Hal Womack 3-dan
2017-02-04 07:08:47 UTC
Since a couple of flapdoodles on the Usenet newsgroup "rec.games.go" have been barking about trying to censor me there, I take this moment for a short remark.
I am delighted that the tournament hosts here* have at last adopted the hospitality posture long practiced by the justly famous Cotsen Open in Los Angeles.
"In a country well governed, poverty is something to be ashamed of. In a country badly governed, wealth is something to be ashamed of."
It seems evident that Confucius would also approve of San Francisco getting into step, eh what? Especially since we are the closest major meat _baduk_** center to the newly-crowned capital of the Kozmic Mind, if I may so refer to Google HQ in Mountain View, now that their property AlphaGo has in the last twelve months definitively demonstrated its superiority over and against our human race, an epochal achievement to say to least.
I also cling to the hope that some day us two-legged turffers will again get as smart as tennis players and revert to the tournament knock-out rule which we of the San Francisco Go Club used to employ under the leadership of the late Shinji Dote. In rounds 2 to 4 of a 5-rounder like this weekend's, the computer could arrange consolation matches in the losers' group, the results thereof also being reported to the A.G.A, and the final effect on ratings would be identical to the present cumbersome system, right? IMHO the championship round should be cleared for the top game(s), with the finalists playing in a regally isolated room and the #1 game displayed on a big screen with live pro commentary. Distribution of kick-ass weed to the audience for this round would be a further high point.***
Speaking of "kick-ass", maybe the biggest aspect of the top prize should be the meat champion subsequently getting his [or] head squashed by AlphaGo or even by one of AG's by now numerous bot courtiers of slightly lesser rank.
I further recommend that future cash prizes be limited to win, place & show in the Open Division; with inscribed trophies & plaques for the weaker winners.
I had better cut it short now, having a few chores to handle before looming Tournament Time.
WRT kozmic blood issues, therefore, I will say simply that the Jews have taken over the world and are running Her into the dirt. The Dallas Jack Whack was the
all-time biggest kosher coup d'etat. The NYC Jewish Lightning Strike of "9/11" was one of its major black op false flag follow-ups [#4]. Chorus: Since 1945, JAPE [JewAmerican Planetary Empire] has murdered some 30,000,000 [thirty million] victims worldwide, including some 12,000,000 [twelve million] in MENA alone since 1990.
Two JAPE squeakers on rgg include:
{alex <***@gmail.com>}
{Thomas Rohde <***@bonobo.com>}
Jootools like these deserve to be prosecuted with at least as much rigor as the actual triggermen who shot down the kids.
I tagged the last Gaza Massacre as GM'14; it was the fanfare for the ClitRump In the Burning Dumpster Campaign USA witch has surprisingly degenerated our present Trump Of Doom.
I have applied for the job of KozmiKing. The KK position stands to our Whole Earth as did Mao Zedong to China and Ho Chi Minh to Vietnam [alt. = "KozMa"]. My online credentials [Google Groups Page] as World Teacher since 1994 constitute the first page of my resume. I would fain encourage all readers either a) To support my application or b) To nominate their own favorites or c) To share with us their better idea for the salvation of our Race and our Planet. Yagotta have somebody to beat anybody, even President Trump, eh what?
We again note that Jew agents of influence on the Merkin Faux Left constitute Zuckertanyahu's first line of defense. Examples of such sinisters include Minister of the Left Old Noam; Senator Burn'Em Sanders and Yidocracy Now's Amy Goodman. Lerts will be able to think of many other examples, possibly standing quite close by. For now I will forbear to repeat the title of the essential short classic book which I have already recommended some one hundred times.
BTW I have stopped my long-running
~800-view rgg thread because the censorship on KGS became too total.
Will our NAG 7BAC RAM rouse ourself in good time?
** IMHO the name of the game in English and in other barbarian [other than the Home Three] languages has yet properly to be established. I have suggested "turff". The Ing group's use of "goe" has the positive aspect of indicating some resistance to the simple repetition of the Japanese term, so misleading in English.
