KGS ECR Transcript --Very Rough
(too old to reply)
Hal Womack 3-dan
2014-06-09 01:01:09 UTC
20140608 @ 15:29 hrs. Sunday

Some editing needed:
alias: bye ^^
prolepsis: see ya ^^
prolepsis: been fun
alias: i'll be in EGR
alias: prolepsis
EasyCoder: In 1984, Alexis Rannit, an émigré Estonian poet, wrote that all empires fall and suggested that the Soviet Empire should be studied so that its collapse could be peaceful. Dr. Morton Kaplan proposed a conference titled "The Fall of the Soviet Empire"
womack: Hello Pete03, I need either to find or to found the proper YouTube footage for my 9/11/22 angle
prolepsis: EC: i call spam, on you, your house & all your works.
KayMatoby: if it's not on YouTube, it doesn't exist
womack: )
prolepsis: engage in dialogue, or desist. please.
EasyCoder: The conference not only more accurately predicted what was to happen in the Soviet Union than any other source, but I believe it also helped shape the unfolding of the system in a more peaceful way than might otherwise have happened
EasyCoder: * wishes prolepsis would turn himself inside out
prolepsis: also it would be nice if you spent less time copy-pasting stuff in.
prolepsis: ah engagement!
prolepsis: welcome.
EasyCoder: If I spend less time, it will be bulky and contain extraneous words.
stumped: funny http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Kim_Jong-il's_titles
prolepsis: if you spent more, it would be terse.
LinPhaseEQ: And maybe additional words, too!
womack: Thx 2 EC for the suggestion re conference on the fall of JAPE
pete038861: theres many "911 illuminati symbolism conspiracy" video. They show many symbols and number 911 in movies before the 911 incident. Lets forget about the illuminati but is it really all coincidence
EasyCoder: I thought your previous remark about Jews was merely a jape.
womack: EC refers to Jews murdering Palestinians, perchance?
womack: My Jewish friend Gideon Polya, mentioned above, also objected on that ground to the proposed acronym, but PKDick rule
pete038861: I mean, they all happened in movie before 2001-9-11. People say those behind the job love to send message before it but I highly doubt whats ths use of sending message before something happen.
Archaic: lol
pete038861: I would say they do this not becasue they want to send the message, but they have to do it to induce something
womack: Get your people out of the bldg & also put some shorts
pete038861: Perhaps 911 was just an experience about the mind control. They proved it is true
pete038861: experiment*
alfalfa: no, it was minds out of control. cheney should be behind bars.
pete038861: They make use of the media to plant the subconscious message into people's mind and let the thing happen. This is my thought but it would sound really far fetched to you
Archaic: alrite nice chattin'
pete038861: Im done
Archaic: i'm going to have to reflect on all this
Archaic: it's been nice to have been introduced to all these ideas
KayMatoby: oh my..... womack has found a friend
pete038861: please chat guys I wont talk in a long time
pete038861: womack you shouldnt be embarrassed we should share info in private chat, only if you are interested
alias: there's a problem Pete
alias: about undicing
alias: inducing*
pete038861: ask please
alias: it requires that other numbers are left out
alias: to work
alias: in other movies
alias: or in media in general
pete038861: what do you mean
alias: pete038861: They make use of the media to plant the subconscious message into people's mind and let the thing happen.
womack: pete03 speaks oddly but welcome to forward links
pete038861: yea thats what I say so your point is?
pete038861: I don't understand " it requires that other numbers are left out"
pete038861: english not my native sorry
pete038861: not my native language
KayMatoby: "for it to work, you have to leave out numbers"
alias: you are talking about the numbers as being the message

alias: during mindcontrol
alias: thx Kay
pete038861: not just numbers but many pictures
alias: But for the message to be effective, you can't have other numbers in media
pete038861: hmm
pete038861: yea lets look at the video first
alias: that interfere with the message
womack: OK all . here ends my last try fro a transcript @ 17:42 hrs PDT USA.
EasyCoder: For wacky theories to hold water, they must not be compared to reality.
pete038861: ye alias you gave a good point
pete038861: theres some way to reinforce the message and not let other interfere it
pete038861: its maybe something like "anchor" or some other technique in nlp
pete038861: Im not familiar with nlp but mind control use nlp
womack: oops, drawn back in. EC's "wacky theories" refer to the Official Lie re 9/11?
EasyCoder: While the fact that today's Black incarcerated population is larger than the 1850 slavery population is shocking, it doesn't really say much. It's simply because today's total Black population is far larger than America's Black population in 1850. So a more accurate and illustrative comparison would be the percentage of the Black population who were slaves in 1850 versus the percentage of the Black population incarcerated today.
womack: "Mind control" of course, what else will? Except maybe "guns control"...
womack: EC's last prop to silly for comment now. But most notorious murderer in USA of (partial) African descent = Obomber, followed by Colon Powell & Skeeza
eunoia: easy, are you 'Alfred Edmond, Jr.' ?
eunoia: http://www.blackenterprise.com/news/are-there-really-more-blacks-in-prison-than-were-in-slavery/ paragraph four.
KayMatoby: ad homonym attacks?
EasyCoder: In 1850, 90% of American blacks were slaves. Nowadays, 4% of American blacks are in prison.
EasyCoder: The incarceration rate in state or federal prison or jail for men was 1,384 per 100,000 residents, for women 134 per 100,000 residents. The rate for white men was 736 per 100,000, for black men 4,789 per 100,000, for Hispanic men 1,862 per 100,000.
eunoia: having looked that up, KayM, nope, just asking
womack: All prisoners held under dope busts are entitled to heavy damages for wrongful action. All survivors of USGov attacks worldwide likewise and even more so.
eunoia: your last easy coder: http://www.drugwarfacts.org/racepris.txt point 5. word fopr word.
EasyCoder: Relative to their numbers in the general population, about 4.8% of all black men were in custody at midyear 2006, compared to about 0.7% of white men and 1.9% of Hispanic men. Overall, black men were incarcerated at 6.5 times the rate of white men. The incarceration rate for black men was highest among black men age 25 to 29. About 11.7% of black males in this age group were incarcerated on June 30, 2006.
eunoia: indeed, character for character.
EasyCoder: The question is what is causing this?
alias: I've watched the video with the symbols
EasyCoder: Are whites trying to make this happen?
alias: I have a couple of Masons books
alias: if u wanna have?
alias: and learn?
womack: Criminal Jewish despotism cause of US oppression.
pete038861: I've answered your question you can scroll back
eunoia: that last from point 6., same page
alias: from the real source
EasyCoder: Or is this simply the side effect of "well-intentioned" liberal white politics?
pete038861: theres some way to reinforce the "message" not let it be interefered
EasyCoder: If you look only at race and leave out other factors such as dropping out of school versus earning a high-school diploma
pete038861: alias so you study this kind of stuff too?
womack: Ciao all @ 17:52 hrs.
EasyCoder: Or the father living at home or not
AmyTS: What is dead may never die // but with strange aeons even death may die.
AmyTS: needs more fava beans
Sheriffi: gonna fly now
AmyTS: fly, fly away
SamSpade: £5.9 million spend on keeping Assange from escaping the Ecuadorian embassy
AmyTS: well spent, Assange committed the worst crime anyone can commit in any human society.
Sheriffi: good
AmyTS: he exposed the secrets of the powerful. that's a no-no.
SamSpade: didn't he rape some swedes or something like that?
AmyTS: allegedly
AmyTS: He hasn't actually been formally charged.
SamSpade: waste of money anyhow
prolepsis: yep, they copuld have spent precisely nothing ignoring him...
womack: USGov has murdered about 30,000,000 [thirty million] vix worldwide since 1945, plenty of "secrets", fear of mass defections.
womack: 22:29 hrz [Zulu].
alfalfa: that's mean.
womack: Closer to home, the meaner it gets, eh?
SamSpade: how did you get to that number?
BigDoug: he completely made it up out of thin air
womack: One can see why "Big Doug" prefers to remain anonymous.
womack: As published many times before, my Net-friend Gideon Polya Phd of Melbourne published BODY COUNT: GLOBAL AVOIDABLE MORTALITY SINCE 1950 [2007]
womack: Law = prohibition of aggressive war by the International Military Tribunal sitting first @ Nuremberg in 1945.
BigDoug: by "published", do you mean "typed on a website somewhere"?
womack: I am looking at the hard copy with its yellow cover & 211 pp
womack: Facts = both direct killings by US military & itsd agents + civilian deaths resulting from destruction of infrastructure
Warfreak2: which of the sillies on my censor list is the ECR engaging in debate this time?
KayMatoby: guess
womack: Warf's fingers permanently stuck in its ears?
mabblebrox: I love that poeple don't get how incredibly awful the US is
Warfreak2: archaic, womack, lordquas and easycoder are the ones who aren't asleep
mabblebrox: let's just be in denial, oh great
womack: "We the peeps" radically different from WAR or WARshington Regime
KayMatoby: self-published, I see
womack: good for Kay
mabblebrox: too bad nothing will ever change
mabblebrox: the revolution is dead, I am dead
womack: between the ears maybe so
mabblebrox: thanks womack, you really wouldn't have an idea of my soul
mabblebrox: odd that you insult me, whilst I agree with you
womack: mabbs mad that we were discussing Earth rather than its soul?
mabblebrox: yes, that is exactly it. i submit to your stellar insight
womack: trash distraction here
mabblebrox: you don't get it man, nothing will change, it's over
mabblebrox: we will plunge into a new age of apathy and destruction
EasyCoder: One conservative's "definition" of a liberal is someone who would never let the facts sway him from what he knows to be true.
KayMatoby: but baying at the moon is so satisfying
womack: OK. important proposition
mabblebrox: one liberal's definition of 'conservative' is somebody who supports 'justifiable murder'
mabblebrox: let's all give Congress a moral imperative, yay
EasyCoder: If Hitler is bad because he killed 6 million Jews, why don't leftists conceded that Mao and Stalin are 10 times as bad?
BigDoug: mabblebrox, since you don't have a job, are you getting financial support from the federal and state governments ?
mabblebrox: no comment
womack: Who is "Big Doug" ?
BigDoug: if that's the case, why is the government bad, since they are supporting you?
mabblebrox: you think I want to be where I am?
mabblebrox: not the government, the entire society
mabblebrox: why do i bother
womack: "governments" good. Oppressive regimes bad
EasyCoder: I just saying: for those who claim to believe that the end does not justify the means, why not apply their criticisms across the board instead of singling out America?
KayMatoby: too simple
mabblebrox: 'administrative body to oversee roadwork' good, 'military apparatus to perpetuate profiteering' bad
BigDoug: since the government provides you with food and shelter, i don't understand why you are so critical of it
mabblebrox: sure, china is bad, north korea is bad
Warfreak2: my screen is full of red Xs, but it's clear that i'm not missing anything of value
womack: By all means let's do adopt a single standard of criticism, beaing in mind all of the relevant facts
mabblebrox: bigdoug north korea no doubt supports many people, should they be critical of goverment?
BigDoug: I'm talking about your comments, not North Korea
BigDoug: why are you so angry about society and the government since you're being supported by them?
EasyCoder: I don't mind my country being judged by a standard that requires us to be 100 times better than scoundrels like Mao and Stalin.
womack: Highly recommended = NORTH KOREA: ANOTHER COUNTRY by Bruce Cumings, chairman of hist dept U Chicago
EasyCoder: * goes and looks up that book
womack: EC perhaps realizes that Stalin & Mao spoke different languages?
mabblebrox: you don't get it man, nothing will change, it's over
mabblebrox: we will plunge into a new age of apathy and destruction
EasyCoder: One conservative's "definition" of a liberal is someone who would never let the facts sway him from what he knows to be true.
KayMatoby: but baying at the moon is so satisfying
womack: OK. important proposition
mabblebrox: one liberal's definition of 'conservative' is somebody who supports 'justifiable murder'
mabblebrox: let's all give Congress a moral imperative, yay
EasyCoder: If Hitler is bad because he killed 6 million Jews, why don't leftists conceded that Mao and Stalin are 10 times as bad?
BigDoug: mabblebrox, since you don't have a job, are you getting financial support from the federal and state governments ?
mabblebrox: no comment
womack: Who is "Big Doug" ?
BigDoug: if that's the case, why is the government bad, since they are supporting you?
mabblebrox: you think I want to be where I am?
mabblebrox: not the government, the entire society
mabblebrox: why do i bother
womack: "governemnts" good. Oppressive regimes bad
EasyCoder: I just saying: for those who claim to believe that the end does not justify the means, why not apply their criticisms across the board instead of singling out America?
KayMatoby: too simple
mabblebrox: 'administrative body to oversee roadwork' good, 'military apparatus to perpetuate profiteering' bad
BigDoug: since the government provides you with food and shelter, i don't understand why you are so critical of it
mabblebrox: sure, china is bad, north korea is bad
Warfreak2: my screen is full of red Xs, but it's clear that i'm not missing anything of value
womack: By all means let's do adopt a single standard of criticism, beaing in mind all of the relevant facts
mabblebrox: bigdoug north korea no doubt supports many people, should they be critical of goverment?
BigDoug: I'm talking about your comments, not North Korea
BigDoug: why are you so angry about society and the government since you're being supported by them?
EasyCoder: I don't mind my country being judged by a standard that requires us to be 100 times better than scoundrels like Mao and Stalin.
womack: Highly recommended = NORTH KOREA: ANOTHER COUNTRY by Bruce Cumings, chairman of hist dept U Chicago
EasyCoder: * goes and looks up that book
womack: EC perhaps realizes that Stalin & Mao spoke different languages?
mabblebrox: prisons clothe and shelter poeple, are prisoners happy about it?
mabblebrox: I am, essentially, a prisoner of the state
womack: Speaking of USGov, lotza prisoners to ask
BigDoug: I'm still trying to work out your philosophy -- you are given food and shelter for free, yet you are unhappy and complain about the people who give these benefits to you
mabblebrox: well say you live with a mob boss
BigDoug: without a job 100 years ago, you'd be starving in the streets or dead by now
mabblebrox: he gives you food and shelter
mabblebrox: but still kills for hire
mabblebrox: should you morally be opposed to his practices?
womack: Doug the Nameless quizzes mabbs re personal condition
mabblebrox: it's completely irrelevant anyway
KayMatoby: Doug is a name
prolepsis: EC- 'leftists' as you put it, readily admit thaty both stalin & mao were murderous arseholes. also, that both were not communists, as clearly they were both totalitarians.
mabblebrox: 'communism,' the farce of ages
mabblebrox: communism has only been witnessed in Berkeley, CA
mabblebrox: russia, korea, all others are fascist states
prolepsis: there's a town in spain, too, that's truely communist, so i hear
mabblebrox: cool
womack: Mao Zedong & Ho Chi Minh = the top 2 leaders of their Century
mabblebrox: it'll never happen, sorry folks
mabblebrox: the future is dead
womack: "fascist" routinely abused word
prolepsis: it's pretty easy to spot communists: is there a government/state/dictator? if yes: not communism...
mabblebrox: maybe 'communalism'
mabblebrox: soviet union was never truly marxist, lenin abused the philosophy
womack: EasyCoder: If Hitler is bad because he killed 6 million Jews-- If that historical proposition is true, then why have the Jews made it a criminal offense in most of Europe
womack: to ask for the evidence?
prolepsis: ...what the hell have you been smoking?
clydesdale: oh deary me
KayMatoby: business as usual
womack: prolepsis outta papers?
prolepsis: do we really have a denier amongst us?
mabblebrox: just a few like, buildings laying around proving it happened
womack: Shall we burn the witch at the stake, guys?
KayMatoby: nah........ just laugh
mabblebrox: sigh deeply, painfully
prolepsis: barely any overwhelming evidence at all, really. like evolution, pretty much just a hoax to get pinkies into the whitehouse.
mabblebrox: good thing there's scooby doo to watch
mabblebrox: cartoons are simple
mabblebrox: comforting
prolepsis: oh you are entitled to your opinion womack, but we are just as entitled to call you out for it being stupid.
mabblebrox: how is womack a critic of US and at the same time holocaust denier?
mabblebrox: oh he's anti-semite, that's right
KayMatoby: natural talent
mabblebrox: me, i'm an anti dentite
mabblebrox: those dentists, they're up to something
EasyCoder: Whether Prof Cumings meant to or not, he comes off as being a great admirer of the North Koreans. While laying out eight pages of American atrocities during the Korean War, he sums up the DPRK's in one sentence, with the lame apologist excuse that we expect communist countries to do that (p. 30-40). He seems to write with awe and wonder at how great North Korean infrastructure is, how their neo-Confucian Communism has really soaked into every facet of life and how the people love their Great and Dear Leaders. It comes off as some aged hippie dreaming of long-dead Marxist propaganda and longing for the great socialist dream. The author editorializes more than he lays down the facts, and he skips over the nasty stuff: he apologizes for the Gulag system on p. 174-176 and on p. 151 apologizes for the DPRK's Stalinism by saying that this is the Korean "concept of freedom."
womack: "anti-Semite" = a propaganda tag for fools
EasyCoder: * best quote from several reviews I read on Amazon
mabblebrox: womack distinguish between 'power elite' and 'jewish subculture'
mabblebrox: yes there are many elite jewish criminals, but many more working-class innocent jewish poeple
womack: Readers are encouraged to continue their own reviews of Professor Cumings
mabblebrox: and many non-jewish elite criminals
mabblebrox: Daphne fell through a trap door!
womack: womack: EasyCoder: If Hitler is bad because he killed 6 million Jews-- If that historical proposition is true, then why have the Jews made it a criminal offense in most of Europe womack: to ask for the evidence?
womack: Prolepsis answers?
mabblebrox: can you seriously cite a document of law supporting that claim?
EasyCoder: It shouldn't be a criminal offense to ask for the evidence, although to *scoff* at the evidence and say "Where is it?" when you're looking right at it is another thing. Many Arab governments do that, more's the pity.
mabblebrox: wtf evidence?
BigDoug: mabblebrox, I've seen womack have this discussion many, many times
mabblebrox: the camps are still there
mabblebrox: oh unless they were just holding boy scout jamborees there
EasyCoder: It's similar to saynig that the Communists weren't "communist"
BigDoug: mabblebrox, you know better than to use that acronym here
mabblebrox: oh sorry
prolepsis: there is a: no criminality for asking for evidence, and b: no lack of evidence to present.
Warfreak2: what
EasyCoder: Try reading Fred Schwarz, You Can Trust the Communists (to be Communists)
mabblebrox: this is pointelss discussion
Warfreak2: "there is a government" -> "it is not communism" what
prolepsis: also c: no argument about wether the holocaust happened which does not involve the answer: in all likelyhood, to the very highest possible degree of certainty: yes.
mabblebrox: he gives you food and shelter
mabblebrox: but still kills for hire
mabblebrox: should you morally be opposed to his practices?
womack: Doug the Nameless quizzes mabbs re personal condition
mabblebrox: it's completely irrelevant anyway
KayMatoby: Doug is a name
prolepsis: EC- 'leftists' as you put it, readily admit thaty both stalin & mao were murderous arseholes. also, that both were not communists, as clearly they were both totalitarians.
mabblebrox: 'communism,' the farce of ages
mabblebrox: communism has only been witnessed in Berkeley, CA
mabblebrox: russia, korea, all others are fascist states
prolepsis: there's a town in spain, too, that's truely communist, so i hear
mabblebrox: cool
womack: Mao Zedong & Ho Chi Minh = the top 2 leaders of their Century
mabblebrox: it'll never happen, sorry folks
mabblebrox: the future is dead
womack: "fascist" routinely abused word
prolepsis: it's pretty easy to spot communists: is there a government/state/dictator? if yes: not communism...
mabblebrox: maybe 'communalism'
mabblebrox: soviet union was never truly marxist, lenin abused the philosophy
womack: EasyCoder: If Hitler is bad because he killed 6 million Jews-- If that historical proposition is true, then why have the Jews made it a criminal offense in most of Europe
womack: to ask for the evidence?
prolepsis: ...what the hell have you been smoking?
clydesdale: oh deary me
KayMatoby: business as usual
womack: prolepsis outta papers?
prolepsis: do we really have a denier amongst us?
mabblebrox: just a few like, buildings laying around proving it happened
womack: Shall we burn the witch at the stake, guys?
KayMatoby: nah........ just laugh
mabblebrox: sigh deeply, painfully
prolepsis: barely any overwhelming evidence at all, really. like evolution, pretty much just a hoax to get pinkies into the whitehouse.
mabblebrox: good thing there's scooby doo to watch
mabblebrox: cartoons are simple
mabblebrox: comforting
prolepsis: oh you are entitled to your opinion womack, but we are just as entitled to call you out for it being stupid.
mabblebrox: how is womack a critic of US and at the same time holocaust denier?
mabblebrox: oh he's anti-semite, that's right
KayMatoby: natural talent
mabblebrox: me, i'm an anti dentite
mabblebrox: those dentists, they're up to something
EasyCoder: Whether Prof Cumings meant to or not, he comes off as being a great admirer of the North Koreans. While laying out eight pages of American atrocities during the Korean War, he sums up the DPRK's in one sentence, with the lame apologist excuse that we expect communist countries to do that (p. 30-40). He seems to write with awe and wonder at how great North Korean infrastructure is, how their neo-Confucian Communism has really soaked into every facet of life and how the people love their Great and Dear Leaders. It comes off as some aged hippie dreaming of long-dead Marxist propaganda and longing for the great socialist dream. The author editorializes more than he lays down the facts, and he skips over the nasty stuff: he apologizes for the Gulag system on p. 174-176 and on p. 151 apologizes for the DPRK's Stalinism by saying that this is the Korean "concept of freedom."
womack: "anti-Semite" = a propaganda tag for fools
EasyCoder: * best quote from several reviews I read on Amazon
mabblebrox: womack distinguish between 'power elite' and 'jewish subculture'
mabblebrox: yes there are many elite jewish criminals, but many more working-class innocent jewish poeple
womack: Readers are encouraged to continue their own reviews of Professor Cumings
mabblebrox: and many non-jewish elite criminals
mabblebrox: Daphne fell through a trap door!
womack: womack: EasyCoder: If Hitler is bad because he killed 6 million Jews-- If that historical proposition is true, then why have the Jews made it a criminal offense in most of Europe womack: to ask for the evidence?
womack: Prolepsis answers?
mabblebrox: can you seriously cite a document of law supporting that claim?
EasyCoder: It shouldn't be a criminal offense to ask for the evidence, although to *scoff* at the evidence and say "Where is it?" when you're looking right at it is another thing. Many Arab governments do that, more's the pity.
mabblebrox: wtf evidence?
BigDoug: mabblebrox, I've seen womack have this discussion many, many times
mabblebrox: the camps are still there
mabblebrox: oh unless they were just holding boy scout jamborees there
EasyCoder: It's similar to saynig that the Communists weren't "communist"
BigDoug: mabblebrox, you know better than to use that acronym here
mabblebrox: oh sorry
prolepsis: there is a: no criminality for asking for evidence, and b: no lack of evidence to present.
Warfreak2: what
EasyCoder: Try reading Fred Schwarz, You Can Trust the Communists (to be Communists)
mabblebrox: this is pointelss discussion
Warfreak2: "there is a government" -> "it is not communism" what
prolepsis: also c: no argument about wether the holocaust happened which does not involve the answer: in all likelyhood, to the very highest possible degree of certainty: yes.
Warfreak2: that is the most ludicrous thing that anyone not on my censor list has said all day
mabblebrox: the american revolution never happened either
mabblebrox: in fact neither did dinosaurs
EasyCoder: * mabblebrox's birth never happened either ;-)
mabblebrox: yeah I wish it hadn't
EasyCoder: * He was born "undead"
mabblebrox: my non-life would be so much easier
KayMatoby: dinosaurs were dragons
mabblebrox: ah
mabblebrox: I used to drive by Bill Gate's driveway practically every day
KayMatoby: how else do you explain how there are dragon legends all over the world
prolepsis: warfreak: my assertion - as communism is in fact an equal sharing of power (leaving it's economic attributes aside a moment) there cannot be a state, holding power over the people, any more than there can be a person...
mabblebrox: what about ogres?
EasyCoder: My favorite movie this year: "World War Z", starring Brad Pitt as Gerry Lane
mabblebrox: movies suck
Warfreak2: communism is not an equal sharing of power
Warfreak2: that is direct democracy
womack: "The Holocaust (tm)" = a global Jewish ad campaign initiated about 8 years after Bernard Baruch & David Beng Gurion assranged the Jack Whack
Warfreak2: communism is an equal sharing of production
EasyCoder: The main point is that we all agree (in theory anyway) that man's inhumanity to man is intolerable.
Warfreak2: also, direct democracy does have a government
mabblebrox: womack go eat a missile
alias: You are both right warfreak and prolepsis
Warfreak2: if there is no government, you have anarchy, by definition - not communism
alias: depending on the definition of power
mabblebrox: what if there was a president who actually fixed the country?
mabblebrox: that would be ridiculous
prolepsis: anarchy, democracy & communism all have one thing in common: equal power.
KayMatoby: wait a minute......... I need to go make popcorn
EasyCoder: Communism has two definitions, depending on whether you're trying to win a debate with a schoolboy trick - or being serious and scholarly
prolepsis: withering away of the state, anyone?
mabblebrox: the state is dead
alias: agreed prolepsis
mabblebrox: a bunch of soul-numbed old fogies pretending to have power
EasyCoder: It's Communism when a communist or worker's party is in control, establishes the totalitarion "dictatorship of the proletariat" and wields control over all means of production.
EasyCoder: The main point is that we all agree (in theory anyway) that man's inhumanity to man is intolerable.
Warfreak2: also, direct democracy does have a government
mabblebrox: womack go eat a missile
alias: You are both right warfreak and prolepsis
Warfreak2: if there is no government, you have anarchy, by definition - not communism
alias: depending on the definition of power
mabblebrox: what if there was a president who actually fixed the country?
mabblebrox: that would be ridiculous
prolepsis: anarchy, democracy & communism all have one thing in common: equal power.
KayMatoby: wait a minute......... I need to go make popcorn
EasyCoder: Communism has two definitions, depending on whether you're trying to win a debate with a schoolboy trick - or being serious and scholarly
prolepsis: withering away of the state, anyone?
mabblebrox: the state is dead
alias: agreed prolepsis
mabblebrox: a bunch of soul-numbed old fogies pretending to have power
EasyCoder: It's Communism when a communist or worker's party is in control, establishes the totalitarion "dictatorship of the proletariat" and wields control over all means of production.
alias: you are wronhg
prolepsis: easy, you just cited the founder of something called 'the Christian Anti-Communism Crusade' as an author worth a read, is he, do you think, likely to be capable of impartiality?
alias: wrong (easycoder)
EasyCoder: * schoolboy trick: claim it's not "communist" because it's not the projected stage of history after socialism has withered away
mabblebrox: can i say, the one thing right with communism is banning religion?
mabblebrox: we needed a new religion though
BigDoug: do you agree with the communists burning the churches and killing the priests and nuns?
alias: Well, to can't say that the American project (as freud put it) is what descitrbes liberalism
mabblebrox: the religion of the psychedelic, the earth-natural and art
BigDoug: you can't have one without the other
mabblebrox: no, they didn't need to kill anyone
prolepsis: easy, if you fail to see the distinction between what was hoped for, and what was recieved/achieved, do try to think...
