Do you remember John Cock (UK)
(too old to reply)
2014-11-09 10:06:41 UTC
When I started go he was famous for being promoted to shodan at his
first tournament but I haven't heard the full details of that story.

We have his go board. It is a top quality board with slate and shell
stones, and the cover has an inscription inside it saying it was
presented to John by MainIchi newspaper in 1966. Does anyone know why?
Nick Wedd
2014-12-08 18:56:50 UTC
Post by DavidK
When I started go he was famous for being promoted to shodan at his
first tournament but I haven't heard the full details of that story.
We have his go board. It is a top quality board with slate and shell
stones, and the cover has an inscription inside it saying it was
presented to John by MainIchi newspaper in 1966. Does anyone know why?
According to http://britgo.org/bgj/01001.html#dan he was awarded his
shodan certificate in 1969, and then lived in Cheltenham. It is
likely that he then worked for GCHQ there.

Richard Mullens
2014-12-08 19:42:35 UTC
Post by DavidK
When I started go he was famous for being promoted to shodan at his
first tournament but I haven't heard the full details of that story.
We have his go board. It is a top quality board with slate and shell
stones, and the cover has an inscription inside it saying it was
presented to John by MainIchi newspaper in 1966. Does anyone know why?
Why not post this question to Gotalk - see http://www.britgo.org/gopcres/info#gotalk

I would be surprised if someone there didn't know.

I only see one reference to Mainichi on the BGA website (at http://www.britgo.org/bgj/04108.html ) but John Cock won the British Open - a handicap tournament at the time - in 1968. http://www.britgo.org/tournaments/britishopen