Question re Go term for being lead around
(too old to reply)
2015-03-13 00:10:01 UTC
A while back I recall hearing a term (possibly Japanese) that meant to lead around like a dog on a leash, or perhaps it was to follow around. Are any of you familiar with this term? It is a term used to describe the play of beginners that simply follow the lead of the more experienced player.

This is the closest I could find, but I don't think this is it.

Robert Jasiek
2015-03-13 06:09:58 UTC
No, but I call it "following your opponent (like a slave)". Beginners
must learn that playing elsewhere can be good.
2015-03-13 13:19:49 UTC
Thanks, Robert. I have seen that expression too in books and at Sensei wiki. It was a few years ago when I was last interested in the game and could have sworn there was a word for it. It's not that important, but was trying to remember as I discussed Go with a coworker. When in doubt, Tenuki ;-)
Post by Robert Jasiek
No, but I call it "following your opponent (like a slave)". Beginners
must learn that playing elsewhere can be good.
2015-03-28 05:50:56 UTC
Post by jraggio
A while back I recall hearing a term (possibly Japanese) that meant to lead around like a dog on a leash, or perhaps it was to follow around. Are any of you familiar with this term? It is a term used to describe the play of beginners that simply follow the lead of the more experienced player.
This is the closest I could find, but I don't think this is it.
Related to gote and sente?