EasyCoder: * notes that mabblebrox has disqualified himself from this debate by stooping to ad hominem
alias: I dont agree with Americans or Muslims doing that either BD
mabblebrox: meh
mabblebrox: ideally you'd enlighten the ignorant
EasyCoder: For a distinction between what was hoped for and what was received/achieved, read Andrew Wilson, "Communism: Promise and Practice"
mabblebrox: instead of killing or burning
BigDoug: yes, I agree with you Alias -- the problem is how to outlaw religion (as Mabblebrox proposes) without killing the people who would not agree with it being outlawed
mabblebrox: I like Scooby Doo, it doesn't demand anything, it's just pleasantly dumb
BigDoug: I don't think that's possible
womack: Bernard Baruch launched US war against Korea, murdering ~3 millions, in order to jump start the permanent US war economy
alias: can you resume us for the sake of the discussion Easy?
mabblebrox: bigdoug the answer, is new-earth culture
mabblebrox: i.e. burning man, other festivals
BigDoug: but how does that outlaw religion mabblebrox?
mabblebrox: that was the revolution, but it will never get the backing it needs
mabblebrox: it doesn't
Warfreak2: uh
mabblebrox: it transcends religion
Warfreak2: we outlawed lots of things without killing their adherents
BigDoug: you speak without conviction -- you say you want one thing, then immdiately say that you don't want it
EasyCoder: * aside to alias: what does "resume us" mean?
mabblebrox: 'law' as such is a really ineffective way to effect conduct
Warfreak2: ecstacy for example, is an illegal drug, possession of which will get you a prison sentence, not a death sentence
womack: Mao said of Stalin, "three parts good, two parts bad"
mabblebrox: i didn't say I 'want' religion outlawed, just that we don't need it
EasyCoder: My Japanese go teacher said, "Fall down seven times, get up eight."
alias: *I agree, but is outlaw of religion a baring part of communism?
Warfreak2: no, it isn't
EasyCoder: Communism would be only half as bad if it didn't outlaw religion.
BigDoug: mabblebrox: can i say, the one thing right with communism is banning religion? <-- don't you remember what you said five minutes ago ?
womack: Good effect of Stalin was indirect promotion of break up of white imperialism, independence for colonies, starting w China & India
mabblebrox: yes I said that
EasyCoder: The other half is eliminating the incentive to work.
mabblebrox: I didn't say that I, personally, want religion outlawed, specifically
mabblebrox: simply that I agree with the sentiment
alias: summarise (the book you mentioned)
prolepsis: oh easy ffs, go read a book that wasn't published to further the cold war
clydesdale: taht axe must be getting pretty ground by now womack
BigDoug: prolepsis, you are certainly welcome to discuss politics here, but please don't use acronyms which involve the f-word
EasyCoder: Moon told Gorbachev to allow religious freedom in the Soviet Union, and to restore worker's incentives (e.g., harder/smarter, get more money) and the rest is history
prolepsis: and as for saecularism: i thoroughly support the separation of church & state, but banning religion... i don't think it's really 'on' as we say over here
womack: EC = a Moonie?
prolepsis: ah, sure BigD, sorry everyone, became a little frustrated.
Warfreak2: if you go to the wikipedia article on communism, for example, and do a page search for 'religio' you'll find a link to 'religious communism', examples of religious groups which historically lived according to something resembling communism, one reference under marxism-leninism to "dispelling" religion and nationalism, and then 'christian communism'
alias: Im cnfused, are we talking communism as in the manifesto by marx or how it is and/or wa spracticed by nations?
BigDoug: I understand -- thanks :)
prolepsis: easy is goping for the was practised, i'm on the 'as it was meant to be' school
Warfreak2: banning religion is both silly and not a particularly communist goal
clydesdale: marxism is a secular religion
Warfreak2: only insofar as other economic theories are
KayMatoby: banning anything is silly........ it just makes people want it more
EasyCoder: The most common template on Wikipedia - the one used to calculate ages in biographical articles - was originally developed by me.
womack: Bolshevism in Russia was a Jewish crypsis disastrous for the immense majority. "Communism" in China has been a spectacularly succesful national revolution.
alias: That's what im talking about too prolepsis
EasyCoder: It became so popular that the chief coder added "Parser Functions" to speed it up.
BigDoug: you're right KayMatoby
alias: What is the question of this discussion?
EasyCoder: Warf is referring to the voluntary practice of holding all property in common. This works in societies which are small enough.
Warfreak2: "from each according to their ability, to each according to their need" is probably the best summary of communism
EasyCoder: The sort of "communism" which most humanitarians disagree with is that which murders people who don't want to share.
womack: "Communism" = Marx's most important mistake
Warfreak2: it doesn't really entail killing people because of their religion
prolepsis: not even alittle, really, unless they *really* need killing for it.
BigDoug: WF2, the problem is that's the result of every Communist country to date
womack: The ancient concepts of "commonwealth" or in Romance languages "comuna" quite suffice
prolepsis: then it'd be unjust not to
EasyCoder: Sure, WF, if we subtract the deadly coercion from state Communism, it's not so bad. The obvious problem is that every Communist gov't always employed deadly coercion.
prolepsis: yeah, there have been failures to reach communism, some really nasty ones...
EasyCoder: That's why people aren't risking their lives to get "into" communist countries.
BigDoug: it's the difference between politics in theory and politics in fact
Warfreak2: every communist country to date?
Warfreak2: i could charitably describe that as a bold claim...
womack: USGov violence uniquely global and by far worst in world domestically, too
16:28 hrs
Warfreak2: the problem is that "from each according to their ability, to each according to their need" doesn't reward people according to their contribution
Archaic: it's just waiting there to pounce on you
prolepsis: aye, alias, many have tried to get there & failed.
Archaic: don't be deluded
mabblebrox: let's talk about something new, like classic automobiles
mabblebrox: this debate is old
prolepsis: this debate predates me, to be fair ^^
womack: Speaking of violence: Do we all agree that KinkHenKi & Aerial Shaboom staged the 9/11/2001 TV Stunt?
alias: doesn't make it a fact
mabblebrox: 'staged?'
EasyCoder: Reward people according to their contribution, and you'll get progress: like two bicycle makers figuring out how to control the flight of an airplane
mabblebrox: a 9/11 truther is one thing .... but 'staged?'
womack: That's how Dan Quayle & SonnaBush made it up there, eh?
mabblebrox: i hadn't realized how nuts womack is
mabblebrox: sure, i agree with truthers
EasyCoder: @Archaic, if something is good, it doesn't lie in wait, lurking and ready to pounce.
prolepsis: ya man, those buildings are totally still there.
mabblebrox: but you're claiming it was 'staged'
KayMatoby: welcome to the club
womack: mabbs dons his shrinkhat
Archaic: communism has evil connotations
Archaic: not just economic whatever
mabblebrox: womack i'm agreeing with you to some extent, why insult me
Archaic: it's not written in plain view, but that's what it is
clydesdale: i think womack is totally barking mad
womack: womack: Speaking of violence: Do we all agree that KinkHenKi & Aerial Shaboom staged the 9/11/2001 TV Stunt?
mabblebrox: yeah
EasyCoder: People will work extra hard, if there's an incentive.
Warfreak2: he is
prolepsis: 'connotations' say nothgin of the thing itself. only what you see in it.
mabblebrox: i'm saying, how can you claim 9/11 didn't happen
alias: Prolepsis, you missunderstand me, it's a fact that it has led to totalitarianism, but that doesn't make it a fact that communism must, should or will lead to that.
womack: The Official Line, of course, that OBL & Mohammad Atta staged the do.
EasyCoder: Reward innovation that increase productivity, and people will invent marvellous things.
Archaic: connotations have led to the fact that every single communist nation in history has employed tactics which you don't even know about
mabblebrox: well duh
mabblebrox: bush probably paid off bin laden
Archaic: and none have failed not to do so
womack: mabbs word quite worthless, as the record shows
prolepsis: oh i agree: many have tried & failed doesn't make theiur aim worthless, nor their hopes wasted
EasyCoder: Sometimes it's something so obvious that no one thought if it, like the automatic safety breaks in elevators
mabblebrox: i love that i'm getting flak for agreeing with somebody
Warfreak2: it tends to lead to economic collapse, which tends to lead to totalitarianism. otherwise, it may be imposed by a government which is already totalitarian
EasyCoder: Or twisting the wings (i.e., ailerons) to control the flight of aircraft.
mabblebrox: a primary function of evolution, was the correct manifestation of communism
alias: Arhaic: than it's counter-productive because that's the opposite of what Communism in the sense of the Manifesto wants
mabblebrox: neo-tribalism, organic labor units
Archaic: i havent read the entire manifesto, but it's pretty evil
womack: Goodness gracious, WF2 the srongest player in the room now
EasyCoder: Letting people make their own economic decisions (as in "free market economics") tends to lead a nation towards prosperity.
alias: evil? How?
EasyCoder: And a rising tide floats all boats.
alias: To a nations yes, but not to peoples
mabblebrox: yeah but the machine of capitalism has created dead, soulless husks
KayMatoby: except the leaky ones
womack: War, empire, resources
alias: US is a good example of that
mabblebrox: hence the need for neo-tribalism
Archaic: freedom is essential
mabblebrox: free markets tend to encourage exploitation of workers
prolepsis: i'm actually amazed this guy swallowed the neo-liberal bull as far as he did... rising tide? have you seen the cost of living vs wage figures in the last thirty years?
alias: If course
womack: Justice first, then peace, then freedom, then the commonwealth
alias: Of course
alias: But Free market is not free in and by itself
mabblebrox: it's sad that womack could otherwise be an inspiring person
alias: that is pretty much the biggest point of the manifesto
EasyCoder: I see delicious irony in how we are using the Internet (created by the dead, soulless husks of US-paid scientists and engineers) to disrespect the innovation made possible by US democracy and freedom.
womack: LOL
mabblebrox: yeah but capitalism was something to be transcended
mabblebrox: it served its purpose, to further technology
mabblebrox: but the time had come for something new, that never arrived
womack: Bernard Baruch shot to death democracy in America in September of 1935
prolepsis: please mr US marketting campaign, enlighten us as to how free you are. have you habeus corpus?
alias: It wasn't democracy and freedom who did, it was smart people
alias: who happened to work for american army
prolepsis: or a free market? safe from farming subsidies & the like?
Archaic: it's easy to try to twist things into practical terms, and further our society by just turning everything into facts and numbers, but when you get to that point, that's where things start creeping in such as cloning (which was banned), you lose touch of human sight
prolepsis: and again i'm agreeing with alias. (mostly, a fair few worked for the MoD)
Archaic: so basically don't be like warfreak
womack: H-bomb makers like my uncle Robert Harris created Internet to safeguard their continued production during nuclear war, eh what?
mabblebrox: what?
womack: After Gorby surrendered, then DoD released Net to public use
mabblebrox: womack obviously the internet was created by evil mad scientists to enslave ogres
prolepsis: and the lizards, don't forget them.
womack: mabbs = mainly a waste of time
mabblebrox: if you want to complain, complain about world of warcraft
mabblebrox: talk about the internet gone horribly wrong
mabblebrox: womac = complete nutjob
Archaic: both of you settle down, settldown now
mabblebrox: i otherwise rather liked womack but i see he's not a sane and rational person
womack: Stage 3 in 1990's was us peeps started talking on Usenet newsgroups. Free dpeech frightened high US despots
Archaic: lol
womack: Usenet trashed after 9/11Stunt
mabblebrox: uh, usenet still exists
mabblebrox: or, IRC for that matter
womack: quite crippled by sabotage from several angles
KayMatoby: spam killed Usenet
mabblebrox: by your logic KGS should be shut down
mabblebrox: hey anybody want to engage in illegal activities /troll NSA
womack: Finn Brunton wrote SPAM . 16:44 hrs
prolepsis: and the lizards, don't forget them.
womack: mabbs = mainly a waste of time
mabblebrox: if you want to complain, complain about world of warcraft
mabblebrox: talk about the internet gone horribly wrong
mabblebrox: womac = complete nutjob
Archaic: both of you settle down, settldown now
mabblebrox: i otherwise rather liked womack but i see he's not a sane and rational person
womack: Stage 3 in 1990's was us peeps started talking on Usenet newsgroups. Free dpeech frightened high US despots
Archaic: lol
womack: Usenet trashed after 9/11Stunt
mabblebrox: uh, usenet still exists
mabblebrox: or, IRC for that matter
womack: quite crippled by sabotage from several angles
KayMatoby: spam killed Usenet
mabblebrox: by your logic KGS should be shut down
mabblebrox: hey anybody want to engage in illegal activities /troll NSA
womack: Finn Brunton wrote SPAM . 16:44 hrs
mabblebrox: we could put a bomb on a bus and force Keanu Reaves to drive to an aiport then make out with Sandra Bullock
Archaic: lol
prolepsis: i love to troll the NSA, how can i help?
womack: "illlegal" = one sick bird
mabblebrox: say keywords at the same time not getting banned from KGS
mabblebrox: uh
mabblebrox: I plan and intend to throw eggs at the White House.
mabblebrox: that should rile them
Archaic: hmm
alias: :D
Archaic: hope you have a long reach
mabblebrox: well you can walk right past the front yard
prolepsis: 'foxhole' 'dirty bomb' 'al-quaida' 'white house' 'nuke' 'nuclear' 'bomb' 'anthrax' 'ebola' ...
EasyCoder: US-style democracy is not threatened by free speech. Only liberals who can't stand having their theories compared to reality would want to censor their critics.
womack: Nearest Fed bldg handier?
mabblebrox: but they might notice a bunch of egg crates
prolepsis: easy, are you a near-right attempt at a turin-test beating engine?
EasyCoder: lol
Archaic: what's that?
KayMatoby: it's amazing how few people understand what Freedom of Speech means........
EasyCoder: * wonders if p meant the shroud of Turin
prolepsis: an AI
EasyCoder: Or the Turing Test?
KayMatoby: .....and misuse the term
womack: EasyCoder: US-style democracy is not threatened by free speech. JFK,RFK, MLK, Malcolm X, Princess Di, John John, Michael Hastings, Gary Webb
EasyCoder: Actually, I'm neither rightwing nor left. I'm free as a bird.
Archaic: *scratch head
prolepsis: yeah, a g would have helped ^^
EasyCoder: The people who murdered, e.g., MLK were opponents of US-style democracy.
alias: and olof palme
EasyCoder: Real, lasting change occurs when men of good conscience are inspired.
alias: lol
womack: The assassins' Kabal rule the USGov
alias: KayMatoby: Care to explain for us?
prolepsis: seriously, your 'speech' does not fit, you pronounce everything as if it were a speech...
EasyCoder: The British didn't leave India because of a military defeat. Gandhi's movement pricked their conscience.
prolepsis: see?
womack: Check Olof Palme. also Lord Moyne & Count Folke Bernadotte
EasyCoder: White Americans (mainly Republicans, by the way) supported the Civil Rights act of the 1960s.
prolepsis: no continuity, no sense of proportion, of his/her/it's audience... it isn't human i tell you.
KayMatoby: the first words of the First Amendment might give a hint
Archaic: prolepsis what would be an ideal society for you
alias: Im not american
Archaic: let's ask you that
alias: :)
alias: and I might interpret it wrong, according to you
EasyCoder: "Congress shall make no law ..."
Archaic: do you even know what you're getting at, or are you just spouting out random facts, figures, and #'s
alias: so shoot Kay, dont waste words you can't care to explain
womack: US High Kabal strategy toward black America was kill top leaders, imprison many, bribe many
EasyCoder: The federal gov't isn't permitted to "establish" any religion, i.e., make people follow it or say they believe it.
prolepsis: hmm, interesting... ideal society would be summarised as: inclusive, cooperative... 'ideal'
EasyCoder: They can't stop you from espousing or following your own religion, either.
Archaic: see you're getting to be an idealist already
womack: Although they did stop Rajneesh
prolepsis: i always have been ^^
alias: why is that wrong arhaic?
Archaic: i'm saying that's the way to go
alias: Oh, ok ^^
EasyCoder: The civil rights movement was not crippled by MLK's assassination. Look at how far blacks, for example, have come in the last 60 years.
prolepsis: i seriously mistrust our current crop of idealism-denier politicians: if they have no ideal, can they have a moral stance? or indeed any sense at all?
womack: More blacks in prison today than were slaves in 1864 --or what are the #'s?
prolepsis: easy, have you tried joinging the conversation, ever?
prolepsis: in hard numbers it will be, as a percentile i think less are in jail (taking only north american pop)
womack: "percentile" worth a giggle
alias: Prolepsis: he might be what you are looking for:

prolepsis: mis-use of percentile, is that?
prolepsis: damn typos. :p
Archaic: that's why i personally dislike people who just look at things through facts and figures, when human beings actually have higher standards of being, such as a spirit
EasyCoder: people. For every person who believes that the over-representation of Blacks in the prison system is proof of the bias inherent in that system, there is at least one other who believes that such disproportionate representation is proof positive that Black men are more prone to crime and violence
prolepsis: their common sense, their values, their dreams...
prolepsis: good line.
EasyCoder: In fact, nearly 90 percent of Blacks in America were slaves 160 years ago. According the U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics, non-Hispanic Blacks (including women) are 39.4 percent of the total prison and jail population in 2009. Not even close.
alias: Yes, I agree Easy, the question is why? Socioeconomical facts of US ofcourse
alias: of Free market
prolepsis: called it.
alias: and neo-lieberlism
EasyCoder: Alias, could it be that they commit disproportionately more crime?
EasyCoder: Would it have anything to do with single-parent families?
alias: Yes, and why are the doing more crime?
Archaic: everybody's different, nobody's the same
alias: That was my point
prolepsis: he's about certain to say that everyone in africa is lazy, and that's why some of them starve. any second.
womack: Of course, do we look at murders committed by Americans on a global scale. then by far the most criminal clique = the Jews, followed by the likes of Clintonz, Bushez 17:00
Archaic: of course you're going to treat them with respect as a human being
BigDoug: you seem to blame a very small group of people for all the ills in the world
prolepsis: he/she does, very much
womack: Has BD found a name yet?
Archaic: but in reality, nobody is the same
Meepy: g'morning amy!
AmyTS: hi meepy. o
AmyTS: /
AmyTS: help, someone cut my arm off as i was waving to meepy
prolepsis: we are all the same in that we are all different ^^
Archaic: they all have differing backgrounds, come from different places, and have different levels of spiritual awareness :)
Archaic: thus they deserve differently
womack: Ah BD pursues the point. Yes, Jews = a tiny global minority of about 00.02%, rt?
Archaic: you can try to blame god for that, but all he will do is ignore u
womack: I wish to lay blame only where it's due.
Archaic: thus, treat all life with respect
Archaic: but realize that people are different, and they deserve to be treated differently
alias: sometimes I overrate the intelligence of Goplayers
Archaic: that's not up to us, it's just the way things are
Meepy: i hate cultural relativism so much
Meepy: just being different is no reason to be respected
AmyTS: I hate relative culturalism.
prolepsis: intelligence without methodology is nigh useless, alias, perhaps it's the lack of the latter which throws off your findings?
EasyCoder: Black families are the least likely to have an employed family member (78 percent). The black illegitimacy rate is 72% and eclipses that of all other groups. In 2001, only 50% of all black students, graduated from high school. 23% of all black male drop-outs ages 16 to 24 are in prison, or a juvenile justice institution.
KayMatoby: worldwide?
Archaic: that's no reason to hate however
prolepsis: nah those'll be US stats
womack: EC's data from USA, it could give source
Meepy: those stats are the same for poor urban white people
prolepsis: good point meepy ^^
alias: Not really, i think people say things withot thinking, going all blitz
alias: Maybe a methodology would be good
prolepsis: ah, that, too ^^
Archaic: start hating when things are unfair, or you get treated unfairly
Archaic: that's a good time to start hatin'
alias: EasyCoder: How to you interpret that?
prolepsis: injustice anywhere...
alias: do*
pete038861: One's physical appearance has huge relation to his spirit.
womack: EasyCoder: Black families are the least likely to have an employed family member (78 percent). = Claim that 78% of black families USA are totally unemployed?
EasyCoder: alias, it has a lot to do with the attack on black family structure
womack: Hate the crime, love the criminal. Take it back to Augustin of Hippo
prolepsis: isn't that that one fifth of 'black families' have at least one unemployed member?
EasyCoder: I blame wealthy whice racists (i.e, liberals) who want to perpetuate a permanent underclass.
EasyCoder: Okay, maybe not *all* liberals
alias: That is kind of sick in one of the biggest economies and power-states in the world
alias: All for Freedom and Democracy right
alias: or maybe it's the type of politics
pete038861: The jews at work
prolepsis: liberals? really, such a group of haters.
EasyCoder: If black men have an ecomomic incentive to marry the mother of their children and live together as a family, all sorts of good things will happen to the black community
womack: womack: Hate the crime, love the criminal.
prolepsis: neo-lib, well yeah, duh.
EasyCoder: But whites will have to pay more for nannies, chauffeurs, maids, etc.
alias: I dont really think it's because they necessaraly hate black, it's just a system that supports inequality
Archaic: pete, you're from the east and you have a different mindset there, we're taught differently here in the states, you're talking about outward appearance and inner self having a relationship and that's true, but in the end treat the person as he is supposed to be treated
alias: Liberalism that is
pete038861: not so different as you think archaic
Archaic: if you're ugly on the inside, it's bound to show up on the outside, but there are exceptions
alias: wmoack: I agree
pete038861: except sometimes I have problem understanding the language
EasyCoder: lol @ womack, 78 percent of black families have an employed family member
Archaic: well hong kong might be slightly different maybe far east is what i was thinking of
EasyCoder: Alias, there's sickness throughout the world. The USA is the easiest place to see it, because of our tradition of free press.
womack: EasyCoder talks rubbish, gets corrected, then laughts at its teacher, rt?
pete038861: Hong Kong people have two groups. one tend to think like black american. another one tend to think like Japanese people lol
alias: What are you talking about Easy?
alias: poor argument
EasyCoder: * willing to accept correction, awaiting someone to point out errors
womack: Asked & answered.
alias: You already know the error
Archaic: basically when you don't look at things objectively, you tend to be racist
prolepsis: you have been ignoring everyone who has done so. your main error is bias. by the by.
alias: the whole argument is flaw
Archaic: and then it can go to the other end too, where everybody is protective of the non-racist, thinking that the non-racist is great.
prolepsis: without good form in constructing arguments, they are always crap. methodology is key!
alias: agreed
prolepsis: oops, excuse the language please.
pete038861: archaic you are sensible person
alias: lol
pete038861: thats whats happening frequently these days
Archaic: i'm more than sensible
Archaic: compared to you
Archaic: i probably believe in things so fair, you would find them unfair
womack: The numerical expression "9/11/22" relates two decisive Black Ops which manifest the character of JAPE or the "Jewish-American Planetary Empire".
prolepsis: ...is he trolling, or serious? i honestly cannot tell.
Archaic: go womack womack go
prolepsis: \o/
KayMatoby: yes, prolepsis
alias: Hey man, why don't you go to alex jones forum instead
prolepsis: yes. definitely one of those, agreed.
alias: (womack)
womack: Does prolepsis understand the calendrical referents?
womack: Maybe "alias" should learn how to play baduk?
prolepsis: heh, no. well, i haven't heard of 'em, but if it's anything connected to numeroilogy i strongly suggest you look up 'methodology'
alias: I am :)
alias: laerning*
womack: Explanation for the slow-witted = 9/11/2001 crunched with 11/22/1963.
capacitor: hello [BOLD admin]
alias: hi
prolepsis: o/ ola
prolepsis: 'slow-witted' presuming, womak, you mean me, i am touched.
womack: "Dum spero spiro" rt ?
alias: Womack: all this talk about the jews, what are you trying to say?
Archaic: i think communism is going to be wiped off the face of the earth sometime soon
prolepsis: but really, numerology is only -at best- a poor subsititue for methamphetamine.
Archaic: that'd be nice
womack: or v-v
pete038861: I havn't found any consistent reference regarding the numbers but I believe the subconscious mind control to make something big happen on a worldwide scale
Archaic: go pete go pete go
alias: through numbers?
womack: Hello alias, I've said quite a bit above already, also many articles on Usenet newsgroups since 1994.
pete038861: nowadays movie filled with these stuffs so when you watch it you are part of the participants of their plans
Archaic: peteeeeeeeeyyyyy
alias: Yes, you've said alot but I dont understand what you are getting at. sry I might be slow
prolepsis: i definitely should have brought my tinfoil hat out. what was i thinking.
alias: ^^
Archaic: lol
womack: Maybe prolep should dig deeper in its cliche bag?
pete038861: lol
prolepsis: aw, can i not make jokes, are you touchy?
womack: Deeper.
prolepsis: show your working & state your opinions, i will not look away.
Archaic: pete you know wizard of oz, with the tinfoil man
pete038861: I know its something sacarstic
Archaic: i'm not sure if you've heard of it pete
Archaic: it's a movie or something american thing
womack: Hello Alias, I will try to publish this transcript on rec.games.go so you can review
prolepsis: but know: your ability to construct arguments *will* be scrutinised, and if it is failing, i will not be shy to tell you.
womack: "tinfoil hat" = favorite jibe of USGov liberals with security clearances
Archaic: what?
Archaic: wow
prolepsis: ...is there a reason anyone needed to be told that, and is it relevant to a point you care to make?
alias: Do that
KayMatoby: wow....... does anyone still read r.g.g?
Archaic: womack is so funny man
alias: not really
prolepsis: terrifying, but yes, also funny ^^
Archaic: womack you're added
womack: For as the crackling of thorns under a pot, so is the laughter of the fool: Ecclesiastes 7:6
pete038861: womack
LinPhaseEQ: It dies out after a few minutes of a lot of noise????
womack: evidence of thought there
prolepsis: great but again, you are not making a point, you know, the one you're so terribly-subtly complaining i'm not letting you make? just, you know, make your point.
womack: but 2 mqny hooks
pete038861: why don't you give some youtube reference about the 911 conspiracy. Some of them are really interesting and even the one mock you the most will start to believe it a bit
LinPhaseEQ: So we may infer then, that the laughter of a wise person is like the glow of hot coals under a pot?
womack: lol
Meepy: lol, i was gonna look that eccleisiastes quote up but the skeptics bible is censored here
womack: pot of good stuff, too
LinPhaseEQ: A big pot or a small pot?
Archaic: yes
prolepsis: never trust any bible quote that isn't in aramaic, that's my policy.
AmyTS: haha meepy
Meepy: indeed, prolepsis
alias: hehe
womack: re prolep, maybe alias will update it?
KayMatoby: some bits were in Greek
womack: prolep w Pope vs Bibi?
prolepsis: hm? can we try again with syntax?
womack: Sin tax = ATF?
prolepsis: For as the crackling of thorns under a pot, so is the laughter of the fool: Ecclesiastes 7:6
womack: prolep really missed news item re above item?
alias: lol
LinPhaseEQ: Actually, if my opinion matters.........
prolepsis: chip in ^^ why not!
alias: :P
LinPhaseEQ: To me, the laughter of the fool is more like a cackling than a crackling. Perhaps the word got corrupted at some point?
alias: who cares
alias: that's not the point
alias: I dont see a point in this disc anymore either
LinPhaseEQ: (?.?)
alias: So I change room
alias: bye ^^
prolepsis: see ya ^^
prolepsis: been fun
alias: i'll be in EGR
alias: prolepsis
EasyCoder: In 1984, Alexis Rannit, an émigré Estonian poet, wrote that all empires fall and suggested that the Soviet Empire should be studied so that its collapse could be peaceful. Dr. Morton Kaplan proposed a conference titled "The Fall of the Soviet Empire"
womack: Hello Pete03, I need either to find or to found the proper YouTube footage for my 9/11/22 angle
prolepsis: EC: i call spam, on you, your house & all your works.
KayMatoby: if it's not on YouTube, it doesn't exist
womack: )
prolepsis: engage in dialogue, or desist. please.
EasyCoder: The conference not only more accurately predicted what was to happen in the Soviet Union than any other source, but I believe it also helped shape the unfolding of the system in a more peaceful way than might otherwise have happened
EasyCoder: * wishes prolepsis would turn himself inside out
prolepsis: also it would be nice if you spent less time copy-pasting stuff in.
prolepsis: ah engagement!
prolepsis: welcome.