*** Away with all narcs, Long live freedom of diet!
[Former Italian President and the man who revealed the existence of Operation Gladio, Francesco Cossiga, has gone public on 9/11, telling Italy’s most respected newspaper that the attacks were run by the CIA and Mossad and that this was common knowledge amongst global intelligence agencies.
Cossiga was elected President of Italian Senate in July 1983 before being winning a landslide 1985 election to become President of the country in 1985.
Cossiga gained respect from opposition parties as one of a rare breed – an honest politician – and led the country for seven years until April 1992....
“[Bin Laden supposedly confessed] to the Qaeda September [attack] to the two towers in New York [claiming to be] the author of the attack of the 11, while all the [intelligence services] of America and Europe … now know well that the disastrous attack has been planned and realized from the CIA American and the Mossad with the aid of the Zionist world in order to put under accusation the Arabic Countries and in order to induce the western powers to take part … in Iraq [and] Afghanistan.”
By Paul Joseph Watson
Global Research, December 05, 2007
Prison Planet 5 December 2007
[Francesco Cossiga died in Rome at the age of 82 years on August 17, 2010 from reported "cardiovascular illness" --HW.]
AFAIK I am the only analyst in the world publicly to have nailed the perpsteins on the same day of the event itself:
nyc.politics ›
"R" Is For Ram: NY-DCR -- _Cui Bono_ ?
5 posts by 3 authors
soc.culture.usa ›
Psst, Pass the Word: The Jews Did It!
8 posts by 5 authors
Herewith a useful link: "What Sort of Society Feels Absolutely Nothing After Killing Hundreds of Children?"
[Israel killed 546 Palestinian children over the course of only 50 days in Gaza in 2014. Of those, 180 were babies and toddlers under the age of five.]
Gideon Levy Jul 28, 2016 12:33 PM
read more: http://www.haaretz.com/opinion/.premium-1.733743
#6.) Normal, Alias "Gentile". "Billion And Counting". "Rainbow RAcial iMmensity".
I am delighted that the tournament hosts here* have at last adopted the hospitality posture long practiced by the justly famous Cotsen Open in Los Angeles.
"In a country well governed, poverty is something to be ashamed of. In a country badly governed, wealth is something to be ashamed of."
It seems evident that Confucius would also approve of San Francisco getting into step, eh what? Especially since we are the closest major meat _baduk_** center to the newly-crowned capital of the Kozmic Mind, if I may so refer to Google HQ in Mountain View, now that their property AlphaGo has in the last twelve months definitively demonstrated its superiority over and against our human race, an epochal achievement to say to least.
I also cling to the hope that some day us two-legged turffers will again get as smart as tennis players and revert to the tournament knock-out rule which we of the San Francisco Go Club used to employ under the leadership of the late Shinji Dote. In rounds 2 to 4 of a 5-rounder like this weekend's, the computer could arrange consolation matches in the losers' group, the results thereof also being reported to the A.G.A, and the final effect on ratings would be identical to the present cumbersome system, right? IMHO the championship round should be cleared for the top game(s), with the finalists playing in a regally isolated room and the #1 game displayed on a big screen with live pro commentary. Distribution of kick-ass weed to the audience for this round would be a further high point.***
Speaking of "kick-ass", maybe the biggest aspect of the top prize should be the meat champion subsequently getting his [or] head squashed by AlphaGo or even by one of AG's by now numerous bot courtiers of slightly lesser rank.
I further recommend that future cash prizes be limited to win, place & show in the Open Division; with inscribed trophies & plaques for the weaker winners.
I had better cut it short now, having a few chores to handle before looming Tournament Time.
