Lee Sedol lost first game against AlphaGo
(too old to reply)
Rainer Rosenthal
2016-03-09 21:41:53 UTC
Hello all

as this is a newsgroup it may be noteworthy that Google's AlphaGo
program won the first game of a series of five games scheduled for March
9, 10, 12, 13 and 15 (GMT).

GoChild GoRo with 2774270 points
Ken Blake
2016-03-10 00:49:58 UTC
On Wed, 9 Mar 2016 22:41:53 +0100, Rainer Rosenthal
Post by Rainer Rosenthal
Hello all
as this is a newsgroup it may be noteworthy that Google's AlphaGo
program won the first game of a series of five games scheduled for March
9, 10, 12, 13 and 15 (GMT).
Is that program downloadable? Can we all run it on our machines?
2016-03-10 02:09:03 UTC
Post by Ken Blake
On Wed, 9 Mar 2016 22:41:53 +0100, Rainer Rosenthal
Post by Rainer Rosenthal
Hello all
as this is a newsgroup it may be noteworthy that Google's AlphaGo
program won the first game of a series of five games scheduled for March
9, 10, 12, 13 and 15 (GMT).
Is that program downloadable? Can we all run it on our machines?
Not even close. If I recall correctly, it uses over 1000 CPUs and 400
GPUs (maybe that's mostly for training, I don't know). On the other
hand, I am hopeful that a by-product of AlphaGo's effort will yield a
powerful consumer go program. If you look around, you can find some
specifications of the program AlphaGo (associated with Nature journal,

Ken Blake
2016-03-10 03:25:12 UTC
Post by Bill
Post by Ken Blake
On Wed, 9 Mar 2016 22:41:53 +0100, Rainer Rosenthal
Post by Rainer Rosenthal
Hello all
as this is a newsgroup it may be noteworthy that Google's AlphaGo
program won the first game of a series of five games scheduled for March
9, 10, 12, 13 and 15 (GMT).
Is that program downloadable? Can we all run it on our machines?
Not even close. If I recall correctly, it uses over 1000 CPUs and 400
Thanks. I was afraid of something like that.

Post by Bill
GPUs (maybe that's mostly for training, I don't know). On the other
hand, I am hopeful that a by-product of AlphaGo's effort will yield a
powerful consumer go program. If you look around, you can find some
specifications of the program AlphaGo (associated with Nature journal,
Robert Jasiek
2016-03-10 08:39:49 UTC
it uses over 1000 CPUs and 400 GPUs
1202 CPUs and 176 GPUs.

AlphaGo has just won game 2.
2016-03-10 09:07:18 UTC
Post by Robert Jasiek
AlphaGo has just won game 2.
Yes, I've watched both games in their entirety. Along with almost
90,000 others, I think.

Robert Jasiek
2016-03-10 13:33:32 UTC
Along with almost 90,000 others, I think.
And probably dozens of millions on other channels in East Asia:)
2016-03-10 20:03:22 UTC
Post by Robert Jasiek
Along with almost 90,000 others, I think.
And probably dozens of millions on other channels in East Asia:)
Ah, good point! I was wondering why the numbers weren't higher (than

Rainer Rosenthal
2016-03-10 10:13:08 UTC
I have moved from 24K (when I started) to 16k over 3
months. So I am still a beginner, but my progress is evident to me

2016-03-10 21:27:30 UTC
Post by Rainer Rosenthal
Hello all
as this is a newsgroup it may be noteworthy that Google's AlphaGo
program won the first game of a series of five games scheduled for March
9, 10, 12, 13 and 15 (GMT).

Has 4 hour embedded video...
John Geoffrey
2016-03-10 22:51:50 UTC
Post by Rainer Rosenthal
Hello all
as this is a newsgroup it may be noteworthy that Google's AlphaGo
program won the first game of a series of five games scheduled for March
9, 10, 12, 13 and 15 (GMT).
GoChild GoRo with 2774270 points
One interesting thing about this is that it is being covered by a lot of
mainstream media. You don't see that very often with Go-related stuff.
Rainer Rosenthal
2016-03-11 11:45:31 UTC
Post by John Geoffrey
Post by Rainer Rosenthal
Hello all
as this is a newsgroup it may be noteworthy that Google's AlphaGo
program won the first game of a series of five games scheduled for March
9, 10, 12, 13 and 15 (GMT).
GoChild GoRo with 2774270 points
One interesting thing about this is that it is being covered by a lot of
mainstream media. You don't see that very often with Go-related stuff.
Indeed, this is marvellous.
Thanks to my Go-teaching activities round here there are a lot of people
who ask me: Did you hear the news about Go?
And they hand me over some newspaper articles from last weekend.
I am sure they wouldn't have paid any attention when they would never
have heard of Go. So this is a great chance to make Go more popular.

Many Go-players are sad that "man lost against machine", but in my
opinion this is a great opportunity to get a deeper understanding of the
fascinating world that our beloved game of Go provides.
Robert seems to see it that way, too.

@Bill: In the long run Lee Sedol will be glad to learn how to avoid bad

Robert Jasiek
2016-03-11 14:06:06 UTC
Post by Rainer Rosenthal
a great opportunity to get a deeper understanding of the
fascinating world that our beloved game of Go provides.
Robert seems to see it that way, too.
And a deeper understanding of how human thinking works. Artificial
general intelligence is a nice goal, too, unless, you know, it would
be abused for attacks on humanity.
Rainer Rosenthal
2016-03-11 16:13:28 UTC
Post by Robert Jasiek
Post by Rainer Rosenthal
a great opportunity to get a deeper understanding of the
fascinating world that our beloved game of Go provides.
Robert seems to see it that way, too.
And a deeper understanding of how human thinking works. Artificial
general intelligence is a nice goal, too, unless, you know, it would
be abused for attacks on humanity.
Wilhelm Busch: Zu guter Letzt


Wie dunkel ist der Lebenspfad,
Den wir zu wandeln pflegen.
Wie gut ist da ein Apparat
Zum Denken und Erwägen.
Der Menschenkopf ist voller List
Und voll der schönsten Kniffe;
Er weiß, wo was zu kriegen ist,
Und lehrt die rechten Griffe.

Und weil er sich so nützlich macht,
Behält ihn jeder gerne.
Wer stehlen will, und zwar bei Nacht,
Braucht eine Diebslaterne.

2016-03-11 17:53:13 UTC
Post by Robert Jasiek
Post by Rainer Rosenthal
a great opportunity to get a deeper understanding of the
fascinating world that our beloved game of Go provides.
Robert seems to see it that way, too.
And a deeper understanding of how human thinking works. Artificial
general intelligence is a nice goal, too, unless, you know, it would
be abused for attacks on humanity.
It will be awesome when they use AI to advance comprehension
of natural language to the level of skill we see now in the game of
go. Then they can combine both and the bot should be able to explain
what it's thinking while it reasons about the game.
Robert Jasiek
2016-03-11 19:44:27 UTC
Post by sobriquet
It will be awesome when they use AI to advance comprehension
of natural language to the level of skill we see now in the game of
go. Then they can combine both and the bot should be able to explain
what it's thinking while it reasons about the game.
No, not yet. The major step will be the AI's understanding of the go
theory in terms of both the language it can then speak and the go
playing machine it has access to. And understanding of its own go
playing AI is another major research task. Furthermore, the AI needs
teaching skills adapted to every pupil with their dynamic, varying

Go teaching is simpler than artificial general intelligence but much
more difficult than the simple addition of go playing and fluency in,
say, English.