EasyCoder: If I spend less time, it will be bulky and contain extraneous words.
stumped: funny http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Kim_Jong-il's_titles
prolepsis: if you spent more, it would be terse.
LinPhaseEQ: And maybe additional words, too!
womack: Thx 2 EC for the suggestion re conference on the fall of JAPE
pete038861: theres many "911 illuminati symbolism conspiracy" video. They show many symbols and number 911 in movies before the 911 incident. Lets forget about the illuminati but is it really all coincidence
EasyCoder: I thought your previous remark about Jews was merely a jape.
womack: EC refers to Jews murdering Palestinians, perchance?
womack: My Jewish friend Gideon Polya, mentioned above, also objected on that ground to the proposed acronym, but PKDick rule
pete038861: I mean, they all happened in movie before 2001-9-11. People say those behind the job love to send message before it but I highly doubt whats ths use of sending message before something happen.
Archaic: lol
pete038861: I would say they do this not becasue they want to send the message, but they have to do it to induce something
womack: Get your people out of the bldg & also put some shorts 17:37
alias: bye ^^
prolepsis: see ya ^^
prolepsis: been fun
alias: i'll be in EGR
alias: prolepsis
EasyCoder: In 1984, Alexis Rannit, an émigré Estonian poet, wrote that all empires fall and suggested that the Soviet Empire should be studied so that its collapse could be peaceful. Dr. Morton Kaplan proposed a conference titled "The Fall of the Soviet Empire"
womack: Hello Pete03, I need either to find or to found the proper YouTube footage for my 9/11/22 angle
prolepsis: EC: i call spam, on you, your house & all your works.
KayMatoby: if it's not on YouTube, it doesn't exist
womack: )
prolepsis: engage in dialogue, or desist. please.
EasyCoder: The conference not only more accurately predicted what was to happen in the Soviet Union than any other source, but I believe it also helped shape the unfolding of the system in a more peaceful way than might otherwise have happened
EasyCoder: * wishes prolepsis would turn himself inside out
prolepsis: also it would be nice if you spent less time copy-pasting stuff in.
prolepsis: ah engagement!
prolepsis: welcome.
EasyCoder: If I spend less time, it will be bulky and contain extraneous words.
stumped: funny http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Kim_Jong-il's_titles
prolepsis: if you spent more, it would be terse.
LinPhaseEQ: And maybe additional words, too!
womack: Thx 2 EC for the suggestion re conference on the fall of JAPE
pete038861: theres many "911 illuminati symbolism conspiracy" video. They show many symbols and number 911 in movies before the 911 incident. Lets forget about the illuminati but is it really all coincidence
EasyCoder: I thought your previous remark about Jews was merely a jape.
womack: EC refers to Jews murdering Palestinians, perchance?
womack: My Jewish friend Gideon Polya, mentioned above, also objected on that ground to the proposed acronym, but PKDick rule
pete038861: I mean, they all happened in movie before 2001-9-11. People say those behind the job love to send message before it but I highly doubt whats ths use of sending message before something happen.
Archaic: lol
pete038861: I would say they do this not becasue they want to send the message, but they have to do it to induce something
womack: Get your people out of the bldg & also put some shorts
pete038861: Perhaps 911 was just an experience about the mind control. They proved it is true
pete038861: experiment*
alfalfa: no, it was minds out of control. cheney should be behind bars.
pete038861: They make use of the media to plant the subconscious message into people's mind and let the thing happen. This is my thought but it would sound really far fetched to you
Archaic: alrite nice chattin'
pete038861: Im done
Archaic: i'm going to have to reflect on all this
Archaic: it's been nice to have been introduced to all these ideas
KayMatoby: oh my..... womack has found a friend
pete038861: please chat guys I wont talk in a long time
pete038861: womack you shouldnt be embarrassed we should share info in private chat, only if you are interested
alias: there's a problem Pete
alias: about undicing
alias: inducing*
pete038861: ask please
alias: it requires that other numbers are left out
alias: to work
alias: in other movies
alias: or in media in general
pete038861: what do you mean
alias: pete038861: They make use of the media to plant the subconscious message into people's mind and let the thing happen.
womack: pete03 speaks oddly but welcome to forward links
pete038861: yea thats what I say so your point is?
pete038861: I don't understand " it requires that other numbers are left out"
pete038861: english not my native sorry
pete038861: not my native language
KayMatoby: "for it to work, you have to leave out numbers"
alias: you are talking about the numbers as being the message
pete038861: http://youtu.be/uazan4bDoAM
alias: during mindcontrol
alias: thx Kay
pete038861: not just numbers but many pictures
alias: But for the message to be effective, you can't have other numbers in media
pete038861: hmm
pete038861: yea lets look at the video first
alias: that interfere with the message
womack: OK all . here ends my last try fro a transcript @ 17:42 hrs PDT USA.
EasyCoder: For wacky theories to hold water, they must not be compared to reality.
pete038861: ye alias you gave a good point
pete038861: theres some way to reinforce the message and not let other interfere it
pete038861: its maybe something like "anchor" or some other technique in nlp
pete038861: Im not familiar with nlp but mind control use nlp
womack: oops, drawn back in. EC's "wacky theories" refer to the Official Lie re 9/11?
EasyCoder: While the fact that today's Black incarcerated population is larger than the 1850 slavery population is shocking, it doesn't really say much. It's simply because today's total Black population is far larger than America's Black population in 1850. So a more accurate and illustrative comparison would be the percentage of the Black population who were slaves in 1850 versus the percentage of the Black population incarcerated today.
womack: "Mind control" of course, what else will? Except maybe "guns control"...
womack: EC's last prop to silly for comment now. But most notorious murderer in USA of (partial) African descent = Obomber, followed by Colon Powell & Skeeza
eunoia: easy, are you 'Alfred Edmond, Jr.' ?
eunoia: http://www.blackenterprise.com/news/are-there-really-more-blacks-in-prison-than-were-in-slavery/ paragraph four.
KayMatoby: ad homonym attacks?
EasyCoder: In 1850, 90% of American blacks were slaves. Nowadays, 4% of American blacks are in prison.
EasyCoder: The incarceration rate in state or federal prison or jail for men was 1,384 per 100,000 residents, for women 134 per 100,000 residents. The rate for white men was 736 per 100,000, for black men 4,789 per 100,000, for Hispanic men 1,862 per 100,000.
eunoia: having looked that up, KayM, nope, just asking
womack: All prisoners held under dope busts are entitled to heavy damages for wrongful action. All survivors of USGov attacks worldwide likewise and even more so.
eunoia: your last easy coder: http://www.drugwarfacts.org/racepris.txt point 5. word fopr word.
EasyCoder: Relative to their numbers in the general population, about 4.8% of all black men were in custody at midyear 2006, compared to about 0.7% of white men and 1.9% of Hispanic men. Overall, black men were incarcerated at 6.5 times the rate of white men. The incarceration rate for black men was highest among black men age 25 to 29. About 11.7% of black males in this age group were incarcerated on June 30, 2006.
eunoia: indeed, character for character.
EasyCoder: The question is what is causing this?
alias: I've watched the video with the symbols
EasyCoder: Are whites trying to make this happen?
alias: I have a couple of Masons books
alias: if u wanna have?
alias: and learn?
womack: Criminal Jewish despotism cause of US oppression.
pete038861: I've answered your question you can scroll back
eunoia: that last from point 6., same page
alias: from the real source
EasyCoder: Or is this simply the side effect of "well-intentioned" liberal white politics?
pete038861: theres some way to reinforce the "message" not let it be interefered
EasyCoder: If you look only at race and leave out other factors such as dropping out of school versus earning a high-school diploma
pete038861: alias so you study this kind of stuff too?
womack: Ciao all @ 17:52 hrs.
EasyCoder: Or the father living at home or not
END 30 END 30
[I hope, from Beirut, that our Congress acts with maturity and intelligence.]
Welcome to the English Chat Room, the place to chat.
SamSpade: hi
SamSpade: what is behind Obama asking the congress on Syria?
womack: In general 4th Media of Beijing & RT or Russia Today are helpful on such questions, amongmany others.
womack: The Jewish push for yet another attack on an Arab country fianlly stumbled badly
alfalfa: i haven't been reading the news... did they decide not to attack syria?
womack: Backdoff at least temp
womack: The Tonkin Gulf incident/ Lee Harvey Oswald / 9/11 / WMD / Princess Diana lies getting too shaky
womack: For "lies" read "official stories" & add latest poison gas attack
alfalfa: i was kind of hoping we weren't going to be the cops of the world any longer
alfalfa: but that was foolish
alfalfa: it's all bought and paid for, already
womack: Think howMichael Hastings would be pounding his keyboard this weekend except for DARPA's robocar trix
womack: "kopz" as in the St Valentine's Day massace. Waco M, My Mlai M, Fallujah M, etc ad nauseam
womack: 'Tis been hella long since the USGov paid for anything on thebottom line
womack: "Put it on muy card, please."
alfalfa: i like watching old abbot and costello films, where they are running/hiding from the cops
womack: WHITE HOUSE DOWN just now was a reallaugh riot
womack: The documentary DIRTY WARS rathera moe seriours note
alfalfa: well you and i and any children we might father, will pay for it later.
womack: I have alredy published some calculations of war crimes debts in both blood & in gold
tomicus: there is nothing like logging into KGS in the middle of a conversation
Jarlaxle: Obama decided to ask the congress whether or not to attack Syria
womack: Usually guys are complaing of the lack thereof , rt ?
womack: A repeat for Jaraxle & tomicus = SamSpade: hi SamSpade: what is behind Obama asking the congress on Syria? womack: In general 4th Media of Beijing & RT or Russia Today are helpful on such questions, amongmany others. womack: The Jewish push for yet another attack on an Arab country fianlly stumbled badly alfalfa: i haven't been reading the news... did they decide not to attack syria? womack: Backdoff at least temp womack: The Tonkin Gulf incident/ Lee Harvey Oswald / 9/11 / WMD / Princess Diana lies getting too shaky womack: For "lies" read "official stories" & add latest poison gas attack
Jermelle: o.o
tomicus: it was more fun when I didn't have the back story...
womack: "There's some folks, that, if they don't know, you can't tell 'em." -- Louis Armstrong
Jarlaxle: so the use of chemical weapons in Syria was a Jewish conspiracy?
Muttley: No, apparently having a conscience about it is
womack: Like the assassinations of Lord Moyne or of Count Folke Bernadotte, for exmaple?
womack: Muttley admin echoes SoS Kerry re "consceince" ?
Welcome to the English Chat Room, the place to chat.
SamSpade: hi
SamSpade: what is behind Obama asking the congress on Syria?
womack: In general 4th Media of Beijing & RT or Russia Today are helpful on such questions, amongmany others.
womack: The Jewish push for yet another attack on an Arab country fianlly stumbled badly
alfalfa: i haven't been reading the news... did they decide not to attack syria?
womack: Backdoff at least temp
womack: The Tonkin Gulf incident/ Lee Harvey Oswald / 9/11 / WMD / Princess Diana lies getting too shaky
womack: For "lies" read "official stories" & add latest poison gas attack
alfalfa: i was kind of hoping we weren't going to be the cops of the world any longer
alfalfa: but that was foolish
alfalfa: it's all bought and paid for, already
womack: Think howMichael Hastings would be pounding his keyboard this weekend except for DARPA's robocar trix
womack: "kopz" as in the St Valentine's Day massace. Waco M, My Mlai M, Fallujah M, etc ad nauseam
womack: 'Tis been hella long since the USGov paid for anything on thebottom line
womack: "Put it on muy card, please."
alfalfa: i like watching old abbot and costello films, where they are running/hiding from the cops
womack: WHITE HOUSE DOWN just now was a reallaugh riot
womack: The documentary DIRTY WARS rathera moe seriours note
alfalfa: well you and i and any children we might father, will pay for it later.
womack: I have alredy published some calculations of war crimes debts in both blood & in gold
tomicus: there is nothing like logging into KGS in the middle of a conversation
Jarlaxle: Obama decided to ask the congress whether or not to attack Syria
womack: Usually guys are complaing of the lack thereof , rt ?
womack: A repeat for Jaraxle & tomicus = SamSpade: hi SamSpade: what is behind Obama asking the congress on Syria? womack: In general 4th Media of Beijing & RT or Russia Today are helpful on such questions, amongmany others. womack: The Jewish push for yet another attack on an Arab country fianlly stumbled badly alfalfa: i haven't been reading the news... did they decide not to attack syria? womack: Backdoff at least temp womack: The Tonkin Gulf incident/ Lee Harvey Oswald / 9/11 / WMD / Princess Diana lies getting too shaky womack: For "lies" read "official stories" & add latest poison gas attack
Jermelle: o.o
tomicus: it was more fun when I didn't have the back story...
womack: "There's some folks, that, if they don't know, you can't tell 'em." -- Louis Armstrong
Jarlaxle: so the use of chemical weapons in Syria was a Jewish conspiracy?
Muttley: No, apparently having a conscience about it is
womack: Like the assassinations of Lord Moyne or of Count Folke Bernadotte, for exmaple?
womack: Muttley admin echoes SoS Kerry re "consceince" ?
Muttley: no womack, I'm sticking specifically here to a single point
tomicus: was that the guy who started WWI
Muttley: the use of chemical weapons against civilians in Syria
tomicus: ?
womack: Sounds like Muttley is repeating Kerry on that veery point?
womack: Kerry, Netanyahu, Sulzberger & Kabal
Muttley: I really couldn't give a toss whether I sound like Kerry or not
Muttley: or whether you think I do, I just think saying "its a Jewish thing to attack an Arab state" is disgraceful
womack: Some of us do attend to upstream info sources
womack: Muttley refers to the statement rather than to the fact itself, apparently
Muttley: womack: The Jewish push for yet another attack on an Arab country fianlly stumbled badly
womack: U cansay that again
Muttley: yes indeed, I'm referring to your statement
Muttley: if you don't think the Syrian army has used chemical weapons, good luck on that one
womack: Mut seeks to deny the truth of the proposition?
Muttley: Why don't you try saying something of substance instead of posting questions
Muttley: do you think the Syrian army used chemical weapons against its civilians?
womack: Mutt reminds me of Netanyahu's recent release of his hasbarats on the Net
Muttley: no answer, case closed :)
Muttley: thanks womack :)
womack: Looks like Bibi set up the 8/21 incident as a provocation?
Muttley: you'll rail against something all day long, but when you're actually asked to state your position, you can't
womack: Mutt just pulling it out of his (?) lower end now
Muttley: Simple question: do you think the Syrian army used chemical weapons against its civilians?
womack: Asked & answered: womack: Looks like Bibi set up the 8/21 incident as a provocation?
Muttley: no, that's a question
womack: take the affirmative, then,
Muttley: yes, the Syrian army used chemical weapons?
womack: Bibi set up the 8/21 incident as a provocation
Muttley: and all the earlier ones?
womack: All readers should be aware of recentnews re Israeli Gov bragging about paying Net propagandists "under cover"
womack: From where did Mutt get hislist?
tomicus: I'm not sure I get the whole chemical angle. Yes, chemicals are bad, but dead is dead, why are "the use of chemical weapons" an excuse to start a war?
womack: dramatic planning?
womack: BTW "another" war or rather escalation thereof
womack: BTW I now repeat my standard challwenge, this time to Muttley, to debate the issues on a Usenet newsgroup for a permanent & somewhat more public record
womack: I have >7K mentions in such venues
womack: Muttley have 0 ?
womack: 15:33 hrz Zulu
Jarlaxle: chemical weapons are against international law, tom
tomicus: I get that, but why>?
tomicus: why isn't "killing your own citizens" against international law?
Jarlaxle: i guess it's basically a weapon of mass destruction
tomicus: yea, and that excuse worked so well the last time
womack: Some pretty vivid footage here of Billary in action : http://www.waco93.com/
tomicus: here I sit, beside a lake, arguing politics on a go server... I'm going to enjoy the lake, I wish you all a good day :)
Jarlaxle: bye
Muttley: womack, I was just interested in whether you thought the Syrian army used chemical weapons against its citizens, and you said you don't accept that they did
Muttley: that's all I wanted to know
Muttley: nothing to debate
womack: What I said can be foiundin the record above, forunately.
womack: Muttley has ignored requests for his sources
Muttley: womack, I was actually asking you to state your position, I don't need "sources" for that
womack: I have pointed out most likely source of most highly puiblicized attack whixch Obomber & Kabal were & are using as war escalation pretext
Jarlaxle: for what reason?
Muttley: you did, and that's the end of it for me
womack: Those interested in the record of the conflci inSyria may wisdh to check on Franklin Lamb PhD & http://www.almanar.com.lb/english/main.php
womack: 15:47 hrz 9/1
Meepy: wat's up with the timestamps?
womack: http://tinyurl.com/mz5t67h WORLD POLITICS CHAT ON KGS SUNDAY MORNING 9/1, TRANSCRIPT:
womack: Excuse the caps, pls
womack: The timestampos may indicate the rhythym of then discussion
Muttley: And the point of posting that is?
womack: So more people can read it, ehwhat?
Muttley: why on earth would people want to?
Muttley: there's no evidence in it
womack: DoesMuttley I.D. itself with a side which has good reason to fear public discussion of war crimes?
Muttley: womack, try talking to people directly instead of using rhetorical questions
womack: B) Does Mutt wantto point us toward some evidence it recommends?
Muttley: jeez, good luck with the paranoia :)
Muttley: I'm out of this one :)
womack: GRTBR
womack: Fresh InBox = http://www.counterpunch.org/2013/08/30/a-view-from-tehran/
Muttley: I actually found and read that article
Muttley: it is just journalism without any evidence
Muttley: a newpaper column offering an opinion.
Muttley: Expects better.
womack: George Galloway HEATED Speech British Parliament Debate On Mideast

womack: womack: B) Does Mutt wantto point us toward some evidence it recommends?
Muttley: You're in bad lot with George Galloway, seriously
womack: Who does Mutt standwith, tell us again ?
Muttley: I stand with the KC, even though they no longer say I meet their stringent membership requirements
Muttley: try this one: I don't take a position or "stand" like you do, I prefer humanism
womack: Who "KC" ? "Humanism" as in USbombing of Arabs & Muslims?
Muttley: KC is the Kennel Club
Muttley: Apparently, I'm not pedigree
womack: That does suit
Muttley: indeed :) we agree! :)
Nacent: You can still compete in "agility"
Muttley: and, please don't put words in my mouth, it is a very bad discursive approach
womack: Merely trying to draw U out
Muttley: not really :)
Muttley: of course I don't support war
womack: Does Mut wish to state its recommended course of action ?
Muttley: Nope
womack: So much, then, for a nameless voice.
Nacent: Excuse me Mr Womack, but were you in Haiti during the late 1980s?
womack: Perhaps this record will indicate to some minds then desirability of calling out & facing down U.S. Regime propagandists whose collapse can be noted.
womack: Must have been some other old hippie U saw there, Nacent.
Nacent: Must be.
Nacent: I was just curious.
Nacent: Thank you.
womack: urw
womack: BTW U know Madison Smartt Bell's historical novel _All Souls Rising_ & the other 2titles of his Toussaint trilogy?
womack: Ciao all @ 16:19 hrz
Game Start
DenpaTeki [2k]: hi
womack [2k]: Hello
DenpaTeki [2k]: thats weird
DenpaTeki [2k]: gg
Move 9
DenpaTeki [2k]: k
Move 20
DenpaTeki [2k]: sry
Game Over [I win w W by res]
DenpaTeki [2k]: thx
womack [2k]: 2u2
womack [2k]: San Franciso here -- In what city U?
DenpaTeki [2k]: ?
womack [2k]: San Franciso here -- In what city U?
DenpaTeki [2k]: Saint Petersburg
womack [2k]: If U will give us Putin, then we will give U 20 Obombers
DenpaTeki [2k]: You are interested with polytics?
womack [2k]: I have poublished ~ 7K articles
womack [2k]: Will U hear a survey question
womack [2k]: ?
DenpaTeki [2k]: Sry what is survey?
DenpaTeki [2k]: I am not good at english
womack [2k]: Whom since 1900 do U moset admire?
DenpaTeki [2k]: Whom do I most like among politicans since 1900?
womack [2k]: Vye panamaetsi? YourEnglish ochin luckshe sto moi russki
DenpaTeki [2k]: Yea, your russian grammar is bad, but i can understand it
womack [2k]: )
womack [2k]: Any public figure from a school teacher onup
womack [2k]: as distingusihed from a purelyprivate fasmilynmember
womack [2k]: pardonmyclumsybtyping,pls
DenpaTeki [2k]: Emmmm can you explain it in more simple words?
womack [2k]: Suppose U canvisit with any public figure who has lived since 1i900, then whom would U cholose
womack [2k]: ?
DenpaTeki [2k]: Oh. I think Lenin.
womack [2k]: bolshoe spasiba for your answer
DenpaTeki [2k]: Nezashto
womack [2k]: Huis corpse still there in the box inRed Square, eh?
DenpaTeki [2k]: Yeah, I saw him twice
womack [2k]: That also used to bemy answer
womack [2k]: !1988 I had a license plate on my car "St Lenin"
DenpaTeki [2k]: Cool
womack [2k]: My bad landlord stole thenplate
DenpaTeki [2k]: What a pity
womack [2k]: Then he fell off a roof.Toughluck for him
womack [2k]: U have any novels to recommend?
DenpaTeki [2k]: Karamazovi brothers
womack [2k]: ah yes,long time since I read it, thx
womack [2k]: What do U think of Solzhenitsyn?
DenpaTeki [2k]: I ve never intrested him
DenpaTeki [2k]: I like Dostoevskiy, Tolstoy
womack [2k]: U know THE GLASS BEAD GAME buy Hermann Hese?
womack [2k]: Hesse
DenpaTeki [2k]: No, I ve never heard aobut this book.
DenpaTeki [2k]: Is it good?
womack [2k]: da, Tolstoy very fine
womack [2k]: U might wanrt toinvestigate becauseof quite curious relationship to our game
DenpaTeki [2k]: Lately I am trying tooo much hamete's to find new moves
womack [2k]: How manyh professionals in St Pete ?
DenpaTeki [2k]: Go profesinals? 0
DenpaTeki [2k]: In russia 2 pros
womack [2k]: BTW I meant our game in general, historically
womack [2k]: In all Russia only 2 ?
DenpaTeki [2k]: Yea, but htere are several player that play their level or higher
womack [2k]: Higher than pro ?
DenpaTeki [2k]: There are 1 man who have higer rank than
womack [2k]: kto?
DenpaTeki [2k]: Ilya Shikshin is nearly 80 points higher than 3 pro Dinerstein
DenpaTeki [2k]: In elo ratings
womack [2k]: noted, thx
DenpaTeki [2k]: AKA roln111 on kgs
womack [2k]: Mr. Shikshin in St Pete ?
DenpaTeki [2k]: No, Kazan
DenpaTeki [2k]: In st Pt Dmitriy suring, he have bigger rank than Svetlana Shikshina, 3 pro
DenpaTeki [2k]: He have been 7 dan and Svetlana 6 dan
DenpaTeki [2k]: Though she got pro rank in korea
DenpaTeki [2k]: Surin*
DenpaTeki [2k]: Ilya almost 8 dan
womack [2k]: Ilya = Svetlana?
DenpaTeki [2k]: No, they are brother and sister
womack [2k]: whoa!
DenpaTeki [2k]: She have redrose nick on kgs
womack [2k]: Loading Image...%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fsenseis.xmp.net%252F%253FSvetlanaShikshina%3B220%3B300
womack [2k]: Quite lovely
DenpaTeki [2k]: ))
DenpaTeki [2k]: Mariya zaharchenko from ukraine is lovely too)
womack [2k]: Loading Image...%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fjp.circlecount.com%252Fua%252Fprofileslist%252F%253F%2526start%253D4%2526gender%253Db%3B670%3B667
womack [2k]: Damn! U can say that again!
DenpaTeki [2k]: what?
womack [2k]: The expression signifies agreement
womack [2k]: "You cansay thart agasin"
DenpaTeki [2k]: I see
womack [2k]: I am trusting you canread over myn many typos
DenpaTeki [2k]: And how much pros on usa?
DenpaTeki [2k]: IN*
womack [2k]: 3 here in CAlifornia
DenpaTeki [2k]: wow thats a lot
womack [2k]: maybe 3 or 5 more in rest of country?
DenpaTeki [2k]: Hmm thats a lot pros
DenpaTeki [2k]: More than in all europe I guess
womack [2k]: Now that we mention it, maybe I will try to make a more careful count later on
END 03:44 hrs on 9/6.
Hal Womack 3-dan
2014-06-09 02:52:36 UTC
Private Message ["PM"]:
womack: What name and or else, what?
alias: mine
alias: ?
alias: Why can't you do that?
womack: Why should I?
alias: Because im asking you to delete it?
womack: Actually U have yet to ask
alias: Can you delete it?
womack: But spare yourself the bother because it's already posted
alias: do you know what darknet is?
womack: wait 1
womack: I gave it a WIKI glance just now
alias: Yeah
alias: So what did it say?
womack: http://www.fuckinggoogleit.com/
alias: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2454735/The-disturbing-world-Deep-Web-contract-killers-drug-dealers-ply-trade-internet.html
alias: You should bother
alias: If u fuck around on the net
alias: u will get hell
alias: ok?
womack: U R trying to threaten me now?
alias: Im asking u polite to delete my name, and if uyou dont
alias: I will hack your computer
alias: And post things about you on the net as well
womack: Your threats are noted. 19:36 hrs PDT USA.
alias: Bother
womack: Idiot rookie?
alias: lol
alias: ***@gmail.com
alias: https://www.google.se/?gws_rd=ssl#q=hal.womack%40gmail.com
alias: that seaerch is the reason I want you to respect my wish
alias: that's all
alias: :)
alias: Is it so hard?
alias: to just delte?
alias: delte?
alias: delete?

RoadHobo: I think the NSA is wonderful compared to you
womack: Your opinion noted & fake-name claim doubted.
womack: 19:43 hrs
RoadHobo: why do yo come to kgs? Are you so disappointed with your life that you must try and hurt others?
womack: Yo U shamelss 7k, if the truth hurts you, then so be it.

Post by Hal Womack 3-dan
alias: bye ^^
prolepsis: see ya ^^
prolepsis: been fun
alias: i'll be in EGR
alias: prolepsis
EasyCoder: In 1984, Alexis Rannit, an émigré Estonian poet, wrote that all empires fall and suggested that the Soviet Empire should be studied so that its collapse could be peaceful. Dr. Morton Kaplan proposed a conference titled "The Fall of the Soviet Empire"
womack: Hello Pete03, I need either to find or to found the proper YouTube footage for my 9/11/22 angle
prolepsis: EC: i call spam, on you, your house & all your works.
KayMatoby: if it's not on YouTube, it doesn't exist
womack: )
prolepsis: engage in dialogue, or desist. please.
EasyCoder: The conference not only more accurately predicted what was to happen in the Soviet Union than any other source, but I believe it also helped shape the unfolding of the system in a more peaceful way than might otherwise have happened
EasyCoder: * wishes prolepsis would turn himself inside out
prolepsis: also it would be nice if you spent less time copy-pasting stuff in.
prolepsis: ah engagement!
prolepsis: welcome.
EasyCoder: If I spend less time, it will be bulky and contain extraneous words.
stumped: funny http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Kim_Jong-il's_titles
prolepsis: if you spent more, it would be terse.
