Corrected Notice for "surprised" [2k] on KGS:
(too old to reply)
Hal Womack 3-dan
2015-10-21 00:54:38 UTC
Sorry for the several interruptions of our game today (~14:48 hrs PDT on Tuesday, 10/20). This last big one results from a boot without warning from the WMS--KGS badmins as documented below in Alpha.
General explanation = By far the most obnoxious cheater whom I have encountered in my many years of play on KGS = one "Jan Byalec" [1-2 k] who abuses many alii or fake player-names in order by such shabby dodges to engage opponents who would shun him did we only know from the git-go who was wiggling behind each new mask. Fake player-names are in general by far dominant on KGS, even for the big majority of honorable players. I myself am quite the rare exception there with my "womack" real player-name.

One of this Byalec's latest throw-away monikers = "babilon" [2k], registered only on 10/15. Yesterday we played about 60 or so moves when babilon blundered and, after I answered, it began repeatedly to beg an "undo", which I steadily refused. Then it escaped, saying "Bye".

Subsequently I would notice when babilon was playing someone else and about 3 times I went over as kibitzer to the several games to warn its opponent that babilon was a shameless escaper. Such revelations evidently got under babilon's collar, as will shortly be seen.

One of the seemingly small peculiarities of KGS = the formatting of its "resume game" feature, which itself relates to the major technical flaw in KGS, its deliberate encouragement of escapers, which naturally and litterally leads to ceaseless complaints from aggrieved newcomers. IGS OTOH to set the common sense example, simply awards a game by forfeit to the player whose opponent leaves for as much as 1" over 5'. Players on IGS, therefore, can be confident of a righteous win or lose recorded decision in every game they start. Whereas on KGS there's always the risk that one's opponent, when losing, will simply escape the match. I have a long list of the player-names of such cheaters, several of which are alii for this Jan Byalec.

An odd and, up 'til now, apparently small aspect of the "resume game" option = when one views a stored game then, if the opponent is at that time present on KGS, a box will appear on said opponent's screen, asking does he [or] wish to restart the stored game. The oddity consists in that when said opponent is already playing another game then the box appears in the middle of his active game screen and explains that does he wish to resume the stored game, then he will have to leave the one he is playing. At various such moments in the past, the wee thought has crossed my mind to wonder whether any player in the history of the server had actually chosen to leave the game in progress in order to restart the stored one. Merely a curiosity until, that is, babilon began punching the "resume" button more than 20 times, fixing the box in the middle of my active game screen and blocking all other action there. This was a new nuisance.

I first rebooted and then repaired to the EGR, there publicly to explain the fresh black haps. Next "surprised" and I resumed our interrupted game until the boot as noted in Alpha below, with the nameless badmin's hostile finger-wagging.

KGS = a nodule in the huge matrix of JAPE [JewAmerican Planetary Empire] culture identical in the criminal character of its clique of badmins, although of far more modest scope, to other entities such as the U.S. Senate, the Sulzbergerz' NYT and network television. This point has been discussed at length as noted in Beta, in which linked thread many instances of the badmins' antagonistic attitude toward me have been given.

The reader may, perhaps, wonder why KGS owner William M. Shubert refrains from instructing his minions simply to ban me for life from his server. Instead they simply harass me whenever they have the chance, as in the present case. Shall we try on for size the following supposition? Were WMS & Kabal to ban me, then that act would be more of a news item in the global community of players than is mere harassment via multiple temporary bans. An explanation might be called for, eh what? While WMS, Netanyahu, Trump and their flacks could certainly come up with some rubbish to spew on the issue, the problem would be my ability at least in some measure to circulate an answer against their lies. Basically, using the invincible weapon of my little 3-inch tongue, I would push this gang up against the famous wall of truth, pointing out that the difference between us consists in that whereas they habitually murder large numbers of children, I am calling for us, the righteous 7BAC [Billion And Counting] NAG [Normal, Alias "Gentile"] Immensity, to organize ourselves to defeat JAPE, to constitute the Democracy of Earth and severely to punish the big boss JeWar criminals.

Do WMS and his nameless stooges @ KGS fear to sharpen such a focus? My long-standing motto = TJAM "For Truth, Justice And the Milkyway". I repeat, since such action appears necessary: In World Jewry's Seven Week Summer Slaughter, tagged by me as GM'14, Bibi Satanyahu murdered more than 500 children [Delta]. The following Winter, Bibi appeared in triumph before the Lesser Knesset of D.C, formerly known as Congress, witch had unanimously voted him extra hundred$ of million$ in tribute to reward his atrocity. In response, I advanced the most moderate slogan "Hang the Senate!" Starting with Bloody Bernie the Jew Sanders AFTOC or "After a Fair Trial, Of Course".

Such be the state of JAPE culture surrounding all us Merkins in every institution and touching in one or another way on every Earthling.

