message to Hal Womack...
(too old to reply)
2015-08-15 16:23:17 UTC
This is part of the message I sent to Hal Womack via FB. He wanted to start an email conversation, but I did not go into that, because I think my point is perfectly clear and acceptable.

Obviously he doesn't care.

I keep wondering why he keeps using the same thread. I suspect there is a technical reason for that.

Hello Hal,

I would like to ask you to consider not using rec.games.go for your political messages, how funded your messages may be. Not because they are right (or wrong, or whatever), but because you are becoming part of a movement that is destroying Usenet. Please understand that how well founded your cause may be, you are drowning and misusing an already weakened communication medium for your - you must admit, selfish - purposes. Please understand that Usenet (rec.games.go, and most other newsgroups) are going down the drain because the average Joe - as well as pornographers - have found a cheap way to inundate the world with their messages, making it nearly impossible for others to find back what really matters for them, even if that is far below the importance of the subjects that you want to share with them, and resulting in those - very handy, and cheap - communication channels to being shut down. As a result, people have to regroup onto new, more expensive (and superficial, flashy, trendy) forms of communication such as Facebook but also many other discussion platforms (think of godiscussions.com). I think those new media will not stand time as Usenet did, and when they disappear, they will leave gaping wounds behind due to the tons of knowledge they amassed and will lose, because they didn't care to preserve for the long term.

Please understand my reasoning, please stop being selfish, stop using a resource that is dwindling. You can't change the world this way, I can guarantee you that, because people are on rec.games.go to discuss Go, not politics. Your _sole_ achievement is that you are wasting people's time, and resources. Is that what you want?

Thank you for your attention.

Hal Womack 3-dan
2015-08-15 18:05:21 UTC
Alexander Duytschaever or "AD", as the former "alex" has finally revealed himself, here exhibits a typically perverse Jew hatred for free discussion among NAGs or Normal, Alias "Gentile".

Whether AD be Yid by blood like old KinkHenKi, Netanyahu, Sulzbergerz et al or rather a mere hired jootool like the Clintonz, Bushez usw, the character of his obsessive whining is clear.

My thread preserves and makes available to a general audience casual discussion among _baduk_ players on KGS. AD's allergy to this simple function presumably arises from his Netanyahu-hired desire as a hazbarat to suppress righteous discussion of murderous Jew domination.

From my log ==> 20150815 SATURDAY:

Day Thirty-Nine of the First Anniversary of GM'14 aka the Seven Week Slaughter.

{!Death 2 the JewState & Hellorcell 4 all itz goonz everywhere. Hang the Senate? Jews Out of the USGov? Riddle: Q = 09/11/22? A = 06/08/'67!} <== Dozens of FB-ers have "liked" this standard file response to the ceaseless reports of Jewish atrocities from Palestine. How best can we move toward establishing justice on Earth? Shall we ask leaders such as V. Putin, Evo Morales, Nicolas Maduro, Xi Jinping, Rafael Correa, Hassan Nasrallah, Bashar al-Assad, Fernando Botero, John le Carre,
Kim Jong-un, Arundhati Roy and Alison Weir to help us to establish fora wherein our movement may grow mighty via debate and discussion? What other positive suggestions have you to offer? How long will we seven billion NAG's [Normal, Alias "Gentile"] take totally to break the Jews of their nasty habit of murdering our children?

Post by alex
This is part of the message I sent to Hal Womack via FB. He wanted to start an email conversation, but I did not go into that, because I think my point is perfectly clear and acceptable.
Obviously he doesn't care.
I keep wondering why he keeps using the same thread. I suspect there is a technical reason for that.
Hello Hal,
I would like to ask you to consider not using rec.games.go for your political messages, how funded your messages may be. Not because they are right (or wrong, or whatever), but because you are becoming part of a movement that is destroying Usenet. Please understand that how well founded your cause may be, you are drowning and misusing an already weakened communication medium for your - you must admit, selfish - purposes. Please understand that Usenet (rec.games.go, and most other newsgroups) are going down the drain because the average Joe - as well as pornographers - have found a cheap way to inundate the world with their messages, making it nearly impossible for others to find back what really matters for them, even if that is far below the importance of the subjects that you want to share with them, and resulting in those - very handy, and cheap - communication channels to being shut down. As a result, people have to regroup onto new, more expensive (and superficial, flashy, trendy) forms of communication such as Facebook but also many other discussion platforms (think of godiscussions.com). I think those new media will not stand time as Usenet did, and when they disappear, they will leave gaping wounds behind due to the tons of knowledge they amassed and will lose, because they didn't care to preserve for the long term.
Please understand my reasoning, please stop being selfish, stop using a resource that is dwindling. You can't change the world this way, I can guarantee you that, because people are on rec.games.go to discuss Go, not politics. Your _sole_ achievement is that you are wasting people's time, and resources. Is that what you want?
Thank you for your attention.
2015-08-16 21:03:36 UTC
As far as I know, Hal Womack is the only Dan level Go player in the world with such an attitude. He does not deserve that Dan level, IMO.