LinPhaseEQ: And maybe additional words, too!
womack: Thx 2 EC for the suggestion re conference on the fall of JAPE
pete038861: theres many "911 illuminati symbolism conspiracy" video. They show many symbols and number 911 in movies before the 911 incident. Lets forget about the illuminati but is it really all coincidence
EasyCoder: I thought your previous remark about Jews was merely a jape.
womack: EC refers to Jews murdering Palestinians, perchance?
womack: My Jewish friend Gideon Polya, mentioned above, also objected on that ground to the proposed acronym, but PKDick rule
pete038861: I mean, they all happened in movie before 2001-9-11. People say those behind the job love to send message before it but I highly doubt whats ths use of sending message before something happen.
Archaic: lol
pete038861: I would say they do this not becasue they want to send the message, but they have to do it to induce something
womack: Get your people out of the bldg & also put some shorts
pete038861: Perhaps 911 was just an experience about the mind control. They proved it is true
pete038861: experiment*
alfalfa: no, it was minds out of control. cheney should be behind bars.
pete038861: They make use of the media to plant the subconscious message into people's mind and let the thing happen. This is my thought but it would sound really far fetched to you
Archaic: alrite nice chattin'
pete038861: Im done
Archaic: i'm going to have to reflect on all this
Archaic: it's been nice to have been introduced to all these ideas
KayMatoby: oh my..... womack has found a friend
pete038861: please chat guys I wont talk in a long time
pete038861: womack you shouldnt be embarrassed we should share info in private chat, only if you are interested
alias: there's a problem Pete
alias: about undicing
alias: inducing*
pete038861: ask please
alias: it requires that other numbers are left out
alias: to work
alias: in other movies
alias: or in media in general
pete038861: what do you mean
alias: pete038861: They make use of the media to plant the subconscious message into people's mind and let the thing happen.
womack: pete03 speaks oddly but welcome to forward links
pete038861: yea thats what I say so your point is?
pete038861: I don't understand " it requires that other numbers are left out"
pete038861: english not my native sorry
pete038861: not my native language
KayMatoby: "for it to work, you have to leave out numbers"
alias: you are talking about the numbers as being the message
pete038861: http://youtu.be/uazan4bDoAM
alias: during mindcontrol
alias: thx Kay
pete038861: not just numbers but many pictures
alias: But for the message to be effective, you can't have other numbers in media
pete038861: hmm
pete038861: yea lets look at the video first
alias: that interfere with the message
EasyCoder: For wacky theories to hold water, they must not be compared to reality.
pete038861: ye alias you gave a good point
pete038861: theres some way to reinforce the message and not let other interfere it
pete038861: its maybe something like "anchor" or some other technique in nlp
pete038861: Im not familiar with nlp but mind control use nlp
womack: oops, drawn back in. EC's "wacky theories" refer to the Official Lie re 9/11?
EasyCoder: While the fact that today's Black incarcerated population is larger than the 1850 slavery population is shocking, it doesn't really say much. It's simply because today's total Black population is far larger than America's Black population in 1850. So a more accurate and illustrative comparison would be the percentage of the Black population who were slaves in 1850 versus the percentage of the Black population incarcerated today.
womack: "Mind control" of course, what else will? Except maybe "guns control"...
womack: EC's last prop to silly for comment now. But most notorious murderer in USA of (partial) African descent = Obomber, followed by Colon Powell & Skeeza
eunoia: easy, are you 'Alfred Edmond, Jr.' ?
eunoia: http://www.blackenterprise.com/news/are-there-really-more-blacks-in-prison-than-were-in-slavery/ paragraph four.
KayMatoby: ad homonym attacks?
EasyCoder: In 1850, 90% of American blacks were slaves. Nowadays, 4% of American blacks are in prison.
EasyCoder: The incarceration rate in state or federal prison or jail for men was 1,384 per 100,000 residents, for women 134 per 100,000 residents. The rate for white men was 736 per 100,000, for black men 4,789 per 100,000, for Hispanic men 1,862 per 100,000.
eunoia: having looked that up, KayM, nope, just asking
womack: All prisoners held under dope busts are entitled to heavy damages for wrongful action. All survivors of USGov attacks worldwide likewise and even more so.
eunoia: your last easy coder: http://www.drugwarfacts.org/racepris.txt point 5. word fopr word.
EasyCoder: Relative to their numbers in the general population, about 4.8% of all black men were in custody at midyear 2006, compared to about 0.7% of white men and 1.9% of Hispanic men. Overall, black men were incarcerated at 6.5 times the rate of white men. The incarceration rate for black men was highest among black men age 25 to 29. About 11.7% of black males in this age group were incarcerated on June 30, 2006.
eunoia: indeed, character for character.
EasyCoder: The question is what is causing this?
alias: I've watched the video with the symbols
EasyCoder: Are whites trying to make this happen?
alias: I have a couple of Masons books
alias: if u wanna have?
alias: and learn?
womack: Criminal Jewish despotism cause of US oppression.
pete038861: I've answered your question you can scroll back
eunoia: that last from point 6., same page
alias: from the real source
EasyCoder: Or is this simply the side effect of "well-intentioned" liberal white politics?
pete038861: theres some way to reinforce the "message" not let it be interefered
EasyCoder: If you look only at race and leave out other factors such as dropping out of school versus earning a high-school diploma
pete038861: alias so you study this kind of stuff too?
EasyCoder: Or the father living at home or not
AmyTS: What is dead may never die // but with strange aeons even death may die.
AmyTS: needs more fava beans
Sheriffi: gonna fly now
AmyTS: fly, fly away
SamSpade: £5.9 million spend on keeping Assange from escaping the Ecuadorian embassy
AmyTS: well spent, Assange committed the worst crime anyone can commit in any human society.
Sheriffi: good
AmyTS: he exposed the secrets of the powerful. that's a no-no.
SamSpade: didn't he rape some swedes or something like that?
AmyTS: allegedly
AmyTS: He hasn't actually been formally charged.
SamSpade: waste of money anyhow
prolepsis: yep, they copuld have spent precisely nothing ignoring him...
womack: USGov has murdered about 30,000,000 [thirty million] vix worldwide since 1945, plenty of "secrets", fear of mass defections.
womack: 22:29 hrz [Zulu].
alfalfa: that's mean.
womack: Closer to home, the meaner it gets, eh?
SamSpade: how did you get to that number?
BigDoug: he completely made it up out of thin air
womack: One can see why "Big Doug" prefers to remain anonymous.
womack: As published many times before, my Net-friend Gideon Polya Phd of Melbourne published BODY COUNT: GLOBAL AVOIDABLE MORTALITY SINCE 1950 [2007]
BigDoug: by "published", do you mean "typed on a website somewhere"?
womack: I am looking at the hard copy with its yellow cover & 211 pp
womack: Facts = both direct killings by US military & itsd agents + civilian deaths resulting from destruction of infrastructure
Warfreak2: which of the sillies on my censor list is the ECR engaging in debate this time?
KayMatoby: guess
womack: Warf's fingers permanently stuck in its ears?
mabblebrox: I love that poeple don't get how incredibly awful the US is
Warfreak2: archaic, womack, lordquas and easycoder are the ones who aren't asleep
mabblebrox: let's just be in denial, oh great
womack: "We the peeps" radically different from WAR or WARshington Regime
KayMatoby: self-published, I see
womack: good for Kay
mabblebrox: too bad nothing will ever change
mabblebrox: the revolution is dead, I am dead
womack: between the ears maybe so
mabblebrox: thanks womack, you really wouldn't have an idea of my soul
mabblebrox: odd that you insult me, whilst I agree with you
womack: mabbs mad that we were discussing Earth rather than its soul?
mabblebrox: yes, that is exactly it. i submit to your stellar insight
womack: trash distraction here
mabblebrox: you don't get it man, nothing will change, it's over
mabblebrox: we will plunge into a new age of apathy and destruction
EasyCoder: One conservative's "definition" of a liberal is someone who would never let the facts sway him from what he knows to be true.
KayMatoby: but baying at the moon is so satisfying
womack: OK. important proposition
mabblebrox: one liberal's definition of 'conservative' is somebody who supports 'justifiable murder'
mabblebrox: let's all give Congress a moral imperative, yay
EasyCoder: If Hitler is bad because he killed 6 million Jews, why don't leftists conceded that Mao and Stalin are 10 times as bad?
BigDoug: mabblebrox, since you don't have a job, are you getting financial support from the federal and state governments ?
mabblebrox: no comment
womack: Who is "Big Doug" ?
BigDoug: if that's the case, why is the government bad, since they are supporting you?
mabblebrox: you think I want to be where I am?
mabblebrox: not the government, the entire society
mabblebrox: why do i bother
womack: "governments" good. Oppressive regimes bad
EasyCoder: I just saying: for those who claim to believe that the end does not justify the means, why not apply their criticisms across the board instead of singling out America?
KayMatoby: too simple
mabblebrox: 'administrative body to oversee roadwork' good, 'military apparatus to perpetuate profiteering' bad
BigDoug: since the government provides you with food and shelter, i don't understand why you are so critical of it
mabblebrox: sure, china is bad, north korea is bad
Warfreak2: my screen is full of red Xs, but it's clear that i'm not missing anything of value
womack: By all means let's do adopt a single standard of criticism, beaing in mind all of the relevant facts
mabblebrox: bigdoug north korea no doubt supports many people, should they be critical of goverment?
BigDoug: I'm talking about your comments, not North Korea
BigDoug: why are you so angry about society and the government since you're being supported by them?
EasyCoder: I don't mind my country being judged by a standard that requires us to be 100 times better than scoundrels like Mao and Stalin.
womack: Highly recommended = NORTH KOREA: ANOTHER COUNTRY by Bruce Cumings, chairman of hist dept U Chicago
EasyCoder: * goes and looks up that book
womack: EC perhaps realizes that Stalin & Mao spoke different languages?
mabblebrox: you don't get it man, nothing will change, it's over
mabblebrox: we will plunge into a new age of apathy and destruction
EasyCoder: One conservative's "definition" of a liberal is someone who would never let the facts sway him from what he knows to be true.
KayMatoby: but baying at the moon is so satisfying
womack: OK. important proposition
mabblebrox: one liberal's definition of 'conservative' is somebody who supports 'justifiable murder'
mabblebrox: let's all give Congress a moral imperative, yay
EasyCoder: If Hitler is bad because he killed 6 million Jews, why don't leftists conceded that Mao and Stalin are 10 times as bad?
BigDoug: mabblebrox, since you don't have a job, are you getting financial support from the federal and state governments ?
mabblebrox: no comment
womack: Who is "Big Doug" ?
BigDoug: if that's the case, why is the government bad, since they are supporting you?
mabblebrox: you think I want to be where I am?
mabblebrox: not the government, the entire society
mabblebrox: why do i bother
womack: "governemnts" good. Oppressive regimes bad
EasyCoder: I just saying: for those who claim to believe that the end does not justify the means, why not apply their criticisms across the board instead of singling out America?
KayMatoby: too simple
mabblebrox: 'administrative body to oversee roadwork' good, 'military apparatus to perpetuate profiteering' bad
BigDoug: since the government provides you with food and shelter, i don't understand why you are so critical of it
mabblebrox: sure, china is bad, north korea is bad
Warfreak2: my screen is full of red Xs, but it's clear that i'm not missing anything of value
womack: By all means let's do adopt a single standard of criticism, beaing in mind all of the relevant facts
mabblebrox: bigdoug north korea no doubt supports many people, should they be critical of goverment?
BigDoug: I'm talking about your comments, not North Korea
BigDoug: why are you so angry about society and the government since you're being supported by them?
EasyCoder: I don't mind my country being judged by a standard that requires us to be 100 times better than scoundrels like Mao and Stalin.
womack: Highly recommended = NORTH KOREA: ANOTHER COUNTRY by Bruce Cumings, chairman of hist dept U Chicago
EasyCoder: * goes and looks up that book
womack: EC perhaps realizes that Stalin & Mao spoke different languages?
mabblebrox: prisons clothe and shelter poeple, are prisoners happy about it?
mabblebrox: I am, essentially, a prisoner of the state
womack: Speaking of USGov, lotza prisoners to ask
BigDoug: I'm still trying to work out your philosophy -- you are given food and shelter for free, yet you are unhappy and complain about the people who give these benefits to you
mabblebrox: well say you live with a mob boss
BigDoug: without a job 100 years ago, you'd be starving in the streets or dead by now
mabblebrox: he gives you food and shelter
mabblebrox: but still kills for hire
mabblebrox: should you morally be opposed to his practices?
womack: Doug the Nameless quizzes mabbs re personal condition
mabblebrox: it's completely irrelevant anyway
KayMatoby: Doug is a name
prolepsis: EC- 'leftists' as you put it, readily admit thaty both stalin & mao were murderous arseholes. also, that both were not communists, as clearly they were both totalitarians.
mabblebrox: 'communism,' the farce of ages
mabblebrox: communism has only been witnessed in Berkeley, CA
mabblebrox: russia, korea, all others are fascist states
prolepsis: there's a town in spain, too, that's truely communist, so i hear
mabblebrox: cool
womack: Mao Zedong & Ho Chi Minh = the top 2 leaders of their Century
mabblebrox: it'll never happen, sorry folks
mabblebrox: the future is dead
womack: "fascist" routinely abused word
prolepsis: it's pretty easy to spot communists: is there a government/state/dictator? if yes: not communism...
mabblebrox: maybe 'communalism'
mabblebrox: soviet union was never truly marxist, lenin abused the philosophy
womack: EasyCoder: If Hitler is bad because he killed 6 million Jews-- If that historical proposition is true, then why have the Jews made it a criminal offense in most of Europe
womack: to ask for the evidence?
prolepsis: ...what the hell have you been smoking?
clydesdale: oh deary me
KayMatoby: business as usual
womack: prolepsis outta papers?
prolepsis: do we really have a denier amongst us?
mabblebrox: just a few like, buildings laying around proving it happened
womack: Shall we burn the witch at the stake, guys?
KayMatoby: nah........ just laugh
mabblebrox: sigh deeply, painfully
prolepsis: barely any overwhelming evidence at all, really. like evolution, pretty much just a hoax to get pinkies into the whitehouse.
mabblebrox: good thing there's scooby doo to watch
mabblebrox: cartoons are simple
mabblebrox: comforting
prolepsis: oh you are entitled to your opinion womack, but we are just as entitled to call you out for it being stupid.
mabblebrox: how is womack a critic of US and at the same time holocaust denier?
mabblebrox: oh he's anti-semite, that's right
KayMatoby: natural talent
mabblebrox: me, i'm an anti dentite
mabblebrox: those dentists, they're up to something
EasyCoder: Whether Prof Cumings meant to or not, he comes off as being a great admirer of the North Koreans. While laying out eight pages of American atrocities during the Korean War, he sums up the DPRK's in one sentence, with the lame apologist excuse that we expect communist countries to do that (p. 30-40). He seems to write with awe and wonder at how great North Korean infrastructure is, how their neo-Confucian Communism has really soaked into every facet of life and how the people love their Great and Dear Leaders. It comes off as some aged hippie dreaming of long-dead Marxist propaganda and longing for the great socialist dream. The author editorializes more than he lays down the facts, and he skips over the nasty stuff: he apologizes for the Gulag system on p. 174-176 and on p. 151 apologizes for the DPRK's Stalinism by saying that this is the Korean "concept of freedom."
womack: "anti-Semite" = a propaganda tag for fools
EasyCoder: * best quote from several reviews I read on Amazon
mabblebrox: womack distinguish between 'power elite' and 'jewish subculture'
mabblebrox: yes there are many elite jewish criminals, but many more working-class innocent jewish poeple
womack: Readers are encouraged to continue their own reviews of Professor Cumings
mabblebrox: and many non-jewish elite criminals
mabblebrox: Daphne fell through a trap door!
womack: womack: EasyCoder: If Hitler is bad because he killed 6 million Jews-- If that historical proposition is true, then why have the Jews made it a criminal offense in most of Europe womack: to ask for the evidence?
womack: Prolepsis answers?
mabblebrox: can you seriously cite a document of law supporting that claim?
EasyCoder: It shouldn't be a criminal offense to ask for the evidence, although to *scoff* at the evidence and say "Where is it?" when you're looking right at it is another thing. Many Arab governments do that, more's the pity.
mabblebrox: wtf evidence?
BigDoug: mabblebrox, I've seen womack have this discussion many, many times
mabblebrox: the camps are still there
mabblebrox: oh unless they were just holding boy scout jamborees there
EasyCoder: It's similar to saynig that the Communists weren't "communist"
BigDoug: mabblebrox, you know better than to use that acronym here
mabblebrox: oh sorry
prolepsis: there is a: no criminality for asking for evidence, and b: no lack of evidence to present.
Warfreak2: what
EasyCoder: Try reading Fred Schwarz, You Can Trust the Communists (to be Communists)
mabblebrox: this is pointelss discussion
Warfreak2: "there is a government" -> "it is not communism" what
prolepsis: also c: no argument about wether the holocaust happened which does not involve the answer: in all likelyhood, to the very highest possible degree of certainty: yes.
mabblebrox: he gives you food and shelter
mabblebrox: but still kills for hire
mabblebrox: should you morally be opposed to his practices?
womack: Doug the Nameless quizzes mabbs re personal condition
mabblebrox: it's completely irrelevant anyway
KayMatoby: Doug is a name
prolepsis: EC- 'leftists' as you put it, readily admit thaty both stalin & mao were murderous arseholes. also, that both were not communists, as clearly they were both totalitarians.
mabblebrox: 'communism,' the farce of ages
mabblebrox: communism has only been witnessed in Berkeley, CA
mabblebrox: russia, korea, all others are fascist states
prolepsis: there's a town in spain, too, that's truely communist, so i hear
mabblebrox: cool
womack: Mao Zedong & Ho Chi Minh = the top 2 leaders of their Century
mabblebrox: it'll never happen, sorry folks
mabblebrox: the future is dead
womack: "fascist" routinely abused word
prolepsis: it's pretty easy to spot communists: is there a government/state/dictator? if yes: not communism...
mabblebrox: maybe 'communalism'
mabblebrox: soviet union was never truly marxist, lenin abused the philosophy
womack: EasyCoder: If Hitler is bad because he killed 6 million Jews-- If that historical proposition is true, then why have the Jews made it a criminal offense in most of Europe
womack: to ask for the evidence?
prolepsis: ...what the hell have you been smoking?
clydesdale: oh deary me
KayMatoby: business as usual
womack: prolepsis outta papers?
prolepsis: do we really have a denier amongst us?
mabblebrox: just a few like, buildings laying around proving it happened
womack: Shall we burn the witch at the stake, guys?
KayMatoby: nah........ just laugh
mabblebrox: sigh deeply, painfully
prolepsis: barely any overwhelming evidence at all, really. like evolution, pretty much just a hoax to get pinkies into the whitehouse.
mabblebrox: good thing there's scooby doo to watch
mabblebrox: cartoons are simple
mabblebrox: comforting
prolepsis: oh you are entitled to your opinion womack, but we are just as entitled to call you out for it being stupid.
mabblebrox: how is womack a critic of US and at the same time holocaust denier?
mabblebrox: oh he's anti-semite, that's right
KayMatoby: natural talent
mabblebrox: me, i'm an anti dentite
mabblebrox: those dentists, they're up to something
EasyCoder: Whether Prof Cumings meant to or not, he comes off as being a great admirer of the North Koreans. While laying out eight pages of American atrocities during the Korean War, he sums up the DPRK's in one sentence, with the lame apologist excuse that we expect communist countries to do that (p. 30-40). He seems to write with awe and wonder at how great North Korean infrastructure is, how their neo-Confucian Communism has really soaked into every facet of life and how the people love their Great and Dear Leaders. It comes off as some aged hippie dreaming of long-dead Marxist propaganda and longing for the great socialist dream. The author editorializes more than he lays down the facts, and he skips over the nasty stuff: he apologizes for the Gulag system on p. 174-176 and on p. 151 apologizes for the DPRK's Stalinism by saying that this is the Korean "concept of freedom."
womack: "anti-Semite" = a propaganda tag for fools
EasyCoder: * best quote from several reviews I read on Amazon
mabblebrox: womack distinguish between 'power elite' and 'jewish subculture'
mabblebrox: yes there are many elite jewish criminals, but many more working-class innocent jewish poeple
womack: Readers are encouraged to continue their own reviews of Professor Cumings
mabblebrox: and many non-jewish elite criminals
mabblebrox: Daphne fell through a trap door!
womack: womack: EasyCoder: If Hitler is bad because he killed 6 million Jews-- If that historical proposition is true, then why have the Jews made it a criminal offense in most of Europe womack: to ask for the evidence?
womack: Prolepsis answers?
mabblebrox: can you seriously cite a document of law supporting that claim?
EasyCoder: It shouldn't be a criminal offense to ask for the evidence, although to *scoff* at the evidence and say "Where is it?" when you're looking right at it is another thing. Many Arab governments do that, more's the pity.
mabblebrox: wtf evidence?
BigDoug: mabblebrox, I've seen womack have this discussion many, many times
mabblebrox: the camps are still there
mabblebrox: oh unless they were just holding boy scout jamborees there
EasyCoder: It's similar to saynig that the Communists weren't "communist"
BigDoug: mabblebrox, you know better than to use that acronym here
mabblebrox: oh sorry
prolepsis: there is a: no criminality for asking for evidence, and b: no lack of evidence to present.
Warfreak2: what
EasyCoder: Try reading Fred Schwarz, You Can Trust the Communists (to be Communists)
mabblebrox: this is pointelss discussion
Warfreak2: "there is a government" -> "it is not communism" what
prolepsis: also c: no argument about wether the holocaust happened which does not involve the answer: in all likelyhood, to the very highest possible degree of certainty: yes.
Warfreak2: that is the most ludicrous thing that anyone not on my censor list has said all day
mabblebrox: the american revolution never happened either
mabblebrox: in fact neither did dinosaurs
EasyCoder: * mabblebrox's birth never happened either ;-)
mabblebrox: yeah I wish it hadn't
EasyCoder: * He was born "undead"
mabblebrox: my non-life would be so much easier
KayMatoby: dinosaurs were dragons
mabblebrox: ah
mabblebrox: I used to drive by Bill Gate's driveway practically every day
KayMatoby: how else do you explain how there are dragon legends all over the world
prolepsis: warfreak: my assertion - as communism is in fact an equal sharing of power (leaving it's economic attributes aside a moment) there cannot be a state, holding power over the people, any more than there can be a person...
mabblebrox: what about ogres?
EasyCoder: My favorite movie this year: "World War Z", starring Brad Pitt as Gerry Lane
mabblebrox: movies suck
Warfreak2: communism is not an equal sharing of power
Warfreak2: that is direct democracy
womack: "The Holocaust (tm)" = a global Jewish ad campaign initiated about 8 years after Bernard Baruch & David Beng Gurion assranged the Jack Whack
Warfreak2: communism is an equal sharing of production
EasyCoder: The main point is that we all agree (in theory anyway) that man's inhumanity to man is intolerable.
Warfreak2: also, direct democracy does have a government
mabblebrox: womack go eat a missile
alias: You are both right warfreak and prolepsis
Warfreak2: if there is no government, you have anarchy, by definition - not communism
alias: depending on the definition of power
mabblebrox: what if there was a president who actually fixed the country?
mabblebrox: that would be ridiculous
prolepsis: anarchy, democracy & communism all have one thing in common: equal power.
KayMatoby: wait a minute......... I need to go make popcorn
EasyCoder: Communism has two definitions, depending on whether you're trying to win a debate with a schoolboy trick - or being serious and scholarly
prolepsis: withering away of the state, anyone?
mabblebrox: the state is dead
alias: agreed prolepsis
mabblebrox: a bunch of soul-numbed old fogies pretending to have power
EasyCoder: It's Communism when a communist or worker's party is in control, establishes the totalitarion "dictatorship of the proletariat" and wields control over all means of production.
EasyCoder: The main point is that we all agree (in theory anyway) that man's inhumanity to man is intolerable.
Warfreak2: also, direct democracy does have a government
mabblebrox: womack go eat a missile
alias: You are both right warfreak and prolepsis
Warfreak2: if there is no government, you have anarchy, by definition - not communism
alias: depending on the definition of power
mabblebrox: what if there was a president who actually fixed the country?
mabblebrox: that would be ridiculous
prolepsis: anarchy, democracy & communism all have one thing in common: equal power.
KayMatoby: wait a minute......... I need to go make popcorn
EasyCoder: Communism has two definitions, depending on whether you're trying to win a debate with a schoolboy trick - or being serious and scholarly
prolepsis: withering away of the state, anyone?
mabblebrox: the state is dead
alias: agreed prolepsis
mabblebrox: a bunch of soul-numbed old fogies pretending to have power
EasyCoder: It's Communism when a communist or worker's party is in control, establishes the totalitarion "dictatorship of the proletariat" and wields control over all means of production.
alias: you are wronhg
prolepsis: easy, you just cited the founder of something called 'the Christian Anti-Communism Crusade' as an author worth a read, is he, do you think, likely to be capable of impartiality?
alias: wrong (easycoder)
EasyCoder: * schoolboy trick: claim it's not "communist" because it's not the projected stage of history after socialism has withered away
mabblebrox: can i say, the one thing right with communism is banning religion?
mabblebrox: we needed a new religion though
BigDoug: do you agree with the communists burning the churches and killing the priests and nuns?
alias: Well, to can't say that the American project (as freud put it) is what descitrbes liberalism
mabblebrox: the religion of the psychedelic, the earth-natural and art
BigDoug: you can't have one without the other
mabblebrox: no, they didn't need to kill anyone
prolepsis: easy, if you fail to see the distinction between what was hoped for, and what was recieved/achieved, do try to think...
EasyCoder: * notes that mabblebrox has disqualified himself from this debate by stooping to ad hominem
alias: I dont agree with Americans or Muslims doing that either BD
mabblebrox: meh
mabblebrox: ideally you'd enlighten the ignorant
EasyCoder: For a distinction between what was hoped for and what was received/achieved, read Andrew Wilson, "Communism: Promise and Practice"
mabblebrox: instead of killing or burning
BigDoug: yes, I agree with you Alias -- the problem is how to outlaw religion (as Mabblebrox proposes) without killing the people who would not agree with it being outlawed
mabblebrox: I like Scooby Doo, it doesn't demand anything, it's just pleasantly dumb
BigDoug: I don't think that's possible
womack: Bernard Baruch launched US war against Korea, murdering ~3 millions, in order to jump start the permanent US war economy
alias: can you resume us for the sake of the discussion Easy?
mabblebrox: bigdoug the answer, is new-earth culture
mabblebrox: i.e. burning man, other festivals
BigDoug: but how does that outlaw religion mabblebrox?
mabblebrox: that was the revolution, but it will never get the backing it needs
mabblebrox: it doesn't
Warfreak2: uh
mabblebrox: it transcends religion
Warfreak2: we outlawed lots of things without killing their adherents
BigDoug: you speak without conviction -- you say you want one thing, then immdiately say that you don't want it
EasyCoder: * aside to alias: what does "resume us" mean?
mabblebrox: 'law' as such is a really ineffective way to effect conduct
Warfreak2: ecstacy for example, is an illegal drug, possession of which will get you a prison sentence, not a death sentence
womack: Mao said of Stalin, "three parts good, two parts bad"
mabblebrox: i didn't say I 'want' religion outlawed, just that we don't need it
EasyCoder: My Japanese go teacher said, "Fall down seven times, get up eight."
alias: *I agree, but is outlaw of religion a baring part of communism?
Warfreak2: no, it isn't
EasyCoder: Communism would be only half as bad if it didn't outlaw religion.
