Lifein19x19 General Error
(too old to reply)
Robert Jasiek
2016-12-01 06:22:09 UTC
Currently when trying to access http://lifein19x19.com/forum/ or
http://lifein19x19.com I get this error:

General Error
SQL ERROR [ mysql4 ]

User lif1005808362083 already has more than 'max_user_connections'
active connections [1203]

An sql error occurred while fetching this page. Please contact an
administrator if this problem persists.

There is no link to an administrator. So I try to contact the
administrators of Lifein19x19 here so that - in theory - they could
know about the error.

max_user_connections? Really? I can't believe that this error could
ever be relevant for a go webpage. It must be an indication for a
different error, such as a bug iteratively opening an ever-increasing
number of users.
Thomas Rohde
2016-12-01 12:13:14 UTC
Post by Robert Jasiek
Currently when trying to access http://lifein19x19.com/forum/ or
Same here, even the same “User lif1005808362083”.

First I reloaded my “Unread Posts” tab (which is always open here), then I loaded the “Admin Thanksgiving” thread (I _think_ it is http://lifein19x19.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=14&p=213918#p213918) … there was a new comment by admin Joaz Banbeck where he mentioned a current problem.

When I then tried to “like” that comment, I got this error. Same when I went back and tried to reply.

Later I was able to see two replies by EdLee and Daal … they quoted the same error msg … meanwhile I get this msg also when loading “Unread Posts” or simply lifein19x19.com, albeit not every time: sometimes I’m correctly redirected to http://lifein19x19.com/forum/ which then loads _once_, but when try to go to any post I'm back at the same error msg.

I assume Joaz & Co. are busy working on it—and thus donated again since this is a good opportunity and reminder to do so :-)

Greetings, Tom
2016-12-11 02:23:05 UTC
Post by Thomas Rohde
Post by Robert Jasiek
Currently when trying to access http://lifein19x19.com/forum/ or
http://lifein19x19.com I get this error: [..]
Same here, even the same “User lif1005808362083”.
First I reloaded my “Unread Posts” tab (which is always open here),
then I loaded the “Admin Thanksgiving” thread (I _think_ it is
http://lifein19x19.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=14&p=213918#p213918) …
there was a new comment by admin Joaz Banbeck where he mentioned a
current problem.
When I then tried to “like” that comment, I got this error. Same when I
went back and tried to reply.
Later I was able to see two replies by EdLee and Daal … they quoted the
same error msg … meanwhile I get this msg also when loading “Unread
Posts” or simply lifein19x19.com, albeit not every time: sometimes I’m
correctly redirected to http://lifein19x19.com/forum/ which then loads
_once_, but when try to go to any post I'm back at the same error msg.
I assume Joaz & Co. are busy working on it—and thus donated again since
this is a good opportunity and reminder to do so :-)
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