort into ignoring spam and H.A.L.
I will check up on you kids in a few months again, see if anything changes.
Not holding my breath.

Robert Jasiek
2015-02-11 05:32:23 UTC
Post by Bantari
Several people will never do it if everybody just sits and waits for the others to start doing it.
Exactly, and therefore I post my ca. two go posts here per month.
Detlef Müller
2015-02-11 23:58:18 UTC
Post by Bantari
This is to those who claim that this forum can be helped if people
start writing more go-related content.
Shall this be some kind of contest?
Post by Bantari
Any action does not start with what "people" should do, but with what
"you" can do. So those who want to help, why not write some
go-related stuff.
Maybe because one precondition for writing some of interest is one
has something interesting to write about?
Just ordering someone to write something of interest rarely works.
Post by Bantari
Don't wait for "people" to do it, and don't
complain that "they" don't. Write some yourselves - prove me wrong!
Aha. It is a "contest".
Post by Bantari
Just a warning - at this point, it would take a LOT of go-related
content to lure people in, in spite of what is going on. Alas, poor
little H.A.L. seems to be the most prolific contributor at the
Well - clearly your statement ist a so called "double bind"-attack.
You demand a decision where all alternatives (inclusive not reacting)
makes your intended audience looking bad.

This might be a good strategy for playing go.
In social interaction there are really nasty words for
such a behaviour.
Gently speaking, it is the opposite of constructive.

Maybe some day I have something go-related to contribute,
maybe not.

Surely not on demand.

2015-02-12 04:01:13 UTC
Post by Detlef Müller
Gently speaking, it is the opposite of constructive.
I assume you mean - your post was constructive, yes? ;)

Anyways, in case you did not catch on yet, there is no contest. Some here, like RJ, claim that all this forum needs to revive is for more people to post more go-related content. I disagree, since I think that it also needs either some voluntary culture by the posters or some enforced culture by some moderator(s).

Also, I objected to the statement that "people" should post more and challenged the ones making such statements to post more themselves instead of complaining that others don't.

That's pretty much it. No contest, just a healthy exchange of opinions. I understand you might not have recognized it as such, this forums sees so little of it lately, the skill might have been forgotten.