BigDoug: mabblebrox: can i say, the one thing right with communism is banning religion? <-- don't you remember what you said five minutes ago ?
womack: Good effect of Stalin was indirect promotion of break up of white imperialism, independence for colonies, starting w China & India
mabblebrox: yes I said that
EasyCoder: The other half is eliminating the incentive to work.
mabblebrox: I didn't say that I, personally, want religion outlawed, specifically
mabblebrox: simply that I agree with the sentiment
alias: summarise (the book you mentioned)
prolepsis: oh easy ffs, go read a book that wasn't published to further the cold war
clydesdale: taht axe must be getting pretty ground by now womack
BigDoug: prolepsis, you are certainly welcome to discuss politics here, but please don't use acronyms which involve the f-word
EasyCoder: Moon told Gorbachev to allow religious freedom in the Soviet Union, and to restore worker's incentives (e.g., harder/smarter, get more money) and the rest is history
prolepsis: and as for saecularism: i thoroughly support the separation of church & state, but banning religion... i don't think it's really 'on' as we say over here
womack: EC = a Moonie?
prolepsis: ah, sure BigD, sorry everyone, became a little frustrated.
Warfreak2: if you go to the wikipedia article on communism, for example, and do a page search for 'religio' you'll find a link to 'religious communism', examples of religious groups which historically lived according to something resembling communism, one reference under marxism-leninism to "dispelling" religion and nationalism, and then 'christian communism'
alias: Im cnfused, are we talking communism as in the manifesto by marx or how it is and/or wa spracticed by nations?
BigDoug: I understand -- thanks :)
prolepsis: easy is goping for the was practised, i'm on the 'as it was meant to be' school
Warfreak2: banning religion is both silly and not a particularly communist goal
clydesdale: marxism is a secular religion
Warfreak2: only insofar as other economic theories are
KayMatoby: banning anything is silly........ it just makes people want it more
EasyCoder: The most common template on Wikipedia - the one used to calculate ages in biographical articles - was originally developed by me.
womack: Bolshevism in Russia was a Jewish crypsis disastrous for the immense majority. "Communism" in China has been a spectacularly succesful national revolution.
alias: That's what im talking about too prolepsis
EasyCoder: It became so popular that the chief coder added "Parser Functions" to speed it up.
BigDoug: you're right KayMatoby
alias: What is the question of this discussion?
EasyCoder: Warf is referring to the voluntary practice of holding all property in common. This works in societies which are small enough.
Warfreak2: "from each according to their ability, to each according to their need" is probably the best summary of communism
EasyCoder: The sort of "communism" which most humanitarians disagree with is that which murders people who don't want to share.
womack: "Communism" = Marx's most important mistake
Warfreak2: it doesn't really entail killing people because of their religion
prolepsis: not even alittle, really, unless they *really* need killing for it.
BigDoug: WF2, the problem is that's the result of every Communist country to date
womack: The ancient concepts of "commonwealth" or in Romance languages "comuna" quite suffice
prolepsis: then it'd be unjust not to
EasyCoder: Sure, WF, if we subtract the deadly coercion from state Communism, it's not so bad. The obvious problem is that every Communist gov't always employed deadly coercion.
prolepsis: yeah, there have been failures to reach communism, some really nasty ones...
EasyCoder: That's why people aren't risking their lives to get "into" communist countries.
BigDoug: it's the difference between politics in theory and politics in fact
Warfreak2: every communist country to date?
Warfreak2: i could charitably describe that as a bold claim...
womack: USGov violence uniquely global and by far worst in world domestically, too
16:28 hrs
Warfreak2: the problem is that "from each according to their ability, to each according to their need" doesn't reward people according to their contribution
Archaic: it's just waiting there to pounce on you
prolepsis: aye, alias, many have tried to get there & failed.
Archaic: don't be deluded
mabblebrox: let's talk about something new, like classic automobiles
mabblebrox: this debate is old
prolepsis: this debate predates me, to be fair ^^
womack: Speaking of violence: Do we all agree that KinkHenKi & Aerial Shaboom staged the 9/11/2001 TV Stunt?
alias: doesn't make it a fact
mabblebrox: 'staged?'
EasyCoder: Reward people according to their contribution, and you'll get progress: like two bicycle makers figuring out how to control the flight of an airplane
mabblebrox: a 9/11 truther is one thing .... but 'staged?'
womack: That's how Dan Quayle & SonnaBush made it up there, eh?
mabblebrox: i hadn't realized how nuts womack is
mabblebrox: sure, i agree with truthers
prolepsis: ya man, those buildings are totally still there.
mabblebrox: but you're claiming it was 'staged'
KayMatoby: welcome to the club
womack: mabbs dons his shrinkhat
Archaic: communism has evil connotations
Archaic: not just economic whatever
mabblebrox: womack i'm agreeing with you to some extent, why insult me
Archaic: it's not written in plain view, but that's what it is
clydesdale: i think womack is totally barking mad
womack: womack: Speaking of violence: Do we all agree that KinkHenKi & Aerial Shaboom staged the 9/11/2001 TV Stunt?
mabblebrox: yeah
EasyCoder: People will work extra hard, if there's an incentive.
Warfreak2: he is
prolepsis: 'connotations' say nothgin of the thing itself. only what you see in it.
mabblebrox: i'm saying, how can you claim 9/11 didn't happen
alias: Prolepsis, you missunderstand me, it's a fact that it has led to totalitarianism, but that doesn't make it a fact that communism must, should or will lead to that.
womack: The Official Line, of course, that OBL & Mohammad Atta staged the do.
EasyCoder: Reward innovation that increase productivity, and people will invent marvellous things.
Archaic: connotations have led to the fact that every single communist nation in history has employed tactics which you don't even know about
mabblebrox: well duh
mabblebrox: bush probably paid off bin laden
Archaic: and none have failed not to do so
womack: mabbs word quite worthless, as the record shows
prolepsis: oh i agree: many have tried & failed doesn't make theiur aim worthless, nor their hopes wasted
EasyCoder: Sometimes it's something so obvious that no one thought if it, like the automatic safety breaks in elevators
mabblebrox: i love that i'm getting flak f...
Hal Womack 3-dan
2014-06-09 02:57:30 UTC
alias: delete?
womack: Considerable work would be involved to repost the item w/o your "name" etc
alias: Considerable work would be involved not talking when you are online
alias: Can't you delete just that transcript?
alias: wher I am
alias: in?
womack: To preserve the transcript w/o you would me a) delete all b) edit U out & c) repost
womack: BTW "There is no guarantee of privacy on KGS"
alias: you are right
alias: the internet doesn't guarantee that
alias: is this you? Loading Image...

Post by Hal Womack 3-dan
alias: bye ^^
prolepsis: see ya ^^
prolepsis: been fun
alias: i'll be in EGR
alias: prolepsis
EasyCoder: In 1984, Alexis Rannit, an émigré Estonian poet, wrote that all empires fall and suggested that the Soviet Empire should be studied so that its collapse could be peaceful. Dr. Morton Kaplan proposed a conference titled "The Fall of the Soviet Empire"
womack: Hello Pete03, I need either to find or to found the proper YouTube footage for my 9/11/22 angle
prolepsis: EC: i call spam, on you, your house & all your works.
KayMatoby: if it's not on YouTube, it doesn't exist
womack: )
prolepsis: engage in dialogue, or desist. please.
EasyCoder: The conference not only more accurately predicted what was to happen in the Soviet Union than any other source, but I believe it also helped shape the unfolding of the system in a more peaceful way than might otherwise have happened
EasyCoder: * wishes prolepsis would turn himself inside out
prolepsis: also it would be nice if you spent less time copy-pasting stuff in.
prolepsis: ah engagement!
prolepsis: welcome.
EasyCoder: If I spend less time, it will be bulky and contain extraneous words.
stumped: funny http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Kim_Jong-il's_titles
prolepsis: if you spent more, it would be terse.
LinPhaseEQ: And maybe additional words, too!
womack: Thx 2 EC for the suggestion re conference on the fall of JAPE
pete038861: theres many "911 illuminati symbolism conspiracy" video. They show many symbols and number 911 in movies before the 911 incident. Lets forget about the illuminati but is it really all coincidence
EasyCoder: I thought your previous remark about Jews was merely a jape.
womack: EC refers to Jews murdering Palestinians, perchance?
womack: My Jewish friend Gideon Polya, mentioned above, also objected on that ground to the proposed acronym, but PKDick rule
pete038861: I mean, they all happened in movie before 2001-9-11. People say those behind the job love to send message before it but I highly doubt whats ths use of sending message before something happen.
Archaic: lol
pete038861: I would say they do this not becasue they want to send the message, but they have to do it to induce something
womack: Get your people out of the bldg & also put some shorts
pete038861: Perhaps 911 was just an experience about the mind control. They proved it is true
pete038861: experiment*
alfalfa: no, it was minds out of control. cheney should be behind bars.
pete038861: They make use of the media to plant the subconscious message into people's mind and let the thing happen. This is my thought but it would sound really far fetched to you
Archaic: alrite nice chattin'
pete038861: Im done
Archaic: i'm going to have to reflect on all this
Archaic: it's been nice to have been introduced to all these ideas
KayMatoby: oh my..... womack has found a friend
pete038861: please chat guys I wont talk in a long time
pete038861: womack you shouldnt be embarrassed we should share info in private chat, only if you are interested
alias: there's a problem Pete
alias: about undicing
alias: inducing*
pete038861: ask please
alias: it requires that other numbers are left out
alias: to work
alias: in other movies
alias: or in media in general
pete038861: what do you mean
alias: pete038861: They make use of the media to plant the subconscious message into people's mind and let the thing happen.
womack: pete03 speaks oddly but welcome to forward links
pete038861: yea thats what I say so your point is?
pete038861: I don't understand " it requires that other numbers are left out"
pete038861: english not my native sorry
pete038861: not my native language
KayMatoby: "for it to work, you have to leave out numbers"
alias: you are talking about the numbers as being the message
pete038861: http://youtu.be/uazan4bDoAM
alias: during mindcontrol
alias: thx Kay
pete038861: not just numbers but many pictures
alias: But for the message to be effective, you can't have other numbers in media
pete038861: hmm
pete038861: yea lets look at the video first
alias: that interfere with the message
EasyCoder: For wacky theories to hold water, they must not be compared to reality.
pete038861: ye alias you gave a good point
pete038861: theres some way to reinforce the message and not let other interfere it
pete038861: its maybe something like "anchor" or some other technique in nlp
pete038861: Im not familiar with nlp but mind control use nlp
womack: oops, drawn back in. EC's "wacky theories" refer to the Official Lie re 9/11?
EasyCoder: While the fact that today's Black incarcerated population is larger than the 1850 slavery population is shocking, it doesn't really say much. It's simply because today's total Black population is far larger than America's Black population in 1850. So a more accurate and illustrative comparison would be the percentage of the Black population who were slaves in 1850 versus the percentage of the Black population incarcerated today.
womack: "Mind control" of course, what else will? Except maybe "guns control"...
womack: EC's last prop to silly for comment now. But most notorious murderer in USA of (partial) African descent = Obomber, followed by Colon Powell & Skeeza
eunoia: easy, are you 'Alfred Edmond, Jr.' ?
eunoia: http://www.blackenterprise.com/news/are-there-really-more-blacks-in-prison-than-were-in-slavery/ paragraph four.
KayMatoby: ad homonym attacks?
EasyCoder: In 1850, 90% of American blacks were slaves. Nowadays, 4% of American blacks are in prison.
EasyCoder: The incarceration rate in state or federal prison or jail for men was 1,384 per 100,000 residents, for women 134 per 100,000 residents. The rate for white men was 736 per 100,000, for black men 4,789 per 100,000, for Hispanic men 1,862 per 100,000.
eunoia: having looked that up, KayM, nope, just asking
womack: All prisoners held under dope busts are entitled to heavy damages for wrongful action. All survivors of USGov attacks worldwide likewise and even more so.
eunoia: your last easy coder: http://www.drugwarfacts.org/racepris.txt point 5. word fopr word.
EasyCoder: Relative to their numbers in the general population, about 4.8% of all black men were in custody at midyear 2006, compared to about 0.7% of white men and 1.9% of Hispanic men. Overall, black men were incarcerated at 6.5 times the rate of white men. The incarceration rate for black men was highest among black men age 25 to 29. About 11.7% of black males in this age group were incarcerated on June 30, 2006.
eunoia: indeed, character for character.
EasyCoder: The question is what is causing this?
alias: I've watched the video with the symbols
EasyCoder: Are whites trying to make this happen?
alias: I have a couple of Masons books
alias: if u wanna have?
alias: and learn?
womack: Criminal Jewish despotism cause of US oppression.
pete038861: I've answered your question you can scroll back
eunoia: that last from point 6., same page
alias: from the real source
EasyCoder: Or is this simply the side effect of "well-intentioned" liberal white politics?
pete038861: theres some way to reinforce the "message" not let it be interefered
EasyCoder: If you look only at race and leave out other factors such as dropping out of school versus earning a high-school diploma
pete038861: alias so you study this kind of stuff too?
EasyCoder: Or the father living at home or not
AmyTS: What is dead may never die // but with strange aeons even death may die.
AmyTS: needs more fava beans
Sheriffi: gonna fly now
AmyTS: fly, fly away
SamSpade: £5.9 million spend on keeping Assange from escaping the Ecuadorian embassy
AmyTS: well spent, Assange committed the worst crime anyone can commit in any human society.
Sheriffi: good
AmyTS: he exposed the secrets of the powerful. that's a no-no.
SamSpade: didn't he rape some swedes or something like that?
AmyTS: allegedly
AmyTS: He hasn't actually been formally charged.
SamSpade: waste of money anyhow
prolepsis: yep, they copuld have spent precisely nothing ignoring him...
womack: USGov has murdered about 30,000,000 [thirty million] vix worldwide since 1945, plenty of "secrets", fear of mass defections.
womack: 22:29 hrz [Zulu].
alfalfa: that's mean.
womack: Closer to home, the meaner it gets, eh?
SamSpade: how did you get to that number?
BigDoug: he completely made it up out of thin air
womack: One can see why "Big Doug" prefers to remain anonymous.
womack: As published many times before, my Net-friend Gideon Polya Phd of Melbourne published BODY COUNT: GLOBAL AVOIDABLE MORTALITY SINCE 1950 [2007]
BigDoug: by "published", do you mean "typed on a website somewhere"?
womack: I am looking at the hard copy with its yellow cover & 211 pp
womack: Facts = both direct killings by US military & itsd agents + civilian deaths resulting from destruction of infrastructure
Warfreak2: which of the sillies on my censor list is the ECR engaging in debate this time?
KayMatoby: guess
womack: Warf's fingers permanently stuck in its ears?
mabblebrox: I love that poeple don't get how incredibly awful the US is
Warfreak2: archaic, womack, lordquas and easycoder are the ones who aren't asleep
mabblebrox: let's just be in denial, oh great
womack: "We the peeps" radically different from WAR or WARshington Regime
KayMatoby: self-published, I see
womack: good for Kay
mabblebrox: too bad nothing will ever change
mabblebrox: the revolution is dead, I am dead
womack: between the ears maybe so
mabblebrox: thanks womack, you really wouldn't have an idea of my soul
mabblebrox: odd that you insult me, whilst I agree with you
womack: mabbs mad that we were discussing Earth rather than its soul?
mabblebrox: yes, that is exactly it. i submit to your stellar insight
womack: trash distraction here
mabblebrox: you don't get it man, nothing will change, it's over
mabblebrox: we will plunge into a new age of apathy and destruction
EasyCoder: One conservative's "definition" of a liberal is someone who would never let the facts sway him from what he knows to be true.
KayMatoby: but baying at the moon is so satisfying
womack: OK. important proposition
mabblebrox: one liberal's definition of 'conservative' is somebody who supports 'justifiable murder'
mabblebrox: let's all give Congress a moral imperative, yay
EasyCoder: If Hitler is bad because he killed 6 million Jews, why don't leftists conceded that Mao and Stalin are 10 times as bad?
BigDoug: mabblebrox, since you don't have a job, are you getting financial support from the federal and state governments ?
mabblebrox: no comment
womack: Who is "Big Doug" ?
BigDoug: if that's the case, why is the government bad, since they are supporting you?
mabblebrox: you think I want to be where I am?
mabblebrox: not the government, the entire society
mabblebrox: why do i bother
womack: "governments" good. Oppressive regimes bad
EasyCoder: I just saying: for those who claim to believe that the end does not justify the means, why not apply their criticisms across the board instead of singling out America?
KayMatoby: too simple
mabblebrox: 'administrative body to oversee roadwork' good, 'military apparatus to perpetuate profiteering' bad
BigDoug: since the government provides you with food and shelter, i don't understand why you are so critical of it
mabblebrox: sure, china is bad, north korea is bad
Warfreak2: my screen is full of red Xs, but it's clear that i'm not missing anything of value
womack: By all means let's do adopt a single standard of criticism, beaing in mind all of the relevant facts
mabblebrox: bigdoug north korea no doubt supports many people, should they be critical of goverment?
BigDoug: I'm talking about your comments, not North Korea
BigDoug: why are you so angry about society and the government since you're being supported by them?
EasyCoder: I don't mind my country being judged by a standard that requires us to be 100 times better than scoundrels like Mao and Stalin.
womack: Highly recommended = NORTH KOREA: ANOTHER COUNTRY by Bruce Cumings, chairman of hist dept U Chicago
EasyCoder: * goes and looks up that book
womack: EC perhaps realizes that Stalin & Mao spoke different languages?
mabblebrox: you don't get it man, nothing will change, it's over
mabblebrox: we will plunge into a new age of apathy and destruction
EasyCoder: One conservative's "definition" of a liberal is someone who would never let the facts sway him from what he knows to be true.
KayMatoby: but baying at the moon is so satisfying
womack: OK. important proposition
mabblebrox: one liberal's definition of 'conservative' is somebody who supports 'justifiable murder'
mabblebrox: let's all give Congress a moral imperative, yay
EasyCoder: If Hitler is bad because he killed 6 million Jews, why don't leftists conceded that Mao and Stalin are 10 times as bad?
BigDoug: mabblebrox, since you don't have a job, are you getting financial support from the federal and state governments ?
mabblebrox: no comment
womack: Who is "Big Doug" ?
BigDoug: if that's the case, why is the government bad, since they are supporting you?
mabblebrox: you think I want to be where I am?
mabblebrox: not the government, the entire society
mabblebrox: why do i bother
womack: "governemnts" good. Oppressive regimes bad
EasyCoder: I just saying: for those who claim to believe that the end does not justify the means, why not apply their criticisms across the board instead of singling out America?
KayMatoby: too simple
mabblebrox: 'administrative body to oversee roadwork' good, 'military apparatus to perpetuate profiteering' bad
BigDoug: since the government provides you with food and shelter, i don't understand why you are so critical of it
mabblebrox: sure, china is bad, north korea is bad
Warfreak2: my screen is full of red Xs, but it's clear that i'm not missing anything of value
womack: By all means let's do adopt a single standard of criticism, beaing in mind all of the relevant facts
mabblebrox: bigdoug north korea no doubt supports many people, should they be critical of goverment?
BigDoug: I'm talking about your comments, not North Korea
BigDoug: why are you so angry about society and the government since you're being supported by them?
EasyCoder: I don't mind my country being judged by a standard that requires us to be 100 times better than scoundrels like Mao and Stalin.
womack: Highly recommended = NORTH KOREA: ANOTHER COUNTRY by Bruce Cumings, chairman of hist dept U Chicago
EasyCoder: * goes and looks up that book
womack: EC perhaps realizes that Stalin & Mao spoke different languages?
mabblebrox: prisons clothe and shelter poeple, are prisoners happy about it?
mabblebrox: I am, essentially, a prisoner of the state
womack: Speaking of USGov, lotza prisoners to ask
BigDoug: I'm still trying to work out your philosophy -- you are given food and shelter for free, yet you are unhappy and complain about the people who give these benefits to you
mabblebrox: well say you live with a mob boss
BigDoug: without a job 100 years ago, you'd be starving in the streets or dead by now
mabblebrox: he gives you food and shelter
mabblebrox: but still kills for hire
mabblebrox: should you morally be opposed to his practices?
womack: Doug the Nameless quizzes mabbs re personal condition
mabblebrox: it's completely irrelevant anyway
KayMatoby: Doug is a name
prolepsis: EC- 'leftists' as you put it, readily admit thaty both stalin & mao were murderous arseholes. also, that both were not communists, as clearly they were both totalitarians.
mabblebrox: 'communism,' the farce of ages
mabblebrox: communism has only been witnessed in Berkeley, CA
mabblebrox: russia, korea, all others are fascist states
prolepsis: there's a town in spain, too, that's truely communist, so i hear
mabblebrox: cool
womack: Mao Zedong & Ho Chi Minh = the top 2 leaders of their Century
mabblebrox: it'll never happen, sorry folks
mabblebrox: the future is dead
womack: "fascist" routinely abused word
prolepsis: it's pretty easy to spot communists: is there a government/state/dictator? if yes: not communism...
mabblebrox: maybe 'communalism'
mabblebrox: soviet union was never truly marxist, lenin abused the philosophy
womack: EasyCoder: If Hitler is bad because he killed 6 million Jews-- If that historical proposition is true, then why have the Jews made it a criminal offense in most of Europe
womack: to ask for the evidence?
prolepsis: ...what the hell have you been smoking?
clydesdale: oh deary me
KayMatoby: business as usual
womack: prolepsis outta papers?
prolepsis: do we really have a denier amongst us?
mabblebrox: just a few like, buildings laying around proving it happened
womack: Shall we burn the witch at the stake, guys?
KayMatoby: nah........ just laugh
mabblebrox: sigh deeply, painfully
prolepsis: barely any overwhelming evidence at all, really. like evolution, pretty much just a hoax to get pinkies into the whitehouse.
mabblebrox: good thing there's scooby doo to watch
mabblebrox: cartoons are simple
mabblebrox: comforting
prolepsis: oh you are entitled to your opinion womack, but we are just as entitled to call you out for it being stupid.
mabblebrox: how is womack a critic of US and at the same time holocaust denier?
mabblebrox: oh he's anti-semite, that's right
KayMatoby: natural talent
mabblebrox: me, i'm an anti dentite
mabblebrox: those dentists, they're up to something
EasyCoder: Whether Prof Cumings meant to or not, he comes off as being a great admirer of the North Koreans. While laying out eight pages of American atrocities during the Korean War, he sums up the DPRK's in one sentence, with the lame apologist excuse that we expect communist countries to do that (p. 30-40). He seems to write with awe and wonder at how great North Korean infrastructure is, how their neo-Confucian Communism has really soaked into every facet of life and how the people love their Great and Dear Leaders. It comes off as some aged hippie dreaming of long-dead Marxist propaganda and longing for the great socialist dream. The author editorializes more than he lays down the facts, and he skips over the nasty stuff: he apologizes for the Gulag system on p. 174-176 and on p. 151 apologizes for the DPRK's Stalinism by saying that this is the Korean "concept of freedom."
womack: "anti-Semite" = a propaganda tag for fools
EasyCoder: * best quote from several reviews I read on Amazon
mabblebrox: womack distinguish between 'power elite' and 'jewish subculture'
mabblebrox: yes there are many elite jewish criminals, but many more working-class innocent jewish poeple
womack: Readers are encouraged to continue their own reviews of Professor Cumings
mabblebrox: and many non-jewish elite criminals
mabblebrox: Daphne fell through a trap door!
womack: womack: EasyCoder: If Hitler is bad because he killed 6 million Jews-- If that historical proposition is true, then why have the Jews made it a criminal offense in most of Europe womack: to ask for the evidence?
womack: Prolepsis answers?
mabblebrox: can you seriously cite a document of law supporting that claim?
EasyCoder: It shouldn't be a criminal offense to ask for the evidence, although to *scoff* at the evidence and say "Where is it?" when you're looking right at it is another thing. Many Arab governments do that, more's the pity.
mabblebrox: wtf evidence?
BigDoug: mabblebrox, I've seen womack have this discussion many, many times
mabblebrox: the camps are still there
mabblebrox: oh unless they were just holding boy scout jamborees there
EasyCoder: It's similar to saynig that the Communists weren't "communist"
BigDoug: mabblebrox, you know better than to use that acronym here
mabblebrox: oh sorry
prolepsis: there is a: no criminality for asking for evidence, and b: no lack of evidence to present.
Warfreak2: what
EasyCoder: Try reading Fred Schwarz, You Can Trust the Communists (to be Communists)
mabblebrox: this is pointelss discussion
Warfreak2: "there is a government" -> "it is not communism" what
prolepsis: also c: no argument about wether the holocaust happened which does not involve the answer: in all likelyhood, to the very highest possible degree of certainty: yes.
mabblebrox: he gives you food and shelter
mabblebrox: but still kills for hire
mabblebrox: should you morally be opposed to his practices?
womack: Doug the Nameless quizzes mabbs re personal condition
mabblebrox: it's completely irrelevant anyway
KayMatoby: Doug is a name
prolepsis: EC- 'leftists' as you put it, readily admit thaty both stalin & mao were murderous arseholes. also, that both were not communists, as clearly they were both totalitarians.
mabblebrox: 'communism,' the farce of ages
mabblebrox: communism has only been witnessed in Berkeley, CA
mabblebrox: russia, korea, all others are fascist states
prolepsis: there's a town in spain, too, that's truely communist, so i hear
mabblebrox: cool
womack: Mao Zedong & Ho Chi Minh = the top 2 leaders of their Century
mabblebrox: it'll never happen, sorry folks
mabblebrox: the future is dead
womack: "fascist" routinely abused word
prolepsis: it's pretty easy to spot communists: is there a government/state/dictator? if yes: not communism...
mabblebrox: maybe 'communalism'
mabblebrox: soviet union was never truly marxist, lenin abused the philosophy
womack: EasyCoder: If Hitler is bad because he killed 6 million Jews-- If that historical proposition is true, then why have the Jews made it a criminal offense in most of Europe
womack: to ask for the evidence?
prolepsis: ...what the hell have you been smoking?
clydesdale: oh deary me
KayMatoby: business as usual
womack: prolepsis outta papers?
prolepsis: do we really have a denier amongst us?
mabblebrox: just a few like, buildings laying around proving it happened
womack: Shall we burn the witch at the stake, guys?
KayMatoby: nah........ just laugh
mabblebrox: sigh deeply, painfully
prolepsis: barely any overwhelming evidence at all, really. like evolution, pretty much just a hoax to get pinkies into the whitehouse.
mabblebrox: good thing there's scooby doo to watch
mabblebrox: cartoons are simple
mabblebrox: comforting
prolepsis: oh you are entitled to your opinion womack, but we are just as entitled to call you out for it being stupid.
mabblebrox: how is womack a critic of US and at the same time holocaust denier?
mabblebrox: oh he's anti-semite, that's right
KayMatoby: natural talent
mabblebrox: me, i'm an anti dentite
mabblebrox: those dentists, they're up to something
EasyCoder: Whether Prof Cumings meant to or not, he comes off as being a great admirer of the North Koreans. While laying out eight pages of American atrocities during the Korean War, he sums up the DPRK's in one sentence, with the lame apologist excuse that we expect communist countries to do that (p. 30-40). He seems to write with awe and wonder at how great North Korean infrastructure is, how their neo-Confucian Communism has really soaked into every facet of life and how the people love their Great and Dear Leaders. It comes off as some aged hippie dreaming of long-dead Marxist propaganda and longing for the great socialist dream. The author editorializes more than he lays down the facts, and he skips over the nasty stuff: he apologizes for the Gulag system on p. 174-176 and on p. 151 apologizes for the DPRK's Stalinism by saying that this is the Korean "concept of freedom."
womack: "anti-Semite" = a propaganda tag for fools
EasyCoder: * best quote from several reviews I read on Amazon
mabblebrox: womack distinguish between 'power elite' and 'jewish subculture'
mabblebrox: yes there are many elite jewish criminals, but many more working-class innocent jewish poeple
womack: Readers are encouraged to continue their own reviews of Professor Cumings
mabblebrox: and many non-jewish elite criminals
mabblebrox: Daphne fell through a trap door!
womack: womack: EasyCoder: If Hitler is bad because he killed 6 million Jews-- If that historical proposition is true, then why have the Jews made it a criminal offense in most of Europe womack: to ask for the evidence?
womack: Prolepsis answers?
mabblebrox: can you seriously cite a document of law supporting that claim?