Flabbergasting. sickening, disgusting, obviously beyond repair or any chance of changing his mind: deeply sick, I'd say. It's a pity, because judging from his FB page, he seemed like a reasonable man.
Post by Hal Womack 3-dan
Alexander Duytschaever or "AD", as the former "alex" has finally revealed himself, here exhibits a typically perverse Jew hatred for free discussion among NAGs or Normal, Alias "Gentile".
Whether AD be Yid by blood like old KinkHenKi, Netanyahu, Sulzbergerz et al or rather a mere hired jootool like the Clintonz, Bushez usw, the character of his obsessive whining is clear.
My thread preserves and makes available to a general audience casual discussion among _baduk_ players on KGS. AD's allergy to this simple function presumably arises from his Netanyahu-hired desire as a hazbarat to suppress righteous discussion of murderous Jew domination.
Day Thirty-Nine of the First Anniversary of GM'14 aka the Seven Week Slaughter.
{!Death 2 the JewState & Hellorcell 4 all itz goonz everywhere. Hang the Senate? Jews Out of the USGov? Riddle: Q = 09/11/22? A = 06/08/'67!} <== Dozens of FB-ers have "liked" this standard file response to the ceaseless reports of Jewish atrocities from Palestine. How best can we move toward establishing justice on Earth? Shall we ask leaders such as V. Putin, Evo Morales, Nicolas Maduro, Xi Jinping, Rafael Correa, Hassan Nasrallah, Bashar al-Assad, Fernando Botero, John le Carre,
Kim Jong-un, Arundhati Roy and Alison Weir to help us to establish fora wherein our movement may grow mighty via debate and discussion? What other positive suggestions have you to offer? How long will we seven billion NAG's [Normal, Alias "Gentile"] take totally to break the Jews of their nasty habit of murdering our children?
Post by alex
This is part of the message I sent to Hal Womack via FB. He wanted to start an email conversation, but I did not go into that, because I think my point is perfectly clear and acceptable.
Obviously he doesn't care.
I keep wondering why he keeps using the same thread. I suspect there is a technical reason for that.
Hello Hal,
I would like to ask you to consider not using rec.games.go for your political messages, how funded your messages may be. Not because they are right (or wrong, or whatever), but because you are becoming part of a movement that is destroying Usenet. Please understand that how well founded your cause may be, you are drowning and misusing an already weakened communication medium for your - you must admit, selfish - purposes. Please understand that Usenet (rec.games.go, and most other newsgroups) are going down the drain because the average Joe - as well as pornographers - have found a cheap way to inundate the world with their messages, making it nearly impossible for others to find back what really matters for them, even if that is far below the importance of the subjects that you want to share with them, and resulting in those - very handy, and cheap - communication channels to being shut down. As a result, people have to regroup onto new, more expensive (and superficial, flashy, trendy) forms of communication such as Facebook but also many other discussion platforms (think of godiscussions.com). I think those new media will not stand time as Usenet did, and when they disappear, they will leave gaping wounds behind due to the tons of knowledge they amassed and will lose, because they didn't care to preserve for the long term.
Please understand my reasoning, please stop being selfish, stop using a resource that is dwindling. You can't change the world this way, I can guarantee you that, because people are on rec.games.go to discuss Go, not politics. Your _sole_ achievement is that you are wasting people's time, and resources. Is that what you want?
Thank you for your attention.
2015-08-24 16:28:43 UTC
Post by alex
As far as I know, Hal Womack is the only Dan level Go player in the world with such an attitude. He does not deserve that Dan level, IMO.
If it makes any difference, he's nowhere near dan. I'm 5kyu KGS, and I just won reasonably comfortably w/ 3 handicap.

RIP Usenet.