WRT kozmic blood issues, therefore, I will say simply that the Jews have taken over the world and are running Her into the dirt. The Dallas Jack Whack was the
all-time biggest kosher coup d'etat. The NYC Jewish Lightning Strike of "9/11" was one of its major black op false flag follow-ups [#4]. Chorus: Since 1945, JAPE [JewAmerican Planetary Empire] has murdered some 30,000,000 [thirty million] victims worldwide, including some 12,000,000 [twelve million] in MENA alone since 1990.
Two JAPE squeakers on rgg include:
{alex <***@gmail.com>}
{Thomas Rohde <***@bonobo.com>}
Jootools like these deserve to be prosecuted with at least as much rigor as the actual triggermen who shot down the kids.
I tagged the last Gaza Massacre as GM'14; it was the fanfare for the ClitRump In the Burning Dumpster Campaign USA witch has surprisingly degenerated our present Trump Of Doom.
I have applied for the job of KozmiKing. The KK position stands to our Whole Earth as did Mao Zedong to China and Ho Chi Minh to Vietnam [alt. = "KozMa"]. My online credentials [Google Groups Page] as World Teacher since 1994 constitute the first page of my resume. I would fain encourage all readers either a) To support my application or b) To nominate their own favorites or c) To share with us their better idea for the salvation of our Race and our Planet. Yagotta have somebody to beat anybody, even President Trump, eh what?
We again note that Jew agents of influence on the Merkin Faux Left constitute Zuckertanyahu's first line of defense. Examples of such sinisters include Minister of the Left Old Noam; Senator Burn'Em Sanders and Yidocracy Now's Amy Goodman. Lerts will be able to think of many other examples, possibly standing quite close by. For now I will forbear to repeat the title of the essential short classic book which I have already recommended some one hundred times.
BTW I have stopped my long-running
~800-view rgg thread because the censorship on KGS became too total.
Will our NAG 7BAC RAM rouse ourself in good time?
** IMHO the name of the game in English and in other barbarian [other than the Home Three] languages has yet properly to be established. I have suggested "turff". The Ing group's use of "goe" has the positive aspect of indicating some resistance to the simple repetition of the Japanese term, so misleading in English.
*** Away with all narcs, Long live freedom of diet!
[Former Italian President and the man who revealed the existence of Operation Gladio, Francesco Cossiga, has gone public on 9/11, telling Italy’s most respected newspaper that the attacks were run by the CIA and Mossad and that this was common knowledge amongst global intelligence agencies.
Cossiga was elected President of Italian Senate in July 1983 before being winning a landslide 1985 election to become President of the country in 1985.
Cossiga gained respect from opposition parties as one of a rare breed – an honest politician – and led the country for seven years until April 1992....
“[Bin Laden supposedly confessed] to the Qaeda September [attack] to the two towers in New York [claiming to be] the author of the attack of the 11, while all the [intelligence services] of America and Europe … now know well that the disastrous attack has been planned and realized from the CIA American and the Mossad with the aid of the Zionist world in order to put under accusation the Arabic Countries and in order to induce the western powers to take part … in Iraq [and] Afghanistan.”
By Paul Joseph Watson
Global Research, December 05, 2007
Prison Planet 5 December 2007
[Francesco Cossiga died in Rome at the age of 82 years on August 17, 2010 from reported "cardiovascular illness" --HW.]
AFAIK I am the only analyst in the world publicly to have nailed the perpsteins on the same day of the event itself:
nyc.politics ›
"R" Is For Ram: NY-DCR -- _Cui Bono_ ?
5 posts by 3 authors
soc.culture.usa ›
Psst, Pass the Word: The Jews Did It!
8 posts by 5 authors
Herewith a useful link: "What Sort of Society Feels Absolutely Nothing After Killing Hundreds of Children?"
[Israel killed 546 Palestinian children over the course of only 50 days in Gaza in 2014. Of those, 180 were babies and toddlers under the age of five.]
Gideon Levy Jul 28, 2016 12:33 PM
read more: http://www.haaretz.com/opinion/.premium-1.733743
#6.) Normal, Alias "Gentile". "Billion And Counting". "Rainbow RAcial iMmensity".