EasyCoder: It shouldn't be a criminal offense to ask for the evidence, although to *scoff* at the evidence and say "Where is it?" when you're looking right at it is another thing. Many Arab governments do that, more's the pity.
mabblebrox: wtf evidence?
BigDoug: mabblebrox, I've seen womack have this discussion many, many times
mabblebrox: the camps are still there
mabblebrox: oh unless they were just holding boy scout jamborees there
EasyCoder: It's similar to saynig that the Communists weren't "communist"
BigDoug: mabblebrox, you know better than to use that acronym here
mabblebrox: oh sorry
prolepsis: there is a: no criminality for asking for evidence, and b: no lack of evidence to present.
Warfreak2: what
EasyCoder: Try reading Fred Schwarz, You Can Trust the Communists (to be Communists)
mabblebrox: this is pointelss discussion
Warfreak2: "there is a government" -> "it is not communism" what
prolepsis: also c: no argument about wether the holocaust happened which does not involve the answer: in all likelyhood, to the very highest possible degree of certainty: yes.
Warfreak2: that is the most ludicrous thing that anyone not on my censor list has said all day
mabblebrox: the american revolution never happened either
mabblebrox: in fact neither did dinosaurs
EasyCoder: * mabblebrox's birth never happened either ;-)
mabblebrox: yeah I wish it hadn't
EasyCoder: * He was born "undead"
mabblebrox: my non-life would be so much easier
KayMatoby: dinosaurs were dragons
mabblebrox: ah
mabblebrox: I used to drive by Bill Gate's driveway practically every day
KayMatoby: how else do you explain how there are dragon legends all over the world
prolepsis: warfreak: my assertion - as communism is in fact an equal sharing of power (leaving it's economic attributes aside a moment) there cannot be a state, holding power over the people, any more than there can be a person...
mabblebrox: what about ogres?
EasyCoder: My favorite movie this year: "World War Z", starring Brad Pitt as Gerry Lane
mabblebrox: movies suck
Warfreak2: communism is not an equal sharing of power
Warfreak2: that is direct democracy
womack: "The Holocaust (tm)" = a global Jewish ad campaign initiated about 8 years after Bernard Baruch & David Beng Gurion assranged the Jack Whack
Warfreak2: communism is an equal sharing of production
EasyCoder: The main point is that we all agree (in theory anyway) that man's inhumanity to man is intolerable.
Warfreak2: also, direct democracy does have a government
mabblebrox: womack go eat a missile
alias: You are both right warfreak and prolepsis
Warfreak2: if there is no government, you have anarchy, by definition - not communism
alias: depending on the definition of power
mabblebrox: what if there was a president who actually fixed the country?
mabblebrox: that would be ridiculous
prolepsis: anarchy, democracy & communism all have one thing in common: equal power.
KayMatoby: wait a minute......... I need to go make popcorn
EasyCoder: Communism has two definitions, depending on whether you're trying to win a debate with a schoolboy trick - or being serious and scholarly
prolepsis: withering away of the state, anyone?
mabblebrox: the state is dead
alias: agreed prolepsis
mabblebrox: a bunch of soul-numbed old fogies pretending to have power
EasyCoder: It's Communism when a communist or worker's party is in control, establishes the totalitarion "dictatorship of the proletariat" and wields control over all means of production.
EasyCoder: The main point is that we all agree (in theory anyway) that man's inhumanity to man is intolerable.
Warfreak2: also, direct democracy does have a government
mabblebrox: womack go eat a missile
alias: You are both right warfreak and prolepsis
Warfreak2: if there is no government, you have anarchy, by definition - not communism
alias: depending on the definition of power
mabblebrox: what if there was a president who actually fixed the country?
mabblebrox: that would be ridiculous
prolepsis: anarchy, democracy & communism all have one thing in common: equal power.
KayMatoby: wait a minute......... I need to go make popcorn
EasyCoder: Communism has two definitions, depending on whether you're trying to win a debate with a schoolboy trick - or being serious and scholarly
prolepsis: withering away of the state, anyone?
mabblebrox: the state is dead
alias: agreed prolepsis
mabblebrox: a bunch of soul-numbed old fogies pretending to have power
EasyCoder: It's Communism when a communist or worker's party is in control, establishes the totalitarion "dictatorship of the proletariat" and wields control over all means of production.
alias: you are wronhg
prolepsis: easy, you just cited the founder of something called 'the Christian Anti-Communism Crusade' as an author worth a read, is he, do you think, likely to be capable of impartiality?
alias: wrong (easycoder)
EasyCoder: * schoolboy trick: claim it's not "communist" because it's not the projected stage of history after socialism has withered away
mabblebrox: can i say, the one thing right with communism is banning religion?
mabblebrox: we needed a new religion though
BigDoug: do you agree with the communists burning the churches and killing the priests and nuns?
alias: Well, to can't say that the American project (as freud put it) is what descitrbes liberalism
mabblebrox: the religion of the psychedelic, the earth-natural and art
BigDoug: you can't have one without the other
mabblebrox: no, they didn't need to kill anyone
prolepsis: easy, if you fail to see the distinction between what was hoped for, and what was recieved/achieved, do try to think...
EasyCoder: * notes that mabblebrox has disqualified himself from this debate by stooping to ad hominem
alias: I dont agree with Americans or Muslims doing that either BD
mabblebrox: meh
mabblebrox: ideally you'd enlighten the ignorant
EasyCoder: For a distinction between what was hoped for and what was received/achieved, read Andrew Wilson, "Communism: Promise and Practice"
mabblebrox: instead of killing or burning
BigDoug: yes, I agree with you Alias -- the problem is how to outlaw religion (as Mabblebrox proposes) without killing the people who would not agree with it being outlawed
mabblebrox: I like Scooby Doo, it doesn't demand anything, it's just pleasantly dumb
BigDoug: I don't think that's possible
womack: Bernard Baruch launched US war against Korea, murdering ~3 millions, in order to jump start the permanent US war economy
alias: can you resume us for the sake of the discussion Easy?
mabblebrox: bigdoug the answer, is new-earth culture
mabblebrox: i.e. burning man, other festivals
BigDoug: but how does that outlaw religion mabblebrox?
mabblebrox: that was the revolution, but it will never get the backing it needs
mabblebrox: it doesn't
Warfreak2: uh
mabblebrox: it transcends religion
Warfreak2: we outlawed lots of things without killing their adherents
BigDoug: you speak without conviction -- you say you want one thing, then immdiately say that you don't want it
EasyCoder: * aside to alias: what does "resume us" mean?
mabblebrox: 'law' as such is a really ineffective way to effect conduct
Warfreak2: ecstacy for example, is an illegal drug, possession of which will get you a prison sentence, not a death sentence
womack: Mao said of Stalin, "three parts good, two parts bad"
mabblebrox: i didn't say I 'want' religion outlawed, just that we don't need it
EasyCoder: My Japanese go teacher said, "Fall down seven times, get up eight."
alias: *I agree, but is outlaw of religion a baring part of communism?
Warfreak2: no, it isn't
EasyCoder: Communism would be only half as bad if it didn't outlaw religion.
BigDoug: mabblebrox: can i say, the one thing right with communism is banning religion? <-- don't you remember what you said five minutes ago ?
womack: Good effect of Stalin was indirect promotion of break up of white imperialism, independence for colonies, starting w China & India
mabblebrox: yes I said that
EasyCoder: The other half is eliminating the incentive to work.
mabblebrox: I didn't say that I, personally, want religion outlawed, specifically
mabblebrox: simply that I agree with the sentiment
alias: summarise (the book you mentioned)
prolepsis: oh easy ffs, go read a book that wasn't published to further the cold war
clydesdale: taht axe must be getting pretty ground by now womack
BigDoug: prolepsis, you are certainly welcome to discuss politics here, but please don't use acronyms which involve the f-word
EasyCoder: Moon told Gorbachev to allow religious freedom in the Soviet Union, and to restore worker's incentives (e.g., harder/smarter, get more money) and the rest is history
prolepsis: and as for saecularism: i thoroughly support the separation of church & state, but banning religion... i don't think it's really 'on' as we say over here
womack: EC = a Moonie?
prolepsis: ah, sure BigD, sorry everyone, became a little frustrated.
Warfreak2: if you go to the wikipedia article on communism, for example, and do a page search for 'religio' you'll find a link to 'religious communism', examples of religious groups which historically lived according to something resembling communism, one reference under marxism-leninism to "dispelling" religion and nationalism, and then 'christian communism'
alias: Im cnfused, are we talking communism as in the manifesto by marx or how it is and/or wa spracticed by nations?
BigDoug: I understand -- thanks :)
prolepsis: easy is goping for the was practised, i'm on the 'as it was meant to be' school
Warfreak2: banning religion is both silly and not a particularly communist goal
clydesdale: marxism is a secular religion
Warfreak2: only insofar as other economic theories are
KayMatoby: banning anything is silly........ it just makes people want it more
EasyCoder: The most common template on Wikipedia - the one used to calculate ages in biographical articles - was originally developed by me.
womack: Bolshevism in Russia was a Jewish crypsis disastrous for the immense majority. "Communism" in China has been a spectacularly succesful national revolution.
alias: That's what im talking about too prolepsis
EasyCoder: It became so popular that the chief coder added "Parser Functions" to speed it up.
BigDoug: you're right KayMatoby
alias: What is the question of this discussion?
EasyCoder: Warf is referring to the voluntary practice of holding all property in common. This works in societies which are small enough.
Warfreak2: "from each according to their ability, to each according to their need" is probably the best summary of communism
EasyCoder: The sort of "communism" which most humanitarians disagree with is that which murders people who don't want to share.
womack: "Communism" = Marx's most important mistake
Warfreak2: it doesn't really entail killing people because of their religion
prolepsis: not even alittle, really, unless they *really* need killing for it.
BigDoug: WF2, the problem is that's the result of every Communist country to date
womack: The ancient concepts of "commonwealth" or in Romance languages "comuna" quite suffice
prolepsis: then it'd be unjust not to
EasyCoder: Sure, WF, if we subtract the deadly coercion from state Communism, it's not so bad. The obvious problem is that every Communist gov't always employed deadly coercion.
prolepsis: yeah, there have been failures to reach communism, some really nasty ones...
EasyCoder: That's why people aren't risking their lives to get "into" communist countries.
BigDoug: it's the difference between politics in theory and politics in fact
Warfreak2: every communist country to date?
Warfreak2: i could charitably describe that as a bold claim...
womack: USGov violence uniquely global and by far worst in world domestically, too
16:28 hrs
Warfreak2: the problem is that "from each according to their ability, to each according to their need" doesn't reward people according to their contribution
Archaic: it's just waiting there to pounce on you
prolepsis: aye, alias, many have tried to get there & failed.
Archaic: don't be deluded
mabblebrox: let's talk about something new, like classic automobiles
mabblebrox: this debate is old
prolepsis: this debate predates me, to be fair ^^
womack: Speaking of violence: Do we all agree that KinkHenKi & Aerial Shaboom staged the 9/11/2001 TV Stunt?
alias: doesn't make it a fact
mabblebrox: 'staged?'
EasyCoder: Reward people according to their contribution, and you'll get progress: like two bicycle makers figuring out how to control the flight of an airplane
mabblebrox: a 9/11 truther is one thing .... but 'staged?'
womack: That's how Dan Quayle & SonnaBush made it up there, eh?
mabblebrox: i hadn't realized how nuts womack is
mabblebrox: sure, i agree with truthers
prolepsis: ya man, those buildings are totally still there.
mabblebrox: but you're claiming it was 'staged'
KayMatoby: welcome to the club
womack: mabbs dons his shrinkhat
Archaic: communism has evil connotations
Archaic: not just economic whatever
mabblebrox: womack i'm agreeing with you to some extent, why insult me
Archaic: it's not written in plain view, but that's what it is
clydesdale: i think womack is totally barking mad
womack: womack: Speaking of violence: Do we all agree that KinkHenKi & Aerial Shaboom staged the 9/11/2001 TV Stunt?
mabblebrox: yeah
EasyCoder: People will work extra hard, if there's an incentive.
Warfreak2: he is
prolepsis: 'connotations' say nothgin of the thing itself. only what you see in it.
mabblebrox: i'm saying, how can you claim 9/11 didn't happen
alias: Prolepsis, you missunderstand me, it's a fact that it has led to totalitarianism, but that doesn't make it a fact that communism must, should or will lead to that.
womack: The Official Line, of course, that OBL & Mohammad Atta staged the do.
EasyCoder: Reward innovation that increase productivity, and people will invent marvellous things.
Archaic: connotations have led to the fact that every single communist nation in history has employed tactics which you don't even know about
mabblebrox: well duh
mabblebrox: bush probably paid off bin laden
Archaic: and none have failed not to do so
womack: mabbs word quite worthless, as the record shows
prolepsis: oh i agree: many have tried & failed doesn't make theiur aim worthless, nor their hopes wasted
EasyCoder: Sometimes it's something so obvious that no one thought if it, like the automatic safety breaks in elevators
mabblebrox: i love that i'm getting flak f...
2014-06-11 08:25:58 UTC
Post by Hal Womack 3-dan
alias: bye ^^
prolepsis: see ya ^^
prolepsis: been fun
alias: i'll be in EGR
alias: prolepsis
EasyCoder: In 1984, Alexis Rannit, an émigré Estonian poet, wrote that all empires fall and suggested that the Soviet Empire should be studied so that its collapse could be peaceful. Dr. Morton Kaplan proposed a conference titled "The Fall of the Soviet Empire"
womack: Hello Pete03, I need either to find or to found the proper YouTube footage for my 9/11/22 angle
prolepsis: EC: i call spam, on you, your house & all your works.
KayMatoby: if it's not on YouTube, it doesn't exist
womack: )
prolepsis: engage in dialogue, or desist. please.
EasyCoder: The conference not only more accurately predicted what was to happen in the Soviet Union than any other source, but I believe it also helped shape the unfolding of the system in a more peaceful way than might otherwise have happened
EasyCoder: * wishes prolepsis would turn himself inside out
prolepsis: also it would be nice if you spent less time copy-pasting stuff in.
prolepsis: ah engagement!
prolepsis: welcome.
EasyCoder: If I spend less time, it will be bulky and contain extraneous words.
stumped: funny http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Kim_Jong-il's_titles
prolepsis: if you spent more, it would be terse.
LinPhaseEQ: And maybe additional words, too!
womack: Thx 2 EC for the suggestion re conference on the fall of JAPE
pete038861: theres many "911 illuminati symbolism conspiracy" video. They show many symbols and number 911 in movies before the 911 incident. Lets forget about the illuminati but is it really all coincidence
EasyCoder: I thought your previous remark about Jews was merely a jape.
womack: EC refers to Jews murdering Palestinians, perchance?
womack: My Jewish friend Gideon Polya, mentioned above, also objected on that ground to the proposed acronym, but PKDick rule
pete038861: I mean, they all happened in movie before 2001-9-11. People say those behind the job love to send message before it but I highly doubt whats ths use of sending message before something happen.
Archaic: lol
pete038861: I would say they do this not becasue they want to send the message, but they have to do it to induce something
womack: Get your people out of the bldg & also put some shorts
pete038861: Perhaps 911 was just an experience about the mind control. They proved it is true
pete038861: experiment*
alfalfa: no, it was minds out of control. cheney should be behind bars.
pete038861: They make use of the media to plant the subconscious message into people's mind and let the thing happen. This is my thought but it would sound really far fetched to you
Archaic: alrite nice chattin'
pete038861: Im done
Archaic: i'm going to have to reflect on all this
Archaic: it's been nice to have been introduced to all these ideas
KayMatoby: oh my..... womack has found a friend
pete038861: please chat guys I wont talk in a long time
pete038861: womack you shouldnt be embarrassed we should share info in private chat, only if you are interested
alias: there's a problem Pete
alias: about undicing
alias: inducing*
pete038861: ask please
alias: it requires that other numbers are left out
alias: to work
alias: in other movies
alias: or in media in general
pete038861: what do you mean
alias: pete038861: They make use of the media to plant the subconscious message into people's mind and let the thing happen.
womack: pete03 speaks oddly but welcome to forward links
pete038861: yea thats what I say so your point is?
pete038861: I don't understand " it requires that other numbers are left out"
pete038861: english not my native sorry
pete038861: not my native language
KayMatoby: "for it to work, you have to leave out numbers"
alias: you are talking about the numbers as being the message
pete038861: http://youtu.be/uazan4bDoAM
alias: during mindcontrol
alias: thx Kay
pete038861: not just numbers but many pictures
alias: But for the message to be effective, you can't have other numbers in media
pete038861: hmm
pete038861: yea lets look at the video first
alias: that interfere with the message
EasyCoder: For wacky theories to hold water, they must not be compared to reality.
pete038861: ye alias you gave a good point
pete038861: theres some way to reinforce the message and not let other interfere it
pete038861: its maybe something like "anchor" or some other technique in nlp
pete038861: Im not familiar with nlp but mind control use nlp
womack: oops, drawn back in. EC's "wacky theories" refer to the Official Lie re 9/11?
EasyCoder: While the fact that today's Black incarcerated population is larger than the 1850 slavery population is shocking, it doesn't really say much. It's simply because today's total Black population is far larger than America's Black population in 1850. So a more accurate and illustrative comparison would be the percentage of the Black population who were slaves in 1850 versus the percentage of the Black population incarcerated today.
womack: "Mind control" of course, what else will? Except maybe "guns control"...
womack: EC's last prop to silly for comment now. But most notorious murderer in USA of (partial) African descent = Obomber, followed by Colon Powell & Skeeza
eunoia: easy, are you 'Alfred Edmond, Jr.' ?
eunoia: http://www.blackenterprise.com/news/are-there-really-more-blacks-in-prison-than-were-in-slavery/ paragraph four.
KayMatoby: ad homonym attacks?
EasyCoder: In 1850, 90% of American blacks were slaves. Nowadays, 4% of American blacks are in prison.
EasyCoder: The incarceration rate in state or federal prison or jail for men was 1,384 per 100,000 residents, for women 134 per 100,000 residents. The rate for white men was 736 per 100,000, for black men 4,789 per 100,000, for Hispanic men 1,862 per 100,000.
eunoia: having looked that up, KayM, nope, just asking
womack: All prisoners held under dope busts are entitled to heavy damages for wrongful action. All survivors of USGov attacks worldwide likewise and even more so.
eunoia: your last easy coder: http://www.drugwarfacts.org/racepris.txt point 5. word fopr word.
EasyCoder: Relative to their numbers in the general population, about 4.8% of all black men were in custody at midyear 2006, compared to about 0.7% of white men and 1.9% of Hispanic men. Overall, black men were incarcerated at 6.5 times the rate of white men. The incarceration rate for black men was highest among black men age 25 to 29. About 11.7% of black males in this age group were incarcerated on June 30, 2006.
eunoia: indeed, character for character.
EasyCoder: The question is what is causing this?
alias: I've watched the video with the symbols
EasyCoder: Are whites trying to make this happen?
alias: I have a couple of Masons books
alias: if u wanna have?
alias: and learn?
womack: Criminal Jewish despotism cause of US oppression.
pete038861: I've answered your question you can scroll back
eunoia: that last from point 6., same page
alias: from the real source
EasyCoder: Or is this simply the side effect of "well-intentioned" liberal white politics?
pete038861: theres some way to reinforce the "message" not let it be interefered
EasyCoder: If you look only at race and leave out other factors such as dropping out of school versus earning a high-school diploma
pete038861: alias so you study this kind of stuff too?
EasyCoder: Or the father living at home or not
AmyTS: What is dead may never die // but with strange aeons even death may die.
AmyTS: needs more fava beans
Sheriffi: gonna fly now
AmyTS: fly, fly away
SamSpade: £5.9 million spend on keeping Assange from escaping the Ecuadorian embassy
AmyTS: well spent, Assange committed the worst crime anyone can commit in any human society.
Sheriffi: good
AmyTS: he exposed the secrets of the powerful. that's a no-no.
SamSpade: didn't he rape some swedes or something like that?
AmyTS: allegedly
AmyTS: He hasn't actually been formally charged.
SamSpade: waste of money anyhow
prolepsis: yep, they copuld have spent precisely nothing ignoring him...
womack: USGov has murdered about 30,000,000 [thirty million] vix worldwide since 1945, plenty of "secrets", fear of mass defections.
womack: 22:29 hrz [Zulu].
alfalfa: that's mean.
womack: Closer to home, the meaner it gets, eh?
SamSpade: how did you get to that number?
BigDoug: he completely made it up out of thin air
womack: One can see why "Big Doug" prefers to remain anonymous.
womack: As published many times before, my Net-friend Gideon Polya Phd of Melbourne published BODY COUNT: GLOBAL AVOIDABLE MORTALITY SINCE 1950 [2007]
BigDoug: by "published", do you mean "typed on a website somewhere"?
womack: I am looking at the hard copy with its yellow cover & 211 pp
womack: Facts = both direct killings by US military & itsd agents + civilian deaths resulting from destruction of infrastructure
Warfreak2: which of the sillies on my censor list is the ECR engaging in debate this time?
KayMatoby: guess
womack: Warf's fingers permanently stuck in its ears?
mabblebrox: I love that poeple don't get how incredibly awful the US is
Warfreak2: archaic, womack, lordquas and easycoder are the ones who aren't asleep
mabblebrox: let's just be in denial, oh great
womack: "We the peeps" radically different from WAR or WARshington Regime
KayMatoby: self-published, I see
womack: good for Kay
mabblebrox: too bad nothing will ever change
mabblebrox: the revolution is dead, I am dead
womack: between the ears maybe so
mabblebrox: thanks womack, you really wouldn't have an idea of my soul
mabblebrox: odd that you insult me, whilst I agree with you
womack: mabbs mad that we were discussing Earth rather than its soul?
mabblebrox: yes, that is exactly it. i submit to your stellar insight
womack: trash distraction here
mabblebrox: you don't get it man, nothing will change, it's over
mabblebrox: we will plunge into a new age of apathy and destruction
EasyCoder: One conservative's "definition" of a liberal is someone who would never let the facts sway him from what he knows to be true.
KayMatoby: but baying at the moon is so satisfying
womack: OK. important proposition
mabblebrox: one liberal's definition of 'conservative' is somebody who supports 'justifiable murder'
mabblebrox: let's all give Congress a moral imperative, yay
EasyCoder: If Hitler is bad because he killed 6 million Jews, why don't leftists conceded that Mao and Stalin are 10 times as bad?
BigDoug: mabblebrox, since you don't have a job, are you getting financial support from the federal and state governments ?
mabblebrox: no comment
womack: Who is "Big Doug" ?
BigDoug: if that's the case, why is the government bad, since they are supporting you?
mabblebrox: you think I want to be where I am?
mabblebrox: not the government, the entire society
mabblebrox: why do i bother
womack: "governments" good. Oppressive regimes bad
EasyCoder: I just saying: for those who claim to believe that the end does not justify the means, why not apply their criticisms across the board instead of singling out America?
KayMatoby: too simple
mabblebrox: 'administrative body to oversee roadwork' good, 'military apparatus to perpetuate profiteering' bad
BigDoug: since the government provides you with food and shelter, i don't understand why you are so critical of it
mabblebrox: sure, china is bad, north korea is bad
Warfreak2: my screen is full of red Xs, but it's clear that i'm not missing anything of value
womack: By all means let's do adopt a single standard of criticism, beaing in mind all of the relevant facts
mabblebrox: bigdoug north korea no doubt supports many people, should they be critical of goverment?
BigDoug: I'm talking about your comments, not North Korea
BigDoug: why are you so angry about society and the government since you're being supported by them?
EasyCoder: I don't mind my country being judged by a standard that requires us to be 100 times better than scoundrels like Mao and Stalin.
womack: Highly recommended = NORTH KOREA: ANOTHER COUNTRY by Bruce Cumings, chairman of hist dept U Chicago
EasyCoder: * goes and looks up that book
womack: EC perhaps realizes that Stalin & Mao spoke different languages?
mabblebrox: you don't get it man, nothing will change, it's over
mabblebrox: we will plunge into a new age of apathy and destruction
EasyCoder: One conservative's "definition" of a liberal is someone who would never let the facts sway him from what he knows to be true.
KayMatoby: but baying at the moon is so satisfying
womack: OK. important proposition
mabblebrox: one liberal's definition of 'conservative' is somebody who supports 'justifiable murder'
mabblebrox: let's all give Congress a moral imperative, yay
EasyCoder: If Hitler is bad because he killed 6 million Jews, why don't leftists conceded that Mao and Stalin are 10 times as bad?
BigDoug: mabblebrox, since you don't have a job, are you getting financial support from the federal and state governments ?
mabblebrox: no comment
womack: Who is "Big Doug" ?
BigDoug: if that's the case, why is the government bad, since they are supporting you?
mabblebrox: you think I want to be where I am?
mabblebrox: not the government, the entire society
mabblebrox: why do i bother
womack: "governemnts" good. Oppressive regimes bad
EasyCoder: I just saying: for those who claim to believe that the end does not justify the means, why not apply their criticisms across the board instead of singling out America?
KayMatoby: too simple
mabblebrox: 'administrative body to oversee roadwork' good, 'military apparatus to perpetuate profiteering' bad
BigDoug: since the government provides you with food and shelter, i don't understand why you are so critical of it
mabblebrox: sure, china is bad, north korea is bad
Warfreak2: my screen is full of red Xs, but it's clear that i'm not missing anything of value
womack: By all means let's do adopt a single standard of criticism, beaing in mind all of the relevant facts
mabblebrox: bigdoug north korea no doubt supports many people, should they be critical of goverment?
BigDoug: I'm talking about your comments, not North Korea
BigDoug: why are you so angry about society and the government since you're being supported by them?
EasyCoder: I don't mind my country being judged by a standard that requires us to be 100 times better than scoundrels like Mao and Stalin.
womack: Highly recommended = NORTH KOREA: ANOTHER COUNTRY by Bruce Cumings, chairman of hist dept U Chicago
EasyCoder: * goes and looks up that book
womack: EC perhaps realizes that Stalin & Mao spoke different languages?
mabblebrox: prisons clothe and shelter poeple, are prisoners happy about it?
mabblebrox: I am, essentially, a prisoner of the state
womack: Speaking of USGov, lotza prisoners to ask
BigDoug: I'm still trying to work out your philosophy -- you are given food and shelter for free, yet you are unhappy and complain about the people who give these benefits to you
mabblebrox: well say you live with a mob boss
BigDoug: without a job 100 years ago, you'd be starving in the streets or dead by now
mabblebrox: he gives you food and shelter
mabblebrox: but still kills for hire
mabblebrox: should you morally be opposed to his practices?
womack: Doug the Nameless quizzes mabbs re personal condition
mabblebrox: it's completely irrelevant anyway
KayMatoby: Doug is a name
prolepsis: EC- 'leftists' as you put it, readily admit thaty both stalin & mao were murderous arseholes. also, that both were not communists, as clearly they were both totalitarians.
mabblebrox: 'communism,' the farce of ages
mabblebrox: communism has only been witnessed in Berkeley, CA
mabblebrox: russia, korea, all others are fascist states
prolepsis: there's a town in spain, too, that's truely communist, so i hear
mabblebrox: cool
womack: Mao Zedong & Ho Chi Minh = the top 2 leaders of their Century
mabblebrox: it'll never happen, sorry folks
mabblebrox: the future is dead
womack: "fascist" routinely abused word
prolepsis: it's pretty easy to spot communists: is there a government/state/dictator? if yes: not communism...
mabblebrox: maybe 'communalism'
mabblebrox: soviet union was never truly marxist, lenin abused the philosophy
womack: EasyCoder: If Hitler is bad because he killed 6 million Jews-- If that historical proposition is true, then why have the Jews made it a criminal offense in most of Europe
womack: to ask for the evidence?
prolepsis: ...what the hell have you been smoking?
clydesdale: oh deary me
KayMatoby: business as usual
womack: prolepsis outta papers?
prolepsis: do we really have a denier amongst us?
mabblebrox: just a few like, buildings laying around proving it happened
womack: Shall we burn the witch at the stake, guys?
