EGC 2015 Side Go Tournaments
(too old to reply)
Robert Jasiek
2015-08-13 06:17:37 UTC
The European Go Congress 2015 had a couple of side go tournaments
usually using AGA Rules except for Pairgo.

The Go European Team Championship 2014/2015 is not exactly such a
tournament, but it has become custom to use a congress venue to hold
the finals of that tournament on two days "before" the congress really
starts, i.e., on the registration day and the day before.

Board Points Game Points
# Team G BP 1 2 3 4 Pen W D L P
1 France 3 8 1 2 3 2 0 2 1 0 5
2 Ukraine 3 8 1 3 2 2 0 2 1 0 5
3 Czechia 3 5 2 1 1 1 0 1 0 2 2
4 Romania 3 3 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 3 0

During the prize giving, this resulted in the Marseillaise being sung
by the French in a soccer-like manner. Ugh.

The 13x13 Tournament consisted of a groups and KO stage, used 8.5
komi, the handicap system 5 ranks = 2, then 3 etc. stones, per same
handicap stone number the komi reduced by 2 per rank, 13 minutes
sudden death. Why 13 minutes? Hm. I like 30 minutes more. Every group
consisted of 6 players. Since the organisers failed to inform about
proper pairings, some groups needed more than 5 rounds to finish their
round-robin. 32 players were qualified to the KO.

1 Sun Sai 3d CN (5d in real life but the organisers set 3d)
2 Chan Yi-Tien 7d TW
3 Frejlak Stanislaw 4d PL

In the semi-final game between Sun and Frejlak, Sun attacked
improperly, a ko fight emerged, Frejlak failed to play the one, only
and obvious negative ko threat, Sun took her chance and won a game she
might as well have lost. The final game was a high level exercise in
shinogi, very early test moves and choosing the right reductions
before a somewhat demanding endgame. IIRC, Sun won by 3.5 but this
rather great score (for the small board) does not indicate how
difficult the game actually was. Quite appropriate for a final game.

The 9x9 Tournament had groups and KO stage, used 6.5 komi, the
handicap system 10 ranks = 2, then 3 etc. stones, per same handicap
stone number the komi reduced by 1 per rank (i.e., negative komi were
possible), 9 minutes sudden death. Why 9...? These short thinking
times lead to lots of games decided by who fails to become aware of
his option to win on time and then loses because both players overlook
that the times are exiting. The tournament started 45 delayed. Some
groups had more participants than others because some were missing.
After I had finished playing in my group and qualified, the organisers
came to inform us that then another player might enter our group and
we should play several more rounds. I objected because, after having
felt the joy of being qualified, I considered it inappropriate to be
stolen my joy. The organisers were cute and let us group members vote:
the others were in favour of letting the extra player enter our group.
Ugh, what could I do? A moment later, the organisers found out that
there was a different group with even fewer participants and they let
the extra player play there. Ugh, so I was qualified after all! Had
the organisers failed to familiarise themselves with the concept of
global tiebreakers? http://home.snafu.de/jasiek/groupko.txt In some
group(s), there was a tie for the top places. The organisers then let
play tiebreak games among three mutually tied players. AFAIK, with 7
minutes thinking time. Needless to say, this delayed the start of the
KO finals which thus ended at 0:15.

1 Chan Yi-Tien 7d TW
2 Frejlak Stanislaw 4d PL
3 Surma Mateusz 8d PL

Do you notice some same names as in the 13x13? Frejlak used the same
opening in his semi-final game against Surma and final game:

. . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . .
. . . . 1 . . . .
. . . . . . . . .
. . . . # . 2 . .
. . . . . . . . .
. . . . 3 O . . .
. . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . .

The Lightning Tournament had 10 minutes sudden death, full handicap up
to 9 stones, groups and KO stages. The groups had very different
sizes. 16 players were in the KO, which I did not watch because I
played my 5th Kreml game to win my 3rd:)

1 Kim Young-Sam 7d KR
2 Chan Yi-Tien 7d TW
3 Lukas Podpera 6d CZ

You recall the name Chan, do you?

Rapid, 30' SD, 299 players, up to 9 rounds:

1 Chan Yi-Tien 7d TW 8
2 Wang Zheming 8d CN 8
3 Surma Mateusz 8d PL 7

There were special prizes for players with good winning percentages.

Other go tournaments:
- Rengo
- Children
- Ladies (with some men disguised as women)
Robert Jasiek
2015-08-13 06:21:09 UTC
Post by Robert Jasiek
- Rengo
- Children
- Ladies (with some men disguised as women)
- Pairgo
- Pairgo Side Tournament
- Beer (the more beers you drink the more unethical the tournament
becomes or so)
- Veterans (50+)
- Team
- Computer Go