Small wonder that WMS has branded on his own guilty forehead the despairing legend: "No public accusations!"

During the Japanese invasion of China from 1933 to 1945, the most powerful _go_ organization on our Planet, the _Nihon Ki-in*_ merely hummed along with the imperial butchery.

* http://www.nihonkiin.or.jp/english/

KGS continues that disgraceful tradition of conformist complicity, now extremely aggravated by the fact of us the human race having laid down the law in 1945 against such aggression.

Speaking further of witch, cheers for President Vladimir Putin and for his Russian jet fighters now helping to defend President Bashar al-Assad's Government of Syria against highly destructive multinational criminal attacks instigated by the Jews and longtime abetted by USGov! Surpise?

Will we the Am pop, with the help of good souls everywhere, finally manage to come up with a proper response to the quadrennial carnival in the House of Horrors sold as the 0-0 auction?

Comes to mind at all here the title APOCALYPTO?
[The connection to the server has been closed unexpectedly. You must log in again.]
[Sorry, you cannot log in because this account or internet address is temporarily blocked. The reason for blocking is "no public accusations, after 9 years on the server, you should know it".] (14:48)
Google Groups
Re: More KGS Chat, Incl Cheerleader for Jews' Bombing of Gaza
81 posts, 357 views
The main portal of KGS English Game Room reads:
[No public accusations! Talk to an admin in private if you witness a problem on KGS.
Escaper policy: http://www.gokgs.com/help/faq/escapers.html ]
The leading U.S-based journalist on Palestine, my friend Alison Weir, maintains the following highly informative site:
[The neoconservatives should be quickly rounded up, arrested, tried, convicted, and executed for their massive crimes before they destroy the world.

Life hangs in the balance. It is the neocons or us.]
ZETA: Two novels for your bedside table:
TRUE EVIL [2006] by Greg Iles of Mississippi treats of sophisticated poisoning techniques, including cancer, originating from Ft. Detrick. In 2011 the author survived an auto-smash attack which maimed and crippled him. Iles is the son of the former chief physician of the U.S. embassy in Paris.

COLD FRAME [2015] by P.T. Deutermann, a retired Navy officer of high rank. The principal villain = the manager of the Presidential Kill List; the plot also includes a serious botannical angle.
Hans-Georg Michna
2015-10-21 09:11:10 UTC
On Tue, 20 Oct 2015 17:54:38 -0700 (PDT), Hal Womack 3-dan
Post by Hal Womack 3-dan
Get a life.

I agree that KGS leaves some things to be desired, and perhaps
you would live a nicer life if you did not play there.

Hal Womack 3-dan
2015-10-21 14:52:09 UTC
Almost needless to say, I am fond of some of the basic technical features of KGS, such as the board graphics, the time flexibility, the English language orientation and the archival access. Given a radically improved general social context, such as I hope to help to achieve, the notorious JAPE-oriented mindset of the present badmin KGS kabal could be sliced off cleanly, like a malignant wart. Speaking of witch, will Hans-Georg Michna here reveal either A) his KGS player-name, if any, or B) his attitude toward current gross war crimes such as those mentioned in my original post?

Does HGM's comment call to mind at all the phrase "passive-aggressive chickenshit"?

Post by Hans-Georg Michna
On Tue, 20 Oct 2015 17:54:38 -0700 (PDT), Hal Womack 3-dan
Post by Hal Womack 3-dan
Get a life.
I agree that KGS leaves some things to be desired, and perhaps
you would live a nicer life if you did not play there.
Hal Womack 3-dan
2015-10-23 15:59:06 UTC
[The broadcast began:

According to this station's correspondent at the U.N. Secretariat, a U.N. spokesman at a just-concluded press conference announced that a special session of the General Assembly will be convened in the near future to discuss the problem of Escapism....]

THE DARK FOREST [2008, p. 44] by Cixin Liu, a novel.

--Noted in passing --HW.

Post by Hal Womack 3-dan
Almost needless to say, I am fond of some of the basic technical features of KGS, such as the board graphics, the time flexibility, the English language orientation and the archival access. Given a radically improved general social context, such as I hope to help to achieve, the notorious JAPE-oriented mindset of the present badmin KGS kabal could be sliced off cleanly, like a malignant wart. Speaking of witch, will Hans-Georg Michna here reveal either A) his KGS player-name, if any, or B) his attitude toward current gross war crimes such as those mentioned in my original post?
Does HGM's comment call to mind at all the phrase "passive-aggressive chickenshit"?
Post by Hans-Georg Michna
On Tue, 20 Oct 2015 17:54:38 -0700 (PDT), Hal Womack 3-dan
Post by Hal Womack 3-dan
Get a life.
I agree that KGS leaves some things to be desired, and perhaps
you would live a nicer life if you did not play there.