KGS Officially Cheers For Jew Murders on July 3rd
(too old to reply)
Hal Womack 3-dan
2016-07-03 21:02:43 UTC
In view of the dramatic operational result of the latest hostile action by WMS, I am posting this notice separately, as well as in its chronological place at the end of the main thread.

William M. Shubert, owner of KGS, now reverts to severe censorship in favor of Jew murders, see Alpha below. For several seasons the badmins in the "English Chat Room" aka ECR had begun to permit fairly open exchanges on topics of world politics. Only minutes ago, as the reader can see for herself, the Jew axe once again suddenly & without warning whatsoever chopped off such free discussion.

For years I have many times already exposed the utter perversity of the important propaganda term "anti-Semite". By endorsing and promoting murder, WMS makes himself --like the U.S. Senate, Zuckertanyahu, ClitRump and many other such figures-- the worst enemy of the Jews as well as of the other 99.8% of our human race.
Welcome to the English Chat Room, the place to chat.

asdk: tomorrow all usa in 4 july put iraqis flag near homes
asdk: cjalden im right
readytogo: kick military hilliary and donald drumft to the curb
Warfreak2: or when a muslim does it
AGAGO: asdk, what?
Warfreak2: or a toddler.
AGAGO: give me q break
readytogo: breaking news....250 people were killed in auto accidents today !!!
readytogo: band the car !
readytogo: ban
readytogo: we must have car controll
womack: [War Horrors Beginning For Some Veterans . - Google News news.google.com/newspapers?nid=1665&dat...id...Google News Some say they should be. they ought to quit," Army Joel Kindred said of the Fourth of July parades. what did we do? We killed . Fort Worth star-telegram
readytogo: brahahaha
tomicus: asdk has this thing about flags, he thinnks that anyone who puts a flag in fron of their house is an idiot, he thinks americans are idiots, therefore americans will have iraqui flags in front of their houses, asdk logic gives me a headache
womack: The origninal story of PfC Kindred's remark in 1991 worth searching out.
readytogo: asd needs an attitude adjustment
cjalden: tom, it's simpler than that
readytogo: gloom and doom is not a proper attitude
womack: Chorus: Slogan of the Season: Hang ClitRump, Zuckertanyahu & Kabal for JeWar crimes, draft Mel? "Sweet Sixteen" means taking back Earth from the Jews?
cjalden: asdk thinks all westerners are idiots, therefore everything they do - including breathe - is idiotic [13:36]
{The connection to the server has been closed unexpectedly. You must log in again.}
{Sorry, you cannot log in because this account or internet address is temporarily blocked. The reason for blocking is "Spewing the usual anti-Semitic and crude insults".} [13:43]

I am honored by WMS' latest act of cowardice against me.
Hal Womack 3-dan
2016-07-03 23:58:16 UTC
The Big Upside of today's WMS clutch-up: Revealingly reflexive display of TagFear. Are the owners of the Witch of the Waco Massacre rightly sweating that "ClitRump" may go global viral? Orange Donald, of course, has little to fear from one more tar-ball, however sticky, unlike Mrs. Vaginal Mongoloid.

Does my latest tag --the single best earlier individual one having been "Aerial Shaboom"-- outweigh a bayonet up the ass as a "crude insult"? Would we the 7BAC ["Billion And Counting"] like to put this question more directly both to HRC, to her master Zuckertanyahu and to her minion WMS?

VoilĂ  the link to:
Hillary Clinton "We Came, We Saw, He Died" (Gaddafi)



Post by Hal Womack 3-dan
In view of the dramatic operational result of the latest hostile action by WMS, I am posting this notice separately, as well as in its chronological place at the end of the main thread.
William M. Shubert, owner of KGS, now reverts to severe censorship in favor of Jew murders, see Alpha below. For several seasons the badmins in the "English Chat Room" aka ECR had begun to permit fairly open exchanges on topics of world politics. Only minutes ago, as the reader can see for herself, the Jew axe once again suddenly & without warning whatsoever chopped off such free discussion.
For years I have many times already exposed the utter perversity of the important propaganda term "anti-Semite". By endorsing and promoting murder, WMS makes himself --like the U.S. Senate, Zuckertanyahu, ClitRump and many other such figures-- the worst enemy of the Jews as well as of the other 99.8% of our human race.
Welcome to the English Chat Room, the place to chat.
asdk: tomorrow all usa in 4 july put iraqis flag near homes
asdk: cjalden im right
readytogo: kick military hilliary and donald drumft to the curb
Warfreak2: or when a muslim does it
AGAGO: asdk, what?
Warfreak2: or a toddler.
AGAGO: give me q break
readytogo: breaking news....250 people were killed in auto accidents today !!!
readytogo: band the car !
readytogo: ban
readytogo: we must have car controll
womack: [War Horrors Beginning For Some Veterans . - Google News news.google.com/newspapers?nid=1665&dat...id...Google News Some say they should be. they ought to quit," Army Joel Kindred said of the Fourth of July parades. what did we do? We killed . Fort Worth star-telegram
readytogo: brahahaha
tomicus: asdk has this thing about flags, he thinnks that anyone who puts a flag in fron of their house is an idiot, he thinks americans are idiots, therefore americans will have iraqui flags in front of their houses, asdk logic gives me a headache
womack: The origninal story of PfC Kindred's remark in 1991 worth searching out.
readytogo: asd needs an attitude adjustment
cjalden: tom, it's simpler than that
readytogo: gloom and doom is not a proper attitude
womack: Chorus: Slogan of the Season: Hang ClitRump, Zuckertanyahu & Kabal for JeWar crimes, draft Mel? "Sweet Sixteen" means taking back Earth from the Jews?
cjalden: asdk thinks all westerners are idiots, therefore everything they do - including breathe - is idiotic [13:36]
{The connection to the server has been closed unexpectedly. You must log in again.}
{Sorry, you cannot log in because this account or internet address is temporarily blocked. The reason for blocking is "Spewing the usual anti-Semitic and crude insults".} [13:43]
I am honored by WMS' latest act of cowardice against me.