KGS Censorship Notice
(too old to reply)
Hal Womack 3-dan
2016-08-10 02:24:34 UTC

All chat rooms on this server are severely controlled by William M. Shubert's aka "WMS" badmins enforcing roughly the Murdoch-Sulzberger thought box. Anyone who speaks the truth on serious subjects is subject to being booted immediately without warning and without notice to those allowed to remain. The apparatchiki have repressed me in such fashion scores of times, for example most recently: [Sorry, you cannot log in because this account or internet address is temporarily blocked. The reason for blocking is "inappropriate behaviour".] The nameless stooges' apparent complaint was that I mentioned the 71st anniversary of the USGov A-bombing of Hiroshima and referred members of the chat room to a relevant venue for free discussion, namely, "rec.games.go" .

The JAR* or "JewAmerican Regime" thought police here are absolutely shameless, as befits murderers of children (see below, Alpha) and of tens of millions of their kith and kin.

We honorable NAG*s [*=Normal, Alias "Gentile"] of both the Am pop and the 7BAC ["Billion And Counting"] as a whole obviously & urgently need to establish a strong hospitable venue for robust debate, putting paid to the Zuckertanyahu FB fraud.
* Variation = JAPE for "Planetary Empire".
ALPHA: A useful fresh Jew statement, pending further discussion:
"What Sort of Society Feels Absolutely Nothing After Killing Hundreds of Children?"
[Israel killed 546 Palestinian children over the course of only 50 days in Gaza in 2014. Of those, 180 were babies and toddlers under the age of five.]
Gideon Levy Jul 28, 2016 12:33 PM
read more: http://www.haaretz.com/opinion/.premium-1.733743
One quick answer to Gideon Levy's title question above = A criminal society in which Hillary Clinton, WMS and his nameless harpies are all firmly established gang or Kabal members.
2016-08-23 21:13:04 UTC
Post by Hal Womack 3-dan
All chat rooms on this server are severely controlled by William M. Shubert's aka "WMS" badmins enforcing roughly the Murdoch-Sulzberger thought box. Anyone who speaks the truth on serious subjects is subject to being booted immediately without warning and without notice to those allowed to remain. The apparatchiki have repressed me in such fashion scores of times, for example most recently: [Sorry, you cannot log in because this account or internet address is temporarily blocked. The reason for blocking is "inappropriate behaviour".] The nameless stooges' apparent complaint was that I mentioned the 71st anniversary of the USGov A-bombing of Hiroshima and referred members of the chat room to a relevant venue for free discussion, namely, "rec.games.go" .
The JAR* or "JewAmerican Regime" thought police here are absolutely shameless, as befits murderers of children (see below, Alpha) and of tens of millions of their kith and kin.
We honorable NAG*s [*=Normal, Alias "Gentile"] of both the Am pop and the 7BAC ["Billion And Counting"] as a whole obviously & urgently need to establish a strong hospitable venue for robust debate, putting paid to the Zuckertanyahu FB fraud.
* Variation = JAPE for "Planetary Empire".
"What Sort of Society Feels Absolutely Nothing After Killing Hundreds of Children?"
[Israel killed 546 Palestinian children over the course of only 50 days in Gaza in 2014. Of those, 180 were babies and toddlers under the age of five.]
Gideon Levy Jul 28, 2016 12:33 PM
read more: http://www.haaretz.com/opinion/.premium-1.733743
One quick answer to Gideon Levy's title question above = A criminal society in which Hillary Clinton, WMS and his nameless harpies are all firmly established gang or Kabal members.