KayMatoby: nah........ just laugh
mabblebrox: sigh deeply, painfully
prolepsis: barely any overwhelming evidence at all, really. like evolution, pretty much just a hoax to get pinkies into the whitehouse.
mabblebrox: good thing there's scooby doo to watch
mabblebrox: cartoons are simple
mabblebrox: comforting
prolepsis: oh you are entitled to your opinion womack, but we are just as entitled to call you out for it being stupid.
mabblebrox: how is womack a critic of US and at the same time holocaust denier?
mabblebrox: oh he's anti-semite, that's right
KayMatoby: natural talent
mabblebrox: me, i'm an anti dentite
mabblebrox: those dentists, they're up to something
EasyCoder: Whether Prof Cumings meant to or not, he comes off as being a great admirer of the North Koreans. While laying out eight pages of American atrocities during the Korean War, he sums up the DPRK's in one sentence, with the lame apologist excuse that we expect communist countries to do that (p. 30-40). He seems to write with awe and wonder at how great North Korean infrastructure is, how their neo-Confucian Communism has really soaked into every facet of life and how the people love their Great and Dear Leaders. It comes off as some aged hippie dreaming of long-dead Marxist propaganda and longing for the great socialist dream. The author editorializes more than he lays down the facts, and he skips over the nasty stuff: he apologizes for the Gulag system on p. 174-176 and on p. 151 apologizes for the DPRK's Stalinism by saying that this is the Korean "concept of freedom."
womack: "anti-Semite" = a propaganda tag for fools
EasyCoder: * best quote from several reviews I read on Amazon
mabblebrox: womack distinguish between 'power elite' and 'jewish subculture'
mabblebrox: yes there are many elite jewish criminals, but many more working-class innocent jewish poeple
womack: Readers are encouraged to continue their own reviews of Professor Cumings
mabblebrox: and many non-jewish elite criminals
mabblebrox: Daphne fell through a trap door!
womack: womack: EasyCoder: If Hitler is bad because he killed 6 million Jews-- If that historical proposition is true, then why have the Jews made it a criminal offense in most of Europe womack: to ask for the evidence?
womack: Prolepsis answers?
mabblebrox: can you seriously cite a document of law supporting that claim?
EasyCoder: It shouldn't be a criminal offense to ask for the evidence, although to *scoff* at the evidence and say "Where is it?" when you're looking right at it is another thing. Many Arab governments do that, more's the pity.
mabblebrox: wtf evidence?
BigDoug: mabblebrox, I've seen womack have this discussion many, many times
mabblebrox: the camps are still there
mabblebrox: oh unless they were just holding boy scout jamborees there
EasyCoder: It's similar to saynig that the Communists weren't "communist"
BigDoug: mabblebrox, you know better than to use that acronym here
mabblebrox: oh sorry
prolepsis: there is a: no criminality for asking for evidence, and b: no lack of evidence to present.
Warfreak2: what
EasyCoder: Try reading Fred Schwarz, You Can Trust the Communists (to be Communists)
mabblebrox: this is pointelss discussion
Warfreak2: "there is a government" -> "it is not communism" what
prolepsis: also c: no argument about wether the holocaust happened which does not involve the answer: in all likelyhood, to the very highest possible degree of certainty: yes.
mabblebrox: he gives you food and shelter
mabblebrox: but still kills for hire
mabblebrox: should you morally be opposed to his practices?
womack: Doug the Nameless quizzes mabbs re personal condition
mabblebrox: it's completely irrelevant anyway
KayMatoby: Doug is a name
prolepsis: EC- 'leftists' as you put it, readily admit thaty both stalin & mao were murderous arseholes. also, that both were not communists, as clearly they were both totalitarians.
mabblebrox: 'communism,' the farce of ages
mabblebrox: communism has only been witnessed in Berkeley, CA
mabblebrox: russia, korea, all others are fascist states
prolepsis: there's a town in spain, too, that's truely communist, so i hear
mabblebrox: cool
womack: Mao Zedong & Ho Chi Minh = the top 2 leaders of their Century
mabblebrox: it'll never happen, sorry folks
mabblebrox: the future is dead
womack: "fascist" routinely abused word
prolepsis: it's pretty easy to spot communists: is there a government/state/dictator? if yes: not communism...
mabblebrox: maybe 'communalism'
mabblebrox: soviet union was never truly marxist, lenin abused the philosophy
womack: EasyCoder: If Hitler is bad because he killed 6 million Jews-- If that historical proposition is true, then why have the Jews made it a criminal offense in most of Europe
womack: to ask for the evidence?
prolepsis: ...what the hell have you been smoking?
clydesdale: oh deary me
KayMatoby: business as usual
womack: prolepsis outta papers?
prolepsis: do we really have a denier amongst us?
mabblebrox: just a few like, buildings laying around proving it happened
womack: Shall we burn the witch at the stake, guys?
KayMatoby: nah........ just laugh
mabblebrox: sigh deeply, painfully
prolepsis: barely any overwhelming evidence at all, really. like evolution, pretty much just a hoax to get pinkies into the whitehouse.
mabblebrox: good thing there's scooby doo to watch
mabblebrox: cartoons are simple
mabblebrox: comforting
prolepsis: oh you are entitled to your opinion womack, but we are just as entitled to call you out for it being stupid.
mabblebrox: how is womack a critic of US and at the same time holocaust denier?
mabblebrox: oh he's anti-semite, that's right
KayMatoby: natural talent
mabblebrox: me, i'm an anti dentite
mabblebrox: those dentists, they're up to something
EasyCoder: Whether Prof Cumings meant to or not, he comes off as being a great admirer of the North Koreans. While laying out eight pages of American atrocities during the Korean War, he sums up the DPRK's in one sentence, with the lame apologist excuse that we expect communist countries to do that (p. 30-40). He seems to write with awe and wonder at how great North Korean infrastructure is, how their neo-Confucian Communism has really soaked into every facet of life and how the people love their Great and Dear Leaders. It comes off as some aged hippie dreaming of long-dead Marxist propaganda and longing for the great socialist dream. The author editorializes more than he lays down the facts, and he skips over the nasty stuff: he apologizes for the Gulag system on p. 174-176 and on p. 151 apologizes for the DPRK's Stalinism by saying that this is the Korean "concept of freedom."
womack: "anti-Semite" = a propaganda tag for fools
EasyCoder: * best quote from several reviews I read on Amazon
mabblebrox: womack distinguish between 'power elite' and 'jewish subculture'
mabblebrox: yes there are many elite jewish criminals, but many more working-class innocent jewish poeple
womack: Readers are encouraged to continue their own reviews of Professor Cumings
mabblebrox: and many non-jewish elite criminals
mabblebrox: Daphne fell through a trap door!
womack: womack: EasyCoder: If Hitler is bad because he killed 6 million Jews-- If that historical proposition is true, then why have the Jews made it a criminal offense in most of Europe womack: to ask for the evidence?
womack: Prolepsis answers?
mabblebrox: can you seriously cite a document of law supporting that claim?
EasyCoder: It shouldn't be a criminal offense to ask for the evidence, although to *scoff* at the evidence and say "Where is it?" when you're looking right at it is another thing. Many Arab governments do that, more's the pity.
mabblebrox: wtf evidence?
BigDoug: mabblebrox, I've seen womack have this discussion many, many times
mabblebrox: the camps are still there
mabblebrox: oh unless they were just holding boy scout jamborees there
EasyCoder: It's similar to saynig that the Communists weren't "communist"
BigDoug: mabblebrox, you know better than to use that acronym here
mabblebrox: oh sorry
prolepsis: there is a: no criminality for asking for evidence, and b: no lack of evidence to present.
Warfreak2: what
EasyCoder: Try reading Fred Schwarz, You Can Trust the Communists (to be Communists)
mabblebrox: this is pointelss discussion
Warfreak2: "there is a government" -> "it is not communism" what
prolepsis: also c: no argument about wether the holocaust happened which does not involve the answer: in all likelyhood, to the very highest possible degree of certainty: yes.
Warfreak2: that is the most ludicrous thing that anyone not on my censor list has said all day
mabblebrox: the american revolution never happened either
mabblebrox: in fact neither did dinosaurs
EasyCoder: * mabblebrox's birth never happened either ;-)
mabblebrox: yeah I wish it hadn't
EasyCoder: * He was born "undead"
mabblebrox: my non-life would be so much easier
KayMatoby: dinosaurs were dragons
mabblebrox: ah
mabblebrox: I used to drive by Bill Gate's driveway practically every day
KayMatoby: how else do you explain how there are dragon legends all over the world
prolepsis: warfreak: my assertion - as communism is in fact an equal sharing of power (leaving it's economic attributes aside a moment) there cannot be a state, holding power over the people, any more than there can be a person...
mabblebrox: what about ogres?
EasyCoder: My favorite movie this year: "World War Z", starring Brad Pitt as Gerry Lane
mabblebrox: movies suck
Warfreak2: communism is not an equal sharing of power
Warfreak2: that is direct democracy
womack: "The Holocaust (tm)" = a global Jewish ad campaign initiated about 8 years after Bernard Baruch & David Beng Gurion assranged the Jack Whack
Warfreak2: communism is an equal sharing of production
EasyCoder: The main point is that we all agree (in theory anyway) that man's inhumanity to man is intolerable.
Warfreak2: also, direct democracy does have a government
mabblebrox: womack go eat a missile
alias: You are both right warfreak and prolepsis
Warfreak2: if there is no government, you have anarchy, by definition - not communism
alias: depending on the definition of power
mabblebrox: what if there was a president who actually fixed the country?
mabblebrox: that would be ridiculous
prolepsis: anarchy, democracy & communism all have one thing in common: equal power.
KayMatoby: wait a minute......... I need to go make popcorn
EasyCoder: Communism has two definitions, depending on whether you're trying to win a debate with a schoolboy trick - or being serious and scholarly
prolepsis: withering away of the state, anyone?
mabblebrox: the state is dead
alias: agreed prolepsis
mabblebrox: a bunch of soul-numbed old fogies pretending to have power
EasyCoder: It's Communism when a communist or worker's party is in control, establishes the totalitarion "dictatorship of the proletariat" and wields control over all means of production.
EasyCoder: The main point is that we all agree (in theory anyway) that man's inhumanity to man is intolerable.
Warfreak2: also, direct democracy does have a government
mabblebrox: womack go eat a missile
alias: You are both right warfreak and prolepsis
Warfreak2: if there is no government, you have anarchy, by definition - not communism
alias: depending on the definition of power
mabblebrox: what if there was a president who actually fixed the country?
mabblebrox: that would be ridiculous
prolepsis: anarchy, democracy & communism all have one thing in common: equal power.
KayMatoby: wait a minute......... I need to go make popcorn
EasyCoder: Communism has two definitions, depending on whether you're trying to win a debate with a schoolboy trick - or being serious and scholarly
prolepsis: withering away of the state, anyone?
mabblebrox: the state is dead
alias: agreed prolepsis
mabblebrox: a bunch of soul-numbed old fogies pretending to have power
EasyCoder: It's Communism when a communist or worker's party is in control, establishes the totalitarion "dictatorship of the proletariat" and wields control over all means of production.
alias: you are wronhg
prolepsis: easy, you just cited the founder of something called 'the Christian Anti-Communism Crusade' as an author worth a read, is he, do you think, likely to be capable of impartiality?
alias: wrong (easycoder)
EasyCoder: * schoolboy trick: claim it's not "communist" because it's not the projected stage of history after socialism has withered away
mabblebrox: can i say, the one thing right with communism is banning religion?
mabblebrox: we needed a new religion though
BigDoug: do you agree with the communists burning the churches and killing the priests and nuns?
alias: Well, to can't say that the American project (as freud put it) is what descitrbes liberalism
mabblebrox: the religion of the psychedelic, the earth-natural and art
BigDoug: you can't have one without the other
mabblebrox: no, they didn't need to kill anyone
prolepsis: easy, if you fail to see the distinction between what was hoped for, and what was recieved/achieved, do try to think...
EasyCoder: * notes that mabblebrox has disqualified himself from this debate by stooping to ad hominem
alias: I dont agree with Americans or Muslims doing that either BD
mabblebrox: meh
mabblebrox: ideally you'd enlighten the ignorant
EasyCoder: For a distinction between what was hoped for and what was received/achieved, read Andrew Wilson, "Communism: Promise and Practice"
mabblebrox: instead of killing or burning
BigDoug: yes, I agree with you Alias -- the problem is how to outlaw religion (as Mabblebrox proposes) without killing the people who would not agree with it being outlawed
mabblebrox: I like Scooby Doo, it doesn't demand anything, it's just pleasantly dumb
BigDoug: I don't think that's possible
womack: Bernard Baruch launched US war against Korea, murdering ~3 millions, in order to jump start the permanent US war economy
alias: can you resume us for the sake of the discussion Easy?
mabblebrox: bigdoug the answer, is new-earth culture
mabblebrox: i.e. burning man, other festivals
BigDoug: but how does that outlaw religion mabblebrox?
mabblebrox: that was the revolution, but it will never get the backing it needs
mabblebrox: it doesn't
Warfreak2: uh
mabblebrox: it transcends religion
Warfreak2: we outlawed lots of things without killing their adherents
BigDoug: you speak without conviction -- you say you want one thing, then immdiately say that you don't want it
EasyCoder: * aside to alias: what does "resume us" mean?
mabblebrox: 'law' as such is a really ineffective way to effect conduct
Warfreak2: ecstacy for example, is an illegal drug, possession of which will get you a prison sentence, not a death sentence
womack: Mao said of Stalin, "three parts good, two parts bad"
mabblebrox: i didn't say I 'want' religion outlawed, just that we don't need it
EasyCoder: My Japanese go teacher said, "Fall down seven times, get up eight."
alias: *I agree, but is outlaw of religion a baring part of communism?
Warfreak2: no, it isn't
EasyCoder: Communism would be only half as bad if it didn't outlaw religion.
BigDoug: mabblebrox: can i say, the one thing right with communism is banning religion? <-- don't you remember what you said five minutes ago ?
womack: Good effect of Stalin was indirect promotion of break up of white imperialism, independence for colonies, starting w China & India
mabblebrox: yes I said that
EasyCoder: The other half is eliminating the incentive to work.
mabblebrox: I didn't say that I, personally, want religion outlawed, specifically
mabblebrox: simply that I agree with the sentiment
alias: summarise (the book you mentioned)
prolepsis: oh easy ffs, go read a book that wasn't published to further the cold war
clydesdale: taht axe must be getting pretty ground by now womack
BigDoug: prolepsis, you are certainly welcome to discuss politics here, but please don't use acronyms which involve the f-word
EasyCoder: Moon told Gorbachev to allow religious freedom in the Soviet Union, and to restore worker's incentives (e.g., harder/smarter, get more money) and the rest is history
prolepsis: and as for saecularism: i thoroughly support the separation of church & state, but banning religion... i don't think it's really 'on' as we say over here
womack: EC = a Moonie?
prolepsis: ah, sure BigD, sorry everyone, became a little frustrated.
Warfreak2: if you go to the wikipedia article on communism, for example, and do a page search for 'religio' you'll find a link to 'religious communism', examples of religious groups which historically lived according to something resembling communism, one reference under marxism-leninism to "dispelling" religion and nationalism, and then 'christian communism'
alias: Im cnfused, are we talking communism as in the manifesto by marx or how it is and/or wa spracticed by nations?
BigDoug: I understand -- thanks :)
prolepsis: easy is goping for the was practised, i'm on the 'as it was meant to be' school
Warfreak2: banning religion is both silly and not a particularly communist goal
clydesdale: marxism is a secular religion
Warfreak2: only insofar as other economic theories are
KayMatoby: banning anything is silly........ it just makes people want it more
EasyCoder: The most common template on Wikipedia - the one used to calculate ages in biographical articles - was originally developed by me.
womack: Bolshevism in Russia was a Jewish crypsis disastrous for the immense majority. "Communism" in China has been a spectacularly succesful national revolution.
alias: That's what im talking about too prolepsis
EasyCoder: It became so popular that the chief coder added "Parser Functions" to speed it up.
BigDoug: you're right KayMatoby
alias: What is the question of this discussion?
EasyCoder: Warf is referring to the voluntary practice of holding all property in common. This works in societies which are small enough.
Warfreak2: "from each according to their ability, to each according to their need" is probably the best summary of communism
EasyCoder: The sort of "communism" which most humanitarians disagree with is that which murders people who don't want to share.
womack: "Communism" = Marx's most important mistake
Warfreak2: it doesn't really entail killing people because of their religion
prolepsis: not even alittle, really, unless they *really* need killing for it.
BigDoug: WF2, the problem is that's the result of every Communist country to date
womack: The ancient concepts of "commonwealth" or in Romance languages "comuna" quite suffice
prolepsis: then it'd be unjust not to
EasyCoder: Sure, WF, if we subtract the deadly coercion from state Communism, it's not so bad. The obvious problem is that every Communist gov't always employed deadly coercion.
prolepsis: yeah, there have been failures to reach communism, some really nasty ones...
EasyCoder: That's why people aren't risking their lives to get "into" communist countries.
BigDoug: it's the difference between politics in theory and politics in fact
Warfreak2: every communist country to date?
Warfreak2: i could charitably describe that as a bold claim...
womack: USGov violence uniquely global and by far worst in world domestically, too
16:28 hrs
Warfreak2: the problem is that "from each according to their ability, to each according to their need" doesn't reward people according to their contribution
Archaic: it's just waiting there to pounce on you
prolepsis: aye, alias, many have tried to get there & failed.
Archaic: don't be deluded
mabblebrox: let's talk about something new, like classic automobiles
mabblebrox: this debate is old
prolepsis: this debate predates me, to be fair ^^
womack: Speaking of violence: Do we all agree that KinkHenKi & Aerial Shaboom staged the 9/11/2001 TV Stunt?
alias: doesn't make it a fact
mabblebrox: 'staged?'
EasyCoder: Reward people according to their contribution, and you'll get progress: like two bicycle makers figuring out how to control the flight of an airplane
mabblebrox: a 9/11 truther is one thing .... but 'staged?'
womack: That's how Dan Quayle & SonnaBush made it up there, eh?
mabblebrox: i hadn't realized how nuts womack is
mabblebrox: sure, i agree with truthers
prolepsis: ya man, those buildings are totally still there.
mabblebrox: but you're claiming it was 'staged'
KayMatoby: welcome to the club
womack: mabbs dons his shrinkhat
Archaic: communism has evil connotations
Archaic: not just economic whatever
mabblebrox: womack i'm agreeing with you to some extent, why insult me
Archaic: it's not written in plain view, but that's what it is
clydesdale: i think womack is totally barking mad
womack: womack: Speaking of violence: Do we all agree that KinkHenKi & Aerial Shaboom staged the 9/11/2001 TV Stunt?
mabblebrox: yeah
EasyCoder: People will work extra hard, if there's an incentive.
Warfreak2: he is
prolepsis: 'connotations' say nothgin of the thing itself. only what you see in it.
mabblebrox: i'm saying, how can you claim 9/11 didn't happen
alias: Prolepsis, you missunderstand me, it's a fact that it has led to totalitarianism, but that doesn't make it a fact that communism must, should or will lead to that.
womack: The Official Line, of course, that OBL & Mohammad Atta staged the do.
EasyCoder: Reward innovation that increase productivity, and people will invent marvellous things.
Archaic: connotations have led to the fact that every single communist nation in history has employed tactics which you don't even know about
mabblebrox: well duh
mabblebrox: bush probably paid off bin laden
Archaic: and none have failed not to do so
womack: mabbs word quite worthless, as the record shows
prolepsis: oh i agree: many have tried & failed doesn't make theiur aim worthless, nor their hopes wasted
EasyCoder: Sometimes it's something so obvious that no one thought if it, like the automatic safety breaks in elevators
mabblebrox: i love that i'm getting flak f...
Hey, Womack, so what is the point you're making about go ?
2014-09-08 12:21:37 UTC
Post by i***@gmail.com
Post by Hal Womack 3-dan
alias: bye ^^
prolepsis: see ya ^^
prolepsis: been fun
alias: i'll be in EGR
alias: prolepsis
EasyCoder: In 1984, Alexis Rannit, an émigré Estonian poet, wrote that all empires fall and suggested that the Soviet Empire should be studied so that its collapse could be peaceful. Dr. Morton Kaplan proposed a conference titled "The Fall of the Soviet Empire"
womack: Hello Pete03, I need either to find or to found the proper YouTube footage for my 9/11/22 angle
prolepsis: EC: i call spam, on you, your house & all your works.
KayMatoby: if it's not on YouTube, it doesn't exist
womack: )
prolepsis: engage in dialogue, or desist. please.
EasyCoder: The conference not only more accurately predicted what was to happen in the Soviet Union than any other source, but I believe it also helped shape the unfolding of the system in a more peaceful way than might otherwise have happened
EasyCoder: * wishes prolepsis would turn himself inside out
prolepsis: also it would be nice if you spent less time copy-pasting stuff in.
prolepsis: ah engagement!
prolepsis: welcome.
EasyCoder: If I spend less time, it will be bulky and contain extraneous words.
stumped: funny http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Kim_Jong-il's_titles
prolepsis: if you spent more, it would be terse.
LinPhaseEQ: And maybe additional words, too!
womack: Thx 2 EC for the suggestion re conference on the fall of JAPE
pete038861: theres many "911 illuminati symbolism conspiracy" video. They show many symbols and number 911 in movies before the 911 incident. Lets forget about the illuminati but is it really all coincidence
EasyCoder: I thought your previous remark about Jews was merely a jape.
womack: EC refers to Jews murdering Palestinians, perchance?
womack: My Jewish friend Gideon Polya, mentioned above, also objected on that ground to the proposed acronym, but PKDick rule
pete038861: I mean, they all happened in movie before 2001-9-11. People say those behind the job love to send message before it but I highly doubt whats ths use of sending message before something happen.
Archaic: lol
pete038861: I would say they do this not becasue they want to send the message, but they have to do it to induce something
womack: Get your people out of the bldg & also put some shorts
pete038861: Perhaps 911 was just an experience about the mind control. They proved it is true
pete038861: experiment*
alfalfa: no, it was minds out of control. cheney should be behind bars.
pete038861: They make use of the media to plant the subconscious message into people's mind and let the thing happen. This is my thought but it would sound really far fetched to you
Archaic: alrite nice chattin'
pete038861: Im done
Archaic: i'm going to have to reflect on all this
Archaic: it's been nice to have been introduced to all these ideas
KayMatoby: oh my..... womack has found a friend
pete038861: please chat guys I wont talk in a long time
pete038861: womack you shouldnt be embarrassed we should share info in private chat, only if you are interested
alias: there's a problem Pete
alias: about undicing
alias: inducing*
pete038861: ask please
alias: it requires that other numbers are left out
alias: to work
alias: in other movies
alias: or in media in general
pete038861: what do you mean
alias: pete038861: They make use of the media to plant the subconscious message into people's mind and let the thing happen.
womack: pete03 speaks oddly but welcome to forward links
pete038861: yea thats what I say so your point is?
pete038861: I don't understand " it requires that other numbers are left out"
pete038861: english not my native sorry
pete038861: not my native language
KayMatoby: "for it to work, you have to leave out numbers"
alias: you are talking about the numbers as being the message
pete038861: http://youtu.be/uazan4bDoAM
alias: during mindcontrol
alias: thx Kay
pete038861: not just numbers but many pictures
alias: But for the message to be effective, you can't have other numbers in media
pete038861: hmm
pete038861: yea lets look at the video first
alias: that interfere with the message
EasyCoder: For wacky theories to hold water, they must not be compared to reality.
pete038861: ye alias you gave a good point
pete038861: theres some way to reinforce the message and not let other interfere it
pete038861: its maybe something like "anchor" or some other technique in nlp
pete038861: Im not familiar with nlp but mind control use nlp
womack: oops, drawn back in. EC's "wacky theories" refer to the Official Lie re 9/11?
EasyCoder: While the fact that today's Black incarcerated population is larger than the 1850 slavery population is shocking, it doesn't really say much. It's simply because today's total Black population is far larger than America's Black population in 1850. So a more accurate and illustrative comparison would be the percentage of the Black population who were slaves in 1850 versus the percentage of the Black population incarcerated today.
womack: "Mind control" of course, what else will? Except maybe "guns control"...
womack: EC's last prop to silly for comment now. But most notorious murderer in USA of (partial) African descent = Obomber, followed by Colon Powell & Skeeza
eunoia: easy, are you 'Alfred Edmond, Jr.' ?
eunoia: http://www.blackenterprise.com/news/are-there-really-more-blacks-in-prison-than-were-in-slavery/ paragraph four.
KayMatoby: ad homonym attacks?
EasyCoder: In 1850, 90% of American blacks were slaves. Nowadays, 4% of American blacks are in prison.
EasyCoder: The incarceration rate in state or federal prison or jail for men was 1,384 per 100,000 residents, for women 134 per 100,000 residents. The rate for white men was 736 per 100,000, for black men 4,789 per 100,000, for Hispanic men 1,862 per 100,000.
eunoia: having looked that up, KayM, nope, just asking
womack: All prisoners held under dope busts are entitled to heavy damages for wrongful action. All survivors of USGov attacks worldwide likewise and even more so.
eunoia: your last easy coder: http://www.drugwarfacts.org/racepris.txt point 5. word fopr word.
EasyCoder: Relative to their numbers in the general population, about 4.8% of all black men were in custody at midyear 2006, compared to about 0.7% of white men and 1.9% of Hispanic men. Overall, black men were incarcerated at 6.5 times the rate of white men. The incarceration rate for black men was highest among black men age 25 to 29. About 11.7% of black males in this age group were incarcerated on June 30, 2006.
eunoia: indeed, character for character.
EasyCoder: The question is what is causing this?
alias: I've watched the video with the symbols
EasyCoder: Are whites trying to make this happen?
alias: I have a couple of Masons books
alias: if u wanna have?
alias: and learn?
womack: Criminal Jewish despotism cause of US oppression.
pete038861: I've answered your question you can scroll back
eunoia: that last from point 6., same page
alias: from the real source
EasyCoder: Or is this simply the side effect of "well-intentioned" liberal white politics?
pete038861: theres some way to reinforce the "message" not let it be interefered
EasyCoder: If you look only at race and leave out other factors such as dropping out of school versus earning a high-school diploma
pete038861: alias so you study this kind of stuff too?
EasyCoder: Or the father living at home or not
AmyTS: What is dead may never die // but with strange aeons even death may die.
AmyTS: needs more fava beans
Sheriffi: gonna fly now
AmyTS: fly, fly away
SamSpade: £5.9 million spend on keeping Assange from escaping the Ecuadorian embassy
AmyTS: well spent, Assange committed the worst crime anyone can commit in any human society.
Sheriffi: good
AmyTS: he exposed the secrets of the powerful. that's a no-no.
SamSpade: didn't he rape some swedes or something like that?
AmyTS: allegedly
AmyTS: He hasn't actually been formally charged.
SamSpade: waste of money anyhow
prolepsis: yep, they copuld have spent precisely nothing ignoring him...
womack: USGov has murdered about 30,000,000 [thirty million] vix worldwide since 1945, plenty of "secrets", fear of mass defections.
womack: 22:29 hrz [Zulu].
alfalfa: that's mean.
womack: Closer to home, the meaner it gets, eh?
SamSpade: how did you get to that number?
BigDoug: he completely made it up out of thin air
womack: One can see why "Big Doug" prefers to remain anonymous.
womack: As published many times before, my Net-friend Gideon Polya Phd of Melbourne published BODY COUNT: GLOBAL AVOIDABLE MORTALITY SINCE 1950 [2007]
BigDoug: by "published", do you mean "typed on a website somewhere"?
womack: I am looking at the hard copy with its yellow cover & 211 pp
womack: Facts = both direct killings by US military & itsd agents + civilian deaths resulting from destruction of infrastructure
Warfreak2: which of the sillies on my censor list is the ECR engaging in debate this time?
KayMatoby: guess
womack: Warf's fingers permanently stuck in its ears?
mabblebrox: I love that poeple don't get how incredibly awful the US is
Warfreak2: archaic, womack, lordquas and easycoder are the ones who aren't asleep
mabblebrox: let's just be in denial, oh great
womack: "We the peeps" radically different from WAR or WARshington Regime
KayMatoby: self-published, I see
womack: good for Kay
mabblebrox: too bad nothing will ever change
mabblebrox: the revolution is dead, I am dead
womack: between the ears maybe so
mabblebrox: thanks womack, you really wouldn't have an idea of my soul
mabblebrox: odd that you insult me, whilst I agree with you
womack: mabbs mad that we were discussing Earth rather than its soul?
mabblebrox: yes, that is exactly it. i submit to your stellar insight
womack: trash distraction here
mabblebrox: you don't get it man, nothing will change, it's over
mabblebrox: we will plunge into a new age of apathy and destruction
EasyCoder: One conservative's "definition" of a liberal is someone who would never let the facts sway him from what he knows to be true.
KayMatoby: but baying at the moon is so satisfying
womack: OK. important proposition
mabblebrox: one liberal's definition of 'conservative' is somebody who supports 'justifiable murder'
mabblebrox: let's all give Congress a moral imperative, yay
EasyCoder: If Hitler is bad because he killed 6 million Jews, why don't leftists conceded that Mao and Stalin are 10 times as bad?
BigDoug: mabblebrox, since you don't have a job, are you getting financial support from the federal and state governments ?
mabblebrox: no comment
womack: Who is "Big Doug" ?
BigDoug: if that's the case, why is the government bad, since they are supporting you?
mabblebrox: you think I want to be where I am?
mabblebrox: not the government, the entire society
mabblebrox: why do i bother
womack: "governments" good. Oppressive regimes bad
EasyCoder: I just saying: for those who claim to believe that the end does not justify the means, why not apply their criticisms across the board instead of singling out America?
KayMatoby: too simple
mabblebrox: 'administrative body to oversee roadwork' good, 'military apparatus to perpetuate profiteering' bad
BigDoug: since the government provides you with food and shelter, i don't understand why you are so critical of it
mabblebrox: sure, china is bad, north korea is bad
Warfreak2: my screen is full of red Xs, but it's clear that i'm not missing anything of value
womack: By all means let's do adopt a single standard of criticism, beaing in mind all of the relevant facts
mabblebrox: bigdoug north korea no doubt supports many people, should they be critical of goverment?
BigDoug: I'm talking about your comments, not North Korea
BigDoug: why are you so angry about society and the government since you're being supported by them?
EasyCoder: I don't mind my country being judged by a standard that requires us to be 100 times better than scoundrels like Mao and Stalin.
womack: Highly recommended = NORTH KOREA: ANOTHER COUNTRY by Bruce Cumings, chairman of hist dept U Chicago
EasyCoder: * goes and looks up that book
womack: EC perhaps realizes that Stalin & Mao spoke different languages?
mabblebrox: you don't get it man, nothing will change, it's over
mabblebrox: we will plunge into a new age of apathy and destruction
EasyCoder: One conservative's "definition" of a liberal is someone who would never let the facts sway him from what he knows to be true.
KayMatoby: but baying at the moon is so satisfying
womack: OK. important proposition
mabblebrox: one liberal's definition of 'conservative' is somebody who supports 'justifiable murder'
mabblebrox: let's all give Congress a moral imperative, yay
EasyCoder: If Hitler is bad because he killed 6 million Jews, why don't leftists conceded that Mao and Stalin are 10 times as bad?
BigDoug: mabblebrox, since you don't have a job, are you getting financial support from the federal and state governments ?
mabblebrox: no comment
womack: Who is "Big Doug" ?
BigDoug: if that's the case, why is the government bad, since they are supporting you?
mabblebrox: you think I want to be where I am?
mabblebrox: not the government, the entire society
mabblebrox: why do i bother
womack: "governemnts" good. Oppressive regimes bad
EasyCoder: I just saying: for those who claim to believe that the end does not justify the means, why not apply their criticisms across the board instead of singling out America?
KayMatoby: too simple
mabblebrox: 'administrative body to oversee roadwork' good, 'military apparatus to perpetuate profiteering' bad
BigDoug: since the government provides you with food and shelter, i don't understand why you are so critical of it
mabblebrox: sure, china is bad, north korea is bad
Warfreak2: my screen is full of red Xs, but it's clear that i'm not missing anything of value
womack: By all means let's do adopt a single standard of criticism, beaing in mind all of the relevant facts
mabblebrox: bigdoug north korea no doubt supports many people, should they be critical of goverment?
BigDoug: I'm talking about your comments, not North Korea
BigDoug: why are you so angry about society and the government since you're being supported by them?
EasyCoder: I don't mind my country being judged by a standard that requires us to be 100 times better than scoundrels like Mao and Stalin.
womack: Highly recommended = NORTH KOREA: ANOTHER COUNTRY by Bruce Cumings, chairman of hist dept U Chicago
EasyCoder: * goes and looks up that book
womack: EC perhaps realizes that Stalin & Mao spoke different languages?
mabblebrox: prisons clothe and shelter poeple, are prisoners happy about it?
mabblebrox: I am, essentially, a prisoner of the state
womack: Speaking of USGov, lotza prisoners to ask
BigDoug: I'm still trying to work out your philosophy -- you are given food and shelter for free, yet you are unhappy and complain about the people who give these benefits to you
mabblebrox: well say you live with a mob boss
BigDoug: without a job 100 years ago, you'd be starving in the streets or dead by now
mabblebrox: he gives you food and shelter
mabblebrox: but still kills for hire
mabblebrox: should you morally be opposed to his practices?
womack: Doug the Nameless quizzes mabbs re personal condition
mabblebrox: it's completely irrelevant anyway
KayMatoby: Doug is a name
prolepsis: EC- 'leftists' as you put it, readily admit thaty both stalin & mao were murderous arseholes. also, that both were not communists, as clearly they were both totalitarians.
mabblebrox: 'communism,' the farce of ages
mabblebrox: communism has only been witnessed in Berkeley, CA
mabblebrox: russia, korea, all others are fascist states
prolepsis: there's a town in spain, too, that's truely communist, so i hear
mabblebrox: cool
womack: Mao Zedong & Ho Chi Minh = the top 2 leaders of their Century
mabblebrox: it'll never happen, sorry folks
mabblebrox: the future is dead
womack: "fascist" routinely abused word
prolepsis: it's pretty easy to spot communists: is there a government/state/dictator? if yes: not communism...
mabblebrox: maybe 'communalism'
mabblebrox: soviet union was never truly marxist, lenin abused the philosophy
womack: EasyCoder: If Hitler is bad because he killed 6 million Jews-- If that historical proposition is true, then why have the Jews made it a criminal offense in most of Europe
womack: to ask for the evidence?
prolepsis: ...what the hell have you been smoking?
clydesdale: oh deary me
KayMatoby: business as usual
womack: prolepsis outta papers?
prolepsis: do we really have a denier amongst us?
mabblebrox: just a few like, buildings laying around proving it happened
womack: Shall we burn the witch at the stake, guys?
KayMatoby: nah........ just laugh
mabblebrox: sigh deeply, painfully
prolepsis: barely any overwhelming evidence at all, really. like evolution, pretty much just a hoax to get pinkies into the whitehouse.
mabblebrox: good thing there's scooby doo to watch
mabblebrox: cartoons are simple
mabblebrox: comforting
prolepsis: oh you are entitled to your opinion womack, but we are just as entitled to call you out for it being stupid.
mabblebrox: how is womack a critic of US and at the same time holocaust denier?
mabblebrox: oh he's anti-semite, that's right
KayMatoby: natural talent
mabblebrox: me, i'm an anti dentite
mabblebrox: those dentists, they're up to something
EasyCoder: Whether Prof Cumings meant to or not, he comes off as being a great admirer of the North Koreans. While laying out eight pages of American atrocities during the Korean War, he sums up the DPRK's in one sentence, with the lame apologist excuse that we expect communist countries to do that (p. 30-40). He seems to write with awe and wonder at how great North Korean infrastructure is, how their neo-Confucian Communism has really soaked into every facet of life and how the people love their Great and Dear Leaders. It comes off as some aged hippie dreaming of long-dead Marxist propaganda and longing for the great socialist dream. The author editorializes more than he lays down the facts, and he skips over the nasty stuff: he apologizes for the Gulag system on p. 174-176 and on p. 151 apologizes for the DPRK's Stalinism by saying that this is the Korean "concept of freedom."
womack: "anti-Semite" = a propaganda tag for fools
EasyCoder: * best quote from several reviews I read on Amazon
mabblebrox: womack distinguish between 'power elite' and 'jewish subculture'
mabblebrox: yes there are many elite jewish criminals, but many more working-class innocent jewish poeple
womack: Readers are encouraged to continue their own reviews of Professor Cumings
mabblebrox: and many non-jewish elite criminals
mabblebrox: Daphne fell through a trap door!
womack: womack: EasyCoder: If Hitler is bad because he killed 6 million Jews-- If that historical proposition is true, then why have the Jews made it a criminal offense in most of Europe womack: to ask for the evidence?
womack: Prolepsis answers?
mabblebrox: can you seriously cite a document of law supporting that claim?
EasyCoder: It shouldn't be a criminal offense to ask for the evidence, although to *scoff* at the evidence and say "Where is it?" when you're looking right at it is another thing. Many Arab governments do that, more's the pity.
mabblebrox: wtf evidence?
BigDoug: mabblebrox, I've seen womack have this discussion many, many times
mabblebrox: the camps are still there
mabblebrox: oh unless they were just holding boy scout jamborees there
EasyCoder: It's similar to saynig that the Communists weren't "communist"
BigDoug: mabblebrox, you know better than to use that acronym here
mabblebrox: oh sorry
prolepsis: there is a: no criminality for asking for evidence, and b: no lack of evidence to present.
Warfreak2: what
EasyCoder: Try reading Fred Schwarz, You Can Trust the Communists (to be Communists)
mabblebrox: this is pointelss discussion
Warfreak2: "there is a government" -> "it is not communism" what
prolepsis: also c: no argument about wether the holocaust happened which does not involve the answer: in all likelyhood, to the very highest possible degree of certainty: yes.
mabblebrox: he gives you food and shelter
mabblebrox: but still kills for hire
mabblebrox: should you morally be opposed to his practices?
womack: Doug the Nameless quizzes mabbs re personal condition
mabblebrox: it's completely irrelevant anyway
KayMatoby: Doug is a name
prolepsis: EC- 'leftists' as you put it, readily admit thaty both stalin & mao were murderous arseholes. also, that both were not communists, as clearly they were both totalitarians.
mabblebrox: 'communism,' the farce of ages
mabblebrox: communism has only been witnessed in Berkeley, CA
mabblebrox: russia, korea, all others are fascist states
prolepsis: there's a town in spain, too, that's truely communist, so i hear
mabblebrox: cool
womack: Mao Zedong & Ho Chi Minh = the top 2 leaders of their Century
mabblebrox: it'll never happen, sorry folks
mabblebrox: the future is dead
womack: "fascist" routinely abused word
prolepsis: it's pretty easy to spot communists: is there a government/state/dictator? if yes: not communism...
mabblebrox: maybe 'communalism'
mabblebrox: soviet union was never truly marxist, lenin abused the philosophy
womack: EasyCoder: If Hitler is bad because he killed 6 million Jews-- If that historical proposition is true, then why have the Jews made it a criminal offense in most of Europe
womack: to ask for the evidence?
prolepsis: ...what the hell have you been smoking?
clydesdale: oh deary me
KayMatoby: business as usual
womack: prolepsis outta papers?
prolepsis: do we really have a denier amongst us?
mabblebrox: just a few like, buildings laying around proving it happened
womack: Shall we burn the witch at the stake, guys?
KayMatoby: nah........ just laugh
mabblebrox: sigh deeply, painfully
prolepsis: barely any overwhelming evidence at all, really. like evolution, pretty much just a hoax to get pinkies into the whitehouse.
mabblebrox: good thing there's scooby doo to watch
mabblebrox: cartoons are simple
mabblebrox: comforting
prolepsis: oh you are entitled to your opinion womack, but we are just as entitled to call you out for it being stupid.
mabblebrox: how is womack a critic of US and at the same time holocaust denier?
mabblebrox: oh he's anti-semite, that's right
KayMatoby: natural talent
mabblebrox: me, i'm an anti dentite
mabblebrox: those dentists, they're up to something
EasyCoder: Whether Prof Cumings meant to or not, he comes off as being a great admirer of the North Koreans. While laying out eight pages of American atrocities during the Korean War, he sums up the DPRK's in one sentence, with the lame apologist excuse that we expect communist countries to do that (p. 30-40). He seems to write with awe and wonder at how great North Korean infrastructure is, how their neo-Confucian Communism has really soaked into every facet of life and how the people love their Great and Dear Leaders. It comes off as some aged hippie dreaming of long-dead Marxist propaganda and longing for the great socialist dream. The author editorializes more than he lays down the facts, and he skips over the nasty stuff: he apologizes for the Gulag system on p. 174-176 and on p. 151 apologizes for the DPRK's Stalinism by saying that this is the Korean "concept of freedom."
womack: "anti-Semite" = a propaganda tag for fools
EasyCoder: * best quote from several reviews I read on Amazon
mabblebrox: womack distinguish between 'power elite' and 'jewish subculture'
mabblebrox: yes there are many elite jewish criminals, but many more working-class innocent jewish poeple
womack: Readers are encouraged to continue their own reviews of Professor Cumings
mabblebrox: and many non-jewish elite criminals
mabblebrox: Daphne fell through a trap door!
womack: womack: EasyCoder: If Hitler is bad because he killed 6 million Jews-- If that historical proposition is true, then why have the Jews made it a criminal offense in most of Europe womack: to ask for the evidence?
womack: Prolepsis answers?
mabblebrox: can you seriously cite a document of law supporting that claim?
EasyCoder: It shouldn't be a criminal offense to ask for the evidence, although to *scoff* at the evidence and say "Where is it?" when you're looking right at it is another thing. Many Arab governments do that, more's the pity.
mabblebrox: wtf evidence?
BigDoug: mabblebrox, I've seen womack have this discussion many, many times
mabblebrox: the camps are still there
mabblebrox: oh unless they were just holding boy scout jamborees there
EasyCoder: It's similar to saynig that the Communists weren't "communist"
BigDoug: mabblebrox, you know better than to use that acronym here
mabblebrox: oh sorry
prolepsis: there is a: no criminality for asking for evidence, and b: no lack of evidence to present.
Warfreak2: what
EasyCoder: Try reading Fred Schwarz, You Can Trust the Communists (to be Communists)
mabblebrox: this is pointelss discussion
Warfreak2: "there is a government" -> "it is not communism" what
prolepsis: also c: no argument about wether the holocaust happened which does not involve the answer: in all likelyhood, to the very highest possible degree of certainty: yes.
Warfreak2: that is the most ludicrous thing that anyone not on my censor list has said all day
mabblebrox: the american revolution never happened either
mabblebrox: in fact neither did dinosaurs
EasyCoder: * mabblebrox's birth never happened either ;-)
mabblebrox: yeah I wish it hadn't
EasyCoder: * He was born "undead"
mabblebrox: my non-life would be so much easier
KayMatoby: dinosaurs were dragons
mabblebrox: ah
mabblebrox: I used to drive by Bill Gate's driveway practically every day
KayMatoby: how else do you explain how there are dragon legends all over the world
prolepsis: warfreak: my assertion - as communism is in fact an equal sharing of power (leaving it's economic attributes aside a moment) there cannot be a state, holding power over the people, any more than there can be a person...
mabblebrox: what about ogres?
EasyCoder: My favorite movie this year: "World War Z", starring Brad Pitt as Gerry Lane
mabblebrox: movies suck
Warfreak2: communism is not an equal sharing of power
Warfreak2: that is direct democracy
womack: "The Holocaust (tm)" = a global Jewish ad campaign initiated about 8 years after Bernard Baruch & David Beng Gurion assranged the Jack Whack
Warfreak2: communism is an equal sharing of production
EasyCoder: The main point is that we all agree (in theory anyway) that man's inhumanity to man is intolerable.
Warfreak2: also, direct democracy does have a government
mabblebrox: womack go eat a missile
alias: You are both right warfreak and prolepsis
Warfreak2: if there is no government, you have anarchy, by definition - not communism
alias: depending on the definition of power
mabblebrox: what if there was a president who actually fixed the country?
mabblebrox: that would be ridiculous
prolepsis: anarchy, democracy & communism all have one thing in common: equal power.
KayMatoby: wait a minute......... I need to go make popcorn
EasyCoder: Communism has two definitions, depending on whether you're trying to win a debate with a schoolboy trick - or being serious and scholarly
prolepsis: withering away of the state, anyone?
mabblebrox: the state is dead
alias: agreed prolepsis
mabblebrox: a bunch of soul-numbed old fogies pretending to have power
EasyCoder: It's Communism when a communist or worker's party is in control, establishes the totalitarion "dictatorship of the proletariat" and wields control over all means of production.
EasyCoder: The main point is that we all agree (in theory anyway) that man's inhumanity to man is intolerable.
Warfreak2: also, direct democracy does have a government
mabblebrox: womack go eat a missile
alias: You are both right warfreak and prolepsis
Warfreak2: if there is no government, you have anarchy, by definition - not communism
alias: depending on the definition of power
mabblebrox: what if there was a president who actually fixed the country?
mabblebrox: that would be ridiculous
prolepsis: anarchy, democracy & communism all have one thing in common: equal power.
KayMatoby: wait a minute......... I need to go make popcorn
EasyCoder: Communism has two definitions, depending on whether you're trying to win a debate with a schoolboy trick - or being serious and scholarly
prolepsis: withering away of the state, anyone?
mabblebrox: the state is dead
alias: agreed prolepsis
mabblebrox: a bunch of soul-numbed old fogies pretending to have power
EasyCoder: It's Communism when a communist or worker's party is in control, establishes the totalitarion "dictatorship of the proletariat" and wields control over all means of production.
alias: you are wronhg
prolepsis: easy, you just cited the founder of something called 'the Christian Anti-Communism Crusade' as an author worth a read, is he, do you think, likely to be capable of impartiality?
alias: wrong (easycoder)
EasyCoder: * schoolboy trick: claim it's not "communist" because it's not the projected stage of history after socialism has withered away
mabblebrox: can i say, the one thing right with communism is banning religion?
mabblebrox: we needed a new religion though
BigDoug: do you agree with the communists burning the churches and killing the priests and nuns?
alias: Well, to can't say that the American project (as freud put it) is what descitrbes liberalism
mabblebrox: the religion of the psychedelic, the earth-natural and art
BigDoug: you can't have one without the other
mabblebrox: no, they didn't need to kill anyone
prolepsis: easy, if you fail to see the distinction between what was hoped for, and what was recieved/achieved, do try to think...
EasyCoder: * notes that mabblebrox has disqualified himself from this debate by stooping to ad hominem
alias: I dont agree with Americans or Muslims doing that either BD
mabblebrox: meh
mabblebrox: ideally you'd enlighten the ignorant
EasyCoder: For a distinction between what was hoped for and what was received/achieved, read Andrew Wilson, "Communism: Promise and Practice"
mabblebrox: instead of killing or burning
BigDoug: yes, I agree with you Alias -- the problem is how to outlaw religion (as Mabblebrox proposes) without killing the people who would not agree with it being outlawed
mabblebrox: I like Scooby Doo, it doesn't demand anything, it's just pleasantly dumb
BigDoug: I don't think that's possible
womack: Bernard Baruch launched US war against Korea, murdering ~3 millions, in order to jump start the permanent US war economy
alias: can you resume us for the sake of the discussion Easy?
mabblebrox: bigdoug the answer, is new-earth culture
mabblebrox: i.e. burning man, other festivals
BigDoug: but how does that outlaw religion mabblebrox?
mabblebrox: that was the revolution, but it will never get the backing it needs
mabblebrox: it doesn't
Warfreak2: uh
mabblebrox: it transcends religion
Warfreak2: we outlawed lots of things without killing their adherents
BigDoug: you speak without conviction -- you say you want one thing, then immdiately say that you don't want it
EasyCoder: * aside to alias: what does "resume us" mean?
mabblebrox: 'law' as such is a really ineffective way to effect conduct
Warfreak2: ecstacy for example, is an illegal drug, possession of which will get you a prison sentence, not a death sentence
womack: Mao said of Stalin, "three parts good, two parts bad"
mabblebrox: i didn't say I 'want' religion outlawed, just that we don't need it
EasyCoder: My Japanese go teacher said, "Fall down seven times, get up eight."
alias: *I agree, but is outlaw of religion a baring part of communism?
Warfreak2: no, it isn't
EasyCoder: Communism would be only half as bad if it didn't outlaw religion.
BigDoug: mabblebrox: can i say, the one thing right with communism is banning religion? <-- don't you remember what you said five minutes ago ?
womack: Good effect of Stalin was indirect promotion of break up of white imperialism, independence for colonies, starting w China & India
mabblebrox: yes I said that
EasyCoder: The other half is eliminating the incentive to work.
mabblebrox: I didn't say that I, personally, want religion outlawed, specifically
mabblebrox: simply that I agree with the sentiment
alias: summarise (the book you mentioned)
prolepsis: oh easy ffs, go read a book that wasn't published to further the cold war
clydesdale: taht axe must be getting pretty ground by now womack
BigDoug: prolepsis, you are certainly welcome to discuss politics here, but please don't use acronyms which involve the f-word
EasyCoder: Moon told Gorbachev to allow religious freedom in the Soviet Union, and to restore worker's incentives (e.g., harder/smarter, get more money) and the rest is history
prolepsis: and as for saecularism: i thoroughly support the separation of church & state, but banning religion... i don't think it's really 'on' as we say over here
womack: EC = a Moonie?
prolepsis: ah, sure BigD, sorry everyone, became a little frustrated.
Warfreak2: if you go to the wikipedia article on communism, for example, and do a page search for 'religio' you'll find a link to 'religious communism', examples of religious groups which historically lived according to something resembling communism, one reference under marxism-leninism to "dispelling" religion and nationalism, and then 'christian communism'
alias: Im cnfused, are we talking communism as in the manifesto by marx or how it is and/or wa spracticed by nations?
BigDoug: I understand -- thanks :)
prolepsis: easy is goping for the was practised, i'm on the 'as it was meant to be' school
Warfreak2: banning religion is both silly and not a particularly communist goal
clydesdale: marxism is a secular religion
Warfreak2: only insofar as other economic theories are
KayMatoby: banning anything is silly........ it just makes people want it more
EasyCoder: The most common template on Wikipedia - the one used to calculate ages in biographical articles - was originally developed by me.
womack: Bolshevism in Russia was a Jewish crypsis disastrous for the immense majority. "Communism" in China has been a spectacularly succesful national revolution.
alias: That's what im talking about too prolepsis
EasyCoder: It became so popular that the chief coder added "Parser Functions" to speed it up.
BigDoug: you're right KayMatoby
alias: What is the question of this discussion?
EasyCoder: Warf is referring to the voluntary practice of holding all property in common. This works in societies which are small enough.
Warfreak2: "from each according to their ability, to each according to their need" is probably the best summary of communism
EasyCoder: The sort of "communism" which most humanitarians disagree with is that which murders people who don't want to share.
womack: "Communism" = Marx's most important mistake
Warfreak2: it doesn't really entail killing people because of their religion
prolepsis: not even alittle, really, unless they *really* need killing for it.
BigDoug: WF2, the problem is that's the result of every Communist country to date
womack: The ancient concepts of "commonwealth" or in Romance languages "comuna" quite suffice
prolepsis: then it'd be unjust not to
EasyCoder: Sure, WF, if we subtract the deadly coercion from state Communism, it's not so bad. The obvious problem is that every Communist gov't always employed deadly coercion.
prolepsis: yeah, there have been failures to reach communism, some really nasty ones...
EasyCoder: That's why people aren't risking their lives to get "into" communist countries.
BigDoug: it's the difference between politics in theory and politics in fact
Warfreak2: every communist country to date?
Warfreak2: i could charitably describe that as a bold claim...
womack: USGov violence uniquely global and by far worst in world domestically, too
16:28 hrs
Warfreak2: the problem is that "from each according to their ability, to each according to their need" doesn't reward people according to their contribution
Archaic: it's just waiting there to pounce on you
prolepsis: aye, alias, many have tried to get there & failed.
Archaic: don't be deluded
mabblebrox: let's talk about something new, like classic automobiles
mabblebrox: this debate is old
prolepsis: this debate predates me, to be fair ^^
womack: Speaking of violence: Do we all agree that KinkHenKi & Aerial Shaboom staged the 9/11/2001 TV Stunt?
alias: doesn't make it a fact
mabblebrox: 'staged?'
EasyCoder: Reward people according to their contribution, and you'll get progress: like two bicycle makers figuring out how to control the flight of an airplane
mabblebrox: a 9/11 truther is one thing .... but 'staged?'
womack: That's how Dan Quayle & SonnaBush made it up there, eh?
mabblebrox: i hadn't realized how nuts womack is
mabblebrox: sure, i agree with truthers
prolepsis: ya man, those buildings are totally still there.
mabblebrox: but you're claiming it was 'staged'
KayMatoby: welcome to the club
womack: mabbs dons his shrinkhat
Archaic: communism has evil connotations
Archaic: not just economic whatever
mabblebrox: womack i'm agreeing with you to some extent, why insult me
Archaic: it's not written in plain view, but that's what it is
clydesdale: i think womack is totally barking mad
womack: womack: Speaking of violence: Do we all agree that KinkHenKi & Aerial Shaboom staged the 9/11/2001 TV Stunt?
mabblebrox: yeah
EasyCoder: People will work extra hard, if there's an incentive.
Warfreak2: he is
prolepsis: 'connotations' say nothgin of the thing itself. only what you see in it.
mabblebrox: i'm saying, how can you claim 9/11 didn't happen
alias: Prolepsis, you missunderstand me, it's a fact that it has led to totalitarianism, but that doesn't make it a fact that communism must, should or will lead to that.
womack: The Official Line, of course, that OBL & Mohammad Atta staged the do.
EasyCoder: Reward innovation that increase productivity, and people will invent marvellous things.
Archaic: connotations have led to the fact that every single communist nation in history has employed tactics which you don't even know about
mabblebrox: well duh
mabblebrox: bush probably paid off bin laden
Archaic: and none have failed not to do so
womack: mabbs word quite worthless, as the record shows
prolepsis: oh i agree: many have tried & failed doesn't make theiur aim worthless, nor their hopes wasted
EasyCoder: Sometimes it's something so obvious that no one thought if it, like the automatic safety breaks in elevators
mabblebrox: i love that i'm getting flak f...
Hey, Womack, so what is the point you're making about go ?
It's an eternal problem with this Womack. A deranged mind, flooding the Internet with political rants. I have no issue with that, except that it's posted in a Go group, where there is no place for this misery.

Try to generate a maximum of abuse reports to get the guy silenced (because he has been doing this for ages, and obviously won't ever stop), more can't be done.